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Just starting brava


I just started brava two night ago. I have a question about positioning. How high are they supposed to be on my chest and how much under the arm? I know everyone is different but I just want to get a general idea so I know if I got them on right. Also how close are the domes supposed to be? Mine are basically touching in the center but not sure if I am doing something wrong. Wouldnt want to grow any strange boobies

my domes are touching in the center too... more like squished together in the center. i position the domes so that the bottom of my breasts have room to swell up inside. i don't think there's an exact science to it, and it's not like you'll wake up in the morning after a few nights of wearing it the wrong way with 3 boobs instead of 2. Big Grin i'm a small person and the top of my large narrow domes are about 2 inches below my collar bones.

welcome to the forum and good luck on your brava journey!

Thanks. Very helpful advice. I think I will just play with the location a bit and see what I like.

So far I really havent had much swelling but I have only just completed Day 3. The biggest difference I have noticed is that my nipples look strange and stay that way for awhile.


your nipples will feel strange and be very sensitive for weeks on end. that's normal. you can try taping them down if the sensitivity bugs you too much. make sure you use the right tape so it doesn't agitate your skin.

as far as swelling, it will get larger with time. hang in there! Wink

Thanks for the encouraging words. I will give your suggestions a try.

I am trying to hang in there and just keep it up. Fought off the urge last night to rip the domes off in the middle of the night.

The last two times I have put them on I have just felt so itchy while wearing them and obviously unable to scratch. haha. I am hoping this goes away soon. I try to either sleep or study when I am wearing them so I don't think about it.

I am so thankful to have this message board to read and commiserate with people on this boob journey. It is nice to know so many of the things I wonder about are normal or have been wondered about by people before.

They itch like crazy!! It will get better with time though. I just finished my 14th week, and I usually don't get itchy with the domes on (except for sometimes in the middle where the domes meet..and mine are squished together in the middle, too), but I still itch after taking the domes off...all around where the domes made contact with my skin. Most of the itching should go away, and I think you just get used to it as well.

Thanks that's encouraging to hear. I am just finishing my first week. Aside from a husband who is complaining of not being able to hug me and marks down the center of my chest where it itches, there is not much to report.

I will keep updating as I go. Thanks again for the support

I am finishing week 10 right now, and I have to say that once I got through the first 2 weeks it became much easier. Now it is a part of my routine, it only takes like 2 minutes to get it on, I know the exact position that is good for me, and I don't have trouble sleeping at night anymore. I have the wide large domes and I found that I had to position them a little lower than I expected to in order to have the most comfortable fit. Just experiment until you find what works best and is the most comfortable for you. My breasts were very empty from breastfeeding my 6 children, and Brava has really helped to fill them back in so that they actually feel like real breasts again. I hope all goes well for you. Just remember that if you stick it out through this hard time it will get much easier very soon.

Thanks for the encouraging words! I hope to be able to provide the same support once I am a bit farther in to the whole thing.

Just updating where I stand with brava. I started probably 5 weeks ago.
I have definitely already seen some growth. Even at the end of the day (and longer) the swelling is staying. So I think it is growth.

Had to skip a couple days when I was taking the bar exam- I wanted to get as good of sleep on the first couple nights of the exam.

I started as a large A- I usually wore Size B bras- but they were demi cut and I filled them like they were full coverage- and even then had big gaps. Now I am filling them pretty close to properly. If I could gain just a bit more and keep it, I would call this a success.

The red rings are a pain, keeps me from wearing swim suits in public and from wearing a lot of shirts that show really any portion of my chest at all.

Sometimes they are itchy. But I have been using lots of cremes. Makes it hard to get chest completely clear of stuff before putting the domes back on, and they are definitely less sticky than they once were.

Don't plan on missing any more days- but am concerned about how I am going to take them with me on a vacation I have coming up at the end of the month.


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