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Why do YOU want bigger breasts?


I want bigger breasts to match the rest of my body. I have douche, but no boobs.

I have had this weird obsession to keep my weight down and body very slim, so it would look more balanced towards my breasts. The weight wasn't healthy for me though and I always felt tired, weak. Couple years ago I decided to stop the weight controlling and be more fine about my body on its natural terms. Well, that resulted into gaining weight, about 10 pounds and I actually started to feel more feminine. Liked that feeling. EXCEPT none of it went to my breasts.. I want to feel more feminine and get over this breast-butt obsession. Sad

I have always felt like something is missing. I think women look lovely with cleavage. I feel like I don't get to be part of the woman's club without them (or like other women have something over me). I feel less of a woman/person. Sad but true. I wouldn't even have to be 'huge'. Full B's would be pretty darn cute.

Why do I want bigger breasts? Simple. It has nothing to do with attention from men, nor because I want a relationship (I've been single my whole life by choice so that should give you an idea!)

I want big boobs so I can look good in clothes. My boyish frame sadly doesn't give me much choice with clothing. I have long arms and broad shoulders, so I look kinda hunky even when I walk with my posture perfect lol

I also want big boobs so I can stare at them in the mirror Big Grin

To match the rest of my body, because that would look better.

I have big everything except for breasts! It doesn't look good.

honestly, two reasons.

1. Because even though I'm male (and mostly comfortable being so now) I've always felt I should be female, and nothing says female like boobs. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want anything as large as say a D-cup, but I would be perfectly happy with something that would look right on my frame, like a B or even as much as a small C.
2. I like boobs; the way they look, sway, bounce, feel... that and I would be able to look at them and play with them when ever I wanted Tongue

Breasts are really beautiful. They're soft and pillowy and feminine, every women today is going for breast enhancement beauty because its become trend nowadays...Having bigger breast will lead you to never have to pass up a great dress because you couldn't fill out the bustline...Large breasts also attracts a ton of attention, whether you want it or not....

(27-12-2012, 17:40)BonitaDDs Wrote:  Oh my its really depressing to see women do this for a man I would never change for a man he either love me for me or there's no point is there. If I change myself its for me especially my body ok you do get attention from men with big breasts that's not a reason to do it I do it because I love the look of big breasts so I want a pair myself.

I'm in the same boat as you Bonita, I love me some tig o bitties so...bow that I know it's possible why the heck not get me some! Lol!

I like big boobs and I can not deny, when girl walk in with an itty bitty

I feel like right now my body is out of proportion and I want to fill out clothes better. Im very thin so I'd be happy if I could get to a B cup (barely fill an A cup right now). Also one of my breasts is a lot bigger than the other one and I want to fix that.
My mom also had an A cup when she was younger, but after she had me she went to a C cup and stayed there. So that gives me hope Smile

Get ready for a morbid, deep story. Tongue

When I was in middle school there was this new guy in class. A real wise guy. He was assigned a seat at out table. I know you're thinking that's like something straight out of elementary but I lived in a close nit community in a tiny town where middle school was still like elementary school. We had one teacher, and one desk(each), and one class. And so at first he was teasing me light heartedly but then he started to get real nasty and I remember he said, "Really? You're a girl? I was a little fuzzy on that." It was hilarious but man did I take a blow to the feels. I excused myself to the bathroom to cry my heart out. You know how fragile egos are at that age. He tried to assure me he was kidding but the damage was done.

The boys saw how easy it was to ruffle my feathers and they all followed suit. I was made fun of and teased until 8th grade when I became withdrawn and they just left me alone.

It's silly I could let such an insignificant comment change my life. But since that day, I doubted my gender. To be honest, I'm still surprised people can tell I'm a girl. I spend so much time trying to differentiate myself from the opposite sex. It's all that my life has become. I epilate everything, I use skin peels, I grew out my hair, etc.. For a while I was even waist training to get that real feminine shape. I want to be as womanly as possible. That means a smaller waist, shapelier hips and of course, bigger boobs.

It turned to something else recently though. A few months back I see the boy who started it all near my campus. He eyed me up and down, that boy. He thought I was fine and oh, how I've changed. I went from an ugly androgynous duckling to a feminine young lady. That look. There was something about it that changed my whole perspective. It was no longer achieving beauty for other people but rather, for my own satisfaction. I like seeing people when they realize they were wrong.

I don't have as many issues as I used to and I ain't a victim no more. I learned that bullying can either push you to suicide or perfection. I took the perfection route and here I am, becoming better looking one goal at a time. I guess I am thankful. Had it not been for him, God knows how I would've turned out. At least when I'm spending time trying to prove everyone wrong, I'm becoming better looking. Smarter. Stronger.

"Mom says my boobs will stay small?" Well look, I'm growing and even you noticed, mama.
"Dad says I can't lighten my eyes?" How you like my light brown eyes now, daddy?
"You can't afford driving lessons." Really? Here I am, 4 months later with my permit.

Ugh, how I love the look on people's faces when they realize how wrong they were. I like the look and the silence that follows as they observe the changes. They stand there in awe and wonder. They want to ask, "What's your secret?" as if I'd tell the person who hurt me and propelled me to persevere & succeed in the first place.

In short, I want bigger boobs because at least four people have told me I can't have them. And because of that, now I have to and I will have big boobs. They told me I cant. I'll show them I can.

Is this an unhealthy way of choosing and achieving goals? Yeah. It is. But I don't care. At least I'm being productive.

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