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melissa4u program


Hi rosance!
I just read a post about Ginie stopping BO midway into her cycle and she had spotting. I don't think it's anything serious, it might just be a coincidence because I only stopped taking it yesterday night and I don't think it would have caused a heavier period in about 12hrs? But who knows?
I think we are all risking it here. When we take things internally, there is a great chance that we are risking it. I don't want to go back to anything internally as of now. I'm taking a whole month off of NB, I think I need the break.
I will resume NB next month.

Just for reference to anyone who is reading:
I have grown 2 inches using BB and NB combined.
I'm looking for fullness and roundness and it seems I only got outward growth.
I think Ginie might be right about BO not being prograterone based, I think BB has been increasing estrogen for me, that would explain my 2 inches outward growth and no roundness.
I will try to get my hormones tested soon.
For now, I'll take a break and return to noogling in a month or so.

About the overpumping, I think as long as our breasts don't turn purple, it's fine. We have to do it a lower pressure.
I'm thinking to snoogle, but have not had the courage to tell my husband! Also, I think that I won't succeed with sleeping with it on. I'm desperate and I think I might just break down and tell him!


(19-02-2012, 06:34)melissa4u Wrote:  I'm thinking to snoogle, but have not had the courage to tell my husband! Also, I think that I won't succeed with sleeping with it on. I'm desperate and I think I might just break down and tell him!

I try to snoogle daily. I have succeeded a couple of times sleeping through 6-7 hours, but sometimes I wake after 1.5-3 hours and remove the cups and roll over. Sometimes I lie awake for 1 hour, can't sleep and remove the cups prior to sleeping. I work nights so my wife and I sleep on a different schedule. Due to different schedules snoogling isn't as awkward. It has been a little awkward prepping and applying the NB in front of her, but I try to do it more often.

This morning at 10am I was going to bed and she was showering to start the day. When she got out of the shower I was stretched out in bed with the cups in place. We had a 15 minute conversation about everyday stuff then she moved on. Even though I am embarrassed I try to make noogling just another fact of life. Honesty between a husband and wife shouldn't be embarrassing.


Dam melissa. I ALSO WANT ROUNDNESS!!!!!! Like, when I bend forward they look like "U" when I want them to look like (_). HAHA...SOon soon...let's be patient girl.

That's funny...Hopefulmale, she gets out and you have your cups on.

My hubby knows everything I am doing. I have to talk to him about any planned decisions before actually conducting them. I just feel more comfortable like that. It took a while for him to get adjusted to the NB though. He would stare at the cups with a little worried face. I would be like "what?" and he would be like "are you sure that's safe" HAHA he is SO CUTE. But sleeping with them...for him..idk. He is probably going to tell me that they are going to be on for too long and not feel comfortable with me sleeping with them.

I know internally we all are risking it, but to be honest with you, I feel much comfortable with myself while doing all this. I feel like I understand my body better, like hormonal level wise and all. I also feel like my skin and hair have gotten better in health as well as my concentration levels. I feel I can last hours studying...which I need cause I am going to college...haha.
I don't know...I like what I am doing. Once I reach my goal, which is IDK some sort of D, I am planning on continuing some of the herbs due to their benefits. With an IUD, periods are not fun (haha when are they???).
Let us know how your bleeding goes and if you tell your hubby. For me, it is much comfortable that way (him knowing). It highly depends on how your relationship is going. If he is understandable, do it. If you are only embarrassed or anything like that, come cannot let your feelings control you. YOU CONTROL THEM! You hear me girl! You are the BOSS. That is if that is the case. I hope everything turns out beautifully Wink

Thanks you two!
Rosance, you are so right! I'm just embarassed, my husband is a sweetheart and I know he'll understand. I just don't know how to start the conversation. I will get the courage to do so, soon, *fingers crossed*

The week or so before my period, my breasts swelled up like a cup size, and I also noogled for about 2 hours and they became even bigger. My husband asked me "what have you been doing? your breasts are bigger". I said "nothing, my period is supposed to come any day now". He looked at me and said "No, you have been doing something", we both laughed. So he knows that I've been doing something but doesn't know what. I think that's what made me want to start telling him in the first place because he has become suspicious as to what I'm doing.

I don't think I will get that big again, because I was on the BB pills and with the BB pills, a week or so before the period, your breasts swell up like a cup size, NO JOKE! and if you noogle too during that time, expect a cup size and a half! or two!
I'm actually kind of sad thinking about it now, I really loved how I swelled before my period, it was quite lovely!

