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NotSoBusty's Routine

Hello ladies! I am back, finally!! I missed this forum, and it looks like I have quite a lot of reading/research to do and new people to meet! I have a few things to share, as well.

I am starting back with NBE in September, my next cycle. I chose September simply because my period started early and caught me off-guard and therefore hindering me from starting a proper NBE cycle in August. Oh, well. It gives me a little more time to get adjusted to my new apartment and gather the right supplements.

Speaking of which, I think I am going to try WonderUp pills and pair it with some kind of cream. I have to review the notes that I left myself previously to be sure of which kind of cream I will be using. I'll also take a few other supplements along with it, but I have some more reading to do see which ones I deem more important than the others. I will probably continue with the gHP Sport amino acid pills, because those are really for exercise but are just a bonus for NBE.

Speaking of exercise....yeah, I need to get back to that. I literally did not exercise for the past 3 months, not really by choice. I know it is just an excuse, but it is just hard to find time to exercise while traveling/on vacation in foreign countries. Needless to say, I gained about 7-10 very visible pounds. I am not a happy camper. I was supposed to go out tonight with my boyfriend and some friends, and I literally stayed home upset because everything I packed to wear is too small for me when it used to all fit so perfectly. I gained about 2.5-3 inches in my waist. UGHHH. So, part of my plan is also to get back into shape. So, I will once again be losing weight/toning while trying to grow a little more boob. This combination usually works well for me, so okay. I also am going to do the squeem, so I need to research that a bit on here too. I want to get my waist from the current 29 inches that is now (does NOT look good on my figure/frame) down to my normal 26. With squeem, I hope it to make it 25 or 24. We shall see.

ALSO!!!! I told my boyfriend about NBE. After he finished his speech about how he doesn't think I need to change anything about my body, I shouldn't let myself feel as though I need to live up to other people's expectations, and that he loved me for who I am with or without boobs, he thought it was pretty cool and supported me. He was just worried about my psychological well-being, because he knows something obviously prompted me to do this, and he is afraid that it hurts me. He is just concerned, but I am glad he knows now!! What a relief. Now he REALLY helps with the massages! haha! Tongue

Still a small 32C. Hopefully I can retain this while I shrink everything else, because they are really starting to look like boobs. Cool.

Right now, I am in the process of researching what I think will be the most essential. Some of the pills I take are to make up for a lack of proper diet as a college student, and some supplement exercise but are bonus for NBE. I personally like ainterol, and the spray didn't smell funny and it absorbed quickly! I hope all is going well for you!! Smile

Well, I wanted to order some WonderUp, but in the midst of moving and a monetary roadblock, I am just going to have to use up the last of my PM until I can afford it. I started after my period (2 or 3 days ago) and am only going to take 1 pill for this first month and then increase it to 2 for month 2 and 3. I am also using up my old supplements. I am just doing a little pill-closet cleanse while I save up some money for WonderUp. In the meantime, might as well grow boobs and not just throw it all out!

I haven't found the time to noogle yet, but I am still very much so in the middle of moving (such a mess!!). Hopefully I can start including that again by the end of this week.

I am just under 36" and my boobs look like they are starting to take shape. They feel "mushier" and are on the fuller side of a handful. So, hopefully by the end of these three months I can consider myself a full 32C!

I love growing boobies. While I wasn't doing any NBE this summer, I felt like a part of me was missing! And for the record, I am not sure if there is any speculation anymore on this forum about whether or not PM is permanent, but all of my growth has been permanent. I lost nothing at all while taking a 3-4 month break. SO yeah, just incase anyone was still debating that issue.

I am almost out of my ainterol atomizer spray, so I am looking into new topicals while I finish my PM pills. I always really liked was GorgeousBlonde has brought to the board, and I have been reading her posts today. She is using Biovea PM Cream ( and it is not too expensive, so I might try it. However, I did a little but of searching for it on google, and it came up with some very bad reviews about how the company is "illegal" and whatnot. I would just hate to spend my money on a fake product or something that may not even be delivered. Does anyone else have experience with this cream?

I also want to incorporate a cream with volufiline in it and see how it works with PM pills/cream combination. It sounds like a very promising product, but I need to do more research. Right now I am looking at Breast Success, Voluplus, and Aumenti. We'll see where this takes me...

