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Negative Side Effects from PM


I have been researching the safety of PM prior to purchasing it, and have not been able to find any non-biased, scientific information on the herb. Most of the information comes from sellers who are more likely to tout the benefits and ignore any negative side-effects.

The only un-biased information I came across is his:

And I am pasting the article below. The reason I am suspicious of PM is that it is an estrogen, and overdosing on it will pose a serious health risk. Have any of you experienced serious negative side effects from PM?

Article pasted below:

Effects of Pueraria Mirifica

By Yach Verma

The best positive effects of Pueraria Mirifica are noticed when the product is used for a relatively short time. It is believed that Pueraria formulation products work best when they are used as prescribed but the long term usage may result in several complex health problems. For instance, women using Pueraria products for breast enlargement are often advised to stop using if after few weeks, failure to do this may result in several breast enlargement complications such as pains, formation of lumps and may even result in cancerous development, hence it is often prescribed for those who have lesser than average breast sizes.

Another negative side effect of consuming excess Pueraria products is diarrhea. People who take excessive dietary supplements of Pueraria Mirifica often risk diarrhea infection. Phyto-estrogens compound found in Pueraria Mirifica are capable of preventing some forms of cancer and the presence of Phyto-estrogens for instance can be increased in the body when Pueraria products are consumed and this means that the level of production of some Hormones in the body, when Pueraria is consumed for prolong period of time the level of such hormones may be increased to an extent of causing discomfort within the body.

Pueraria Mirifica has been known to cause some discomfort to several systems of the body especially the digestive systems and the sensory organs especially when it is consumed beyond regulated dosages. It is essential to note that excessive consumption of Pueraria can cause constipation and irritation to the bowels. Diarrhea and vomiting are associated with such conditions.

Pueraria Mirifica is good for destroying bacterial infections on the skin and helps to detoxify the body from harmful toxins but when used excessively on the skin it may developed into an unhealthy situation where the skin becomes discolored and may even developed into some serious disorders including rashes and burns, it is ideal to use Pueraria on skin under a prescribed condition.

The consumption of Pueraria can increase the level of estrogen in women but its excess may result in serious complications such as fatigue, increase body fat, loss of muscle tone , loss of libido and enlarged prostate, hence Pueraria Mirifica consumption must be used in moderation especially by post menopausal women and older adults in general.

Pueraria Mirifica works best with a healthy lifestyle such as healthy diet consumption, little alcohol consumption and a smoke-free lifestyle. People who consume alcohol much and smoke excessively may have difficulties using Pueraria because they will get less benefit from the herb due to their lifestyles.

Pueraria Mirifica serves as a great dietary supplement especially for people who are not getting the needed essential vitamins and minerals through their everyday diets. Dietary supplements of Pueraria ensure an adequate supply of these nutrients for the body's needs. It is also important to note that excessive presence of some nutrients in the body as a result of excessive consumption of Pueraria Mirifica may result in negative side effects

Are you looking for detailed information on Pueraria Mirifica [] and other breast enhancement products? If yes, then feel free to visit [].

Article Source:

Not quite sure why you think this is unbiased? It is totally unscientific scaremongering, with no evidence given to back up the assertions of somebody I've never heard of and with no stated qualifications.
Not only that but it links to, which implies a link to Thailand and therefore by association suggests a link to PM somehow...except the link doesn't work!

However, to answer your question, I've been on 2000mg Pm per day fopr the past 18months and have never experienced any of these negative alleged symptoms.
Whilst I would agree that caution is advised, as with anything, I have no hesitation in recommending PM based on my own experience. Furthermore, I don't know of anyone who has ever said anything negative about it other than your so-called 'unbiased' review.

I have to agree of course that 'overdosing on it' is dangerous but that applies to everything, from water onwards, but whatever our lawmakers may think, there is no way of legislating against idiots!

I agree that articles does nothing more than creep out susceptible novices like me! The minute I see something scary I idiotically think that will happen to me. I am thinking of starting with cream and progressing to pills but accurate info and the experience of the people on here are the only things that keep me from running to the hills!

