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FREE Breast Enlargement - Therapist Program


Wow, you really have good questions! Thank you!
There is a lot of background that goes into these programs, and some of it is too detailed for a quick note on the internet.

The blueprint is not genetic. It is a learned 'body state' that is realistic to each inividual person. Of course, genetics are part of the story, but a lot of the blueprint is created by looking at similar people, such as your mother, your aunt, your grandmother and (sometimes famous) people who you identify with as 'similar'.

The fact remains that you cannot lie to yourself. You can persuade yourself to progress in a new direction, and as you become more successful you can build on your success. i.e. if you're 34A and want to get to 34C - then go for 34B first, then you can reprogram your Blueprint by Deep Trance Visualisation (CD3 - afer learing CD2). When you grow 1/2 - 3/4 inch, you realise that your goal is realistic and you can change your goal.

You see, once you notice real growth, you can BELIEVE your new blueprint. Your body knows that this is a realistic 'New You' and you're 'on track'. You can keep upping the goal, until the point whereby you don't believe you can achieve that goal...

Your subconscious will never accept something you don't think is true.
If you have 'issues' with your body image, then CD6 will help you errode those issues so that you can allow yourself to believe your new goal.

If your mom has larger breasts, then - of course - it is easy to believe that you can get there also. The magic comes when you can find a way to convince yourself to accept your new blueprint. Your body will do the rest!
Looking at other women with similar body types and 1-2size larger breasts will give you a good indication what your 'short term' goal can be.

As your own growth becomes obvious, you can allow your imagination to find a way to see yourself as bigger. One of the best ways to do this is to really look at yourself 2-3 days before your period. That will give you a good indication of how you want to look 6-8 days after your cycle has started again. Because you have SEEN yourself as larger, you can use that as your blueprint for the 'smallest time of the month' and you'll be very successful.

Oh, wow, that was a very helpful explanation! I guess I was confused about the blueprint thing, as well. Thank you!

One more question--the literature mentions that participants who had uneven breasts before the program ended up evening out after the 12 weeks. Can you explain how that works? Is it through imagining having even breasts? Mine are just slightly uneven--I can't usually tell it visually in the mirror, but it's evident in pictures, and I would like to even them out, for sure!

The participants of the studies who had uneven breasts ended up with even breasts (muscle size due to left or right handedness excluded).

It may be related to the fact that the 'full potential' is the same for both sides. Additionally, when you're in hypnosis, you don't think of your breasts as different size. In fact you think of them as 'mirror images' of eachother.

Once they start growing again, the smaller breast may simply have the ability to catch up.

There is no scientific explanation for this, but we did observe it and show it as an 'added bonus'.


Thank you for clarifying that! Everything makes sense now. So basically, it would be more effective to imagine myself a little bigger and then gradually increasing my image, than focusing on my final goal from the beginning... interesting.

I've had some success with hypnosis before, it wasn't a lot, but it was enough for me to have to buy new bras in a short period of time. I wasn't disciplined enough to continue the hypnosis sessions, and I think I was also facing a lot of resistance from myself, I just basically couldn't believe that I was growing, and eventually I lost the growth that I had.

I'm happy to be participating in this study, not only because of the great hypnosis, but also because I have an extra factor encouraging me to to keep up with it - as a volunteer in the study, I have to produce results. Which brings me to another question I wanted to ask. I sent you my "before" pictures. Do you only want "after" pictures or every month, or what?

And another question: have any women grown without feeling any tingling, pain, or whatever? I look and feel bigger, but I haven't felt any of that, and I think that's part of the reason why I have a hard time believing that this is actually working, just like last time.

There's no evidence that tingling etc is required.

We do warn for changes in sensitivity, tingling etc. because we don't want anyone to panic when they feel a physical change.

Most people aren't much aware about their breasts during the normal part of the day (there are, of course, exceptions) So when you become more aware, you may feel things related to your growth, but there's nothing that indicates if you'll have 'symptoms'

Please don't send pictures every month! Unless you need to ask questions related to shape, texture etc. Some pictures reveal more need for fatty tissue, and some pictures reveal a potential for more glandular growth, but I we're not collecting the pictures.

We want to see (and publish) real start and finish results based on real women with real breasts.

A 1/2 inch growth in the 1st month could easily translate into 1.5inches in 3months (the 12 weeks). That doesn't look like much on a daily basis, but its 2 cup sizes!

Keep up the good work!

Lastly a more personal answer:
You say you previously lost interest and belief. This is why this is the THERAPIST program. You would do well using CD6 a few extra times (once you're comfortable with CD2 an CD3, of course.) CD6 is intended to help you find your personal answers to these questions.

I hope I'm not too late for that slot in your program.
I'm a long time lurker and reader on this forum and I finally decided to pursue my options in breast development.

my name is Mike and my e-mail address is

Thanks for your good work


I have been trying hypnotherapy for breast enlargement for 2 months with no results.
I would be intersted in trying your hypnosis sessions. Please contact me at

Thank you,

Hi Anthony

I have sent you a PM with regards to the program.

To everyone thats on the program, can I ask, do you feel its working so far?
Are you getting tingling/growing pains?

I'm currently trying to 'assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled' and trying to imagine how I would feel once I have my desired size.

But as I said to anthony, I know the root cause of when my unconscious mind/blueprint decided to halt the growth (it was when a family member commented my breasts were growing at age 12), and I want to be able to erase it!

Thank you in advance Smile

I'm definitely getting some growth, though they haven't really been tingling. I think I might be on the verge of moving up a size. Bras are feeling tighter, and they're kind of spilling over the side of the bra.


Is it too late to do the free trial?


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