Any input or experiences with any of these creams is obviously encouraged.

Hi Notsobusty!

Glad to see you are back! I took a couple months off the forum too, but not for any other reason than laziness and now I deeply regret it because of all the catching up I have to do!

Just popping in to say congrats on keeping all your growth, and also on telling your boyfriend! It is awesome of him to give you a speech about how you are perfect the way you are (because you really are!) and also support you. Mine just said "ok" Rolleyes and without the speech it just confirmed my lack of confidence in the chest area. (I know I know, it's really my own issue to work with)

Anywho, good luck on putting together a new program of things. I know I have to do some of that myself, and I have a lot of reading ahead of me Dodgy

I'll be keeping an eye on the things you deem good and necessary Wink

Thank you, gilly! It is so good to be back, and to see you back too!! I hardly recognize any of the names on here anymore, but it's fun to read all the new programs and research. It's also really fun to see a few members who were just starting out having a lot of success and turning into "seasoned" members. I love this forum!! So supportive and informative.
I still can't believe I told me boyfriend, but it is sooo nice. He massages for me every single day (as if he needed any more incentive....Rolleyes ) and lets me send my "boobie packages" to his house, because it is more private than mine. He is now a valuable asset to my program, because without him, I have a hard time keeping up with massage, and I can already tell a difference since he's started helping out!
We will gain more confidence in the chest area, me and you, and then some!! I'll be keeping an eye on your updates, of course!! Smile

I ordered some cream! I decided to stick with the Ainterol Brands for PM, because I have liked them and had success. I ordered more of the 20% serum and also decided to try their cream. Should be here any day now! I also ordered Aumenti with volufiline. I am going to combine this with my PM cream/spray to see how they work together. Could be great, could not. We'll see! The logic behind it, in my not-so-scientific mind, is that the PM will do its job influencing my breast tissue to enhance and the volufiline will help concentrate it more in my breast area. I hope they work together! So far, I am planning to use the spray in the morning and the PM cream and Aumenti lotion at night.

I will let all you boobie-growing fanatics how it goes!

So, went to get properly sized again today at VS as well as a nice, small lingerie boutique in my area. It just sets my mind at ease to know that yes, I have grown/am growing and it is not all in my head. Both came out to be a 32C. Not even close to a 32B anymore. Not a chance. I tried on a completely non-padded 32C at VS and a non-padded 30D at the small boutique (sister size), and they both fit perfectly. I learned something interesting about VS bra sizes too. Their "Body by Victoria" line is true to size, but the other ones vary depending on style and line (the gorgeous, very sexy, VS pink, etc.) by around 1/2 cup size bigger or smaller. It all depends on those factors, but their Body by Victoria is supposed to be true to size. So, yeah. Thought that was interesting and could help some people who get sized at VS.

I've been feeling a little down lately and need a little support and encouragement.

Don't get me wrong. I love NBE, the process, and all that I have learned about my body, but sometimes I break down. Seeing all the other girls in the world with large boobs, real or fake, is torture and it makes me envious and jealous to the core, deep in my bones. It practically gives me anxiety. Progress is so slow and gradual that sometimes I am ready to throw in the towel and get plastic surgery. I look up doctors, prices (it is surprisingly affordable, even more so than fat transfer!! UGH Sad ), and look at how much bigger they could be. But then I go to sleep that night and imagine laying on my side with huge plastic sacks in my chest, and I realize how uncomfortable that would be and how much I don't want that, so I feel helpless.

In my opinion, plastic surgery has completely fucked up society's image of breasts, including sizes and the actual, real PURPOSE of breasts. I am completely susceptible to this social ill. I hate when I look at the sites, and they say that a woman went from a 32A (who was probably actually a B cup) to a 32C that looks like a full set of D's. There is no way that woman who is now an augmented "32C" can fit into one of my 32C bras!!!! It's like plastic surgeons have no concept of band size to bust measurement and just classify a particular, general size to a certain cup without any consideration of the woman's frame. It is so frustrating to see that "32C" and then look at my own breasts, and realize that to rest of the world, I am an A cup.

