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Janelana's breast journey


Hey all Smile

Today I decided to start a pogram page sooo here we go haha Smile

I started NBE 8months ago but I had not that much success as I wished I'd have...

My main issues are:

- I want to fix my tuberous breasts if 
   possible and increase in size Smile
   (bra calculators state me an AA/A 
    but I wear a B to look bigger)

- blemished skin (I have problems with 
   acne since I'm 12..)

- I want to loose a little bit of weight 
   and get in shape until summer
   ( now : 1.68m & 58kg 
     goal: 53 kg Smile )

I have a lot of problems with my body especially because my boobs really don't fit my stature and make me feel uncomfortable...
It's not just the fact that they are pretty small, it's more the fact that they have such a weird shape and even are considered "abnormal" !!
I'm very confused why they look the way they are,I've done a lot of research but there's not that much information on tuberous breasts yet..
On the internet you find mainly reports of plastic surgeons who say that there's no cure for tuberous breasts except surgery and that they are a congenital disease...
But I really can't believe this,because no one in my family has any problems in the breast department haha ^^

On top of that I've discovered that nearly all people I've read of who have this problem had issues like malnutrition because of anorexia in their early puberty or lots of stress etc...
And exactly that also applies in my case .. 
So I really really hope I'll be able to change the appearance of my boobs !

The last months I tried a lot of things, e.g. fenugreek, hops, red clover but it has improved my breastshape just a little bit (if anything) ..
Now I want to be more consistent and create a real program with different herbs,cycling etc...

I also use Noogleberry for 2months now but the results are not that convincing up to now,maybe I should change my "noogling habits" a little bit?

because I think I'm estrogen dominant and have too many androgens I'll try to rise my progesterone and reduce my androgen levels.
I plan to start my program when my new cycle starts,which will be in a few days..
By then I try to work out the perfect program for me..
Since fenugreek seemed to work pretty well for me I think to incorporate it in my new program..
I also like to try Alfalfa and Chasteberry (again) .

I'm pleased to hear your suggestions or questions or anything Smile

Janelana Smile

P.S.: Sorry for mistakes,I'm from Germany Smile


Just a short update:

I'm still waiting for my period to come..
This makes me a little bit nervous because it was already regular the last few months ... 
Hmm I hope I'm not pregnant (although it's very unlikely!) ... But we will see ... 

Soo I decided now what to take when I start again with NBE Smile

My anti androgens will be :

- multi vitamin tablets (B6 and zinc )
- spearmint tea
- grean tea 
If this is still not enough, I'll add borage oil..

I decided to drink
- Walnut leaves tea
   to rise my progesterone
    (has anyone here tried that 

I think that's better than vitex because vitex is a really difficult herb and I already had lots of problems with it in the past ...
On top of that, vitex is a very popular herb here in germany if u want to get pregnant so therefore a lot of people are taking vitex - bu i've never ever heard of someone telling her breasts have grown because of that...
So maybe walnut tea will bring me more success, I hope Smile

Ok and I will take fenugreek again for estrogen and prolactin..

I'm also going to check the stores here for alfalfa, if I find it I'll probably add it too (but I'm not sure if that's not too much estrogen, maybe I'll add it later when I stop the fenugreek? )..

For massage I think about buying  a "natural progesterone creme" (there are herbs like vitex,wild yam etc. in it) but I'm not sure if this will mess up everything...

And for good growth hormone levels I'll try to work out more regulary and go to bed earlier (now I sleep on average about 5-6hours)..

So that's it,basically...
I hope my period will come soon so that I can start my new program - I'm so excited and I hope it will work .. Smile


Still no period.
I've done a pregnancy test a week ago which was negative.
So I think the reason is either the stress I have at the moment or a cyst...
Therefore I started taking Vitex a week ago (read somewhere that doctors prescribe it against cysts)..
Strangely enough I think the Vitex is also doing something good for my breasts - I really feel some growing pains ! 
So I will continue with Vitex for the next 3months and maybe this time I'll have more luck with it Smile .

I also plan to add walnut leaves tea tomorrow.
As soon as I have my period, I'll also add fenugreek.


well, it's kind of funny to read what i've planned to take because i haven't taken anything expect vitex.
so it's no surprise that i'm really disappointed with my "progress" 'cause there's simply no progress (maybe they're a little bit fuller but i think it's mainly because i'll get my period in a few days...)
whatever, right now i really don't have the time to put a lot of effort in NBE (i'm writing my final exams in 2weeks) but i'm hoping that i'll have more time when i'm finished with that...and maybe things will get better when i'm not that stressed anymore (for the first time like yeaaars or something ^^ )

hope u all are doing well!

If you don't have much times on your hand, why don't you consider Binaural Beats or massage?

Binaural Beats are sounds that you listen to that does something to the brain to create the desired effect. Sorry that my explanation is not exactly scientific but I don't know much about the subject.

Here are a couple of Binaural Beats I listen to:

Hope this helps. Smile

omg thank you !!!
looks very interesting !!!
i've done blaketalks months ago but i didn't have enough time to do it daily and therefore i had no successs with it... but i can imagine that this could work for me Smile Smile the bedt thing is that it's not that long ^^

have you already had success with it?

but are there any side effects?
i mean...i'm a little bit afraid because you can't "hear" the subliminal messages (i know that this is how it works^^) but therefore you have no idea at all what he tells you ... what if he tells you things like "go and kill your boyfriend while he sleeps" or he is a religious extremist who tells you to change your religion or maybe join his sect?
i know that's all unlikely but i don't have much rely in anyone Sad so i always question what their real intentions are, especially if something is for free available...
haha sorry for that ^^ i'm just too anxious sometimes ^^

but again.. huge thank you , i think i'll try it (because.. haha to be honest... why should he tell me to kill my boyfriend? ^^ )


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