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How much Saw Palmetto?


How much Saw Palmetto?
June 11 2007 at 11:45 PM
KittyCharlette (Login KittyCharlette)


Hi. I was just curious as to how much SP I should take. Im not taking concentrated, just the fruit. Ive been searching and searching all over this forum and I cant find anything on the dosage. sorry if i somehow missed it. thanks

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(Login Myjourney) I don't really know June 12 2007, 3:59 AM

But for me, I take the pills and I try to take the least amount possible, since the SP makes me bloat and gain weight.

Lost Sheep
(Login KittyCharlette)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: How much Saw Palmetto? June 12 2007, 7:50 PM

OK. i found this:

(to be taken along with BO) Saw Palmetto 500 mgs - titrate in 500 mg increments up to 5,000 mgs per day

that seems like alot. is anyone taking 5000 mgs?

(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: How much Saw Palmetto? June 12 2007, 10:52 PM

Not really.No one is taking that much here.I think it is for special cases when someone has excess something..I know i am not being helpful here,but it was mentioned somewhere here..I think 2000 mg is veeery good..

How much saw palmetto with BO?
August 20 2007 at 7:07 PM
Sandy (Login sandy111)


I have bought saw palmetto berries from many mg should i take with BO?

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(Login KittyCharlette)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: How much saw palmetto with BO? August 21 2007, 2:39 AM

I posted this EXACT question not too long ago.

by the way, berries are only beneficial to men, or so i've read. i take the fruit. i dont know what the difference is. i take 1800mg/day (not the extract). i have read you can take up to 5000mg but i dont think its necessary to take that much.

Fennel Fairy
(no login) Berries = Fruit August 21 2007, 6:53 PM

I'm sorry, but the berries are the fruit of this plant. :-) Raspberries are the fruit of the raspberry bush etc... No plant or tree has more than one type of fruit. Berries ARE fruit.

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(Login lindyrose) Re: How much saw palmetto with BO? August 22 2007, 2:01 PM

I've been taking the extract. It's a soft gel 320mg. Am I taking the wrong thing?

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Fennel Fairy
(no login) No August 22 2007, 3:04 PM

The extract is a cocentrate made of the fruit/berries.

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(Login KittyCharlette)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: How much saw palmetto with BO? August 23 2007, 1:17 AM

Thats what I thought. I got confused when i read that men should take the berries and women should take the fruits. i dont have the link anymore. but anyway....

i miss you guys ;*( im trying other methods right now and it seems like everyone is mean over on the other forums. maybe their hormones are all out of wack or something. its just some ppl seem kind of rude. not ALL of them, but alot. Ginger D is nice and has alot of advice to share. but anyway, i want to thank everyone here for all their help and support even though BO didn't work for me Smile good luck to the rest of you!

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Fennel Fairy
(no login) Yeah I know what you mean August 23 2007, 7:20 AM

It's kind of hostile over there. I stopped posting there after I got an earbahing for saying that cocoa butter cannot enlarge breasts by depositing fat in breast tissue because the molecules were too big to penetrate the skin barriers. I was called mean and rude and all sorts of things because I said it was nonsense. Now, all of a sudden, people seem to have accepted that fact because it's a statement made by Moon the medical student. Oh well... Depends who you are I guess. I'll never go back there - It's like PMS bitchfest. I don't waste my time on that sort of sh*t, life is too short.

Good luck to you too! :-)

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(Login lindyrose) Re: How much saw palmetto with BO? August 23 2007, 3:10 PM

I quit BO for now too. Right now I'm just doing SP, borage oil, prog cream & massaging. It would be nice just to have an easy answer to all this, instead of all this trial and error and then wait & see.

Yeah, I didn't think it was that hard to be nice. Freedom of speech shouldn't mean freedom to be mean. I consider you guys a special group of friends bcuz I can't really talk about this stuff with other people bcuz they just don't understand. What ever happened to treating people the way you would like someone to treat you? When someone is getting results I'm genuinely happy for them and try to learn something from them, and when someone is ready to give up I feel bad for them and wish I could help them in some way, and if someone needs help I search the internet/books to find some useful info to share.
Cheers lovely ladies!

