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Currently flat...but hopeful!


Hi all!

Here's a little about me:

This is my first post on the forum. I've been reading pretty much everything that I can read in the past two weeks within all of the posts. I can honestly say that I had little to no faith in the NBE route, but after reading so many experiences from different people who have actually seen results, I am intrigued and feeling quite hopeful! Before I found this site, I was really really considering to go with Macrolane in the future, but maybe I won't have to after all!

I was also debating implants but my boyfriend pretty much told me that although he would support my decision, that it wasn't something that he necessarily wanted me to do, and after much thought, I'm not sure it's really something that I wanted either. Of course, he says that he likes me as I am and that he likes small breasts, but I know that if my breasts were bigger, he wouldn't complain either, lol.

So to get into why I want to do this, of course it's because I want to look better. I want to feel better about the way that I look when I wear certain clothes, I want to feel more feminine, and I want to have higher self esteem and I honestly believe that although this may not be a cure all, it's a really big part! It also does not help that all of my friends are well endowed and even my mom and younger sister are B-cups. I think that I may be underdeveloped, so hopefully starting UB can resolve that issue.

I wanted to start this thread so that I could have a way to measure my progress!

My stats

Sex: F
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 140 lbs
Race: Asian
Bra Size: 34A, but according to the measurement guides on the internet, I'm a 34AAA. I fill my 34A pretty well, but I would like to see more cleavage and look good without a bra too.

My Program

I recently ordered UB, but I'm still waiting for it to come in the mail. I also ordered a NB, still waiting for it to come in the mail as well. So impatient.

I am currently just taking some supplements that I normally already take anyway and will be adding the UB to it. They are:

1 Collagen
1 Hair, Skin, and Nails
1 Kelp
1 Gingko Biloba
1 Fish Oil

1 Collage
1 Hair, Skin, and Nails

I'm just waiting for my UB to get here so that I can start my program! I will be noogling probably once a day realistically, twice a day would be optimal. I currently massage when I remember to. I am also hoping to lose maybe 10 lbs while I am doing this, so hopefully I can still grow even while losing weight.

I'm going to try to update whenever I can!

Here are some pics to be used for comparison Cool

As you can see, I look okay from the front, but from the side, I am flat as a pancake.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Starting to feel impatient now!Dodgy

Ordered my UB from medplex about a week ago and e-mailed them today about when I could expect the order to arrive and I got an e-mail back saying that they were on backorder! They said to expect it in another week or two. I was really hoping to be able to start with my program asap but I guess another week or two won't hurt.

I also ordered a NB and was waiting for that to come in as well, so hopefully sometime this week.

Changes to the program:

After reading some more posts, I decided to add *MSM* into the daily routine. I ordered a supply from Amazon for fairly cheap and I am hoping it will help with my hair and possibly other things having to do with breast development.

Since I won't be getting the UB for another week or two, I decided to continue cleansing with milk thistle. I did a three day cleanse, but I decided to continue since I have more time now.

I do have a question it okay to cleanse while continuing to take my other supplements (collagen, hair and hails vitamin, fish oil, etc), or would that defeat the purpose of the cleanse? My understanding was that the cleanse was to rid the body of phytoestrogens that would inhibit the receptors in the body, which would decrease the effectiveness of BO, so would it matter if I continued the other supplements, seeing as to how they're not really herbs?

Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks Smile

I was reading your program page. I think you will do well with BO. I can't wait to try it myself soon.

You look to have a great shape to start off with too. Good choice going with fish oil and MSM.

I am taking a combo flax and fish oil with evengprimrose oil for prostaglandin support.

I wish you luck.

(29-11-2011, 18:38)tibetan113 Wrote:  I was reading your program page. I think you will do well with BO. I can't wait to try it myself soon.

You look to have a great shape to start off with too. Good choice going with fish oil and MSM.

I am taking a combo flax and fish oil with evengprimrose oil for prostaglandin support.

I wish you luck.

Thank you tibetan! All of you girls and guys on here give me lots to look forward to!

I just want to have a full B cup lol but maybe thats too much to hope for, so maybe an A cup with cleavage would be good as well!


Hi, just wanted to update!

