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Long time hops & FG user

Weight is up to 81.5 kg, from 80.5 kg yesterday. That'll teach me to have another ice cream in the week-end. Body Mass Index (BMI) is overweight (>25), at 25.6.

Breast circumference is as high as it's ever been, at 114 cm, or 45 ". Band size is up again, to 88 cm, or 35 ". That makes me a 40 DD. Two weeks ago, my band size was 87 cm, less than 1/2 " smaller, and that would make me a 38 G now. There's a big jump in US cup sizes between underbust sizes of 87 cm and 88 cm. In EU sizes, I'm at 90, just on the edge between a G and an H cup.

Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) is down to 0.79, just below the ideal size for a man (0.80). Twelve years after coming out as a transvestite, my waist line is finally on the way to hour glass (0.70).

The program keeps going as it is. I'll have 230 capsules of L-arginine left after today. At 20 a day, that's enough until noon on May 26th. May 28th is my next tape day. So I'm not going to change anything. Maybe add a tape day on the 26th.

Height: 178.5 cm = 5 * 30.48 + 10 * 2.54 = 5' 10"
Weight: 81.5 kg * 2.2046 lbs/kg = 180 lbs
Body Mass Index (BMI): 81.5/1.785/1.785 = 25.6
Breast: 114 cm = 45"
Under: 88 cm = 35" Difference Breast - Under = 114 - 88 = 26 cm = 10 ", US bra size 40 DD, EU 90 G/H
Waist: 81 cm = 32"
Hip: 102 cm = 40" (actually the widest part around my butt)
Waist to hip ratio (WHR): 81/102 = 0.79

Progress in 2011:
Day 11/7 26/7 08/8 22/8 05/9 19/9 3/10 17/10 31/10 14/11 28/11 12/12 27/12
BMI: 26.5 26.4 26.2 25.7 25.3 26.0 25.70 25.70 25.70 25.60 26.00 25.90 25.90
B-U: 8.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 10.0 10.00 13.00 11.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 16.00
Size 42AAA AAAA AAA AAA AAA AA 42AAA 42. A 42. A 42. A 42. B 42. B 42. B
WHR 0.95 .945 0.94 0.92 0.92 0.96 0.930 0.940 0.910 0.880 0.880 0.880 0.870

Progress in 2012:
Day 09/1 23/1 06/2 20/2 05/3 19/3 02/4 16/4 30/4 14/5
BMI: 25.7 26.7 26.4 25.9 25.7 25.3 25.7 25.0 25.1 25.6
B-U: 17.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 20.0 18.0 18.0 25.0 26.0 26.0
Size 42 B 42 C 42 C 42 C 42 D 40 C 40 D 38 F 38 F 40DD
WHR 0.84 0.86 0.84 0.86 0.84 0.84 0.83 0.81 0.80 0.79
B-U = Breast - Under in cm


Congratulations on your progress! I love to read your progress reports as they are very inspiring. It is nice to see that one can grow fast despite eating ice-cream once in a whileWink

Do you know what made you suddenly grow so much from 18 to 25 cm in April 2012? Did you make anything different at that time?

Thank you, luisa,

I think it was the L-arginine, but it could have been the black seed as well, or a combination of both. I will measure carefully what happens after I stop L-arginine on May 26th. After that, I will stop black seed, and measure again.

I just found a review article about zearalenone. It was published last month. I was always wondering whether zearalenone would either be useful as the strongest NBE supplement ever, or too toxic to even try. It looks like the US cattle industry have made the decision for us: they've been using it since 1969:


Thanks for sharing the link. According to wikipedia, zearalenone is found in barley and oats which were part of Eve's programm. Do you think it is part of the reason why her program worked? I thought oats were taken for testosterone and barley was an anti-androgen?

Oh luisa,

I've been wondering about that since this publication in 2003:
The last paragraph above the conclusion reports a spot check on Erdic. No zearalenone was found.

Zearalenone is made by a fungus, fusarium. Fusarium contaminates many grains, and hops too:
barley, oats, hops (can contain fusarium)
malt (certainly contains fusarium)
maize, wheat, buckwheat, rye (often contain fusarium)

Some of these ingredients are not only in Eve M's program, but also in Erdic, Wonderup, and in the formula on which I first grew in 2005: "breast-gro".

The line of thought in 2003 was this: literature on breast enhancement was rare, and what could be found was often about accidents with fusarium infection of cereals. So people suspected that NBE formulas were made up from whatever herbs the producer could find literature on, including the reports on contamination with fusarium.

The review I linked in the post above uses stronger wording: it suggests formulas are spiked with zearalenone on purpose. And certainly cattle is grown on it.

So, yes, zearalenone could be the reason why Eve M's program worked. It could also be the reason why my program works. It could have been the reason why I grew in 2005. And it could have been the reason why Pansy Mae didn't grow on my program. It would be interesting to know if Pansy Mae can grow on Menohop. Other than that, I don't see a quick way to get closer to an answer to the big question: how much of the success of herbal programs is caused by zearalenone? And even more important: is it safe?

