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my experience with hypnosis


Hi Kelly9
Yes, I agree with you, when you think about it, it does make sense.
Although I have been doing it straight before bed and I always fall asleep (because obviously you are more tired at that time, and when you're listening to someone making you relax, it is very hard not to fall asleep when it is near your bedtime). So a few times now I've been doing it through the day so I can keep awake.
I have always been led to believe that falling asleep doesn't matter because your subconscious mind is always awake and hearing. But I've just read from another hypnotist that when doing his breast enlargement recording hypnosis he says DO NOT fall asleep.
I just don't know what do think or do now. Does anybody really know, or have any other comments/advice on this.
Has anybody fallen asleep during their hypnosis session and still had the success.
Thank you

hello all! I was wondering if anyone tried the "boobster" and the "Dna activation".I saw it on the other post and I am very curious about this.thanks! Big Grin

(11-02-2012, 12:58)MetalGirl Wrote:  hello all! I was wondering if anyone tried the "boobster" and the "Dna activation".I saw it on the other post and I am very curious about this.thanks! Big Grin

I had great success with NBE, using PM, hypnosis, subliminals, visualization, aminoacids, copper (mineral) and zinc, sesame seeds and flax seeds, cutting 75% caffeine, chi massage, eating healthier, drinking herbal teas containing extrogen and using wild yam cream. Let's not forget about EFT.

For hypnosis I used: Steve Jones, Kenneth Blake, Petite Morte, Boobster + DNA activator and others, but not all together, I changed them, like "seasons". Sometimes I would change them weekly, depending on what I was believing most in that moment.

I don't know which one of the recordings gave life to my chest. The one that I believe that is working the most is Blake Talks. Also Petite Morte, the down side of Petite Morte is that it lasts a very long time (about 75 minutes), but it covers a lot of messages. Bottom line is: pick the one that is more likely to convince you that it is possible. Because it sounds impossible, right? But your doubt is holding you back.

What I have learnt from my experience, is that you have first of all to set a target (eg: a C cup within 8 months, if you are A cup).
Then buy a bra of the size you want to be. Try it on in the beginning and promise yourself that in 8 months you will reach that size.
Then start doing hypnosis and/or visualization, at least 30 minutes a day. The rest of the day (when is possible) keep repeating an affirmation that states that you already have a C cup, or any positive affirmation. It has to be SPECIFIC, like our prayers are: SPECIFIC.
During the visualization, hypnosis and affirmations, try to imagine that you have those heavy breasts, helping yourself by using the 5 senses as much as you can to make it real.
Promise yourself you'll measure your breast (circumference, height, etch...) once a month, but only after your period (4 days after your period). Measuring and realizing that you are growing is going to feed your believe, so your subconscious will have the proof that it's working, and finally your subconscious will go crazy in growing your breasts, free from limitations, because the results are REAL!
The hardest part is believing in the beginning.

I am done.

Please, ladies, believe in visualization! Cut a picture of a 'generous' bust and justapose the picture of your face on it and look at it. How do you look with your huge breasts? Feel the happyness, impress in your subconscious that it is possible, because you can see it. Feel the heaviness, feel the thrill! AHHHHHHH! Smile Yes! Yes! Yes!

If you listen to me, all of you, and with patience, you will grow bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger...Smile

(12-11-2011, 11:31)djt-d Wrote:  Hi Kelly9
Yes, I agree with you, when you think about it, it does make sense.
Although I have been doing it straight before bed and I always fall asleep (because obviously you are more tired at that time, and when you're listening to someone making you relax, it is very hard not to fall asleep when it is near your bedtime). So a few times now I've been doing it through the day so I can keep awake.
I have always been led to believe that falling asleep doesn't matter because your subconscious mind is always awake and hearing. But I've just read from another hypnotist that when doing his breast enlargement recording hypnosis he says DO NOT fall asleep.
I just don't know what do think or do now. Does anybody really know, or have any other comments/advice on this.
Has anybody fallen asleep during their hypnosis session and still had the success.
Thank you

