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Laika's BE Program


I have been reading a lot(and I mean like spending hours reading, literally!) on this forum as well as some others about NBE and finally decided to create a program of my own. I got a lot of valuable advice from reading the posts from a lot of members on these pages(Emily Loretta, Doll, Tibetan113, AbiDrew, Anastasia916, Babakins, and more I cannot remember at the moment!). I can't thank you people enough!! I was getting so depressed lately because I was getting a lot of flak from family, friends and complete strangers about being underweight and flat in the boob department! And the inspiration I got from these pages has really helped!! Blush

Anyhoo, I digress!! Big Grin I finally decided that it was time to stop procrastinating and do something about my body, and self-image! After a lot of research, I think it might be a better option for me to start off with simple herbs for my first time instead off PM(since I have no clue about cycling the stuff!) or BO(not available here in India!).

In my other post I mentioned how I have never had any skin problems or irregular cycles except for the last two(three now, since my cycle did not start today), which I attributed to stress. Never did the estrogen/progesterone blood/saliva tests, though the online tests show I might be Estrogen Dominant. Planning to get the tests done as soon as I can get a doctor to agree to do them! Meanwhile, I think I will start with something, since I cannot bear to wait any longer.

First, my stats.
Age-26 years
Weight-85/90lbs(Incredibly underweight!! Sad)
Size-32A(might be AA now since I recently noticed my breasts seem to be smaller than before). Will have to get a measuring tape for accurate measurements like everyone else writes about.

Currently I am massaging with a herbal massage oil, the only ingredient of which I can figure out is olive oil, the rest is written in Sanskrit! And I am also listening to the RMR, which I came across in Emily's blog. I think it works, since I got incredible soreness in just two days, BUT I also noticed only my areolas becoming bigger, which scared me and I stopped!

I want to start with

Fenugreek - Since I have only heard good things about it, and being Indian, it is a regular part of my diet and I notice no smell! Big Grin

Maca - Heard good things about it too, mainly for hips/butt and because I lack in that area too, can only be welcome!

Saw Palmetto - Read somewhere that it can regulate hormone levels, which might be a good idea if I start overloading on any.

Flaxseed Oil - Seems to give consistent good results for its users.

FG(610mg), Maca(500mg), FSO(1000mg) and SP(540mg) will all be from VitaminShoppe. I also plan to massage with FSO externally. So my plan will be as follows.

FG(610mg) - 2/3 capsules per day
Maca(500mg) - 2 capsules per day
FSO(1000mg) - 2 capsules per day
SP(540mg) - 2/3 capsules per day
Multivitamin - 2 capsules per day. I am already on a woman's multivitamin, but thinking of changing to a skin-hair-nails multivitamin soon.
Cod Liver Oil(300mg) - 2/4 capsules per day, since I am already on it.
Massage with FSO twice daily, thrice if I can manage the time. I might add FG powder to it later.
RMR 1 hour per day

I should mention that I have an incredibly fast metabolism and never put on weight. I have been at the same weight for about the past 6-7 years! So I am also looking to gain weight. I drink protein shakes twice daily, even though I am on a protein-rich diet. Hasn't worked so far. Sad

I would like some advice about my program. Do I need to make any changes? Increase something, decrease something maybe? Or even add something? Huh I would really appreciate your help! Smile


P.S. I apologize for the novella-length post. Wink

I need to make a correction. I mentioned above that Maca is from VitaminShoppe. But it is actually from Biovea, since that seems to be the only brand that actually delivers here. I cannot find it anywhere else.

Third day of my cycle and I lost most of the growth I got when my periods started. And I think something is messing with my cycle, since I got unbearable cramps on top of the cycle being delayed. I think I will stop the supplements and simply continue with massage for this cycle to see if anything changes the time around.


I know I was supposed to stop all supplements and simply continue with massage for one cycle to see if it brought back things to normal, but I finally came across Flaxseed products here at a store and could not resist picking them up. Tongue

I got Cold-Pressed Flaxseed Oil and also the powder, which comes neatly packaged in 15gm sachets. I think I will mix one sachet of powder with my protein shakes in two doses and see if it works. I will keep the oil till after the powder is finished to assess what, if any, progress is achieved.

Will update in a few days.


