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Please please help me out???


Hello ladies Smile I've been a reader of this forum for quite some time now, and I need help Smile let me give u a little background abt me, I'm 16, in high school, and I have ridiculously small breasts Sad (32A, to be precise) I'm sure all of u know what a harrowing experience it is to get through high school with such small's terrible, I'm tired of guys calling me 'flat', I'm tired of girls laughing at me behind my back, n I'm tired of having small breasts. It's lovely to read the successes of so many women here, and I would love to have a success story of my own too....please suggest some ways to increase breast size, it's becoming difficult for me to live with the constant teasing, at this age Sad I started my first period at the age of 12 , and mine are still quite irregular , 6-7 days off each month.
I will be very grateful to all of you for your help Big Grin

I would suggest massaging or hypnosis method for now. Any other method may cause more harm than good since you still are still young and have irregular periods. I know High School can be hard for us small busted girls. Heck, I am almost 21 and I am smaller then you, but it will get better. Natural breast enhancement takes some time, so you won’t go from an A to a D overnight. That being said, I would hope that you can love and appreciate your body for what it is now since you are going to be stuck with it for a while. You are beautiful now and you will still be beautiful no matter what. Good luck!

Thank you so much BlackHippie Smile I also figured out that herbs would not be appropriate for me Smile could you pls direct to me the part of d site with massage techniques? And what kind of cream or oil shud I use? Or would bare hands work just fine? And what exactly is hypnosis? I mean how would it help? I'm sorry for asking so many questions Smile and thank you so much, somebody finally understands how it is for small breasted girls Smile

(21-01-2013, 19:08)LifeIsBeautiful Wrote:  Thank you so much BlackHippie Smile I also figured out that herbs would not be appropriate for me Smile could you pls direct to me the part of d site with massage techniques? And what kind of cream or oil shud I use? Or would bare hands work just fine? And what exactly is hypnosis? I mean how would it help? I'm sorry for asking so many questions Smile and thank you so much, somebody finally understands how it is for small breasted girls Smile

Hun, welcome to the forum! Just have a look around and you will find the different subforums and there is one for massage techniques and read, read, read! Because what woks for one does not work for another. So you need to learn your body and pay attention to what and how it responds to certain topicals. Maybe see your ped or doc on why you menses are late every month. That is where I would start if I were you. No one can really tell you what to do.

So many say flax seed oil on breasts for massage but to be honest, this has never worked for me but it may work for someone else. That is just an example. You need to find what works best for your through trial and error and research.

Hi sweety,

Most of us here undertstand where you're coming from. When I was 16 I was probably a 32AA just like I was when I started in NBE when I was 18, but I wore a 32B and stuffed it. So trust me, if anyone understands, I do. What's more embarrassing is when you stuff and whatever you stuffed with slips where everyone can see! I've been there done that as well. I'm now 25 and a 32D/34C. So yes growing with NBE is completely possible.

A few things I would suggest... first, go to a doctor and find out why your periods are irregular, they will probably do a hormone test, it sounds like you have an imbalance. Second, the number ONE cause for lack of breast growth is stress! So my suggestion would be to STOP letting others get to you, I know it's hard but you can do it. People make fun of others to make up for their own insecurities. They could be looking at themselves and thinking, man, I wish I was as skinny as her, or as pretty as her, I hate her so much, I wish I could have the clothes she wears, I wish I could have hair like hers, etc etc. It all boils down to them having insecurities and taking them out on you. How do I know this? As I said previously I was the flat chested girl in school, all the supposed "popular" girls made fun of me, the boys not so much a few here and there, but the girls were really nasty. One grabbed me in the middle of gym class and pulled the sock out of my bra that I was using to stuff that day and laughed and teased me in front of everyone. But guess what? I found out later when I was about 19 from a "friend" of hers that she would say stuff behind my back like "I wish I had a butt like hers, and a flat tummy like hers", it all boiled down to her own insecurities. Also I found out at 19-21 that all the boys at school actually thought I was hot and wanted to date me but all of them thought I would shut them down if they tried to ask. So I found out I was popular without even realizing it. So keep your head up high and know that they are doing it because you may have something they want. Emphasize your other attributes. I'm sure you have MUCH more to offer than your breasts. Make a list of all the good qualities about yourself, they can be physical appearance, comments about your intelligence, your personality, humor, talents, etc. etc. make a list, and then go and stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself you are those things. I know it sounds silly but I did this at 19-20 and I had EXTREMELY low self esteem at the time, I was in an abusive relationship and I believe by doing those things, it gave me the courage to leave him, now I'm very confident, I keep my head high, and I'm successful at my career.

Okay sorry for going on like that lol, I just relate to these type of situations so much. Okay suggestion number 3... for now if you want you can start wearing breast enhancing bras, like the ones from Victoria's Secret that add 1-2 cup sizes (man I wish they had those when I was 16 haha there would have been no stuffing coming out!). Suggestion number 4 wear clothes that give the illusion of bigger boobs, shirts that have ruffles or are loose at the breasts but tight at the tummy do this VERY well. Suggestion number 5, as far as NBE there are a few things you can explore while not messing with your hormones... massage massage MASSAGE!!! For massaging, I'd say any oil or cream would be fine, I use usual body lotion most the time, I hear massaging with oils is good also. Just don't go with an oil or cream with NBE herbs in it as those would mess with your hormones. Hypnosis is good also, there's free tracks out there as well as paid ones. You could also explore the forum and find tons of posts on booby friendly foods, then you could adjust your diet accordingly. After you've tried those things and see how they work for you, another thing that works well and doesn't mess with hormones is pumping like with Noggleberry, Brava, or Bosom Beauty. Though again would cost money and I don't know your situation as far as if you can buy things on your own or you'd have to consult your parents. I would also suggest BO (bovine ovary) supplements like Bountiful Breast and Ultra Breast as they were both developed for teens who are not developing properly. But again that's something you ingest and you may want to explore other options first. Hope that helps!

