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Hello to everybody on this wonderful site! So much of good info!!! Thanks to all!!! I have a question. I bought Ainterol Powder, but it didnt come with a measuring spoon, so I am kind confused. Is anybody know how to measure it with a regular spoon? And also, is any other way of using the powder, I read some people put it in lotion(oil)?Huh

Welcome Malvina,

A small, heaped teaspoon is 5,000 mg.

You van leave the powder in olive oil for two weeks, and filter the powder out with a coffee filter.

Thank you, Isabelle! I will try to put it in a olive oil. You said a teaspoon is 5000mg, so what if I want like 500mg?

Empty the heaped teaspoon on a dish, and divide by 10 like you would cut a cake.

Thank you, Isabelle! You are awesome!!!!

oh yh i thought i didnt get a measuring spoon at first but there was one it not that good though like the powder gets stuck in the spoon then if tap the spoon to get it out the powder goes everywhere but yh if you can guess if you know how big a 500mg pill is like just a lil heap on the tip of the spoon or u can probs buy a better measure spoon cheaply

(24-12-2011, 01:04)BarbieGrrrl Wrote:  oh yh i thought i didnt get a measuring spoon at first but there was one it not that good though like the powder gets stuck in the spoon then if tap the spoon to get it out the powder goes everywhere but yh if you can guess if you know how big a 500mg pill is like just a lil heap on the tip of the spoon or u can probs buy a better measure spoon cheaply
Actually it's a good idea to buy a special spice measuring spoon. I didnt even think about it... I already looked on ebay, probably order one Smile


Hi Isabelle,

Thanks for your advice. I am a newbie and just got my PM delivered today from Thailand--100% pure. So, I am curious as to why you suggest putting PM in Olive Oil and then filtering it. I was planning have the plain powder (1/4 flat teaspoon daily ~ 500 mg) and then ramping up.

Thanks in advance for sharing your experience/thoughts.


Hi kanamma,

I was only suggesting this for people who want to make a topical. You can just take the powder, yes. I do that with hops, maca, and fenugreek.

Thanks Isabelle! Is that you in the avatar? Love that look.


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