(Login KittyCharlette)
SENIOR MEMBER whew! August 23 2007, 10:29 PM

... thank god you feel the same way! im glad its not just me. haha. ill stick to just reading for now and try not to post as often as possible ;P

Sorry we kind of got off the subject, Sandy. Ill stop crying about the "other side" now. lol!

If you take Saw Palmetto...
June 19 2007 at 3:50 AM
KittyCharlette (Login KittyCharlette)


I was just curious to know how much SP most women are taking along with BO. If you take the extract (85%-95% fatty acids) how many mg/day. Also, how many mg if you take the berries? I've been trying to find this info for days. Sorry if its already somewhere on the board. I cant find it if it is...

Also, does anyone cycle their BO? I haven't tried it yet because I dont know if its a good idea or not. Just want some input. Thanks!

Author Reply

(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: If you take Saw Palmetto... June 19 2007, 8:58 PM

Hi.I think the berries u can take 2000 mg to 5000 mg but that much is for people with very high angrogen.So 2000-2500 mg is more than enough...The extracts are usually in 160 mg and i think most ladies take 2 pills.But u can ask on the main forum,they can provide better answers since they all take herbs.Good luck

(Login KittyCharlette)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: If you take Saw Palmetto... June 19 2007, 9:21 PM

Thanks Sandy. Ive been taking 2 of the 160mg extracts so I think I'm on the right track.

If you take Saw Palmetto...
June 19 2007 at 3:50 AM
KittyCharlette (Login KittyCharlette)


I was just curious to know how much SP most women are taking along with BO. If you take the extract (85%-95% fatty acids) how many mg/day. Also, how many mg if you take the berries? I've been trying to find this info for days. Sorry if its already somewhere on the board. I cant find it if it is...

Also, does anyone cycle their BO? I haven't tried it yet because I dont know if its a good idea or not. Just want some input. Thanks!

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(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: If you take Saw Palmetto... June 19 2007, 8:58 PM

Hi.I think the berries u can take 2000 mg to 5000 mg but that much is for people with very high angrogen.So 2000-2500 mg is more than enough...The extracts are usually in 160 mg and i think most ladies take 2 pills.But u can ask on the main forum,they can provide better answers since they all take herbs.Good luck

(Login KittyCharlette)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: If you take Saw Palmetto... June 19 2007, 9:21 PM

Thanks Sandy. Ive been taking 2 of the 160mg extracts so I think I'm on the right track.

PLZ help what type of Saw palmetto did u buy to boost BO?
April 10 2007 at 8:24 PM
Sandy (Login sandy111)


Hi girls.Plz I know many here have used saw palmetto to boost their growth,I bought one that has 3:1 standardized exrtacts but I think it is not what is needed for BO.Plz advice me on what u have tried and its effect on BO.After a lot of searching and googling i found a lot of types and don't know the difference between them..thanks

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: PLZ help what type of Saw palmetto did u buy to boost BO? April 11 2007, 2:25 AM

Sorry, nobody is answering your question Sandy. I don't know about the 3:1 ratio stuff, except I started off taking a low dose extract soft gel 160 mg, but recently switched to a 540 mg berry capsule. I'm sure what you bought is ok, you can always switch when that runs out. The BO is what will give you the growth, some don't even take SP with BO, so just try it and see how it works for you is my advise.

(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER Thanks Sissy April 11 2007, 8:37 AM

HI Sissy.I noticed that no one answered,it is a strange question too.I know that.I'm thinking of buying the puritan's pride saw palmetto it has 1000 mg in one capsule.maybe the one that should contain a high level of fatty acids is for men not for growth.Anyway,I'll keep good thoughts and hopefully it will work.Thanks

(no login) Re: PLZ help what type of Saw palmetto did u buy to boost BO? April 11 2007, 10:45 AM

Sandy, have you started BO yet??

