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MAJOR QUESTIONS-Wahaika, Isabelle, Surfer Joe and all of you Booby Geniuses


You all are fantastic! It is amazing the wealth of knowledge on this site. Im considered a newbie although I have been stalking you all for over four months now since October of 2011. I started a simple program in october because I was so skeptical of jumping on board with an herbal program. But I gave in, C's are my dream, and I will get them!Big Grin I am getting married in September and I want to be able to fill out my wedding dress, it pretty sad when you are getting boobs sewed into the dress because of my lack of.

I will try and make this short and sweet! I am 5'6, 124 pounds, age 26, two children both that I breastfed, and currently a 36 A, sometimes i fit into a 32 B but thats only because i kid myself. I have always been small chested and I did not grow much in the bosom department even when I was pregnant. And the only time they were huge when i breastfed was when I was engorged. I have always been very healthy. Although I do smoke occasionally. I smoke less than a pack a week. And I do love my red wine in which I drink probably every other day with dinner or after dinner.

So here are the questions that I have:

I started in the greenbush kit enhancement blend- I am so worried that this is a waste of time because you can not ramp up with the seperate herbs and there is no way to take more of one or another? Is the enhancement blend as effective as kit #2?

I am also worried that I ramped up way too quickly because after 3 weeks(i know this isnt long) but I feel nothing? Basically the blend has the same proportion of SP, WY, and FG. First day i took one,2nd day 2, 3rd day 3, 4th day 3, 5th day 5, 6th day 6, 7th day 6, 8th day 9 and i have stuck to 9 since? Will ramping up too quickly destroy my program?

I have not told my fiance that I am doing this (not yet) and so I massage only in the morning and leave it on for most of the day, and I do apply a hot towel after for about 20 minutes, but I am not able to do a wrap over night. I know this is a very important step but Will I still have growth?

Well I am sorry, so far this has not been short. I will quickly note my program for any thoughts or suggestions:


3 enhancment capsules 575 mg of each SP, WY, FG
MSM- 1000 mg
Vitamin c
B complex
Adding today: EPO 500 mg and FLax Seed 1000 mg



3 Enhancement capsules
MSM/vitamin c
Kelp and Cayenne so I do not gain weight from herbs
Adding today: EPO 500 mg and Flaxseed 1000 mg

3 enhancement capsules
MSM/ vitamin c
Adding today EPO 500 mg and flaxseed 1000 mg

TEA tsp of FG powder and Fennel powder with cinnamon

IM SORRY my 8 month old hit buttons and it sent before it was supposed to.

It was supposed to continue with that I massage in the morning for about 3 or 4 minutes with olive oil and the extract that is blended with SP, WY and FG. And i apply the hot towel after and it does stay on most of the day. I also do a few push ups after.

I am considering adding a multi vitamin from isagenix. It contains every vitamin in addition to a vegetable blend (brocolli, asparagus, spinach, kale, beet, etc) in it and also contains royal jelly, red clover, Dong Quai, FG, WY, SP, and fennel. I am just worried that this may be too much or confusing to my body. Will the red clover, Dong Quai and royal jelly destroy or minimize the effect of the FG, WY and SP??? Or will they compliment eachother?

If these questions have already been answered I am sorry. I have spent hours and hours reading and searching to come up with what i already have.
Thank you so much for anyones help. Big Boobies here I come!

Hello VeryCurious,

Stop smoking. Among other things it increases oxidative stress and will age you faster!

What size did you swell to (huge?) when breastfeeding?

Kit #2 is better to adjust individual herbs. But since you have the capsules, you are not far off.

With the enhancement blend, you have to look at it as 1/3 of your dosage is what you are actually taking. As an example, fenugreek for a woman who already has breastfed children should be about 2000mg to 2500mg per day, possibly 3000mg per day. 2500/575=4.3 Rounded down is 4 capsules of fenugreek only, which is 2300mg. This is a good general target for a maximum dosage. 4 X 3 = 12 capsules per day. You are taking 6. Continue to ramp up with 12 as a new target, evaluating as you go. Watch the effect on your body. When you reach a dosage that gives you growing pains/sensations, then you know you have it about right. My recommendation would be to use 2000mg as a general target then bump it to 3000 on March 21st.

MSM is a good thing to take for NBE, and your dosage looks good. Are you using Carlsons brand?

Be sure to take a multivitamin with plenty of zinc, B12 (a complete B complex is preferred with B12 above 50 to 80mcg), and selenium. If you are going to add kelp, just understand that it may work against you. Kelp is to help hypothyroid problems. Replace it with small dosages of L-Tyrosine. Do you get plenty of chicken and beef in your diet? If so, then L-Tyrosine is not necessary. Do you have a workout routine? How is your diet? What have you had to eat for the past 3 days?

Can you get a heated pad with a low setting?
For the batter:
1/2 cup Olive Oil + 1/2 cup Fenugreek + 24 Borage Oil (one gram) caps. Steep for one week minimum before first use. (The longer the better)

Get 2 (at least) 8oz empty containers such as dark glass bottles or empty hand lotion bottles. Steep with one while using the other. Shake well all the time.

