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Can anyone suggest a program for someone when FG/SP/Hops isn't working?


So, while I've experienced great results from FG/SP/Hops, my friend who's doing NBE with me isn't seeing much growth at all. It's been just over 4 months and she has seen about a fully cup of growth, although it isn't permanent growth. I think it only grows extra right before her monthly, otherwise she's about the same size as always. She wants to try something else, but doesn't have much money.

She's thinking about trying PC, using that for 15 days and then continuing on FG/SP/Hops for the other 15. However, I don't know much about PC and how recommended that might be to someone as their second option. I know it's dangerous to take it for too long, and I'm not really sure what time you start taking it in your cycle (I've heard from people that you start on the first day of your monthly, and also that you start on the first day without your monthly, so I'm not sure which is exactly right). Can anyone educate me on this method a little more? (I'm the one learning all this stuff, and then I pretty much tell her what we're doing ^^Wink

Also, what other lower-priced methods would you guys suggest as an alternative? She had larger breasts before, but then lost about a cup/cup and a half after taking a diet pill and not eating. She's trying to get back to her original breast size and, if possible, larger. Is there something that works particularly well for someone who's lost breast during weight lose?

Does anyone know anything about mixing flaxseed oil and coconut oil for massage? She's been using fish oil, and I know that doesn't have a good rep around here, but I think she'd probably prefer something that doesn't smell as much if possible at least.

I've also suggested to her that she try to consume enough calories throughout the day to help encourage growth, but she's paranoid about getting fat and won't eat. I feel like this could possibly be the reason these herbs aren't really working for her. Does anyone have any articles they can link relating to this theory? We're also working out, and I'm gaining muscle much faster than her as well, and I know her caloric/nutrition intake is part of the problem, but she won't listen to what I have to say on that subject.

I know someone's going to suggest the Noogleberry, but I'm not sure how she feels about that. I think she'd at least like to try something else first, but if all else fails, I'm sure she'll be willing to turn to that for help.

Also, can you determine hormone levels at all by breast shape? Hers are very perky, but much narrower and poke out further (more triangular than the typical image of round breasts). Can that be caused by certain hormone levels at all, or is that only going to be caused by genetics?

Hey Doll!

You know I'm a newbie to this, but I'm thinking it could help her if she looked up BE through diet and certain foods which can help stimulate breast growth? It might also help her diet if she's been trying to lose weight and be healthier too.

Sorry I can't be of much help but I thought I might throw this out there anyhows ^_^ Best of luck to you both! x

I think flax oil is better than fish. I stop having pains after a month so I added msm epo (evening primerose oil), hops, flax oils. Added this a week ago. Have been sore since. I think one of these sped things up. Maybe msm. I also take vit.c, multivitamin. If she's not getting enough protien from food she might try adding a protien drink. Protien helps breast growth. I also take what she started with. Sp, wy, fg. Hope this helps.

@ Brunella:

I know she needs to try breast-enlarging foods, but with her current living situation...that just isn't possible, unfortunately. :/ We usually work out together at least two days a week, though, so perhaps I'll look up some good boobie meals to have in the house for when she's here. It might just help the both of us!

@ Durty:
We workout two or three times a week, and drink protein smoothies after our workouts, so she's at least getting that much. ^^; Yeah, I heard MSM is really good for NBE, so maybe we'll both try adding that, too.

I just wish I knew more about other NBE methods than the herbs I'm already taking. Because even with a better diet, that won't be enough to give her results, as much as it might help.

Maybe she can try Borage Oil, or Evening Primerose Oil. These are gla which gives your body the good fats you need. I don't think I get alot of good fats. Research this and see if it will help. Maybe hops. But start slow or take at night as alot of people says it makes them depressed. Hasn't happened to me yet. But everyones body is different. Theirs so much you can add. Go to herbs in the forum. You will see tons of things you can add. Also they descibe how each pills is good for. Hope this helps. Good luck!!! Happy Growing!!!Big Grin

We're buying her pc today. Still haven't gotten any answers as to when to use it in the monthly cycle, but I guess she'll just wing it and hope for the best. :/

Maybe she can try evening primrose or borrage on the two weeks she isn't using the pc. I'm not sure whether or not she's going to (or even, whether she should) continue with fg and/or hops. I think she'll be dropping the sp for the time being, though.

