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What's wrong with my body?


I'm 18 years old and my body seems like a 12 year old boy's body. I'm not sure why, but my breasts are extremely underdeveloped 32A while my mom's are at least a C cup (same goes for every other female member in my family). And my chest is so flat while my butt is so big in a really weird way...I have 3 pics of myself naked (i'm sorry I just don't know how else to show you). What should I do about my chest?


Aw dear. Have a look at my program page - it might make you feel better as you see me trying to grow from multiple A cups. (I have pictures there too). All we can do is try to fix things following suggestions and experiments from those on this forum and see how our bodies react. Some of it will work for you.

That is definitely not the chest of a 12 year old boy.

Relax, it takes time. My sister was still flat as a board until 19, and then by 21 she was a D.

Hi Ieme,

As long as there is no medical problems, nothing is wrong with your body. Said that, I completely understand how you feel (I wouldn't be on this site if I was all happy with my boobs, would I?). There is so much pressure for us girls to achieve a specific image of what is beautiful, and we feel so ashamed and insecure if we deviate too much from that ideal.

I was very flat at your age, and it did not improved much as I aged (my mom and all my female relatives have bigger boobs than I do, go figure). The only time I had boobs was during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Even though I was so flat, I was able to breastfeed all my three children without problems. So technically, for their natural function, nothing is wrong with my boobs either. But I always felt (still feel) like nature cheated on me, and was embarrassed to be seen naked and allowing anyone to play with my boobs, even after I married to a wonderful man who likes me how I am.

I wish I had found this site 12 year ago. It turns out that really are things that you can do to improve your boobs besides implants. It is not as dramatic or fast, but they do work.

I would recommend you start by taking a hormone test. For starters, maybe try an online one such as

IF you can afford it, doing a hormone test with real dr would be more accurate.

Then start reading like crazy on this site, there is ton of info on the different things you can try to stimulate growth. Somethings work for some people and not for others. You'll have to find what works for you. I would advise you though to try first things like the noggleberry or brava, before messing up with you hormones. You are still pretty young and developing, I would hate if you would have problems latter. And who knows, maybe you will sprout D by 21 like Demon Lord Etna's sister!

Take care

Wow, girl. We could be body doubles! I don't know what's going on with you, but I have too much estrogen and I also have endometriosis. Have you ever had your hormones checked? I recently started being very, very strict on my diet, I am gettting acupuncture treatments, starting a new workout plan that targets my hips, and have started using progesterone cream on my breasts twice a day during luteal phase. What have you tried so far for NBE? Have you read the program pages of members who have grown with PC? I recommend you check them out. I also just posted this in another thread, but I found this article pretty informative:

It talks about how excess estrogen does not grow bigger breasts, and usually those with a small top and big bottom need more progesterone to balance things out.

heya that link is great. i dont take anything right now as i dont dare, howvere i may look into a progesterone cream after reading this. thanks.

Some women just develop a lot slower than others. If you are still unsatisfied with your breast size you should look into using all natural breast enlargement creams that use natural ingredients to directly promote breast tissue growth and development.

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