Also, consider getting Greenbush kit #2. It comes with a pound of fenugreek that can be used for this purpose.

DO NOT USE THE ISAGENIX PRODUCT due to the Red Clover! Red Clover is counter productive for NBE. Which product are you considering?



Thank you Wahaika! Such a quick response and great knowledge! I am so glad I did not take the isagenix multi.

The only time I was huge when I breastfed was when I became engorged other than that I was not that much larger. In fact, i quit breastfeeding both kids after 6 weeks because I was constantly worried they were not getting enough. As far as smoking, I know I should quit. I quit for both pregnancies and while breastfeeding, but for some reason I always go back to it. I know smoking a little is the same as smoking a lot but will it seriously have a toll on my growth?

The isagenix product is the womans multi vitamin. I have always tried to take great care of my body (besides the smoking) and I used to drink their shakes, take their vitamins, etc..before I had my second child. I willnot risk or take anything while being pregnant. SO I went back through all of my old vitamins and found this and was sooo close to taking one, but glad I refrained.

I do not use Carlsons brand MSM, I use GNC it worthless?

I did order the fenugreek powder and fennel powder but I only use it for tea, not massage. I use the liquid extract for massage that contains equal parts of the Wy, SP, and FG.

I will put a hold on the kelp, thank you! I was just so scared the herbs would make me gain weight and Im pretty sure my body temp runs a little low so that is why i started taking the supplement. I do eat chicken and beef but maybe i will supplement a low dose of tyrosine into my diet.

I am up to 9 capsules so im probably around 1700 mg of Fenugreek, SP and WY, I will up my dose. I also drink the extract in a drink twice a day which is very hard to measure so actually Im probably around 2000 mg of each.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! For all the info and the quick response this helped tremendously!

and out of curiosity (hope this isnt stupid) I have read your posts about spring being the best time for NBE, but why is that? Thank you

Hi Verycurious!


I thought I'd add my two cents about the smoking and NBE. I know that while taking birthcontrol one is strongly recommended to not smoke, because it increases the risk of blodclots.

Quote:Thromboembolism (blood clots): Women who use estrogen-containing birth control pills are at a 3- to 6-fold increased risk of developing blood clots. Blood clots may lead to deep vein thrombosis, heart attack, or stroke. Additional causes of blood clots include advanced age, obesity, family history, recent surgery, and pregnancy. Low-dose (less than 50 mcg of ethinyl estradiol) oral contraceptives pose less risk than older, higher-dose formulations. Cigarette smoking increases the risk of blood clots in women using combination contraceptives, particularly for women older than 35 years and those who smoke more than 15 cigarettes per day.

I don't really know the mechanics of this, but it seems that this has to do with hormones, and if you are on an herbal NBE program, you would really want to stay away from smoking at the same time. However, the risk of blodclots might be specifically linked to synthetic hormones and not hormones in general. I really don't know. If somebody knows any more, please clarify. Anyways, I do think NBE will work way better in a body that is free of all the toxins from smoking. And what better reason to quite smoking than big boobies Big Grin

Thank you Gilly! I appreciate the info and concern! I knew it was true, I think I was just in denial. Between school, children, and work I enjoy the one or two I have a day for just my me time. That sounds ridiculous but its true.

That will be my next goal. Plus i will stop wasting money. I dont know if I can give up smoking and my wine though. SO im really keeping my fingers crossed that red wine does not hinder boobie growth.Tongue

THANK You again!

I can see how smoking is part of that me-time-ritual. Maybe taking up something else to replace the cigarette would help. Maybe your teas.

Of the two, I think definitely smoking is the one to cut out completely. I know of several on this board who have grown great even while having a few glasses of wine throughout the week, so you'll probably be fine. Big Grin

Good luck!

Looks good.

Formula is associated with increased asthma, disease and childhood obesity translating into billions in health care costs. Milk is complete food; formula is sugar, fat, protein and a multivite that lacks some nutrients and all immune system factors. FG and fennel are also very popular for increasing milk supply if that time comes again. Iodine is also a factor (as is folate and many others). So at least 100 mg kelp (1/16 tsp.), or 200 mg when breastfeeding, may be a consideration to at least meet the iodine RDA.

There are studies on FG at associating it with fat loss, particularly when taken with food. WY is likely to be similar, but I don't know of studies on it.

Turmeric (1+ tsp.) or rice bran (4+ tsp.) are good antioxidants to stop oxidation damage and to remove harmful substances without causing further oxidation damage. You might want to search other threads for other effects of turmeric though if you go with that one. Thiamine (B1) is great for processing alcohol, though I doubt a little wine hurts.

Well, verycurious,

There's not much I can add to this, except: good luck with your program Smile

Thank you again Isabelle, Surfer Joe, Wahaika, and Gilly!!!! Well I feel as if I have a solid program. I am not going to measure or take pictures yet because I will probably become obsessed. I have a particular bra that I am looking to fill out or better yet spill out of. So I will keep you all posted!!


I am on day one as far as quitting smoking! AND does anyone know why march 21st is such a great time for NBE?

Well good luck to all I will check back in soon! Thank you

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