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Big Breasts = Easy Life?


I doubt it's just because she has big breasts. She's probably just attractive overall. Sucks, but it's been proven that especially for women, the more attractive you are, the more opportunities you seem to get.

For her in particular, if all of this attention really is solely due to her breasts, I bet anything that it's just from nasty guys who want to get with her. Nothing to be jealous of. I'm not big breasted (yet!) but I still get seedy guys offering me crap.

Do you have a link to the website? I'm curious about this lady's bragging.

My boss loves big boobs and he only pays attention to those whom have it. This might not sound fair but I guess everyone of us has preferences.

Here we go again. Gee, he's looking at my boobs, not my face. And she has over half of her boobs hanging out in a super uplift bra that barely covers the nipple. face it lady. You dress for the attention, then get pissed off when it happens. You don't want him looking at them, then put on a minimizer bra and a crew neck sweatshirt.
Gee, she got promoted ahead of me because she has big boobs. Well, yeah, so???? Face it. This world is driven by one thing and one thing only : S-E-X. Thats Sex with a capital S. If you have it, you flaunt it, you get it. Why did she get the job? Because the boss wants her close so he might get that one on a million chance of taking her to bed. Whether that is in his mind or not when he awards the job, that is the motivation. Yes its not fair to the better qualified who do not have it but who said life is fair??? SEX drives this world. That is why super models stand beside or drive new cars in the ads, or model the clothes, or eat the yogurt, or anything in an ad. Girls want to be her, guys want to bed her so they buy the product. SEX SELLS!!!! Yes, girls with big boobs get more freebies but that is because men want to get their hands on them so they try to "buy" their way to them. THIS WILL NOT CHANGE NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU WHINE ABOUT IT. THIS IS THE WAY THINGS ARE. Deal with it.
Sorry about being so blunt with my ravings but it really gets to me when I see descussions like this. I am a guy who doesn't have it. No, I am not talking about boobs. 6'4" 300 pounds and partially bald. I don't have quite the same problem as women do but still its there. I have learned to deal with it. You can too.

It is very unfair but I myself have found that whether we like it or not sex sells. Being a small business owner and having several sales people, like it or not bigger breasted women seem to sell product much better.

I know this sounds chauvinistic but its true, it took a few years of convincing my wife of this who is not big breasted but looking at the numbers from certain sales people she saw I was right.

Personally I go for the personality and aggressive sales person but, in today's competitive world you have to do what works.

Attractive people always tend to get a free win at life.

(28-10-2011, 06:43 PM)biggertwins Wrote:  Also, once you get to your goal size, do you hope that your life might change for the better? Like more confidence and so on?

I don't want big boobs, all I want is to have normal boobs. My reason for my goal size (which is B) is to be able to look good in dresses. I'm tired of having to wear super padded bras just to look like a woman in a dress rather than a child. I've been told before that I look like I'm 12 years old. I'm 32.

As for being treated differently, I think that the way you present yourself is how people treat you. If you present yourself in a respectable way, people will respect you.


Something else to think about. On tv they showed an attractive woman in a white dress trying to get help. She got nowhere. They put her in an identical dress but red this time and people, mainly guys, were falling all over themselves to help her. Interesting, right? Need help getting your car fixed for low cost or getting out of a traffic ticket? Wear a low cut red dress. Want to impress your boyfriends parents? Wear white.

(19-09-2012, 03:09 PM)escapesouth Wrote:  It is very unfair but I myself have found that whether we like it or not sex sells. Being a small business owner and having several sales people, like it or not bigger breasted women seem to sell product much better.

I know this sounds chauvinistic but its true, it took a few years of convincing my wife of this who is not big breasted but looking at the numbers from certain sales people she saw I was right.

Personally I go for the personality and aggressive sales person but, in today's competitive world you have to do what works.

I'm curious. Are these big breasted women attractive at all, or is that all they have going for them?

I'm wondering if you have stats comparing how a modestly attractive big chested woman does against a gorgeous woman with a modest/average size chest.

(20-09-2012, 07:37 AM)BustyBabe Wrote:  I'm curious. Are these big breasted women attractive at all, or is that all they have going for them?

I'm wondering if you have stats comparing how a modestly attractive big chested woman does against a gorgeous woman with a modest/average size chest.

I dont even think some guys care about whats above the neck Tongue
So that would make a nice face and above average chest into miss universe. It really bothers me inside that things can be soo superficial with men but it feels like its only getting worse

(20-09-2012, 11:44 AM)Alexiss Wrote:  
(20-09-2012, 07:37 AM)BustyBabe Wrote:  I'm curious. Are these big breasted women attractive at all, or is that all they have going for them?

I'm wondering if you have stats comparing how a modestly attractive big chested woman does against a gorgeous woman with a modest/average size chest.

I dont even think some guys care about whats above the neck Tongue
So that would make a nice face and above average chest into miss universe. It really bothers me inside that things can be soo superficial with men but it feels like its only getting worse

Haha! I think that's probably just true in the sack. For marriage, I think the face matters just a bit more Tongue.

Well, and the personality too. I'm not too bothered about superficial guys...they're not the kind of guys who would stick around too long, or the kind that are worth being with.

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