I have a separate cleavage enhancer that goes on top of my bra. I checked and it ships to India. I'm pretty sure this kind of enhancer existed long before the two-in-one variety. It does exactly the same thing, so no worries. The smallest size they have is a large but that shouldn't be a problem. I can't make any promises though. All I know is that when I ordered the recommended size I couldn't even close it. I had to order two sizes up and the one I got is still pretty damn tight. I don't see how an even tighter one would give me more cleavage.

Anyways, here you go:

(06-03-2013, 21:48)mochaccino Wrote:  I have a separate cleavage enhancer that goes on top of my bra. I checked and it ships to India. I'm pretty sure this kind of enhancer existed long before the two-in-one variety. It does exactly the same thing, so no worries. The smallest size they have is a large but that shouldn't be a problem. I can't make any promises though. All I know is that when I ordered the recommended size I couldn't even close it. I had to order two sizes up and the one I got is still pretty damn tight. I don't see how an even tighter one would give me more cleavage.

Anyways, here you go:

Thanks so much, Mocha!! Exactly what I was looking for!! Thanks again! Big Grin

Cheers, and good luck!

So I mentioned in an earlier post how I got flaxseed powder and planned to mix it with my protein shakes everyday. I did that today, and it tasted terrible!! Angry I love the taste of the protein shake otherwise, but I could barely finish it today! I don't know how I am going to do it twice every day for the next 5 days! Sad

I need to find a different, and hopefully better way of including the flaxseed powder in my diet! Back to research and experiments it is! *sigh*

After the disgusting result of mixing the flaxseed powder in my protein shake, I decided to sprinkle the next dose over rice yesterday and eat it that way! Not a good idea! The powder smells strongly of the oil, and I enough of it with my oil paints! Sad I barely managed to finish the bowl of rice!

I have to find a better way! Two down, more to go! *sigh*

Happy growing, everyone!

Are you keeping the flaxseed powder refrigerated? If not, than that's probably the number one problem you need to fix if you want it to be edible. The oil in powdered or cracked flaxseed goes stale at room temperature within just a few days and it starts to smell disgusting. I don't understand why most stores don't refrigerate it. Refrigerating it makes a HUGE difference. Of course, if it's already stale, there's not much you can do.

As far as I know, most people eat flaxseed powder with hot cereal or bake it into baked goods. I never tried doing it myself, so I can't say for sure how it tastes, but I've had store-bought "fiber" baked goods with flaxseed and they tasted fine. I bought the powder for baking a few years ago but I through it out because it smelled so bad.

You could also try using very little of the flour and instead replacing most of your flaxseed dose with "cracked" flaxseed. Cracked flaxseed has a very mild taste for some reason. It's only when they powder it that the weird smell is fully released. You shouldn't use whole flaxseed because it doesn't get digested. It tends to pass right through you whole, bleck Dodgy Of course you could buy it whole and then crack it yourself with a mallet or mortar and pestle or something.

(08-03-2013, 21:24)mochaccino Wrote:  Are you keeping the flaxseed powder refrigerated? If not, than that's probably the number one problem you need to fix if you want it to be edible. The oil in powdered or cracked flaxseed goes stale at room temperature within just a few days and it starts to smell disgusting. I don't understand why most stores don't refrigerate it. Refrigerating it makes a HUGE difference. Of course, if it's already stale, there's not much you can do.

As far as I know, most people eat flaxseed powder with hot cereal or bake it into baked goods. I never tried doing it myself, so I can't say for sure how it tastes, but I've had store-bought "fiber" baked goods with flaxseed and they tasted fine. I bought the powder for baking a few years ago but I through it out because it smelled so bad.

You could also try using very little of the flour and instead replacing most of your flaxseed dose with "cracked" flaxseed. Cracked flaxseed has a very mild taste for some reason. It's only when they powder it that the weird smell is fully released. You shouldn't use whole flaxseed because it doesn't get digested. It tends to pass right through you whole, bleck Dodgy Of course you could buy it whole and then crack it yourself with a mallet or mortar and pestle or something.

Hey Mocha! I actually asked the store if I should keep the flaxseed refrigerated, since I had read on these forums that it goes stale at room temeprature. But they said since the sachets I got are vacuum-sealed and in individual doses, refrigeration was not required. Huh

I have been thinking about adding the flaxseed to cereals like I have heard so many others do, but then again, I don't eat cereal, so the first step would be buying some of that!

And the powder is not complete powder, per se, but more coarse-ground, since I find a few whole seeds in it too.

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