And remember you are beautiful, intelligent, funny, and keep your head high! Love your username, life IS beautiful!


Thank you so so much ladies, it feels so good Smile Anastasia, you made me feel so nice abt myself, thank you so much dear :* I will definitely try looking into the mirror Smile thank you so much for the advice, I'm making a trip to the doctor soon now Smile massage I started two days ago and my breasts already feel so much firmer n rounder *yay*
I must say, all you ladies here are so so sweet, thank you so much <3

Hi life is beautiful.

I know how mean girls (and boys) can be in high school. I was a 32A all through high school and went up to a 32B with age a couple of years ago. I had a friend in grade 8 who was a bit smaller than me (ok so maybe I had the second smallest boobs of all the girls in my class), and I remember a boy in math class typing 80085 on his calculator and saying to her "hey this calculator has something you don't" (BOOBS). Nasty huh?

Anyway - I have a couple of suggestions for you.
1) Check out the "classify your breasts" link on this page:,901,30.html

Depending on your breast shape and size, certain bras will be more or less flattering. I personally have wide set/ splayed breasts and can get a reasonable shape out of half cup and balconette style bras.

2) There is a good free hypnosis program available here. Set your alarm about 1hr and 20 mins early every morning and listen to it on your mp3 player or computer (with headphones) - or go to bed earlier at night. Try and stay awake and follow the instructions as best as you can.

It's called PetitMort's MP3

There is another free program called Blake Talks but he tends to get a bit crude at times. I prefer the link above and personally think it works better.

3) Keep up with the massage - maybe use flaxseed oil from the supermarket.

4) Look into good foods to help breast growth - I use a lot of soy in my diet.

5) Look into an exercise program to build muscle definition in your chest (yoga/ light weights). Avoid overdoing it/ heavy weights as you're still growing. This won't make your breasts bigger but they will stand out more on your chest.

6) Don't give up!!!!


CHDchest, thank you Smile I haven't been able to get time to massage regularly because of school, but I try to do it once a day
I put away hypnosis for after my exams, cuz I thought it might distract me from study courses Huh dunno if tht makes senseHuh
Where I live, flaxseed oil is impossible to find Sad the only way is to order online, but I don't want to do that (that would be very difficult to explain to my mom) any idea about anything else I could use? I've read a lot abt flaxseed but its just not available here SadSad
And again, thank you so much Smile this is what I love abt this place, everyone is so supportive Smile

I'd also like to add, though this isn't exactly related to NBE, the other day, I was with my boyfriend and he was looking at my boobs, and he said, your boobs still will grow sweetie.
And that was it, I felt so terrible, I had always thought my bf was ok with my boobs, but now I realise he isn't, n I feel sooooooo terrible, what if my boobs never grow anymore n I'm stuck with them for the rest of my life? Sad my bf is an amazing guy who never forces me to do something I don't want to, n I know he loves me for what I am n not my body, n I'm sure he will always love me no matter how many hotter girls he finds.
But this is wht makes me feel bad Sad my bf loves me so much, and I don't even have any boobs, I some how feel it isn't right, maybe I don't deserve him Sad I hope you're understanding me Sad i know boobs are the last thing he'd be bothered abt, but still, it wrecks havoc in my head
I've seen pictures of his ex, she was wayyyyyyy hotter, had amazing boobs n butt, but my boyfriend insists I'm hotter n he loves me more.
I just don't know what I'm saying, n I'm sorry for the long rant.

1. You can do a bit of massage in the bath/ shower at night if that is your only opportunity. It's good to do 20-30 mins a day but if you can't sometimes 5 mins in the shower is better than none.

2. I don't think hypnosis will distract you from studying, unless you are listening to it instead of working. If you are able to set aside some time for this when you can, it might also help to relax/ unwind. I also think listening to some hypnosis tracks would help because it looks like you have quite a few negative thoughts about your breasts (like I did at your age) and hypnosis helps you to think more positively.

3. You don't need flaxseed (linseed) oil. Any massage oil or lotion will do for now. Hand/ body lotion would be fine, or even soap in the shower!

I'm sorry about the comment your bf made. Does he know you feel a bit insecure? To me it sounds like he was trying to be supportive, but said the wrong thing. It doesn't mean he loves you any less. He chose you over all the other girls, right?

To a woman, anything that detracts from your femininity is distressing to you, but it doesn't mean your partner thinks you're less amazing Smile

Don't ever think you don't deserve him because of your breasts, there is so much more to a girlfriend/ wife than breasts, waist, hips, having babies etc. There's your personality, sense of humour, common activities you enjoy... the list goes on.

I'm 30 years old and started NBE about 5.5 weeks ago and have grown 1/2 to 3/4 inch (check out my program page). You have age on your side as well - so think positive and be dedicated and I'm sure you'll make it Smile

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