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Mochaccino's PM program

Does anyone have links to people who posted their hormone test results after taking BO, or at least indirectly described their results? I really want to find more examples so that I can get a general idea of what it actually does. The problem is that BO supps usually contain other glandulars, which could make it hard to figure out what the BO itself does.

Too late Tongue I bought Swanson's BO. Now I just have to decide what dose to take.

I should mention that my new cycle started exactly on time. Big Grin That's great because it means I might have finally found the right number of days for me to take PM. Now I'll just have to see if my cycle is exactly the same this month as well.

I also finally lowered my PC dose to a tolerable level (1/2 the minimum recommended dose) but I didn't lower if fast enough to avoid having a really vivid dream/hallucination like the last time I experimented with progesterone. I have had hypnopompic or hypnogogic hallucinations throughout my whole life, but they very rare occurrences for me, and they've only happened maybe 7 or 8 times in my whole life (before PC). 2 of those times I had taken OTC sleeping pills.

For me, too much PC makes me feel like I've taken several sleeping pills at once. If I use it before bed, sometimes I just have very vivid dreams, but other times I have hypnopompic hallucinations. Hypnopompic hallucinations are basically just dreams that are similar to what happens to people who sleep walk, except that you're usually at least partially paralyzed and semi-lucid. They happen just as I start to wake up, or maybe it's more correct to say that they happen half way between being asleep and being fully awake.

Anyway, my hypnopompic hallucination this time was super weird. I saw a series of repeating "tiles" with pictures of eyes on them. Not scary eyes. They just looked like square cut-outs taken from mascara ads. They were semi-tranparent and clustered in a group overlaying my normal field of vision. It lasted until I was half way down the stairs, heading to eat my breakfast, when I suddenly became totally awake and lucid. Once I become fully lucid, the hallucinations/dreams always disappear, and this time was no different, but I've never before made it out of my bedroom while still hallucinating. Not to mention that hypnopompic hallucinations are usually very stereotyped (meaning that they fit into very clearly defined categories and rarely veer off into stranger territory) and people are almost always paralyzed during the "event". This dream did not fit the pattern at all.

Why the fudge is PC borderline hallucinogenic for me? Mind you, these are still basically just dreams, and I'm not going crazy, but it's still seriously weird. Does anyone else experience very vivid dreams while using PC?

I haven't, but yes, it's not entirely an uncommon side effect of your progesterone levels becoming too high.

Me, I just start feeling reaaaaaaally good. I mean. REAALLLLY good. (In other words, when my progesterone levels become elevated, I get a little high.)

Good luck with the BO.

(17-02-2013, 17:25)mochaccino Wrote:  Too late Tongue I bought Swanson's BO. Now I just have to decide what dose to take.

I should mention that my new cycle started exactly on time. Big Grin That's great because it means I might have finally found the right number of days for me to take PM. Now I'll just have to see if my cycle is exactly the same this month as well.

I also finally lowered my PC dose to a tolerable level (1/2 the minimum recommended dose) but I didn't lower if fast enough to avoid having a really vivid dream/hallucination like the last time I experimented with progesterone. I have had hypnopompic or hypnogogic hallucinations throughout my whole life, but they very rare occurrences for me, and they've only happened maybe 7 or 8 times in my whole life (before PC). 2 of those times I had taken OTC sleeping pills.

For me, too much PC makes me feel like I've taken several sleeping pills at once. If I use it before bed, sometimes I just have very vivid dreams, but other times I have hypnopompic hallucinations. Hypnopompic hallucinations are basically just dreams that are similar to what happens to people who sleep walk, except that you're usually at least partially paralyzed and semi-lucid. They happen just as I start to wake up, or maybe it's more correct to say that they happen half way between being asleep and being fully awake.

Anyway, my hypnopompic hallucination this time was super weird. I saw a series of repeating "tiles" with pictures of eyes on them. Not scary eyes. They just looked like square cut-outs taken from mascara ads. They were semi-tranparent and clustered in a group overlaying my normal field of vision. It lasted until I was half way down the stairs, heading to eat my breakfast, when I suddenly became totally awake and lucid. Once I become fully lucid, the hallucinations/dreams always disappear, and this time was no different, but I've never before made it out of my bedroom while still hallucinating. Not to mention that hypnopompic hallucinations are usually very stereotyped (meaning that they fit into very clearly defined categories and rarely veer off into stranger territory) and people are almost always paralyzed during the "event". This dream did not fit the pattern at all.

Why the fudge is PC borderline hallucinogenic for me? Mind you, these are still basically just dreams, and I'm not going crazy, but it's still seriously weird. Does anyone else experience very vivid dreams while using PC?

Be careful,
It can be inter-dimensional entities trying to hack your brain. Be weary of nosy ones LOL! But no, seriously, they can be a serious bother.

I have been off of UB for a month now to see if I would notice anything. So far, I haven't. I really want to take my tests to see if UB did anything for me. I just don't have the funds.

