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Possible switch from UB to PM


Ok, as the title states, I'm thinking of switching from Ultra Breast to PM but I have so many questions. Blush

I've been taking UB for about a week and a half and I know I should give it more time, but I was just wondering if PM might be more effective. I've got a 2 month supply and I couldn't figure out if I would get better results from PM in those two months...I'm 20yrs old turing 21 in November and on Apri bc pills (desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol, 28 days of active pills). I use a backup form of bc as well. If I make the switch, would I have to cleanse? If so, how long?

Also, I was thinking of buying the Ainterol PM capsules and possibly the cream if it helps. Does this work? Or is there a better brand? I've read about Biovea, but I've heard more about I wouldn't know which site to get Biovea from (us, uk, eu...if it matters) Tongue. The only thing I see between the two is a price diff and the # of capsules per jar.

Annndd~ If I do decide to go with Ainterol, which site do I get that from? There's amazon,, and

Sorry for the long post, but thank you for the help!! Big Grin

Hellloooo~ ? TongueTongueTongue

Hi kira117,

I'm at the complete opposite as you are, I've been on PM for 2 months with no growth to report and I've been thinking of switching to BO. I think b4 doing that ill try the milk thistle cleanse and try again b4 totally giving up on PM.
You haven't been long on UB maybe you should give it time but if not do the cleanse b4 starting PM so you don't hit a brick wall like I have. I wish you the best of luck and results on your program, keep us updated : )

Thanks for replying! Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

That's interesting! What was your starting size and what PM brand are you taking? I'm starting at 32C/34B...I just asked because I read that it may take more or less time depending on the amount of breast tissue....but then again, some just seem to be fast responders Tongue

Yea, I think a cleanse would definitely help you out. That way, your body can get a fresh start! I haven't had any issues with UB...YET lol. It's just I'm kind of doubting whether or not it'll work due to me not being able to meet the requirements...It says you need about 90g of protein, but being a poor college kid making her own food, it's hard for me to just get half of that :/. I guess I feel like it'd be easier to meet the req of PM for it to work, but it's so different for different people that I don't even know lol!Big Grin

Hi! I am also on an estrogen/progesterone BCP (Sprintec), and I'm taking Ainterol PM. The link you would want to follow is this one: for their products that are shipped within the US and arrive much quicker. (Not all of their products are available to be shipped that way though, so if you don't see what you want, you can look in the other sections.) I use this one but they have a new one out that's supposed to be more potent but it doesn't ship from the US. (I wouldn't want to use it anyway because I'm trying to be very careful to avoid becoming estrogen dominant. Don't want anything too strong.)

For a topical, I ordered Ro-Bust lotion from Siriporn. I don't have any experience with Ainterol's creams or sprays so I can't comment on them, but I can say that I've only used Ro-Bust twice and my breasts are already sore and fuller.

I hope that helps some! Smile

Hi shortcake!

I love your name, it just sounds so cute lol Big Grin Thank you for your help! I was worried about the estro dom thing too. I took an online test and I think I'm slightly low in estro...but I'm not sure bc I felt like I didn't really fit the symptoms Tongue I think I'll make the switch someday...How long have you been taking the PM and have you had any results from it? or bad side effects?

I've heard of RoBust, I kept meaning to try it before I started the BO, but I kept forgetting Blush

Hi, Kira! And thank you! Smile I loved Strawberry Shortcake (the cartoon) so much when I was growing up that people started calling me that and I guess it kinda stuck around. hehe Smile

I have only been taking PM for a week and a half now, and my breasts are SO sore and full already. They haven't been this big and full since I was pregnant and breastfeeding! Only time will tell if any of this will become actual growth, but I can tell you how much I'm *loving* the fullness I have now! I may actually have to go out and buy some new bras soon if I get any bigger.

