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NotSoBusty's Routine


Whoo! Thanks for the encouragement, guys! I am excited about this, as well!

Day 2 of PC, third application. MY BOOBS ITCH LIKE CRAZY!!!!

I applied heat for 10 min and now I am noogling pretty much for the day since I have absolutely nothing to do today (sweet life...). About 3 min. into applying the heating pad, my breasts started itching like there was no tomorrow. After my heating session was over, I took the liberty to itch them, but to avail! They are still itching right now while I am noogling. It doesn't appear to be a skin irritation, so hopefully this is a serious sign of my breasts reacting!

Fingers crossed!!

I just thought I would share an interesting tidbit of information with you ladies in regards to bra sizing and Victoria's Secret.

I have a very good friend who is naturally endowed with big, beautiful breasts. She, unfortunately, is one of the young ladies who suffers from back pain due to bad posture and insecurity in terms of her weight as a result. She went to get sized at Victoria's Secret, and they told her she was a 34DD, which happens to be the biggest size that they carry.

Well, she took their word for it and went about her daily life toting around her gigantic tatas in her 34DD bra, which left gaps beneath her boobs around the band, gaps in the straps, and left her boobs sagging and giving a sort of "sports bra" appearance.

She couldn't take it any longer, so she decided to get sized by somewhere a little more professional, because let's face it, as cute as Victoria's Secret is, they are trying to sell you their cute little bras that their cute little models strut around (sorry, I am NOT happy with that company right now). So, we went to Dillards where they have to go through an intensive bra-measuring course before working in the lingerie section.

WELL WELL turns out that my beautiful friend suffered from back pain, incessant boob sweat, insecurity, and weight issues because Victoria's Secret told her she was THREE sizes smaller than she actually was just to get her to buy one of their bras. My friend's true size is a 32H. I am absolutely astonished that Victoria's Secret would even tell her she was a 34DD just to make a sale when she clearly needed a LOT more than that.

Dillards was incredibly helpful, kind, and patient with us. She helped us look for bras for about an hour until my friend was happy (32H's are very difficult to find, to say the least).

Now, my friend stands up straight with confidence and beautiful smile, because her bra actually supports her in the way that she needs it to!

I just thought I would share this story with y'all, so when you go to get measured, you go to a professional and not to a sales person!!!!

I pumped for a long, long time yesterday, because I had all day to do whatever I wanted, which happened to be pumping.

I noogled for 3 hours in the morning, and 3 hours at night. Both yielded about 1/2-3/4" in swelling, as I measure 35" before swelling and almost 36" after pumping. I tried on a few bras afterward, and my 34B's fit perfectly, as did the one 32C's that I own. This morning, some of the swelling stuck around, and I measured 35.25" about 12 hours later!

I need to stop measuring and trying on is so addicting! I am going to try to not measure until the 5th-7th day of my next cycle and then not measure again for another month. That way, the growth is all surprising and I stop watching it like a hawk!!

I have been growing around 1/2" each month so far, and I am supposed to be taking a break this upcoming month, but I don't think I am going to. From what I have read, PC is supposed to "re-sensitize" your estrogen receptors, and I am using PC cream in the second half of my cycle with weaker phytoestrogens (Greenbush Enhancement Blend) such as FN, WY, SP, and I also take fennel capsules.

I think the PC cream should be waking up my receptors enough, so I will continue my program normally next month. If anyone thinks this is a bad idea, be sure to let me know! I am just so anxious and excited to be seeing consistent results.

Anyway, happy growing to all! I will officially update my measurements and report any growth (fingers crossed!!) in about 2 weeks or so.

Hi NotSoBusty,

I think it's a very good idea. I skipped my October break, and I'm still happy I did.

Thank you, Isabelle!

I am definitely excited to continue on then! I would hate to take a break now when I am seeing so many positive signs of growth.

Next month, or whenever they come in the mail really, I am adding MSM, Hyaluronic Acid, and Gelatin capsules that also contain silicon. I bought them all from Swanson's Vitamins. I am making my routine more similar to Ginie's, except I am not going to be taking any placenta.

Okay, I have posted a lot in my thread in the past 2-3 days, sorry!! I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for reaching a C-cup, so I am just really excited.

Don't apologize for posting, we love reading all the posts, and this is "your" program page, so post as much as you want. The more posts the merrier.
Keep us updated with your program.

Thank you, Melissa4u!! I guess sometimes I am fearful of posting too much, but I guess I am also an avid reader and love when people update, as well! Smile

Well, I think I may be over-pumping (shocker...). My breasts, although I am getting a lot of sharp pains in them and they feel meaty, are shrinking a bit. I measured this morning at 35", noogled for an hour and swelled to 35 1/2", and now I am measuring 34 1/2" about 4 hours post-noogle. I am very well hydrated, for the record (my bf thinks I am a pill-popping, water-guzzling maniac!!)

WEIRD, right? I have all kinds of sensations in them, though. Does anyone think that perhaps my breasts shrink a little bit to compensate for the influx of slight swelling? That doesn't sound right to me, but I am just a little confused.

So, I am going to noogle a little less. Even though I have a lot of free time and would prefer to noogle more, I am going to limit myself to 1-2 hour sessions 1-2 hours a day. Due to my class schedule, I will only be noogling once on tuesdays and thursdays (so I will make these two hour sessions, and twice the rest of the week with 1-1.5 hour sessions. We'll see how this works out, because I have finally started to see swelling and I absolutely love it, but I would hate to hard my breasts!

I also think I may be one of those cases where a break is necessary, so I will be taking Thursday-Sunday off in 2 weeks, because my boyfriend will be in town. Until then I will continue with the schedule I described above and see if that makes a difference. Trial and error, "they" say!

i think this is just an example of how unreliable measuring tape can be. depending on if i'm standing upright, or slightly looking down, how much air is in my lung, if the tape is slightly on the shoulder blades or not, this can be a difference of up to 1". so while it's gratifying to measure our progress, i would use it as a very loose tool for gauging growth. how your breasts feel in your hands, and how they fit in your bras, are better indicators of progress.


You are definitely right, lled34aa! My measurements go up and down all day long, but my bras and clothes fit much differently. It is soooo addicting though!! Blush

I surrender! I am going to put the measuring tape down! Until the 7th day of my cycles....but I will ONLY be measuring monthly progress, not daily fluctuations! This will help me keep my spirits high, if there is growth, that is. Wink

My MSM, Hyaluronic Acid, and Gelatin with Silicon capsules from Swanson's came in the mail today! So, I will be starting those slowly tomorrow. I want to go ahead and get them in my system before the start of my next cycle.

They all say on the bottles to take two a day, but I will only be taking one a day until the end of this cycle as a sort of ramp-up. I will then increase it at the start of my next cycle to the recommended 2 capsules a day, and the doses will remains there consistently throughout my program, unless I notice any side effects from any of them at any time.

I will update my day supplements schedule when I get home at the end of this weekend! I have to make an unexpected and last-minute trip out of town, so I will also be unable to noogle, unless I am REALLY sneaky!! Tongue Not worth the embarrassment it would cause, honestly. Boo. Sad

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