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Brava_Tania program: 12 weeks on Brava smartbox + airlock


Hi everyone,

I just want to create a program and track my progress with Brava Breasts here.

About myself: I'm almost 30. no kids. mentor implants were removed after 2 years. scars under breasts. breasts are uneven. Right breast is lower and lil bit bigger. very low body fat in upper body, but have some fat at my belly and thighs. pear like figure. Caucasian. No breast ptosis (since breasts were always small). my mother had even smaller breasts 34A/34AA when was young and same weight with me.

Starting on Feb 2013 with:
  • Weight 49 kg = 107.8 lbs
  • My height is 5' 5.7" = 167 cm
  • Under the bust: 25.2 in = 64 cm
  • Bust nipples line: 31.1 in = 79 cm
  • Current cup size: 32B(padded not filling the top) or 32A

I'll be using: Brava Breast system with Large Narrow domes, smartbox, airlock, body glue(when needed), mepiform(for scars/nipples/irritations/mole taping)

My start photo attached. On 20 Feb 2013

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

I'm in love with your chest! If my breast look like yours, I wouldn't mind keeping that size, but good luck on brava! Can't wait to see results. Smile

I noticed that my boobs really influenced by my cycle. So I decided to make photos not based on weeks but based on the particular day.

So I want to share the progress after roughly 4 weeks (lil bit less), in the same 6th day of my cycle. I've made animated GIF, hopefully I can upload such pictures to this forum.

It was only 8 hours after I put the domes off, since it was a weekend, so I couldn't wait longer and wanted to go to sleep. Next time I'll wait for 12 hours Domes off.

My journey so far is rather tough, I experience pains in my sore nipples, scars under my boobs become larger and left one is even redish. After 48 hour marathon I received lots' of pimples. I already hate the smell of the system... But the swollen breasts is a plus. And I really hope that my progress will be more prominent during next 4 weeks.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Wow!! That's amazing so far. How long ago did you remove implants before you started brava? Great progress

wow you're making amazing progress already! it took me forever to retain any swelling at all! keep us updated!

Hi, I noticed that your under the breast measurements are really small like mine. Do you ever have a problem keeping a suction? I am thinking about getting the Brava because the Enhance will not maintain a suction because the small domes are just a little too wide. Do you think the silicone with the Brava would help with that no matter how small framed you are?

Hi, jsylvs,
Yes, I'm small & narrow framed girl. I had no problems with suction wearing Brava from the very beginning. I even bought Narrow Large domes not Narrow Medium.So sticky silicone layer works great. And also I noticed that the domes (not silicone rims on the edge, but plastic domes itself) change their form according to my body, so in several weeks wearing domes became less uncomfortable.

some tips and tricks I've learned so far with Brava
  1. Do not use filter. I read it in inventors interview (Dr Khouri), the filters cut the pressure down very seriously. The sweat will ruin the smartbox if you are not using filter. But I found a workaround
  2. to put pantyliner into domes just higher the ports for tubing. so the sweat will be collected without filter
  3. Use Mepiform tape instead of prep-roll or no-sting wipes. it really helps and I made it through almost 3 days wear time because of them (67 hours)
  4. Painful nipples can be cured with honey mask, really helping, indeed
  5. The records in swelling and growth comes from really LOOOOOOOONG sessions, not even 12 or 14 hours, but something 17 and more hours. I use my weekends extensively. These sessions swelling is the highest and after it even 10 - 12 hours wear on work days gives more volume.
  6. Even Large Domes can be worn outside home, if you really need of course. I've been out to shop, even been underground, bus... Even if anyone notice, I try to act as everything is normal

This is how I look. And it is great that we have snow and cold temperatures outside.
[Image: wearing_clothes.jpg]

Hi Tiana, Thanks for amazing tips, I like the pantyliner tip alot, but are you sure it will not broken the smartbox? Do you wear the smartbox all the time? Is it work until now?

How about updated pictures? Your boobs progress is really encourage me to go for another brava... I didn't have result with brava since I wear it not consistent and smartbox didn't work (as I bought a second hand one).

(17-05-2013, 09:38)DreamCcup Wrote:  I like the pantyliner tip alot, but are you sure it will not broken the smartbox?

Hi DreamCcup, thanks for appreciating my tips. Pantyliner absorbs all the swet. And it is not over the holes for the tube. Its bottom edge is few millimeters higher then this hole. See the photo below:

[Image: DSC_0948.jpg]

Do you wear the smartbox all the time? Is it work until now?
Yes, my smartbox is still working, I'm on 86day of the journey. I've made an Google Excel diary with day numbers, dates, time, comments and meausrements. 2 last weeks i started to loose weight because of exstensive holidays: tennis, walking long distances, cardio etc. So my boobs stabiized and do not grow in measurements. But they still look ok after 12 hours not wearing the Brava System.

Yes, I wore the smartbox all the time. My hubby invented a hybrid of smartbox and airlock. See image below. He just connected the filter to airlock tubing. And I've pierced the filter inside, so it won't cut on pressure. So now I start with smartbox pumping, then I'm turning down an airlock and inhale several times to add the pressure. Then I connect the smartbox back again, and turn out the airlock. So this hybrid acts as a smartbox with higher pressure.

[Image: DSC_0949.jpg]

I will post my images for the second and third month soon.

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