Well, I fallen asleep most of times Tongue but I had dramatic improvement. Now, because of all the things that I do to enlarge my pretty breasts, I don't know exactly what is doing it, but I have the feeling that hypnosis is "the thing", united with PM. Massage is 2nd place, maybe just for firmness. I am telling you, I spent most of my life trying to improve my chest, and those are the things that made a difference. If you have big boobs in your head, you have them on your body. period. EFT is also involved in my routine. I don't know... I also noticed that when I don't stress out about my breasts, I feel them moving, pulsing and live. What is it? Anyway, Let's relax and be women. Let's love ourselves and pamper ourselves. We are beautiful creations with tiny pretty breasts, or big. WHat matters is self confidence and sparkle. I want big breasts because I love big breasts. Because I would look better with them. I have the face of the big boob woman. Certain women look better with smaller breasts and men would give their soul to the D...l to have such women. I know that for a fact. My husband prefers small-medium breasts. I don't care: I love big breasts and I will get a F cup one day. That's my goal. I have a round, big beautiful butt, size 6. I need an E-F cup for reason of visual balance. Also my hair (on my head) is big. My nose is long. Goodness, I expanded everywhere, I need big breasts too. I want my breasts to expand like my butt does Big GrinDDDDD

I am wondering about this hypnosis thing. I apologize in advance as the question sounds skeptical and on the negative side, but I have to ask. Isn't hypnosis trickery of the mind? Is it possible you/hypnotist are tricking your mind into believing your breast are bigger? Do other people notice and comment? Again, I apologize if this offends anyone, but this is a legit question that I genuinely would like some feedback on as I am seeking successful NBE myself. Thanks.

(14-02-2012, 18:40)DareIask? Wrote:  I am wondering about this hypnosis thing. I apologize in advance as the question sounds skeptical and on the negative side, but I have to ask. Isn't hypnosis trickery of the mind? Is it possible you/hypnotist are tricking your mind into believing your breast are bigger? Do other people notice and comment? Again, I apologize if this offends anyone, but this is a legit question that I genuinely would like some feedback on as I am seeking successful NBE myself. Thanks.

Yes, with hypnosis you trick your conscious mind, putting it to rest, so the subconscious mind can absorb the positive messages without obstacles. Your negative mind-thoughts are your limitation. Your subconscious will accept any message, positive or negative, that the conscious mind sends. Google "hypnosis". Hypnosis is working for me because I am not skeptical.
If you associate imagery with emotions, with the help of your 5 senses, you can attract whatever you want.
You already attracted whatever you are, whatever you have and whatever you look like through this process, just you never knew or tried to control it. With visualization and controlled thoughts, you can make your life and your body better.

Hello Ladies,

I’m new on this forum, but I follow your posts for awhile because they give me hope that the surgery is not the only solution. I also believe in hypnosis, but as I can see only Kelly9 has some real results here. Also I can notice that some other girls are very disappointed because they can’t achieve the same results as she.
But what I think that everyone is overlooking that Kelly9 doesn’t doing only hypnosis and I think that is a secret of her success. As I understood she is also taking PM, and doing massages every other day. As I saw on some other forums, some girls achieved good results only by doing massages, and not to believe some men also manage their breasts to grow using Pueraria Mirifica for a year or so.
So I think that if you want to get some results, you must add something besides your hypno rutine. I had some bad side effects with all herbs that I was trying to drink, so I will try now with hypnosis and massages.
Right now I’m listening PetitMort’s MP3, and his voice is very nice. I actualy feel some tensions in my breasts even when I’m not listening him, but it’s early to talk about results. What I see is that I have some better feelings if I don’t fall a sleep during the listening. So I think that it is important to be awake and to do all the visualisations that are suggested. Maybe it is better to be in sitting position while doing hypnosis than to lie down. I used to listen Blake earlier but I found his voice little annoying.
Sorry for mistakes in writing but english is not my native language.