(Login BObabe) PLZ help what type of Saw palmetto did u buy to boost BO? April 11 2007, 12:37 PM

Sorry to take so long Sandy,

My understanding is that the 3:1 ratio means that if your SP is 160 mg, is actually the equivalent of 480 mg if NOT extract. I have two different brands. One is 1000mg SP - not extract, and one that is 160mg standardized extract ratio of 10:1 (Equivalent to 1600mg). Don't think you should have any problems with what you have. I don't know why they wouldn't state the percerntage of fatty acids, however, any I've looked at, regardless of brand, have this. So might not have been mentioned as it's considered a given? It's one of the things that IS SP, so I'd say go with what you have and it should be good.

Wouldn't worry about it, hon, as that could hurt your progress more than anything else! Smile

Start with one for a week or two and see if you tingle, then try adding one more for a bit.........Don't start too high of the get-go or you could stall before you break out of the gates. Man I have ****ty metaphors, sorry!

Keep your chinup, breast of luck to you, and keep us posted on how you're feeling/doing!


(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER Thanks April 11 2007, 1:48 PM

I will start BO on Sunday.LOL.Can't wait..I am on milk thistle now..So On sunday I will officially join the BO team.

Thanks for the info,and I find the way u say things really funny and from the heart,I like that.My SP is actually 540 mg so It is great according to ur ratio of equivalance.thanks a lot girls.GOOD GROWTH.I am happy again Smile

(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER Equation of equivalance April 12 2007, 6:58 PM

Hi there.i finally got what the equation 3:1 or 4:1 means. Every 1 mg is actually equal to 3 or every 1 is equal to 4.So we multiply the mg of the pill by the 3 or 4 and we get how much we actually are if we are taking 4:1 standarized extracts and 250 mg per pill it is 1000 mg.Just additional information to anyone interested.Good growth.

Fawn's SP recommendation- Questions
March 21 2007 at 11:22 PM kat (Login BObabe)


As a 2nd time rounder with BB, I noticed that Botanical Beauty site suggestion is to add 5000mg SP. She did say to start at 500 and ramp up to this ammount, however, being an impatient person, I bought pills in 1000mg (750 from berries, 250 from powdered herb), started at 1 pill -felt fine. next day 2 pills- again fine... I've been holding at 4000mg/day now for 2 weeks and was wondering if my assumption (yes, an ass out of u & me!) that this progression is to make sure you can handle it- not getting ill or cranky- or if I'm messing up my chances of optimum success by going to so high a dose so soon.

Asking a little late, I know, but was looking for some feedback before I add the last 1000. I'm a bit of a twit by times!

This has been on my brain as I look at others' programs and I see that SP doses are considerably lower than what I've been up to.

If it matters, I haven't noticed that I'm gaining the much talked about weight that many attribute to SP.

Any opinions?


Author Reply
(no login) Re: Fawn's SP recommendation- Questions March 21 2007, 11:40 PM


I wish I could help you out on this one. Have you noticed any increase in breast size since adding SP. How much have you gained since you started on the SP?


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(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER SP March 21 2007, 11:43 PM

Hi Kat.U know I think u should lower ur doses again and start once again.This is beacuse I think we should start with low doses for our body to react to the material and stimulate growth. when it adapts to the dose it won't be affected by it anymore(less growth)then u increase the dose inorder to stimulate it once again.What u did is give ur body the high dose at very small time,so what would u do when ur body adapts to that dose and ur growth slows.U can not increase the dose anymore.This is just a theory but I believe from my heart it is true.Start at a moderate dose and wait for results,when u don't see growth increase the dose a little,but don't do that all at once.I know it is a long paragraph,But i am trying to make it clear.I don't even know if after all this I make sence.LOL.Good luck

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(Login BObabe) SP March 22 2007, 1:18 AM

Makes good sense, Sandy, and I thank you for your clarity. It's what I needed to hear. Sooooooo need to learn patience......I'll drop it back and see how it goes.
You need never apologize for giving a lengthy answer!

