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I want boobs, yes.
But for my dream of an exargerrated hourglass figure, I want a booty too. Big Grin
C'mon I can't be the only one. Anyways, I'm just making this to keep together stuff I find about maximizing the gluteus, and so others can share and all that good stuff on forums ^_^.

No idea how accurate these are, but until I can find out more...Here:

"Holy Basil: Basil is an adaptogen which helps your body adapt to difficult circumstances. When we get older, even when in high school, we live busy lifes. I work, continue my education, and make sure I spent the needed amount of time with my family. This generation has a lot on our plates now days with little “play time”. Basil regulates insulin, reduces stress, lowers cortisol and triglyceride levels, has anti aging & skin hydrating abilities, it also helps cleanse the liver which is important with using supplements. Everything is typically absorbed through your liver. This helps your body and helps you achieve a greater waist to hip ratio promoting a hourglass figure. Holy Basil is GREAT at slimming your midsection!"

"Alfalfa: Alfalfa is a great superfood and helps balance estrogen levels. If you have low estrogen levels it will help stimulate estrogenetic activity. If your levels are too high, it will help block estrogen. Alfalfa has also been known to help slim your waistline by minimizing the amount of fat your body stores in that area."
This was found here.

The site also says Bigger Butt Pills to use with the above herbs.

There is also Isosensuals Curve. I have this, but I haven't used it yet Tongue I want to tone up my thighs and butt then work on getting it bigger.

Other things I've found:

Just throwing out ideas and all. Big Grin

Girl, you are wasting your money! The best way to a big booty is through workout! I mention it a few times in my program page. The BEST website for learning how to do this is BlackHairMedia's Body Types Forum. This is where I've learned how to grow my booty! I went from a size 3 pant to a size 7, just from working out! Smile (Lol most women aren't so excited about growing into a larger pant size.) You should join that site if it's really something you want, because there's a lot more information on it over there and it's much more active in that type of discussion.

I'm working on an "anime" body, so of course I want a very exaggerated butt and waist! (Even though for some reason a LOT of anime girls have huge boobs but no

Here's my recent post from over there:
I love this video, he shows you how to get a bigger butt using your own muscles as resistance. And man, does it work! I always feel my muscles burning the next day!
Frog Squats. I switch on and off between these and regular squats with dumbbells. I like to keep my workouts fresh when I can. Smile
I don't usually do this with a dumbbell, but ankle weights instead. Using ankle weights lets you lift your leg higher and work the butt muscles more than the leg muscles, but I might start switching on and off with dumbbells, too. And sometimes I just do donkey kicks, too, although I prefer these now because I can feel them working the muscles more.
Cardio AND butt building all in one. Smile I usually try to do this at the end of a workout to increase the fat my body burns and also help my butt. If you do this on days you do butt workouts, PLEASE do butt workouts first and end your session with this! They're too hardcore to do one right after the other! Lol
Leg circles. Best when done with ankle weights. These work your hips more than your butt, although they do work both quite well. Smile

I'm going to be adding more workouts soon, I'll post them once I try them out Friday. Once I get to 41", I'll post pics so people can see the results from these workouts. Smile

I do all these workouts with 2lb ankle weights and at least 5-10lb dumbbells. Although once you reach a plateau in the growth spurts, you need to increase the weight (I'll probably be buying 20lb dumbbells and extra ankle weights soon to double my weight). Also, as I always say, the BEST way to achieve growth is protein, protein, protein! Have a protein shake after each workout (must be around 60-100g protein!), and increase your protein intake every day. Workout every other day or every three days, so your muscles have time to heal. If you don't let them heal, you'll actually SLOW your muscle growth! I usually only get to work out once or twice a week because of my schedule and have gotten great results despite how rarely I workout.

You butt won't be as much fat, so it won't jiggle as much, but it'll be firm and large and BEAUTIFUL! <3

And since you're trying to tone your legs, too, these exercises will also help with that! Win/Win!

Haha! I haven't gotten anything except the Isosensuals which was a one time buy. XD

:O I'm so glad I'm not the only one with an "anime" type body goal, lol. Except, I wanna have butt with the boobs Big Grin.

Okay! I'll go join now!! Smile

I wanted to go with exercise for getting a butt, except I kinda have one naturally. Although I really want a bigger one, one where I can where any pants and it just pops! Lol, I dream big ^_^.