As for negative side-effects, I really don't think I've had any! There were a couple of times I got a slight headache that may have been from the PM, but it was always when I had taken a bit more for a couple days in a row, so if that was the case then it was my own fault. I'm trying to keep it at 500mg per day (of Ainterol) but some days I end up taking 750mg if I don't have time to empty a capsule in juice and take it that way. I'll end up just taking the whole capsule and then another half at night. The headaches also could have just been random though, because I do normally get them from time to time.

I can say that it's done some positive things for me though! My nails already look better and are a bit stronger, my hair feels softer, my sex drive is better (it's naturally very high but the bcps kind of killed it), and my mood is better. It seems my body is liking what its getting!


(24-07-2012, 21:19)kira1117 Wrote:  Thanks for replying! Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

That's interesting! What was your starting size and what PM brand are you taking? I'm starting at 32C/34B...I just asked because I read that it may take more or less time depending on the amount of breast tissue....but then again, some just seem to be fast responders Tongue

Yea, I think a cleanse would definitely help you out. That way, your body can get a fresh start! I haven't had any issues with UB...YET lol. It's just I'm kind of doubting whether or not it'll work due to me not being able to meet the requirements...It says you need about 90g of protein, but being a poor college kid making her own food, it's hard for me to just get half of that :/. I guess I feel like it'd be easier to meet the req of PM for it to work, but it's so different for different people that I don't even know lol!Big Grin

I started at 32" inches and before starting PM i was taking herbs and grew to 34" then deflated to 331/2 inches. The first month I took ainterol PM and my period was delayed almost 3 weeks so it was too strong for me and there was no growth. The second month I started using siriporn PM and grew to 341/2 inches then deflated back to my starting point which is 331/2 ( i think i had more success taking the herbs ) Im figuring since starting off on herbs without doing a cleanse might have hindered the effects of the PM.
Your right, it might be cheaper to use the PM and if that doesnt work at least you have UB at hand. Its good to do a cleanse b4 taking PM since it might not work. Im taking chiyomilks advice about what to do if PM doesnt work which is to stop taking it do a cleanse and start again. The encouraging thing is that shes also had times when the PM wasnt working and she had to stop and restart and she'd break the plateau and keep growing.
trust me sometimes I just want to throw in the towel. 3 of my friends just got their boobs done and another is getting hers done in 2 weeks so its kinda fustrating. The key to all this is patience
I wish you all the best with your regimen ; )


Awesome! I'm glad that PM seems to be working for you so quickly Big Grin. I wonder if I'll be that lucky lol! I'm wondering if I should wait or not because I heard that you should be 21+, but I don't turn 21 for another 4 months...I think I might be fine though!

You must've been one of the lucky ones to only get slight headaches! I was hesitant about PM because I didn't want to be bleeding when I wasn't supposed to be and have screwed up periods lol Tongue


Thanks for the info Big Grin

I always wondered what to do if PM ended up not working, like do I give it a few more months or am I wasting my time lol! I think I might either give UB another month or I might just go ahead and use up my 2 month supply. I feel like I'm just impatient lol! I want to make sure I'm using the right stuff the first time instead of spending 5 months to see if something is actually working lol.

Honestly, I wish I had the money for BB because I heard that it was really good but it's just soooo expensive Dodgy. Maybe I'll buy some MSM and give UB a little more time...If I get too anxious I'll probably make the switch Tongue

Thank you, and good luck on yours too! I will say that you still got 1.5in in about a month or two. I'll be happy to get to a full D or a DD (I think that's like...2-3 more inches? XD)

Hi all!Big Grin

I figured that I'd re-use this thread instead of making a new one XD! I'm really thinking of making the switch to PM very soon, but I'm wondering:

Would it be really ok for me to take it?

I'm 20 years old (21 in November) and on a bc pill that is 0.15mg desogestrel and 0.03mg ethinyl estradiol. I really don't want to be wasting my time with the PM if it's not going to work...I've been reading a lot and have seen a lot of people who have had success, but then again I've seen people who HAVEN'T had any luck lol!

I know there's some sort of age requirement, but I know of some girls that have been fine on it and they are close to/the same age as I am.

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