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6 months in - photo's and update



I've just been updating my measuring diary and realised I've been at this for 6 months, so I thought I'd share my experience so far.

I'm sorry it is a bit long!

I started in April with Gro-Bust, I didn't notice any difference, but I now know that one month is not enough to see any affect that may be taking place - there was no measurement difference by the end of the month, although I did think that I noticed a subtle difference on my cleavage.

I noticed my skin was glowing though, and I was so calm in my mood I would use Gro-bust it in the future just for skin and mood.

At the end of April I found this site, and thank god I did.

But to let you know where I was, I really did not want to wait 6-9 months, or even 3. But for anyone starting out, it's flown and I've learned so much. I thought, yeah yeah, I don't want to take all year, just someone tell me the magic formula, I want boobs by that wedding in May, lol.

But each month you're on a discovery and it's exciting seeing what might happen, and before you know, it's 6 months later.

I trawled the boards making notes and after a few days I decided to try PM. I am on the Progesterone injection so did not cycle.

The first photo is really my starting picture, there was no size change from April on Gro-bust. At this point the fullest part of my bust was 29.5".

I used PM UK ( ) for a month from 13th May until the 10th June, taking 2x500mg per day.

By the 19th May I was 30", and in the photos you can see by 10 days' use, I had visible swelling, but I then lost that lovely swelling Dodgy I will never know if this is why, but after gaining half an inch in a week & a half I thought "Crikey, this really works!!!" so I bought the cream from the same site - I then lost any gain as by the 26th May after using it for a few days I was back to 29.5" :-/

BUT I still measured 30" by the end of May - a bit of fluctuation through the month, I will post my measuring diary incase that helps anyone to keep the faith if you lose a gain - keep calm and carry onWink

I started Thanyaporn bought on eBay on the 10th June, 2 x 350mg per day.

On 1st July I measured 31" so an inch gain in June, although I didn't measure throughout June, so I don't know if I had more of a gain that then went, but I was trying not to obsess about it, so didn't measure.

On 1st July I increased Thanyaporn 350mg to 3 per day, but still finished July at 31".

OK, PM doesn't always work for everyone, lots of people have had great results though, and there is a lot of discussion about purity, extract or root, how it's processed..... I was probably unlucky or my body just didn't respond that well - BUT I still had my one and a half inch gain!Big Grin So at this point I'd gained 1 & a half inch by using PM for 10 weeks.

The measurements were positive and I felt great that I was doing something that had made a measureable difference - but I didn't feel much different and my BF didn't really notice, although the girls do now get a bit more attenction in bed - I think they actually put something into his hand now, rather than just a bump which I think made us both feel awkward.

He would never ask me to change, the way I feel is not his fault, it's my own feelings and he doesn't know I'm on this journey.

On the 27th July I had finished my bottle of Thanyaporn and decided to have a one week cleanse with Milk Thistle - I kept at 31" through the cleanse, so I was really pleased, but I had really prepared myself that it may go - but from what I'd read before doing a cleanse, if it had gone, it should have come back, so try not to panic if that happens to you.

On the 4th August I started Siriporn, as lots of girls had given it the thumbs up on here, it seemed reputable, wasn't too expensive and they farm it, which led me to the conclusion that it wasn't random growths from the wild were you might not know what you get.

I also bought their Robust lotion - which FYI, reeks Dodgy

by 20th August I was STILL at 31" so I came on the the site trying to see what else I could do.

I wondered if the problem I was having is that I have no cycle, so decided to stop taking the PM, and take Fenugreek, Saw Palmetto and Red clover for 2 reasons:
1) Chiyomilk took PM for the first 2 weeks of her cycle then took a supplement that had many things in it, 3 being FG, SP and RC
2) I had been reading Doll's personal programme and she had used FG, SP and Hops, but I think RC sometimes instead of Hops - hope this is right, apologies if not. I read Doll's programme and she has had great results so I took inspiration from her.

There are other people on the site that in the past have done well with FG, SP & RC or Hops so as there was a lot of back up for it, and I hadn't moved past 31" for 6 weeks, I thought I would go for it.

That started 20th August - on the 25th August I was at 31.5" Big Grin

I won't know if it was just the effect of making a change, but it couldn't be ignored.

I did a lot of research decided (and regretted) that in Sept, I would do a combined programme similar to Chioymilk's programme, as follows:

Days 1-5: 2 PM a day
Days 6-11: 3 PM a day
Days 12-13:1 PM a day
Days 14-24: Progesterone cream, RC & FG & SP
Days 25-26: Prog Cream, half dose of RC, FG & SP
Days 27-30: Half dose RC, FG & SP

The idea was to mimick the hormone levels on a natural cycle.

I didn't get any growing pains, although not everyone does.

I have found I'm a bit mody with PM.

And the results? Well I started the above on the 1st Sept. I took the last 4 days of August off, not taking anything, to have a mini-cleanse (an idea borrowed from Doll, thank you xxx). The idea of this is to cleanse your receptors and make them more sensitive to your next cycle of herbs, and can help with stopping your liver being clogged up with herbs, which would make anything you take less effective.

Measurements: 3rd Sept 31.5" - retained that growth spurt seen at the end of August.

