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Strumpet's Program


Hi everyone, I've been kind of a lurker on this forum for a while now and have tried various forms of NBE, so I thought, heck, I'd keep track of my progress here. I'm really interested in trying cycling of PM and I have a routine thought up for that, but I want to go the full course of BO (13.5 months) and see where it gets me, since it seems to be a very slow-acting form of NBE. History wise, I tried an herbal form of NBE several years ago (I believe I was 18 at the time, currently 21), but I got so sick from it I only stuck with it about a month or two (and I started to smell like maple syrup from the fenugreek, urg). I also did about 3 months of UB last year (with no results) and about 10 months of noogling last year (with no results). I don't want to get fake breasts though, so, onward and upward!

(Current) Program Details:
AM: 1 BB pill with food, 60 minutes noogling p&r 10 min. on, 2 min. off, multivitamin, maca
PM: 1 BB pill with food, Maca, 60 minutes noogling p&r
1 whey protein shake per day
Estimated duration: 13.5 months
Goal size: 30DD (two cup size increase)

Note: Added Maca Root 1 T 3x daily on 11/1/11
Note: Added MSM 2x daily on 11/28/11 - stopped 12/20/11 (The ladies who grew on MSM were taking 3000 mg/day, I was using a MSM/Glucosamine/Chondroitin blend that had only 500 mg MSM, ordered different MSM in the mail)
Note: Switched from pump & hold method 60 min. 2x/day to pump & release 10 min. on 2 min. off for 60 min. 2x/day December 2011
Note: trying BO with food starting 12/21/11 because research on natural hormones suggests progesterone is best absorbed on some kind of fatty protein, rather than on carbohydrates or an empty stomach

Starting Measurements: (taken 10/6/2011, program started 9/23)
Upperbust: 27.5”
Underbust: 24.5”
Nipples: 28.5”
Left breast: 7”
Right breast: 6.75” (but appears smaller)

1 month (10/23)
Upperbust: 27.5” (+0.00)
Underbust: 24.5 (+0.00)
Nipples:28.5” (+0.00)
Left breast: 7.25” (+0.25”)
Right breast: 6.75” (+0.00”)

Notes: had stabbing pains about 1 week before period, but these subsided for the rest of the month. Probably not consistent enough with Noogleberry (30 min. 3x /day) or protein intake? Temperature reading within the appropriate range, no need for kelp/l-tyrosine.

2month (11/23)
Upperbust: 27.5” (+0.00)
Underbust: 24.5” (+0.00)
Nipples: 28.5” (+0.00)
Left breast: 7.00” (-0.25”) Note: likely the measured growth on 10/23 was an error
Right breast: 6.75” (+0.00”)

Notes: changed noogleberry programme, emailed Lucy (who suggested I switch from 30 min. 3x/day p&h to 60 min. 2x/day pump and hold, which I did). Emailed BB company and they told me not to expect results for up to a year. Added Maca, MSM.

3 month (12/23)
Left breast:
Right breast:

Notes: period late this month, supposed to start on 12/1, started 12/8
Notes: on 12/6/11 measured 29.5” at nipples, on 12/9/11 measured 29”
Notes: changed noogling style for this month – 10 min. on, 2 min. off, pump and release for 1 hour 2x/day


edit: I re-measured today because I wasn't measuring in front of a mirror yesterday and I don't think it was as accurate. Happy with the growth because I haven't been able to noogle as consistently around the holidays (waking up late, going out late with friends, family around...)

3 month (12/24)

Upperbust: 28.5” (+1.0)
Underbust: 25.5” (+1.0)
Nipples: 29.5” (+1.00)
Left breast: 7.25” (+0.25)
Right breast: 6.75” (-0.25) (note: I think this depends on where I count the "breast bone" but imo this breast is smaller so the half inch difference makes more sense)

Notes: period late this month, supposed to start on 12/1, started 12/8
on 12/6/11 measured 29.5” at nipples, on 12/9/11 measured 29”
changed noogling style for this month – 10 min. on, 2 min. off, pump and release for 1 hour 2x/day
12/23/11 added MSM (3000 mg/day) into routine
12/24/11 took last maca pill (not going to repurchase, I don't really think it did much tbh. Didn't get a booty from it either!)