I already mentioned that I'm going to be taking a hormone test next cycle, along with a total NBE break. Because I'll be keeping a close eye on my hormone levels, I've decided not to go the "low and slow" route with my BO dosage. Normally "low and slow" is best, especially when I'm very unsure of dosage, but this time is different. I really want to see what, if any, effect the BO has on the hormone levels shown on my test.

I still have about 4 or 5 days of placenta left, and I'm on the 8th day of my cycle. That means I'll only be taking BO for a little over 2 weeks this cycle. I think that if I take a typical "full" dose of BO, I might have a better chance of seeing a change in my hormone levels. Then again 2 weeks may not be enough time to see a change no matter how much I take. 1000mg seems to be a fairly typical dose of BO, so I think that's what I'll use. Does anyone disagree? Later on I will probably drop my BO dose by half, since I'm already on PM. I'm not sure about that though, because I still don't know what effect it will have on my hormones.

I've also decided to start Noogling again, for about an hour a day. I know that massage plays a big part in Japanese programs, and I still don't know exactly what role prolactin plays in NBE (I don't think anyone knows the exact details). I don't think I can just ignore the potential role prolactin may have played in their programs. Pumping raises prolactin, and one time it even made me lactate a tiny bit. I won't be pumping as hard or as long this time, so I'm not too concerned about accidentally starting to lactate.

I also ran out of SP, and I'm not convinced that it would do anything special in my case, so I won't be buying more. Tibetan and Abidrew were right about SP being estrogenic. Beta-sitosterol is a phytoestrogen, and not just a DHT blocker. In most women, it probably has no antiandrogen effects at all. Unless you produce significant amount of DHT (which Abi says is unlikely in women) than SP is just one of many estrogenic herbs and nothing more. I have low T, and I'm already taking strong sources of estrogen, so there's no point for me to take SP.

Since I've made several changes to my program, I'll post my current program yet again for the sake of clarity in my next post.

*Edit* I forgot to mention that I realized that Mayusakimilk was probably taking much more Dong Quai than I am. I knew that she was taking 5000mg DQ (as part of mixed herbal extract), but I wasn't sure how that product compared to the dry extract I bought. Now I know that dry DQ extract is almost always 10:1 strength in comparison to the FRESH plant. Liquid DQ is 2:1 strength in comparison to the DRY extract. That means that the DQ in her extract is probably half as strong as an equivalent weight of my dry extract. In other words, I think I should be taking 2500mg of DQ extract, not 600 mg. I'm going to start taking 9 DQ pills per day, instead of 2, during luteal phase. That's going to be a lot more expensive if I keep taking pills, so I'll switch to Greenbush's 1:1 liquid extract when I restart my program the cycle after next.

Current program:

Days 5-12:
1 x 300mg tab Suplife PM

Days 14-28:
1/2 the minimum dose of PC once daily (provides about 10mg progesterone)
9 x 300mg dry Dong Quai extract.

All month:
4 x 250mg tabs Swanson's BO
2 x Ro-bust PM cream
Pumping with the Noogleberry for 1 hour per day.

I just realized that it's been ages since I mentioned my waist training. The truth is I completely stopped for a long time because I was in too much pain. I have had stomach pains since my mid teens, and the corset would probably be no trouble at all if it weren't for my existing stomach issues. I'm taking probiotics again, which I've done in the past, but they didn't work because I wasn't taking the strains that are best for my issues. Of course, there's no guarantee that my new probiotics will work either, but in the meantime, I will try to start wearing my corset again. I'm really upset that I've made so little progress. I think if I'm able to stick to a normal waist training regimen, I should be able to close my corset in 2 months. Maybe even only one month, if I lose weight. I really hope it doesn't turn out to be too painful again this time.

I just realized something that should've been obvious. There's no need for me to take a break for my tests. I must be stupid Tongue I already tested my baseline levels, and now I want to see what effect my supplements are having on me. Obviously I should just keep taking them in that case. The only supplement that I will need to take a break from is PC.

Since I'm not going to be taking a break, I'll cut my BO down to 500mg instead of 1000mg.

Today was the beginning of my fourth cycle on this new program. My last cycle was 2 days too short. How strange Huh I'm not sure what would cause that. At least now I know that I definitely found a PM dose that doesn't lengthen my cycle. This makes me wonder if I can finally afford to start taking PM for a few more days per month. I might try taking PM for 9 days instead of 7 this cycle.

(19-03-2013, 02:29)mochaccino Wrote:  Today was the beginning of my fourth cycle on this new program. My last cycle was 2 days too short. How strange Huh I'm not sure what would cause that. At least now I know that I definitely found a PM dose that doesn't lengthen my cycle. This makes me wonder if I can finally afford to start taking PM for a few more days per month. I might try taking PM for 9 days instead of 7 this cycle.

Well that's good news! Congrats on being able to increase your PM days Big Grin

And it may not be too strange for you to have a cycle that is "2 days too short," as I have only observed two of my cycles off of any hormonal herbs and one of them was 30 days long and the other was 27 Tongue But, you know your body best, and maybe I'm just an odd-ball!

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