Although, I have quit BB, it did make my areolas flatter. My left areola is completely flat, my right areola (smaller breast) is still a little puffy, but its flatter than before. So I'm trying to stay positive about all of this. I did grow 2 inches which is not bad. I just wanted more roundness.

I am looking into those saliva test kits where they test your hormones. I just want a confirmation about what's going on with my hormones. I'm pretty sure BB hasn't changed my progesterone levels, because I have not gotten any roundnessAngry
That's why I am scared to ever go on PM, it is such a strong phyto-estrogen and it would send me through the roof!


(19-02-2012, 08:02)Rosance Wrote:  That's funny...Hopefulmale, she gets out and you have your cups on.

My hubby knows everything I am doing. I have to talk to him about any planned decisions before actually conducting them.

Smile The NB wasn't a surprise to my wife, we had talked about it and she has seen me with the cups on before. I was just describing how I am trying to make it a matter of ritual like brushing your teeth. Something that is expected to happen daily and not something that requires acknowledgement.

Haha melissa, husband is having suspicions Big Grin That's a confirmation for your growth! About the swelling, does it stay or goes down?

@hopefulmale...I also do the same thing. I am just using them and around him as well. Every time he looks at me weird I am like "what?" and he just stays quiet. It is something normal, I mean, it is more normal and suddenly having boobs (implants)...haha Big Grin

The swelling lasts for about 4 hours or so then it goes down.
The bleeding is light today, so yesterday it can be just a coincidence.

I've been doing tons of research on progesterone cream. I've also been reading on estrogen dominance. I have many symptoms that show signs of it. I think that I need to wake up my receptors. I've been thinking to try a small dose of progesterone cream, thinking of buying the Kokoro balance cream. I've read that natural progesterone cream is harmless, so I dont think I will cause any harm trying a small dose of it.
Maybe balancing my hormones first will give me an unexpected growth! Wishful thinking!!!


Aww...PC. I have been wanting to use it as well, but am considering Nip+Fab because my breasts are a bit saggy, and supposedly it is good for firming them. Although I have heard that PC is great for roundness...AGHHH! there are too many options!!! Glad to hear your bleeding has subsided Smile

Hi Rosance,
Roundness? I would definitely want that!
I have to admit that I am definitely excited to try PC. I wanted to try it before, but I was on BO, and did not want to over do it because I thought BO was "progesterone" based. I don't believe that anymore.

I started reading more about PC after I read a post from Ginie, she used herbs and those made her estrogen dominant. She used PC to correct it and balance her out. She wasn't expecting growth, but she grew on PC alone! Nice Surprise! Gee, I hope that happens to me to!

I think my receptors need to "wake up". I have went ahead and purchased the kokoro balance cream. Its the same cream Ginie used and it is one of the creams recommended by Dr. Lee

I don't think using PC is harmful, unless one has an excess of progesterone or something, which I'm 100% sure I don't have an excess of progesterone.
I need a break from NBE for now. But until then, its more reading and researching about Progesterone in general and PC.
So whenever I do start on PC, I will start off with a 1/4 teaspoon of PC a day following Dr. Lee's guidelines:

Guidelines for Premenopausal Women:
If you have an average 26- to 30-day menstrual cycle, you can begin your first month of cream use between day 10 to 12 of your menstrual cycle, counting the first day of your period as day 1. Continue until a day or two before your expected period, which for most women is between 26 and 30 days. If your period starts before your chosen last day, stop using the cream and begin counting again to day 10, 11, or 12. The closer you can get to using the cream when you ovulate or just after, the more in tune with your own cycle you will be. It may take two or three cycles to find the synchrony your body desires.


WOw, that info is awesome, thanks! Where is this again? I know there is a book, but is there anyway I can find this information on the internet? I am so interested in it as well GAHHHH!!!! @#$%!

I don't know, I think I am going to give in to this cream. How much was your cream and where did you buy it? But, yes, for roundness, because progesterone is supposed to round the breasts. I believe I am NOT progesterone dominant. I am doing WAY better right now than when I was on my period. GOD I felt out of it, like I was not me and then the bad headaches...brrrrrr get the chills just thinking about it. I feel that this cream will definitely help me as I have seen women's reviews on how progesterone cream reduces symptoms that are similar to mine.

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