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blood test questions. please help me!


I want to test hormone using blood test. I dont your salvia test because Blood test is quite cheap in my country. However, I have few questions to ask. Please help me on these questions:
1. What hormones should I test?
2. How can I read the result? I mean what is the standard level of each hormone so that I can base on them to know whether my hormone is balanced or not?

Your answering will help me a lot.
Thank you guys in advance.

I would do free testosterone and estrogen.

All hormones that would be helpful to test:
estradoil, estrone, estriol, progesterone, DHEA, testosterone.

If you can test your thryroid, adrenal and pituitary function, that would be really good for you. Just go to a DR. to read your results. Save the money, its worth it.

Save your health, money and nbe success time by not attempting NBE blindly.

(29-02-2012, 19:23)tibetan113 Wrote:  I would do free testosterone and estrogen.

All hormones that would be helpful to test:
estradoil, estrone, estriol, progesterone, DHEA, testosterone.

If you can test your thryroid, adrenal and pituitary function, that would be really good for you. Just go to a DR. to read your results. Save the money, its worth it.

Save your health, money and nbe success time by not attempting NBE blindly.

thank you so much. your information is reallly helpful.

I have a problem. I drank St.herb Puerika on 28th January 2012. after 1 week I had allergy so I stopped drinking it until now. 5 days after stopping taking st.herb I got my period. This is very abnormal because I got my period 15 days earlier than usual. that means my last period was only in 12 days (normally I have a 28 days period).
therefore, I fell very tired because my period is messed up. I got pimples on my face, dry lips, skin looks very dull that my friend can notice that and yesterday he asked me what happened.

People advise that I should do blood test on 21st of your period. should I do it now? or do I have to wait until my period is normal?
and can I do my blood test while taking herbs?

Looks like PM took effect on your cycle. When you stopped, the abundance of estrogen like chemicals were no longer so your progesterone levels must have kicked in, bringing on your menses. You should be back to normal schedule soon. Since you have acne, it looks like you had free estrogen running in your blood that converted into the androgen. Not good to start out NBE.

Take some DIM and get your hormone levels checked before you even attempt again.

I wouldn't take anything. As fara as I was told, saliva tests for hormones are the most current. As far as blood work goes, only your Dr. can advise when it is best.

(01-03-2012, 02:10)tibetan113 Wrote:  Looks like PM took effect on your cycle. When you stopped, the abundance of estrogen like chemicals were no longer so your progesterone levels must have kicked in, bringing on your menses. You should be back to normal schedule soon. Since you have acne, it looks like you had free estrogen running in your blood that converted into the androgen. Not good to start out NBE.

Take some DIM and get your hormone levels checked before you even attempt again.

I wouldn't take anything. As fara as I was told, saliva tests for hormones are the most current. As far as blood work goes, only your Dr. can advise when it is best.

thank u for your prompt reply.
Thanks god my period comes today. it is 6 days late but anyway I have it.

Dear Tibetan, when should I have the blood test? (if it is not the 21st day like Salvia test)

It seems that St.herb or Puerika is a very strong phytoestrogen herb. after taking st.herb for a week I got pimples on my butt and allergy on my chest (red spots).
So, Im wondering should I take St.herb today (Im on the 1st day of my period today )? or should I wait until doing the blood test and start NBE next month?

Have a nice day guys!


This is a great thread for those of us with hypothyroidism. I have been noogling for 2 months, then made the mistake of taking PM. It shrunk my boobs! This is how I realized I am estrogen dominant. The PC cream arrived today, and I am excited to try that.

Regarding hashimotos, I want to tell you girls that I was diagnosed 8 years ago, and have not taken any synthetic hormones. I started practicing Ayurveda (Indian medicine) and got on a thyroid diet. I have managed to maintain my weight at 114 lbs, and manage the rest of the symptoms.

Also, I read all of Mary Shomon's books about Hashimotos. She is not a doctor, but a patient whose books are highly recommended in the medical industry. She points out things that your doctor won't tell you about the disease, such as the types of chemicals to avoid and the ideal diet. Her books are on Amazon and I highly recommend them.

Since I started following Ayurveda I have been able to counteract any Hashimoto's symptoms quickly by adjusting my diet an herbs I take. A great starting point is Vasant Lad's A Complete Guide to Ayurveda. I am so grateful for never having taken a synthetic hormone for this condition. I have only treated it with herbs and nutrition. If any of you have any questions, feel free to contact me. I think we Hypo's should have a separate thread as our NBE experience is not going to progress like everyone else's.

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