Congrats on your growth! It looks like your program is working.

Thank you! Smile Feel like I'm having a breakthrough after 2ish months of nada. And happy holidays!

4 month (1/23)
Upperbust: 28” (-0.5)
Underbust: 24.5” (-1)
Nipples: 29” (-0.5)
Left breast: 7.15” (-0.10)
Right breast: 6.75” (+0.00)

Notes: been a bit more inconsistent with noogling – lucky if I get in an hour a night. Still doing the p&r method. Haven’t been taking protein shakes, although I think I’ve been getting protein in my diet.
Probably this means I’ve been staying about the same this month – I know a lot of the measurements are down but it was weird that the underbust was 25.5 last month, I think those measurements might be off slightly. Haven’t noticed any change (that they look/feel different) this month.
Trying to get back on taking the protein shakes or protein bars every day, eating protein diet, noogling.

So I took my temperature today and I got 98.0, then 97.8. Crap. Sad

Up until now my temperature had always been around 99 so I figured I wouldn't be having this problem. Guess I'd better trek off to the store tomorrow and pick up some Kelp (maybe L-Tyrosine too?)

I went to the store, but they did not have L-Tyrosine or Kelp (too weird for a CVS, I guess?) so I ordered them online. Oddly, today I was getting a 98.6, but I think it couldn't hurt to give them a try anyway. They seem to be touted for things like warming your hands (mine are so cold all the time), mental alertness (I'm always tired), and better sleep (I have trouble falling asleep at night).

5 month (2/23)
Upperbust: 28” (no change)
Underbust: 25.5” (+1)
Nipples: 29.5” (+0.5)
Left breast: 7.5” (+0.35)
Right breast: 7” (+0.25)

Notes: measured low temp (98” < 98.6”) so bought kelp, added kelp 1T/day on 2/21/12. Added L-Tyrosine on 2/23/2012.
Progress seems slow. Sad Possible that I am estrogen-deficient (having read Natural Hormone Balance for Women by Uzzi Reiss, Martin Zuker) so PM would be a better solution, but the BB was so expensive it seems like a waste of money to not use it. I may just try PM in 8.5 months (when the BB runs out).

Current supplements:
AM 1 BB pill, 1 L-tyrosine, 1 MSM 1500 mg
wait one hour before eating
Lunch: multivitamin, protein shake
PM 1 BB pill, 1 MSM 1500 mg, 1 Kelp

Current Noogle Routine:
I try to noogle twice a day, if I can, but I make sure to get in at least an hour a day. Combination of pump and hold and pump and release (I try to remember to pump and release but I usually noogle while studying and forget).

6 month (3/26)
Upperbust: 28” (no change)
Underbust: 26” (+0.5)
Nipples: 29.5” (no change)
Left breast: 7.5” (no change)
Right breast: 7.5” (+0.5)

Notes: Stopped with the noogling. Having done it a year and a half now, I think I can say with confidence that it just doesn't work for me. It's also a major time commitment that I'm glad to cut out. Still taking the L-Tyrosine, Kelp.

So I ended up not gaining anything from BB. Tried PM for a couple of months, didn't really see results with that either.

I'm trying an herbal program based on Doll's and Isabelle's. Here it is:

610 mg fenugreek 3TAM2TPM = 3050 mg/day
310 mg Hops 3TBID = 1860 mg/day
500 mg Maca 2TBID = 2000 mg/day

Also, I'm going to use the metric system this time because
A) I don't have any intrinsic ideas about my measurements in metric and
B) I think it's better for tracking small changes

New starting measurements:
Around: 73.5 cm (28.937 ")
Under: 65 cm
Above: 72 cm
Left: 19.5 cm
Right: 18.5 cm

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