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New Ainterol Pills: Pueraria Mirifica 500PURE R1 New Stronger Strain - 100 capsules


(01-06-2012, 08:07)Rosance Wrote:  No, no, girls you got it all wrong. She has ten years of experience in being a [expletive]. That's what she meant Big Grin

By joves, you're right! My mistake~ Tongue

then she's just being uncharacteristically modest.
She says she has 10 years of experience going to Thailand, and she makes it sound as though she started going as an adult. I would estimate that she has at least 30 years of experience being an (expletive)
Don't sell her short now, that's just rude.

I would just like to say that I don't mean to start a fight with anyone and I'm not a troll but I see that the expiration date thing is really starting to be an issue Blush so I googled some may not be the most reliable source out there but it's still something... I found some articles if anyone wants to read:
The FDA does not require dietary supplements to have expiration dates. Rather, the FDA recommends that supplement manufacturers include an expiration date, "if it is supported by valid data demonstrating that it is not false or misleading."

"Can Vitamins or Herbal Remedies Lose Their Efficacy?" - They can, but consumers don't know when products expire because the FDA does not require expiration dates for dietary supplements. So how do consumers know when products have lost their potency? Do botanicals react differently in hot, cold, humid, or dry environments? A professor at the University of Minnesota adressed the issue of shelf-life testing for dietary supplements.
At the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Dietary Supplements Forum, a scientist warned consumers that reading labels and comparing prices are not the best means to determine a dietary supplement's efficacy and potential side effects. Larry Augsburger, Ph.D., immediate past president of AAPS, chair of the meeting and professor at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, stressed that consumers need to engage in critical pre-purchase research on any dietary supplement they wish to purchase.
"Currently consumers have no clear basis for determining product quality," said Augsburger.

I wish someone working at the FDA would actually tell us if this is correct or not...
Anyways my personal opinion is that expiration dates on herbal supplements can be arbitrary or not...the company can just slap a date on or maybe they actually measured somehow...personally right now I don't think any of the companies out there selling PM take the time (and the money) to do that...but that is just my personal opinion and I hope nobody is offended by it Blush

Oh don't worry Adrianna, it's not you, it's Jennifer.

She gets rude over anything. She'd burst a blood vessel over a mouse eating a crumb and take it out on everyone which is why we're not exactly kind about her.

It's like someone going up to you and telling you to leave them alone and if you make any attempt to leave, the person will follow you and continue to harass you.

Just makes no sense. She was being so disrespectful to Rosance with absolutely no provocation in another thread and I was just tired of watching this disrespect go on.

Everyone, please report any rudeness from Jennifer/Lois/whatever other personality she has. Also reply to her by telling her "Moooooo."

We've got to speak the language of heifers to get to her. Big Grin

The posts by jennifer5519pm sound suspiciously like numerous posts of a former member carlaa1124. The assertions of superior knowledge based on years of experience and going to Thailand, as well as the general tone of her posts are strikingly similar to carlaa's posts. If it is the same troll, her posts will get increasingly obnoxious and obstreperous, containing mostly personal attacks on members who dare to have a differing opinion. In fact, I bet this post draws her ire.

Don't feed the trolls.

(01-06-2012, 13:04)chrishoney Wrote:  The posts by jennifer5519pm sound suspiciously like numerous posts of a former member carlaa1124. The assertions of superior knowledge based on years of experience and going to Thailand, as well as the general tone of her posts are strikingly similar to carlaa's posts. If it is the same troll, her posts will get increasingly obnoxious and obstreperous, containing mostly personal attacks on members who dare to have a differing opinion. In fact, I bet this post draws her ire.

Don't feed the trolls.

you should include "lois6318". Trolls have multiple personalities!

^Yep! Poor thing forgot she was on that account and replied to me and tried to play it off like someone was imitating her. Please!
[Image: tumblr_lystytS0I71rohi85o1_400.gif]

Adrianna, there is a difference between the way you contributed to the expiration issue and the way she did. You might have disagreed with me in how crucial I believe the expiration date to be, BUT you were not being obnoxious about it. Of course some of us care about such information and others don't. I am not going to get offended because you disagree with me, is like saying that you are getting offended because I believe there should be an expiring date...Dodgy what type of reasoning would that be...oh yeah...jennifer's reasoning...lmao. We are here to learn as much as we can and the way you have approached this issue was awesome. Good attitude, prompt replies, and important/useful information. Just because I am not in the same page as you, it doesn't mean you are disrespecting/offending me.

Ladyflash...that was hilarious! I was like, "please, don't do this to yourself Sad We know it's you!" LMAO

And thank you for standing up to me. I was literally getting stalked by her. I reported her for harassment Dodgy

Regarding the new Ainterol pills, this is the difference from the previous version and the current one:
Quote:They are using carefully harvested cloned Pueraria Mirifica that was known to contain high levels of Miroestrol along with a new drying process that uses CO2 to dry herb at nearly room temperature which preserves more of the actives that heat drying would weaken or destroy. The combination is a stronger end product.
Best Regards,
William Flynn -

Plants lose their effectiveness as they are exposed to oxygen and heat (this is after being cut off their soil). When you buy veggies you want to use them up asap to avoid losing more of their benefits and keep them in a cool place. The way I am connecting this to PM and CO2 is that by drying it at room temperature, Ainterol avoids affecting it even further.

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