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Hey doll thnx so much
do u mean the one in the video is conical? thought it hourglass ,,

Uh, if you're talking about Doll's comment on conical corsets, I think she was just saying that's what's needed to reshape your ribs.

If you're talking to me... I'm asking about two specific corsets, one on Amazon and the other on eBay.

I've done a little bit of looking around on the eBay seller, and it sounds like they're authentic. They're so cheap because they're made in India, where the maker lives and works. The materials there are available for much less cost than they would be in western countries.

I still can't believe that someone would make all those corsets by themselves and sell them at that kind of price when they could be asking for so much more... but... that seems to be exactly what this seller is doing.

The corset I linked to on eBay looks conical to me. I think I'm gunna just go with it! If I'm dissatisfied, the seller has a 30 day guarantee, which, if they don't honor readily for some reason, eBay will get on their case over it.

(01-09-2012, 03:16)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  I actually found something that sounds even tougher and actually costs less! Huh

Your opinion?

I'm kinda thinking about adding corset training to my plan. I think it might even look rather fashionable with my school clothes. ^^

If I get it and it looks too cheap, this one on ebay even has a 30 day refund guarantee.

I know, I can't wait to get a corset to wear over my clothes! That corset looks pretty good, I might look into getting one like that, so let us know how it works out! It looks conical to me (but as I've never owned a corset before, I'm not really an expert or anything lol).

I mean to look at the chart on that page with the different types of corsets. Hers in the video looks conical, though, but it's hard to tell.
This is a VERY small waspie corset. It's much like an hourglass one. See how it shapes around her ribs and doesn't taper in until just under them? When you go to buy one, you can always ask the seller what shape it is if you aren't sure. Here's another guide. This shows the shapes a little better. The shapes can have various names, so just look at the shape you want. There's even a description on how it works to shape you, so you can see what might be your best fit.

I'm dieting right now and exercising like crazy to get rid of my visceral fat. I'm hoping to have lost almost all of it in a month (when I say crazy, I mean it!). Once I do, I'll probably buy a corset. I'm starting to think I might be closer to a 25" waist naturally, so if I can get down to that size and start corsetting from THERE, holy cow, I'll hit my goal in no time! I'll also be able to buy a smaller corset that way so I don't outgrow it too fast. ;P

Who knows, I might actually be a 24 or 23" waist by next summer! 8D

I'm afraid tht exercising so much make me lose my butt and breasts fat tht I recently gained Huh

Heh. And here I'm actually hoping that by adding corset training that visceral fat can be more easily attacked by my body.

I've gone ahead and asked the seller about the shape of the corset. If I can get a hold of a conical one for a price I can agree with, I'll definitely be tracking my progress with it in my monthly report on my plan.

I imagine if I'm consistent enough with it and my other weight loss methods I'll probably need to go down a size within a year or two anyway ^^

If it turns out not to be able to last years and years, it's not too big a deal, since I'll be upgrading anyways. Maybe I'll get a more expensive one when it's time for the upgrade.

I obviously wasn't paying enough attention. I just realized that Romantasy is now selling a "basic" line of custom corsets. Their cheapest "basic" corset is $155, which is actually much, much cheaper than most custom corsets. They do say that the basic line is not for tightlacing and is only good for sleeping or for "beginners", but I think they only added that disclaimer to protect their good name. I think they're actually well aware that most of those "beginners" will be tightlacing, but they want to make it clear that these corsets will break or warp much more quickly than their normal corsets. Apparently their basic corsets are exactly like their normal corsets except that they have fewer layers, which means that theyre weaker. I imagine that most of the made-in-China corsets on the web have the same issue, only more so, and they don't have the advantage of being custom fitted or of being made by real, experienced corsetiers.

I know of a corset maker that used to sell real, sturdy custom tightlacing corsets for $150. She may still be selling them for that price, but it's not clear. If I can't get a sturdy corset from her for $150, than Ill probably buy one of the slightly weaker basic corsets from Romantasy.

Thanks to Doll I have been researching Yohimbine HCL and yohimburn for topical fat loss. There are lots of reviews on body building websites for this but the general consensus is that it is very hard to make a successful topical YHCL cream. That using yohimburn is pretty effective with exercise - BUT that it can go systemic after a while. That taking the cheaper alternative of the capsules is the best result but that will cause fat loss all over as well as oestrogenic fat (which I have learned about thanks to Moccachino!)

Oestrogenic fat seem to be: thigh, hip, bum and upper arm fat on women and moobs on men.

My question is will oral consumption of YHCL might cause face fat to be lost? As well as booby fat. I am not so bothered about my bum as I have never had one but the rest (face especially) would be an issue.

That said if I feel PM is giving fat thighs and waist I'll start caning the stuff! Oh yes I purchased an ESbelt for cheap on ebay and would using it in conjunction with this.

(02-09-2012, 01:39)sara_aaa19 Wrote:  I'm afraid tht exercising so much make me lose my butt and breasts fat tht I recently gained Huh

I know, I'm slightly worried about it, too, but doing things the right way will help your body to attack mostly your visceral fat. Walk each day (or however often). Walk for a good bit, then sprint or jog for about thirty seconds, then go back to walking. This back and forth will confuse your body so your weight loss will be continual and it has been proven that this burns more visceral fat than anything else.

There are plenty of women who have lost weight without losing their womanly curves, and I think that's where the difference lies. I'm crossing my fingers still, but hopefully this works right (the only thing I'm really worried about is my severe calorie reduction; if anything, THAT is the risky part). I'll let you guys know if I lose any of the good stuff...and if I do, I guess it's back to square one! ^^;

(02-09-2012, 15:15)Babakins Wrote:  Thanks to Doll I have been researching Yohimbine HCL and yohimburn for topical fat loss. There are lots of reviews on body building websites for this but the general consensus is that it is very hard to make a successful topical YHCL cream. That using yohimburn is pretty effective with exercise - BUT that it can go systemic after a while. That taking the cheaper alternative of the capsules is the best result but that will cause fat loss all over as well as oestrogenic fat (which I have learned about thanks to Moccachino!)

Oestrogenic fat seem to be: thigh, hip, bum and upper arm fat on women and moobs on men.

My question is will oral consumption of YHCL might cause face fat to be lost? As well as booby fat. I am not so bothered about my bum as I have never had one but the rest (face especially) would be an issue.

That said if I feel PM is giving fat thighs and waist I'll start caning the stuff! Oh yes I purchased an ESbelt for cheap on ebay and would using it in conjunction with this.

So Yohimbine HCl can go systematic eventually? I'll have to watch out for that. I won't take the pills themselves because it will likely cause losses in your beautiful curves (especially when I've worked so hard to get breasts and a big butt!) I much prefer using it in the cream I bought. It's meant to be used as a wrap with exercise for thermogenic weight loss, but I figure adding Yohimbine HCl will help me lose weight there even when I don't do it as a wrap (which will be much more convenient for my upper arms). It has all the ingredients for a homemade topical Yohimbine cream, too. Smile I really can't wait to see results from it, because I know once I lose these fat arms my breasts will finally start to look big on my body! I'm doing cardio to lose from my stomach anyway, so all I really need a cream for is my arms.

I measured my waist today, and somehow after only a few days of dieting and cardio, I've cut my waist from 27" to 26", and it STILL looks huge on my body. I thought I was 26" naturally, but I guess that I'm actually around 24-23". I would LOVE to be able to hit that even before I start corset training! Heck, 23" was my original waist goal, but once I reach it I'd still like to train my ribs a little bit smaller to really get that bombshell body. ;P

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