I had been waiting on my UB order for the longest time, almost three weeks and it finally arrived last night. It was kind of weird since I did not know that you get shipments to your house on Sundays, but that's when it came, so I started taking them this morning. Big Grin

So just to recap, here's my program:

1 Collagen
1 Hair, Skin and Nails
1 Gingko Biloba
1 Fish Oil
1 Kelp
1 Ultra Breast

1 Vitamin C
1 Ultra Breast

1 Flaxseed Oil
1 Collagen
1 Hair, Skin and Nails
1 Ultra Breast

After the second dose today, I felt a little cramping in the uterus area, even though I am not entirely positive that it is due to the UB, it could be more so that I've read so many possible symptoms caused from UB that I am imagining them. I'm going to try to get as much protein in as possible, but I usually average about 60 grams of protein a day, so 99 grams is kind of a lot for me, especially since I don't eat too much meat. Another thing is my temp. I have a naturally low body temp, usually around 97.5 or 97.6 and it's hard for me to get it above 98.0 so even with the kelp supplement, I'm still only at around 97.9 and occasionally 98.0, so I don't know if I should be trying something else intstead?

While I waiting for my UB, I have been consistently noogling for about two weeks now, about 45 minutes to an hour per day. I have seen no real swelling yet, only the illusion of swelling from the red circles that the noogle domes make around my breasts. Yesterday after I noogled, for the first time I got tiny red spots on one of my breasts, they are still there today but a little lighter today. I was kind of freaked out, but I read around in the forum and apparently they are pretty common when you over-noogle, so that calmed me a little.

When I first started noogling, I thought I was using small cups, but apparently I got sent the wrong cups because when I proceeded to order medium cups from noogleberry, I was sent the same size cup! So, I guess I started off used medium cups, which was surprising because I filled them pretty well considering I am a 34AA. But the weird thing is that, Over the last week or so, I am filling them less and less, it's almost painful to try to get to the same marker in the cup that I was able to get to when I first started. I am trying to lose weight, and I did lose one lb, so I wonder if that is why my breasts are filling the cups less?! Huh

Anyways, just wanted to post that I'm very excited that my UB finally came in and I am super excited to have started it, although the cow ovaries still scare me a little, especially since I haven't had any beef for 12 years, but I was so self conscious about my breasts that I decided to risk it.

I will continue to update whenever I see or feel something new! I'm excited to see if anything will come of this, and pics will follow at the one month mark!


So I've been taking UB for almost a week now, and nothing has happened yet, no tingles, but I am breaking out more than normal, and I do seem to be a bit moodier. I am not expecting to feel much until at least a month or two in, so I'm not too worried about the no sensations aspect, I just hope that the growing signs may come sooner! Big Grin

I also wanted to post some comparison pics from noogling. I don't know whether I see any real different yet since I've only been noogling for about 3 weeks or so, and I do so one a day or every other day.

I have some pics from the side and some from the front. I think I have a little bit of lift, but even that is kind of hard to see since there isn't much breast to lift! Blush



Hi all,

Just wanted to update on current progress. It's been a little over a month now that I've been on UltraBreast. So far, there isn't much to report. I am still taking all of my pills, haven't missed a day yet, but I am no longer noogling as regularly but I will start back up on it, today as a matter of fact.

I do see some perking up of the breasts, but no real growth but I know not to expect too much yet since it's only been a month. About a week before my period, I had sharp pains in both breasts, hopefully growing pains! I am also breaking more than I ever have before. Lots more pimples popping up here and there :/ but that was to be expected based on other users posts.

The only other thing is that I am actively exercising and trying to lose about 10 lbs, so maybe that is deterring the breast growth as well? I am not really sure, but I am going to continue to take my UB. I ordered a 3 month supply, so at the end of three months I will decide whether to continue with it or not.

I will update with pics soon!

Update pics!

Before noogling

After noogling for 40 minutes

As you can see, there is no real progress yet! Rolleyes

Just to say I really like your program it seems quite easy to follow and your pics look like your having some success.

Congratulations and good luck. Smile

Thanks! I honestly can't see any change at all but I'm going to be consistent!

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