(14-05-2012, 15:49)Isabelle Wrote:  So, yes, zearalenone could be the reason why Eve M's program worked. It could also be the reason why my program works. It could have been the reason why I grew in 2005. And it could have been the reason why Pansy Mae didn't grow on my program. It would be interesting to know if Pansy Mae can grow on Menohop.

I admit that I haven't been following your thread very closely of late Blush so I may have missed some of what has gone before, but I don't understand your reasoning as to why your prog might not have worked for me?
As for Menohop, that appears to not contain very much of anything without taking huge numbers of capsules?

Having said that, you may have seen from my latest pictures post that there has still been no change for me since this time last year, both the tape and the pictures show the same thing, so I've more or less come to the conclusion that I eat my way through my current stockpile of 'things' ( rather than simply throw it all away) and then call the whole thing off rather than simply keep on buying products that achieve nothing.
Much as I'd like a nice pair of boobs, there has to be limit to throwing good money after bad.

Hi Pansy Mae,

I've looked at your pics, and there is some growth. But it's almost under your armpits. Maybe measuring after skin brushing would show a difference. Chiyomilk started skin brushing at a certain point in her program, and wearing a bra after skin brushing. Dark-Lovly posted her video here:

The trick with Menohop is to use it together with an NBE dose of hops. By itself, Menohop contains only a menopause dose. It contains a probiotic too. The probiotic colonises the large intestine with a bacterium that makes 8-prenylnaringenin from isoxanthohumol.

Another reason why your mileage may vary on hops is that my hops may have been contaminated with zearalenone or fusarium, and yours was not. In the Jacob Hooy storefront in Amsterdam, the hops is in a wooden barrel on a shelf. When it's almost empty, they get a new brown paper bag from the back of the store, and dump the contents in the barrel. They don't clean or even empty the barrel first. The business has been on the Nieuwmarkt since 1743. There may have been fusarium in that barrel for decades, or even centuries. The packaged powdered hops is shipped from their relatively new warehouse in Limmen, near Alkmaar. So even if you got the hops from Jacob Hooy, it may have been cleaner than mine.

I hit a plateau too in February-March, but L-arginine and/or black seed got me afloat.

Attached Files
.xlsx Progress.xlsx Size: 18.52 KB  Downloads: 16

It looks a bit messy. I hate hard coded data, so I write any number I need in a formula in a cell near it. I overwrote the column header cells with them, which makes it harder to understand what's what.

This is what's in the columns:
A: INPUT date dd/mm/yyyy
B: Body Mass Index (BMI) in kg/m2 (body weight divided by the square of height in m)
C: Difference between Bust and Under bust in cm
D: Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) in cm/cm
E: INPUT body weight in kg
F: INPUT Bust circumference across nipples in cm
G: INPUT Under bust circumference in cm
H: INPUT Waist circumference in cm
I: INPUT Butt circumference in cm
J: Bust circumference across nipples in inches
K: Under bust circumference in inches
L: Waist circumference in inches
M: Butt circumference in inches
N: body weight in pounds
O: bra band size according to Anastasia's US bra size calculator
P: cup size = bust size minus band size (the legend to convert numbers to cups is in R1-S12)
Q: US cup size

Cell E1 contains =(1.785)^2 INPUT your height
My height in cm, squared, for the calculation of BMI
Cell J1 contains 2.54
1 inch, in centimeters
Cell N1 contains 2.2046
1 kg, in lbs
Cell O1 contains 5
Anastasia adds 4 or 5 to the underbust size so as to obtain an even number, so I added 5 (in cell O1), divided by 2 (in cell P1), took the integer part (Excel function INT), and multiplied by 2 again (in cell P1)
Cell P1 contains 2
for the calculation of the US band size.

The P column is Bust - Band difference values, similar to column C, but in inches. Actually, the P column are cup sizes. They are formatted as letters in column Q.

I have to say there sure are allot of variables in all of this .... and success seems to have allot of "hit and miss" in it.

Added to that, I "personally" get very concerned about putting things in my body that are "so uncontrolled" ... how do you ever really know what it is that you are ingesting .... if you can't be certain what's in it, who's to say that there aren't some microbes or bacteria in what you take that finds a very warm and cozy home in your body.

Lots of people don't take PM for just that reason, not knowing what's in it, yet it seems that there may be more things that we don't know about in lots of herbs that we take ... where does one draw the line?

I'm confused ... and honestly don't know which way to turn. Huh



You may be right. In the past I tried hops tea and capsules from pharmacies and had absolutely no sensations from it until I purchased it in bulk from an online store selling organic herbs. I received a large brown paper bag with herbs sealed with tape so packed quite differently than hops I used to buy in pharmacies. I started drinking it as tea and it got me wonderful sensations, headaches, etc. Once I stopped drinking the tea my sensations were also gone. I am wondering if this hops is also contaminated with zearalenone or fusarium. I am going to start taking it internally instead of the capsules I currently take. Do you know if any parts of hops are poisonous? This was described as "whole" so I was not sure if I can just eat it and now I am afraid that I may not get all the bacteria through the tea though zearalenone is supposed to be heat-resistant.

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