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Dark_Lovly's Program (Newbie)


Finally got a new routine thats giving my good results! My breast are fuller & seem to be growing quickly. I have a whole lot of tingling & pains. I've added Maca & Hops! Which I don't regret at all. I need to start measuring regularly! I haven't since I first started NBE! As of now my dosing is kind of low, only because I want to slowly add & subtract herbs to see whats actually working for me.

Maca - 1000mg
Fennel - 450mg
Hair & Skin (MSM & Glucosamine) -600mg & 400mg

I always forgetBlush so I just focus on drinking LOTS water & Soy milk. & Eating food high in protein.

Fennel - 450mg
Hair & Skin (MSM & Glucosamine) -600mg & 400m
Hops - 1240 mg
FG - 1220mg

I've also noticed since I added Maca & Hops that my stomach is less bloated. My sex drive is out of this world! & my skin & hair look amazing. Big Grin

Congrats on your progress Dark_Lovly!!
I read that you hate water (w/ the exception of flavored water) - tea would be a great way for you to up you water intake and different way for you to take herbs. I've read that most girls take fennel in the form of tea, not sure if this works better.... maybe Isabelle could chime in with some herbal expertise TongueBig Grin

Sorry about your fenugreek experience, I still use it even though it definitely effects my natural odor (now I take as many as 4 showers a day). I used to take maca and boy did it give me the sex drive of a 16 y.o. I was insatiable smh Tongue (TMI) sorry! But I should warn you it made me gain weight like crazy esp. in my butt/thighs (but thats why I started taking it in the first place). I stopped taking it 7months ago but the weight didn't go away and it doesn't fluctuate like it did before. I think there's mixed feelings about maca and NBE but I hope it works well for you. Watch out for weight gain!

Thanks Brilaw!

I actually still take FG. Just in a smaller dose. I guess I might of just been taking too much. I don't know. For the smell I make sure I eat a lot of garlic & yogurt.. not at the same time lol .. but it helps with the smell a lot.

And I am welcoming the weight gain. I'm petite, I only weigh 109 (last time I checkedHuh I have no idea how much I weigh now lol) & I'm 5'1. I wouldn't mind gaining 10lbs just to give me more curves.


Congratulations Moe,

Good to read you picked the program that works for you early on. Be careful with glucosamine, though. It can increase insulin resistance, and that deposits fat inside the abdomen. It's hard to slim your mid section on glucosamine.

About teas, I drink goat's rue tea all day. The maximum dose for fennel seed tea is two cups - 400 mg. I stopped licorice and spearmint-licorice because they complicate my program.

Keep going, good job Smile

Thanks Isabelle! ^.^

I have noticed my belly getting bigger within the last 3 days. My mother even asked me if I was pregnant today Sad I thing i might switch to something that doesn't have any glucosamine. Just the MSM. Because I work out everyday, & I actually noticed my 6pack coming back. So its putting my back a lot.

At least my boobs are getting bigger TongueBig Grin

I want to start drinking the goat's rue tea, I just wonder where to get it & if it tastes good.

You're welcome Moe,

Goat's rue tea tastes more like instant soup than like tea at first, but I got used to it: I don't drink any other tea any more. Forum members in the US buy it from Mountain Rose herbs. Use a tea pot with a lid or a tea infuser mug to make it: it must be kept hot for at least twenty minutes. It just doesn't work if it's not steeped long enough.

Will do Isabelle! I like instant soapTongue But I'm I haven't bought any yet. But once I do I'll add it to my routine right away.


Been a little lazy with the Chiyomilk fat transfer massage =/ Starting back on it today. I usually only do it at night but I think I'm going to add it to my morning routine too. Just in case I do forget to do it at night.

I have noticed my booty getting a lot bigger then it was. & since I've also been slacking on my daily work out. I have a tear drop booty Blush Oh well.. I just need to get back on it!!!

My breast are starting to even out. Haven't noticed a big difference in growth in the past 2 weeks other then that. Dodgy Kind of disappointing .. I do feel pains & tingling.. I think I'll see more progress once I start the fat transfer again. Might even add the hair & skin w/ MSM & Glucosamine back to my routine just because it made my skin & eye lashes look amazing =] .. I will just take it in lower doses to my stomach doesn't get big again..

I don't plan on changing my routine again for at least 3 months. Only thing I want to add is goats rue tea or oil to my massage.

Might have to stop using Meca or Hops, one of them is giving me acne DodgySad After doing more and more research I'm leaning more toward the Meca. Probably might replace it with Saw Palmetto.


Hey ladies & Gents!

Feeling really good about my program. I have a lot of new swelling & hopefully growth. I keep forgetting to buy measuring tape tho! I always end up buying other crap.Tongue

Discovered that it wasn't the Meca casing my acne! I ended up starting my period for like a day. Which is kinda weird. I'm guessing its because I forgot to take me herbs like 4 days in a row. A day after my period stopped the acne went away.

I'm a little discouraged that my right breast is growing a lot slower then the left side. It's starting to become more noticeable. I read that sometime s after breast feeding one breast is left with poor blood circulation.. ? I know that breast are sisters not twins, but the breast that is smaller use to be the BIGGER one!!! *Shrugs* I don't know..

I remember seeing in someones threat that they was taking something to increase blood circulation. NOW I CAN'T FIND ITDodgy *Hopefully someone who knows will read this threat & let me know!

Heres My current program with a few changes.

Chi Fat transfer massage & 30 mins of rotations
w/ Now Solutions Lavender almond massage oil *New* (Which gives me AMAZING swelling)
2 Fenugreek
2 Meca
1 Wild Yam *New*
1 fennel

Protein! Tall glass of Chocolate Milk or Soy Milk
Chicken, Beef, or Turkey
With some kind leafy greens (usually a salad)
*No Herbs because I always forget to take them.

2 Fenugreek
2 Hops
1 Wild Yam *upping the dose after 2 weeks*
1 Fennel

After Bath:
Put Now Lavender oil on breast & Let it sit for 2mins.
Chi fat transfer message (adding cocoa butter to my belly&booty) & 30 - 45 min Rotations

Thats it!! Big Grin

OH AND .. I've noticed that my body is more of an hour-glass shape now! Pushing the fat toward my breast & Booty is really defining my figure. That & working out more. I'm still really excited!!!

Congrats on your progress!!

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