I was on 1000mg per day and had none of these negative side effects. But a complete loss of libido. I take muira puama and catuaba now to get it back and it works but I hope I won't loose my boobs.

(02-06-2012, 22:37)Babakins Wrote:  I am thinking of starting with cream and progressing to pills but accurate info and the experience of the people on here are the only things that keep me from running to the hills!

Hi Babakins,
In my opinion and experience you are just wasting your money with PM cream, but I wouldn't say don't use it, that's up to you if you want to give it a try. However, Isabelle has found literature that says that the miroestrol in PM mimics estrone which is a weak estrogen. However, in the liver, miroestrol becomes the more powerful deoxymiroestrol and on that basis PM is more effective if ingested and passes through the liver rather than applied through the skin.
I did try one full tube myself, used exactly as instructed, and found there were no noticeable effects at all, apart from one - they say keep it away from the nipples without saying why. I accidentally did get some on one nipple once and it produce a rather unpleasant burning sensation and I understand that it will actually bleach the colour out of nipples and areolae if you do it often enough.

Thanks Pansy-Mae, that's good to know. I will bear this in mind when I start. As I am a bit of a wussy and scared to go full on into PM pills and I am trying the cream first in the hopes the pills may not be needed! Interesting about the nipple wow who knew! I wish people were more transparent with info than they actually are instead of not saying why not to do something. Silly really, I am one who likes to know the good the bad and the ugly about everything!

(03-06-2012, 07:27)Pansy-Mae Wrote:  they say keep it away from the nipples without saying why. I accidentally did get some on one nipple once and it produce a rather unpleasant burning sensation and I understand that it will actually bleach the colour out of nipples and areolae if you do it often enough.

The cream should bleach out the color of the nipples? Sorry, but that doesn't make any sense, how should that happen... I've been using for 5 days the cream now, and there wasn't any burning or something else. I even once read one should put it especially on the nipple area, so the breasts absorb the cream more.


It probably depends on the cream and the ingredients in it...I believe there are even special creams for bleaching ones nipples ( turn them to peachy pink if you have brown nipples), but on most breast creams it states that you shouldn't apply on the nipple area because it's very sensitive.

Only negative effect I got was from taking 300mg a day during my menses.

Woo, that nausea, cramping, and dizziness was something serious.

Actually, there are plenty of negative reviews about PM online, you just have to look for them. I found the review below on and pasted it here. I'm not saying not to take PM, but we should all do our own research and be aware of the negative side effects. Even in this thread alone, girls noted 1) loss of libido, 2)nausea, cramps,...3) delayed periods 4) discoloration of nipples. The post below is #5.
bigger boobs in 2 days/anxiety attacks mood swings, April 14, 2012
Bailey - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Pueraria Mirifica 500mg Pure-D R1 Capsules 100% New Stronger Strain - Grown in Thailand (Health and Beauty)
Okay, so I bought this stuff to improve my skin and hair and low estrogen levels, I am already a 30DD (implants) so I didn't really care if my boobs got bigger. you may be wondering why I gave this stuff 3 stars, well there is a down side. My skin looked great, breasts grew, got firmer, and I felt really good but then after about a week, I started getting panic attacks at night time. I didn't want to stop taking these because they were making me so pretty and made the skin on my breasts gorgeous without making me gain weight, but alas it wasn't worth the nightly freak outs. I do suffer from anxiety attacks very rarely, but i believe these supplements caused this. Now, the entire week after I stopped taking the supplement I started getting anxiety regularly and the worst part was I was getting depression! I don't have depression and I never had it, and then exactly one week of being off of this stuff, I finally went back to normal. My nipples stopped hurting, the mood swings stopped, and the depression and anxiety just disappeared. My advice: Get biotin for softer skin and hair, and just get breast implants if you want bigger boobs, as soon as you stop taking these pills your boobs will shrink again and breast implants stay the same size no matter what, they will cost you 4,500-12,000 but I guarantee you will love them.

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