24th Sept - 31" Dodgy it was a dodgy 31", too, if the tape slid down at the back slightly I would have been 30.5"

Although results could have been discouraging, it was almost a relief: for me PM doesn't work, and by having another month of it I won't look back and wonder if I should have given it more time. I think it must have done something, as I was 29.5" before I took PM, but I think I just wouldn't get any further than that with it.

I had another mini break for first 5 days of October, and from the 5th Oct I have followed a programme similar to Doll's. Reason? She's had great results, although that doesn't guarantee I will have the same as we are all different.

But in August I did seem to respond well, so I think it is worth trying this again, and I don't feel it's worth continuing with PM (just me personally).

It might be a great shame, because for Sept I was torn whether to try PM again, or just do RC, FG and SP. I chose wrong I think, but hey ho... you can't know these things, it's a lot of trial and error.

So it's the 13th October, I have been on this for a week and 1 day, and I have aches and pains in my breasts and on Thursday one of my bras felt so uncomfotable - no measurable change, but I can really feel something is happening.

I say no measurable change - it really depends where I hold the tape at the back,if it's a little higher, I could meaure 32" - but I'll stick with 31" and not cheat Tongue

The great thing is, I held my tape measure out at 32.5" and I think if I can make that I will be a lot happierand not feel so flat - I'm not greedy for huge boobs, just emabarassed to have nothing. Its taken me 6 months to grow 1.5" - all I (hopefully) need is another 6 months to get to where I'm happy and comfortable.

I am currently taking:

Fenugreek 3x 610mg
Saw palmetto 1 x 410mg
Red clover extract: 1ml mixed with a little water
Iron 15mg
Multi B-Vit
MSM (won't re-purchase)
Collagen (won't re-purchase)
Vitamin C 500mg

Apply cocoa butter to breasts then drop a few drops of RC on - really feel this is helping as I didn't do this last month while taking RC, but now I can really feel aches and pains in my breasts.

twice through the day
Red clover extract: 1ml mixed with a little water

Fenugreek 3x 610mg
Saw palmetto 1 x 410mg
Red clover extract: 1ml mixed with a little water
l-arginine 500mg (before bed as makes me sleepy)
zinc & calcium if I remember

The Collagen, MSM and vitamins I have taken the whole way through.

I will try and put my photo's on, if they don't appear, I'm having problems Shy

Thanks to everyone who posts on here, we all make it great by sharing and commenting. Where would we all be without this site?

Much love


13th May............. 23rd May.......... 13th Oct


13th May ............. 23rd May...............13th Oct

DATE..................Bust.........Above Bust.........Under Bust

Started Gro Bust
07 Apr..................29.5".........29.5"..............27"

05 May..................29.5"........29.5"............27"
19 May..................30"...........30"..............27"
23 May..................30"...........30"..............27.5"
26 May..................29.5".........30"..............27.75"
28 May..................30"............30"..............27"

Thanyaporn from 10th June
01 Jul..................31"...............31"..............27.75"
12 Jul..................31"...............31"..............28"
21 Jul..................31"...............31"..............27.5"

Half way through 1 week Milk thistle cleanse
30 Jul..................31"...............30"..............27"

Started siriporn 4th Aug
06 Aug..................31"..............30"..............27"
13 Aug..................31"..............30.5"............27"

Started FG, RC and SP
20 Aug..................31"..............30.5"..............28"
25 Aug..................31.5"............30.75"...........27.25"
29 Aug..................31.5"............30.25"............27"

Started cycle similar to Chiyomilk
03 Sep..................31.5"............30.5"..............27"
24 Sep..................31"...............30.5"..............28"

Had a 4 day break starting 1st Oct
Started RC, FG and SP 5th Oct
13 Oct..................31"...............30.5"..............27"


lol @ "... although the girls do now get a bit more attenction in bed - I think they actually put something into his hand now, rather than just a bump which I think made us both feel awkward." i can totally relate!!! it's definitely awkward when the bf grabs the boobs and they're hardly a handful.

thanks for sharing your experience so far and congrats on your growth. good luck on your journey!

Dang. You started out flat as a mans. No offense intended! But yeah, that had to suck. Sad

I know it sucks for me...

Well. At least you have had growth! You've definitely got some real boob there now... Good growing! And may you be blessed by the booby fairies with even more! Big Grin

Wow I can really see a difference in your pictures. I have a somewhat similar story to you except I did FG, SP, and RC for the first 6 months and got a little over 1.5" and am now switching to PM (i have been doing it for 8 days now). I take a BC that doesn't give me my period so I will not cycle. I started at 31" and now at 32.75". I really hope that your new program works for you.. FG SP RC gave me good growth so I hope you get that too. Good luck! O and once you get to 32.5 you will want more! believe me haha.

Thanks everyone, yes I was flat as a man's Abi Drew, lol I love how you tell it like it is! It's funny now they're growing Rolleyes

Wish I'd done this years ago.

Yeah, I agree, thought as I wrote that - I will probably will want more but it'll be a little milestone.

And thank you all, nice to hear I'm not imagining growth - yes the boobie fairies have been - they better come back soon!


Oh, wow, that's actually great growth! Especially as small as you started out. A lot of times women with barely-breasts don't see much growth in the beginning, but you've seen quite a bit! They're starting to look great! Keep it up, it's definitely working for you! Also, great nipples! Wink I'm jealous!

Thanks Doll that's really nice Wink

When I started I didn't think I'd be pleased until I got a lot bigger but I'm so pleased something has worked, it's more motivation for me, and I hope others too.

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