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Advice needed for herbs that do not cause breakouts


So I've been attempting this NBE thing on and off for like 5 years. With very little success so far.

My problem right now is that I was getting breakouts while taking Greenbush's WY, FG, SP combo, so I stopped it because obviously it was doing something to my hormones to mess them up.

I haven't taken a saliva test recently. I did 4 years ago and it said they were basically normal. Nothing out of wack really. I would love to take it again, but just don't have the money to right now.

Perhaps Waihika or somebody would know of any herbs that are worth taking that do not cause breakouts? I think I could continue SP, but haven't yet as I wanted to get all the herbs out of my system.

I would like to try PM, but think that would probably make me break out, although I have a hunch I am a little low on estrogen. (I'm very skinny, athletic build, small hips, small breasts).

Any advice is appreciated. I've been trying to do NBE for so long, and have spent so much $ on it with no real results yet and it's so frustrating.

(09-09-2012, 22:46)Suspiria Wrote:  So I've been attempting this NBE thing on and off for like 5 years. With very little success so far.

My problem right now is that I was getting breakouts while taking Greenbush's WY, FG, SP combo, so I stopped it because obviously it was doing something to my hormones to mess them up.

I haven't taken a saliva test recently. I did 4 years ago and it said they were basically normal. Nothing out of wack really. I would love to take it again, but just don't have the money to right now.

Perhaps Waihika or somebody would know of any herbs that are worth taking that do not cause breakouts? I think I could continue SP, but haven't yet as I wanted to get all the herbs out of my system.

I would like to try PM, but think that would probably make me break out, although I have a hunch I am a little low on estrogen. (I'm very skinny, athletic build, small hips, small breasts).

Any advice is appreciated. I've been trying to do NBE for so long, and have spent so much $ on it with no real results yet and it's so frustrating.

Hi there,

So I am pretty much having the same problem as you are with the breakouts. I am on FG, SP, and Hops. I am getting more oily skin, and I got acne out of nowhere a few days ago, and I've only been on my program for 5 days. I posted on this board yesterday and AbiDrew85 did a good job of giving me a possible reason for the breakouts.

This is what AbiDrew85 said... "SO.... I'm going to guess your hair and breakout problems are from progestin poisoning. FG is supposedly somewhat progestinic. You might be one of those unfortunate women who react very severely to ANY amount of progestin at all."

I am thinking that I may be breaking out from the FG but I am going to continue for another week or so and see if the hormones will even themselves out, but if not then I will have to completely change my program due to the adverse effects.

Hope that might be useful to you!

Thank you so much-- That may be it, the FG. Because I don't think the SP makes me break out at all. I will experiment with just SP and WY for now.

Do you know your hormonal balance? I really wish I could take the spit test again. Whenever I get some extra money I will. I think it will help enormously in figuring out what I should be taking.


Honestly, I have yet to take a hormone test but it is probably something that I should do, but I don't have the money to splurge on it just yet! Sad

I'm doing the Greenbush herbs as well and was breaking out really bad. I did some research and looks like it was from taking Flax seed oil, one of the recommended supplements to take with the program. My skin is much better since I took it out, but the scars are still healing Sad If you are taking FS oil, def try cutting that out - it's just there for Omega-3 which we can get from other sources.

I've always heard that saw palmetto is actually an anti-acne herb, so I don't think it at least would cause any breakouts.

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