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Skin care tips...


Unfortunately exfoliating never helps my body acne for some reason. It comes and goes when it pleases, and there's no telling of what it'll be like. It was like completely gone last year, and now even when it's not acting up, it won't completely go away. SadSadSadSad

I actually have tried toothpaste on a pimple once that I couldn't get to pop. It dries it out and pulls everything to the surface. My pimple was almost completely gone by morning!

(08-08-2012, 17:38)Doll Wrote:  Unfortunately exfoliating never helps my body acne for some reason. It comes and goes when it pleases, and there's no telling of what it'll be like. It was like completely gone last year, and now even when it's not acting up, it won't completely go away. SadSadSadSad

Sad I'm sorry to hear that. When I get body acne most of it goes away when I exfoliate for a consistent amount of time. Have you tried acne body wash?


I've tried so many things. Even Proactiv's body wash didn't help. However, their toner is starting to work, even though I only use it maybe once every other day and use nothing else. o.0 I don't know what my body wants from me sometimes...Lol

Well, if you don't have dry skin you could try pouring some Astringent on a paper towel or little wad of toliet paper and rubbing it on the breakouts. Or, you could look for a (cheap-ish) face wash, that's strong, and when you're in the shower use it only on areas you have breakouts. Try not to put lotions on them either, that makes it worse on me.

Small white bumps? Are those whiteheads? I heard the difference between whiteheads and blackheads was that the blackhead is exposed to open air which gives it that brownish color while whiteheads are under the skin.

I used Proactiv but it was really harsh on my skin so I tried SkinID instead which worked a lot better. Now I just use 2.5%-10% Benzoyl Peroxide and some lotion, occasionally the remnants of the toner from SkinID.

You could try nixoderm which I mentioned in another thread. It might do something more than what Proactiv has to offer. I haven't used it yet myself but I'm thinking of giving it a try later on if my acne becomes too severe.

consume vitamin e for good health, eating fruits and drinking water is good for the glow and healthof skin.

I'll add my two cents Smile

This helped my preteen daughter with HORRIBLE acne...nothing worked. We tried ProActive, Murad, OTC benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid products, sulfur soap...nothing. As a last resort I bought this Neem & Turmeric soap from this local Indian's made by a company (that I've never heard of) Himalaya Protecting Neem & Turmeric soap. I figured why not? Nothing else ever worked. I started her to washing her face twice a day. I also bought a soft facial exfoliator for her to use on her lower cheek and chin area. She has stubborn black heads there.

I have REALLY seen a HUGE difference! I mean I think I paid about $2.50 for the bar and its made a huge difference. It's helped SOMEWHAT with the blackheads but I'm still giving it time. They don't seem to want to go anywhere Sad But the improvement I have seen gives me hope!

Besides this I started her using Clean & Clear astringent on the areas where she has the blackheads and she moisturizes with Aveeno Clear Complexion Moisterizer. Those may be helping now but she's been using these without the Neem & Turmeric soap to no avail!

If anyone is interested I've included a picture of the soap. They also have a face wash but I haven't tried that for either of us so in not sure about its effectiveness.

In addition. Once a week for myself I also use Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque...AMAZING for clearing up pimples for me! I've been using this for years and it's really cheap. It contains the following: Water, Kaolin, Bentonite, Glycerin, Zinc Oxide, Propylene Glycol, Sulfur, Chromium Oxide Greens (CI#77288), Fragrance, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben HAI.

I use it as a full face mask and I also spot treat pimples overnight. Most times when I wake up its just about gone! Maybe a second night is required sometimes and that's it! It is drying so I'd be careful if you have dry skin. I'm oily so that isn't really a problem. I'm sure to still moisturize after use.

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[Image: FD7BE42B-1813-4369-BA85-2F34086CA0DC-238...80042f.jpg]

For Oily skin, 2TBSP. gram flour, lemon juice, milk cream and pinch of turmeric mix well apply on your face by massage slowly.For dry skin use wheat flour, curd and turmeric, it will keep the skin soft, smooth and
fair.Use lemon, glycerin and honey for brighter whiten complexion.We
should be care full about the skin care matters...

(07-11-2012, 10:42)Mart1400 Wrote:  For Oily skin, 2TBSP. gram flour, lemon juice, milk cream and pinch of turmeric mix well apply on your face by massage slowly.For dry skin use wheat flour, curd and turmeric, it will keep the skin soft, smooth and
fair.Use lemon, glycerin and honey for brighter whiten complexion.We
should be care full about the skin care matters...

long island gym

Gotta post my new favorite thing EVER...
[Image: 21qXuk0zhEL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

I bought one at Sally's about two weeks ago, have only used it a few times, and my skin is already well on its way to flawlessness! The white bumps on my face are clogged pores, and this tool helped push everything out of those pores and free them up! There's a side for that, and a side for blackheads! So I'm even pulling out things that just look like big pores! My skin looks so much smoother and brighter already! I don't care who you are, if you suffer any type of acne or pore problem, this little guy will do the trick!

And I'm surprised to say that I don't have to use it as often as I thought. Once this thing clears my pores, they seem to stay clear! I'm finally feeling confident in my skin, no makeup! Just watch out for milia, and learn the difference between these and clogged pores, as milia don't pop and will only leave you with red marks for the better half of a week. :/

Also, since it's nearing winter, I've stopped using Proactiv completely. I'm using an exfoliating salicyic acid scrub every other day in the shower, and then I apply facial sunscreen lotion and Bio Oil twice a day (well, the sunscreen I only apply in the morning). My skin isn't as dry as it was just recently, and the Bio Oil keeps the moisture in very well. Smile

I think most of my acne is caused by low estrogen, and NBE has certainly been helping speed up the cleansing process! I think PM will REALLY fix my face up nice. If I'm lucky, I may be done with acne for good with it!

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