Wish you luck and don’t give up!

excellent reply :] i am trying to really do the hypnosis and massage more regularily, but i have had results with just hypnosis. i have used several different hypnoses. definitely liked petit morte better than blake talks, although blake does have an awesome "imaginary placebo" hypnosis that helped me with a cold. i don't even know what he says in it cause i fall asleep with these people's relaxing voices! i think that most of the time, i have heard that success comes with having a routine. sometimes i forget or ignore it for a while. but even when i just tried hynosis, i have felt results. i think the key is to really go for about several months dedicated like they recommend. good luck to us all! i am starting a new routine!

Yes, it seems like I am the olnly one in this Forum that had great results with hypnosis.
I am a very spiritual person. I tend to believe more in the power of the spirit (because I know that it is eternal and it constantly creates) than in the power of phisical things.
The reason why I suggested to read The Master Key, is because it explains that nothing in the world outside has been created without creating it in the world inside first.
You can keep eating herbs, doing all the massages and exercises that you want, but if you don't have the breasts inside, you won't keep the breasts outside. If you look for help outside yourself, the results will be only temporary.
If you can see it inside, you can have it outside.
That's how we created all that we have now. Think about it.
I do herbs and other things because they give strenght to my beliefs. I am helping myself to reinforce my belief, that I am doing something about it.

I didn't take before after pictures. But I remember the bad feelings that I used to have before I changed, and they were not pretty. I don't have those feelings anymore. Something must have happened.
I remember how imbarassed I was, and hopeless.

I guarantee you that hypnosis works.


I’m sorry if my post sounded offensively, it wasn’t my intention at all. That is the problem when you are using a language which is not your nativeSad
Actualy your experience was the most inspiring for me on this forum, because I think that you are the one who really found out what works for you, and that is great. I’m also very spiritual person, used to practice yoga and meditations, which are not exactly like hypnosis but I think that experiences are giving me possibility to relax more and accept better all this hypnosis thing. I really believe in great power of our minds. But you can’t denied that other things you were using improved all process. I don’t think that your result would be so great (I really believe in your results without any pictures) if you were only doing hypnosis. At least it won’t be happening so fast. I can understand why is for some girl difficult to really accept this experience and to achieve some results. I think that after some months they just giving up because hypnosis didn’t bring them what they expected (in this case to be happy as you are) and I think that is wrong.
Your post with link for PetitMorte’s MP3 was revelation for me. After that I found also forum where this guy PetitMorte was active while he was making this MP3 back on 2003. It is useful to read, because it is important to understand what we are doing with hypnosis. A specially for girls who are basically are not that spiritual. I think it is important to read as much material as you can about subconscious mind, that you can be more familiar with the topic, and that you can accept better what you are doing. So the link is
He is also writing about his own experience with his wife, and you can see that he didn’t do it for commercial purposes, which is great. For those who think it is too much to read I just cut one part, that I think would be helpful, and is related with any hypnosis session:
“When you listen to the induction, you have 2 options. The first is to actually do what you're told to do, following the instructions, imagining the things you're asked to imagine, feeling the things you're invited to feel, etc. Or, if you're having difficulty, say for example, feeling yourself with big boobs, then instead of actually feeling that your boobs are big, you can pretend that you do. Or pretend that you see... This is the path that you need to take, to get the effect.

The other is to just listen passively and let the whole thing wash past you. This, in all probability will NOT get you the effect. This is why anyone can listen, and not get emboobened.

Your subconscious is not impressed with intention, or words, or willpower. Your subconscious is impressed by effort. ONLY when you put effort into something, will your subconscious act on it. You can sit there, wishing your boobs would get bigger, over and over and over, and nothing is going to come of it. But once you start actually imagining yourself WITH bigger boobs, how it would feel, how you would look, then your subconscious says "Oh wow, she's serious about this. Let's crank out some boobage!" And the more you do that, the more real you can make it, the more often you do it, the easier it becomes for your subconscious to make it your reality. “
All the best,

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