You started out so much smaller than me, I'm currently at a size 7, and my butt is just, meh... I'm afraid working out will get it nice and toned and high and firm, but not soft or anything :/. This sound weird but it's the best way I can describe it, so please bear with me Big Grin.
I don't want a butt that's best for just looking at, I want a touchable butt! Not that people are touching my butt, nor will they, I just mean a butt that is equal enough firm as it is soft and a bit jiggly-ish. Blush

I don't know if that made any sense....

Anyways, thanks!! You're really helpful! I'll go join there.

Now I can have my forum for boobs, and a forum for my butt (and other things).

Thanks again!! Big Grin

Lol I understand exactly what you're trying to describe. It does make your butt a little harder,'s a touchable hardness, if that makes sense. Lol It'll still jiggle, it'll just be a little firmer. Mine was pretty small (although for my small pant size, it was still pretty big--just looked like I didn't have a butt in pants!) I didn't have too much fat to work with in the beginning, but now even though it's firmer, it's still VERY touchable and still pretty squishy.

Since you have a bigger butt already, you've got more fat to work with, so it'll probably stay pretty squishy anyway, especially if you don't grow too much muscle.

Also, AVOID CARDIO if possible. Cardio will destroy all the fat on your butt, and then it really will be all muscle! Lol Cardio is ok to do for 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week, just to maintain fitness (I would never tell someone to cut it out completely), but any more than that will burn too much fat and your body will eventually break down and use the fat in your butt! D:

Okay! Thanks!! Big Grin As long as it's getting bigger.

Haha, I was wondering about that. I was hoping I'd always have some fat there because it's just natural.

You answered my next question!! Tongue
Okay, so cardio isn't completely banned. That's good. I want to be able to (have the option) to do cardio sometimes, and 3 days a week is good enough. The only problem is it seems impossible for me to be able to have boobs, a butt, and a flat tummy Sad. Ugn. I'd like the little layer of fat on my belly to become really thin ^_^.


Don't worry, with a bigger booty, your stomach will look a lot smaller! And if you're really worried about it, buy a workout sweat band for your stomach (I think they're like $5 at Wal-Mart) and wear it while you work out. It'll help heat up the stomach while you workout, which will not only burn extra calories and fat, but help break down the fat in your stomach so when you workout, your body will try to use fat from there first!

Also, fish oil helps build lean muscle, so over maybe a year's time, you'll have less body fat and a more toned body with consistent exercise. SmileSmile (Plus, fish oil is good for NBE! Win/win!)

Oh! That's cool! I'll try to get one, though I'm not sure when. It's not super high priority right now. ^_^ Lol very true, a bigger butt will make my stomach look smaller. It's funny because even now (It doesn't look like it...I think...) my waist is pretty small compared to my butt and thighs. 90% percent of jeans fit me nicely until they reach my waist, then they kind of flop off Tongue.

I'm so excited to get the body I want! Even if it's not exactly what I want, as long as it's more than where I'm at. Imagine if I can buy bigger, new bras by winter! Big Grin Not sure if that's possible, but it's a lovely dream.

Fish Oil sounds like something I need in my diet ^_^ not enough EFAs.

I have a nice petite hourglass already but want it more pronounced. I'm going to try focusing on my breasts and my butt. I looked in the mirror like two days ago and was shocked to see my butt wasn't the nice round toned butt I had a few weeks ago.

So I did some exercising and its right back to where it was, but I don't want it to happen again so I'll be doing mini exercises from now on. Hip Thursts, Butt Clenches, and something new I'm doing is where I stand with my feet spread apart abut a 2.5' to 3.00' and twist the top of body around while at the same time doing a side squat. My butt muscles are really activated doing this!

Hoping to get to 40" soon but it's not about the inches but more so the look and feel.

The easiest way to a big booty is to sit on it...


No, really. I live a mostly sedentary life style and my butt is huuuge.

I really do need to figure out a way to get fat off and keep it off my midsection though :/

(03-09-2012, 19:44)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  The easiest way to a big booty is to sit on it...


No, really. I live a mostly sedentary life style and my butt is huuuge.

I really do need to figure out a way to get fat off and keep it off my midsection though :/

That'll make it flat and wide though not round, big and bubbly.


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