Hops is converted into xanthohumol and 8-pn when it's digested. Xanthohumol is a testosterone blocker (not a DHT blocker like most other antiandrogens). 8-pn is a very strong phytoestrogen. In order for hops to be digested into 8-pn it has to be taken with food, but people vary a LOT in their ability to "produce" 8-pn. Isabelle recommends Menohop as a way to get around this issue. It includes the enzyme needed for conversion into 8-pn. Menohop also contains soy isoflavones, which makes dosing a little trickier. You could try asking Isabelle for more details about how to take it.

You might want to watch out with the PC. Most people who've had success taking PC either continuously or monthly had some kind of existing hormonal condition. I'm not aware of any "normal", healthy, young women who had success using PC in either of those ways. You could try using Ginie's method instead. Her program was very successful. She used PC only when she thought she needed it based on the results of BBT charting. It's a method of keeping track of your hormone levels indirectly by charting your daily temperature. To be honest, I'm not sure how she used BBT to determine when to take PC. I do know she only took it every 2 to 3 months. She also applied it according to the package directions, rather than using it only on her breasts as a "boobie batter". If you wanted to be on the safe side, you could try having your friend use it every 3 months, and alternate the site of application rather than applying it only to her breasts.

Is your friend using anything topical other than PC? She might want to try using a fenugreek batter and/or PM cream during the first half of her cycle. She could try combining Greenbush FG extract and St.Herb PM cream, and maybe some DMSO for better absorption. Be careful because DMSO should only be used in small amounts. A little dab should be enough.

I really hope this helps. In fact, most of the things I just mentioned are changes I've been thinking about making to my own program. I didn't respond to that combination of herbs either, and I've been researching how to make it work. If your friend decides to try any of these things, please let me know if they worked Big Grin I'm dying to find out. I wish I could tell you that I already tried all this stuff and now have G cups :p


I was wrong Blush Menohop contains a probiotic, not an enzyme. That's great because it means she doesn't have to take it continuously. Once the probiotics have built up in her system she can switch back to less expensive normal hops. This is what Isabelle just told me about Menohop:

"Start the program with one or two weeks on Menohop. Restart it the same way after anything that destroys intestinal flora: antibiotics, liquor, spicy food, food poisoning, or yeast infection. I assume the probiotic in Menohop works for soy too, but I'm not sure."

(25-06-2012, 19:40)mochaccino Wrote:  Hops is converted into xanthohumol and 8-pn when it's digested. Xanthohumol is a testosterone blocker (not a DHT blocker like most other antiandrogens).

I just started taking hops like a month ago...and I've been taking maca all this does that mean that I might as well have not even been taking the maca? If so, that's depressing. I wish more people would have told me this.
(I know maca doesn't do THAT much to increase your butt anyway, but still...)

That's a good queston. I don't really understand how maca works. I'm pretty sure that there's at least one study (maybe more) showing that maca does not actually increase testosterone, at least in men. I'm not aware of any contrary studies showing that it does. On the other hand I'm pretty sure there are studies showing that it helps with male libido. Before I saw that, I was worried that it might just be a nutritious dried fruit without any other special qualities. I don't think the researchers were able to figure out the mechanism. I wish I could actually reference these studies, or at least remember the details, but it was a long time ago and I didn't save or bookmark them. I wish I were more organized Tongue

To me, the studies showing that it increases libido are very encouraging (assuming I haven't just imagined those studies Blush ) It seems to imply that maca is capable of doing something special, even if it's not clear how it does it. If maca really is good for booty growth, it must be doing it without affecting testosterone. All I know is that Isabelle has been taking FG, hops, and maca for a long time, and her BE results have been absolutely spectacular. I think I might take it for that reason alone.

Isabelle has said some interesting things about maca that I haven't heard any where else. Her thread is so long I'm having a hard time finding the details, but basically she said that it helps prevent stalling. I can't remember how it's supposed to do that.


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