I just want a nice rack to balance out my body. My lack of boobs takes its toll on my entire self-image. I feel fat, and I am self conscious about various parts of my body because they aren't matched by my boobs. It's like a chain reaction that all starts with my breasts.

I broke down and bought a VS push-up bathing suit by the Gorgeous Collection, not the 2 cup increase one, but it has pretty dramatic/extreme lift. I am not a huge fan of crazy push-ups, because once they are taken off, *poof* goes the boobs, which are quickly replaced by shame and embarrassment. I put it on and felt amazing. I looked like I had very full C cups, and the chain reaction followed suit. I didn't feel self conscious about my broad shoulders, my deep rib-cage, my tummy, my butt, or my thighs. It all looked proportionate!!! I felt like I had my dream body, but as soon as I took it off, I felt like a disproportionate, chubby little boy again.

I want to get fat transfer so badly, but there are not any doctors in my area right now, and I do not have enough saved up. So, regardless, I have to continue with NBE until I have saved up enough for the procedure. Hopefully, by then, the procedure is more fine-tuned, researched, and affordable.

Sorry for the melodramatic rant, but sometimes this can just be so hard and I need to vent to someone other than my boyfriend, who "understands" but doesn't at the same time. My quest for breasts via NBE was driven by my own insecurity about their size. Like most of you, I have always longed to have big, beautiful breasts, and I always have felt like less of a woman. Lately, my insecurity has hit an all-time high, and my poor boyfriend is taking the brunt of it. I know that I have come a long way since the beginning, but sometimes it feels like my boobs are not actually growing, but rather bras are shrinking. It just blows my mind how some women just naturally grew perfect breasts, but some of us struggle and work so hard to get what they effortlessly were blessed with. It just seems unfair, but such is life.


I know EXACTLY what you are saying!

I'm CONSTANTLY padding the tiny little beestings I've got and it just drives me insane not having any real boob.

I'm really hoping that with my plan they'll just up and really take off. I'm trying to figure out how to increase my daily protein while keeping my calories low so I can burn off all my excess weight around my midsection but still be able to make progress. That danged midsection fat is just sooooo stubborn! :/


AAAAAW don't feel sad we'll help yu get bigger boobies *joins hands for all booby growers and wishes good booby wishes on us all!

But yes I know what you mean too, sometimes I get sad about how I feel boob-wise but I spent my whole life at teh back of teh queue and being ignored and as an after thought that I realised that I should try and do something.

I personally don't have an issue with surgery but like you would hate feeling plastic lumps inside me and I would feel like I had cheated! I have always been teh flat one and even my best friend used to tease me about how flat chested I was. She incidentally got breast cancer and I helped her through the treatment but all teh time she would look at me and I knew she wondered why it had been her and not me. As she had beautiful boobs and I had none. We parted ways because she was not a happy person and I realised she had never wanted good things for me. It hurt a lot but I knew that I could not be put down by a person about my boobs.

I have learned a great deal from being on here and from everyone's stories, we all care about each other even if we have never seem or met one another and I like that.

Listening to blaketalks helped me understand why my boobs stopped growing and that has been a revelation. My father died very suddenly when I was 11 probably bang in the middle of puberty (my periods started at the same time) my body is the same as it was then. So now I know what caused the mess around and as Kenneth Blake says, teh reason for the pause in growth is long past most so it should not matter anymore NOW. He is right, and I have moved on but just having an insight into myself and my past has helped me understand that I am not a boobless freak!


Thank you ladies for the support! Sometimes this whole process can be sooo overwhelming, and I snap!! If it weren't for this forum full of knowledgable NBEr's, I might go crazy. I hope NBE is treating both of y'all well, and you are getting the results you DESERVE! Smile

Anywho, I took a few days to reflect, adjust my attitude, and reemerge bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. I love NBE, but some days it takes it's toll. I am working on my self esteem and really trying to chalk myself up to more than my bra size. I usually work out a lot, but I fractured my big toe a few weeks ago, and it just isn't healing!! Exercise really gives me that boost I need, so hopefully it will heal SOON!!!

My spray/cream have not arrived yet, and I am getting anxious! I can't wait to try Aumenti!

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