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BriLaw's Program


(25-07-2012, 09:43 PM)Brilaw Wrote:  Attaching a pic to show swelling as well as how bra pics are misleading Smile

LOL I think misleading bras and pictures are what has me so self-conscious about my breasts in the first place...

As far as your question, here's my answer I provided in my thread:

Quote:I usually get growing pains when I start something new or switch to a better brand. But not everyone will experience growing pains. I've never had them before in my life, and even now with all my gains I rarely get them. Everyone's different, you may not even feel them at all, especially for those growing a little slower.

Thanks Doll and I'll try to abstain from posting future swelling/bra picsBlush


I've began drinking green tea more often (at least 6 oz a day), eating more snacks and smaller meals after learning that I gained at least 6 lbs. since starting herbs. I found that this cycle I am getting less swelling in the first half of my cycle (probably due to the fact that I am taking smaller doses). I have really slacked on using the NB because I just don't have the time (I work 10 − 12 hr days and spend about 4 hrs in the car getting to and from work). I am posting some pics to show progress. Yesterday I skipped a day of the herbs (w/ the exception of wild yam) to kind of clear my receptors. I also added red clover about 2 weeks ago and I am experiencing more pains again.

I am currently taking:

1000 WY
800 FG extract
Multi (not too consistent with this because it gave be really bad acne before)
240 GB
No MSM or GABA - just getting a lot of sleep for HGH
600 RC
400 SP every other day or 2 - I think this caused my weight gain before

As you can see I've cut a lot of things out of my program just to see what works for me. I am doing this mainly because most of the swelling I got last month went away when my period came. I will be adding MSM and GABA back most likely next cycle.



So my period is a day late probably because I tried to take a mini break from herbs so I lowered my dosages 2 days ago (no WY, 500 RC and 1000 FG). I didn't think that would be too much of a difference but my cycle has been really regular until now.. Not sure if it's the break or life changes (i.e. starting a new job, bit of a change in diet, less exercise outside of work, move) either way I'm not happy about this especially since I'm planning on adding PM to my program. Now I'm wondering if herbs are strong enough to delay my period, PM will wreak havoc on my cycle even if I cycle. Still might give PM a shot since I ordered siriporn last week and it arrived yesterdayBig Grin

Well, off to noogle since I haven't done that in a week. Shy

One more frontal... just noticed that my nipples have gotten a bit larger surely from noogling, but maybe from growth? I hope so, can't really see much of a difference, do you girls?

Brilaw, I think you have grown abit. Congrats!

They look more plumpTongue

I think you've definitely grown a bit, too! That's exciting. I can't wait to get tested for hormones and start nbe! I already take msm, gingko balboa, omega 3s, a multi, etc. just for overall health.

But I'd love to add SP once I figure out my hormonal stance haha.

Thanks 32DD and Tibetan113,

I can't really tell much of a difference between my pics but I think that's probably because I look at them too often. I really wish I could use a tape measure, but I can't get an accurate and consistent measurement.


My period came today, making this past cycle the longest cycle I've had this year (38 days) - 4 days longer than usual. I'm pretty sure this is the result of my taking a break right before my period was due. I also think that greenbush's red clover & soy isoflavones extract is really strong, possibly too strong for me to use alongside any other phytoestrogens. Now that I will be adding PM to my program I will be dropping RC. I am afraid of PM messing with my cycle, I'll wait before starting PM.

Yeah. PM is some very powerful stuff! You're right to be afraid of it...

Deoxy-miroestrol is like... wow. If you know anything about chemistry at all and then take a look at a human estradiol molecule, and then take a look at a dexy-miroestrol molecule... The stuff is almost identical. Eerily so. And I don't mean "close" as in horse shoes and hand grenades. I mean close as in I seriously doubt a hormone test would tell the difference unless it was extremely specialized.

Now... girls do use PM successfully, so if you do decide to switch, just listen to all the experience from the other girls here, I'm sure you could find a way to introduce it safely.

Thanks for the info AbiDrew,

I've been researching PM for a while now, I actually wanted to start NBE with PM only. But I think I want to go with a program modeled after Chiyomilk's, probably one really similar to Ginie's. But I think I will be taking a break and cleansing for a few months so that I can begin BBT charting for the next 3-6 months. Although I'm itching to start PM I really want it to work and so I want to do it right (or as right as possible). Also, I want to start being a consistent noogler before starting PM. I just restarted taking my herbs after a short break (1000 WY, 1000 FG, 240 GB) but I did drop SP and RC for the time being.. although I will be taking SP as needed (i.e. when I break out).


Decided against cleansing - mainly because I haven't been doing NBE for that long and I am worried about losing the little growth I've had.

My first PM cycle is nearing its end.

This cycle I did not start taking PM until day 5 or 6. I was worried about PM making my cramps worse. I used PM until 4 days before I ovulated and then proceeded to take FG and WY. I am taking about 1000 WY (not sure for what reason but I have 3 full bottles) and 1000 FG extract during my luteal. When my period starts I will stop the FG/WY and begin taking PM as close to day 1 as I can (depending on the intensity of my cramps). I haven't noogled in about a week but my period is due to start Oct. 6 so there is a bit of pre menstrual swelling.

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