Scottl, I've only been at the SP for just over 3 weeks (2 months on BB) and I'll be entering Luteal phase (2nd half of cycle) in a couple days, which is normally when I get the swelling thing. Really too early to know for sure but things are much firmer and filling out...(breastfeeding is awesome, but leaves a bit of catch up to look after before the "Bloom"). I'mm getting lots of tingle, on a regular basis. It seems whenever I am still, and just think about them growing, they start to tingle as if on command. Kinda creepy, mostly cool! Smile Will let you know as soon as there's something to really brag about!


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(no login) Re: Fawn's SP recommendation- Questions March 22 2007, 2:27 AM

Hi Kat.

That is very interesting cause I have been noticing the same thing as far as thinking about my breast and then all of a sudden I feel the pain or tingles... It just really goes to show us all that the breast and brain are connected so much more than we could ever imagine... well that is any part of our body. Also, I breastfed ~5 girls~ so if this stuff really works I am going to let the whole world know!!!!

Oh! sounds like she gave some good advice about the SP. It will just take a little time.

Take Care,

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(Login fawnmarie) Re: Fawn's SP recommendation- Questions April 1 2007, 6:52 PM

The standard dosage for saw palmetto is 3,000, but you can go higher if you're androgen dominant.

I think you're fine at 4,000 - and it sounds like you did a fine job of ramping up. Everyone is different. Stay at 4 for a couple of weeks.

It's really important for you to watch those temps, too. Honest.

Remember, it really does take some time for new cells to grow and then divide and grow. Patience is a real virtue here. I am considered a very fast grower, and it took about 4.5 months for me to gain a cup size, and that was after nursing two kids (the process is faster for women who have had children).

I have only heard of one woman having side effects with saw palmetto, but either way, you don't want to take more than you need. The only real reason for high doses is if you're androgen dominant.


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(Login BObabe) Fawn's SP recommendation- Questions April 1 2007, 11:34 PM

Thanks for responding, Fawn! And good to get some clarification re: SP. Will Hold the fort were I am for a while.

I understand the Body Temp importance in regards to T3 activity and growth (somewhat) .Are there any other concerns if getting the temp up proves very difficult, aside from growing difficulties?

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(Login fawnmarie) Re: Fawn's SP recommendation- Questions April 1 2007, 11:37 PM

Pretty much any of the other symptoms of repressed thyroid function - fatigue, depression, weight gain.

It's a good idea to monitor temps regularly on a BE program.


(Login BObabe) Thanks Fawn! April 1 2007, 11:50 PM

Thank you again, and I just found you'd already answered this question on the Pituitary glandular thread! Smile

Your wisdom and experience are a blessing to us!

Saw palmetto...
June 9 2007 at 10:47 PM Envie (no login)


...and it's benefits. I read that it's for enlarge prostate of BPH. Why then are some ladies using it? Does it help the boobies growth?
I would also like to know how I can do a cleanse, as in which products to use.
Is there a problem if I mix BB and bovine ovary from

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.


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Lost Sheep
(Login Envie3) Re: Saw palmetto... June 10 2007, 8:48 PM

to add to my question, in the DNE site there are three types of saw palmetto ie. Nature's Harbor Saw Palmetto Complex; Nature's Harbor Saw Palmetto Berries and Nature's Harbor Saw Palmetto Extract. I'm confused as to which one to buy. Please help.

Thanks in advance.

(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Saw palmetto... June 10 2007, 10:11 PM

Saw palmetto is an androgen blocker.And the extracts are the best because u don't have to take as much pills as the berries. I have the berries.
About mixing DNE with BB i don't think it is such a good idea.Stick with the program BB has given u. U don't want to mess things up. Good luck
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