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Long time hops & FG user

Thanks for the list of anti-acne supplements. I am having a terrible time with acne. It is making it so I don't want to leave the house and I feel so embarassed I want to cry. I upped my SP but no improvements yet.
Good job with your waistline! Wink

(04-11-2011, 19:59)Isabelle Wrote:  Susan,

This wikipedia page lists all B vitamins:

So what's in your B and aminoacid complex is really very complete.

Nice Thank you girl.. hey I dont think most that are taking these different herbs that they are full of different nutrients too so who knows if we are getting enough probably are getting a good amount of dif. vit, minerals, etc.. I read that tumeric is very high in E which I read that E ups estrogen..hehe.. each herb does good stuff for dif reasons so this is why I decided to stop PM and do the dif herbs instead.. as for the vit B thank you for the info on my twinlabs I will take that sparingly and alternate with the skin, hair , nails one that has horse tail in it..anyway my point is I feel I get a good amount of vit. and minerals that I dont need too many supps.. it is a supplement right not replacement should only take if you need it cause your not getting it from foods and herbs are food too.. point I find that I have less problems when taking none or little supps.. if I take a multi I break out , feel like to me that is an example of my body saying I get what I need from my diet...soooo sorry rambling..Sad

Thank you chiquitabella,

Try some anti-androgens out. Borage oil, for instance, is better for hair loss than for acne. Check your diet for androgens, and weed them out. The best place to find this sort of information is on this board:

Hi Susan,

I still take maca every day, without breaks. I was getting depressed from the hops when you started me on maca, and it has helped ever since Smile

You eat well. A lot of vitamins, you don't need to supplement. In the first three pages of my program thread, I used the NIH fact sheets to add up all the nutritients in my diet plus what I was supplementing. I was overdosing on nearly every vitamin. I went down to taking no more than one vitamin pill a day, and alternating them.

Oh so you are still taking maca.. I know you take first in the morn.. this is the best time for maca correct? I havent taken my FG yet cause I dont want the cravings and tiredness but I may take it now and see how I do craving and tiredness wise..I assume you take the goats rue mid day I will go back and read your threads.. so far I have taken 1 maca, 2 tumeric, FN and SPRMT tea (1 cup mix).. would any of these herbs make me go to the bathroom a diurectic sp? I am thinking FN..

So if you didnt look at the chart did you feel better when reducing the vitamins..meaning if you didnt look at the chart or did you feel like crap and researched the nutrients and found out you were overdosing..

Oh whatever the change I made I am feeling like I am being held my my nips but softly...mind you after my breast reduction at the tip of the nips are numb but I think I am getting feeling back but I think it is deep bottomline the change was a good idea..

Hey good night girl it is about your bedtime..Blush

Good morning Susan,

I take maca first thing in the morning with the vitamin. Then a cup of goat's rue tea. At noon, I have the fenugreek, and another cup of goat's rue tea. Sometimes, I have a nap after the fenugreek. An hour before bed time, I take the hops and the third cup of goat's rue tea.

I went to Amsterdam yesterday, and took fenugreek and goat's rue later in the afternoon. That caused a sugar craving. Ate almost a tin of syrup cookies. I never take the teas before I go out, because in my experience, they are all diuretic.

Before I started checking my supplements, I slept a lot, almost 10 hours. After decreasing vitamin B6 below 10 mg a day, I need 7 1/2 hours. After stopping glucosamine, my waist slimmed fast the first month, but I took fenugreek too. I once stopped niacin because I got flushes. When I took a lot of vitamin C, I always got a cold if for some reason I stopped vitamin C for a few days. Then I went down to 200 mg.

My younger daughter got a slow thyroid because of a vegan diet we tried. She doesn't like the taste of soy milk. The soy milk has added vitamins B6 and B12. She also has a sweet tooth, so she didn't get a lot of iodine from the salt and the bread. We just stopped the vegan experiment, and her thyroid hormones returned to normal.

So I made some of changes because of symptoms and panels, but I started looking at all supplements systematically during my break in June. I wrote about symptoms in the early pages of this thread, and I stopped the supplements one by one with a few days in between. I don't remember any other dramatic effects than the ones I listed above, though.

Since April 30th of this year, it has become practically illegal to produce or import megadose vitamins in the EU. The shelves can be emptied, but that's it. My "super hair formula", with 100 mg vitamin B6, is a sleeping pill. The most extreme case I've seen is Solgar's PM phytogen complex, which contains only a symbolic amount of PM, but 40,000 % of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of vitamin B12. Some vendors are still emptying the shelves, but I'm happy the 2002 EU directive has finally put an end to supplements like that.

I'm still using a stock of vitamins I have, but after that, I'll be looking for something that has exactly the amounts that I want. For most, I'll just follow the Recommended Dietary Allowances for pregnant and breastfeeding women, or for teenage girls, whichever is higher. For zinc, vitamins B6 and B12, and folic acid, I may be prepared to go higher.

I recognize what you feel. I think it's the fenugreek, and maybe the goat's rue. Like someone is pulling me gently by the nipples and I follow along Smile

Goodmorning Isabelle,

Hey just took my maca and tumeric. Question~ I have fennel seeds what does 1 teaspoon equate to in mgs and 1 tablespoon too. Also it sounds like that you get most of your vit. and minerals from food too. Hey you should use a good sea salt for the thyroid and overall goodnessShy I tried the kelp wrap..haha no go, hard to chew better to but them in soup or other foods with liquid. Hey Isabelle I am going to order some herbs but not sure what to order or powder/seeds/cut up..I def. want FG, FN, Tumeric now I am thinking of order hops and GR I am not sure with hops cause every time I drank beer I would break out next day, maybe cause it was fermented..k FYI..Dr. Andrew Weil is going to be on Dr.Oz I think Monday..ok..need to do something else now so be back later..

Hey I think I am going to order GR, alfalfa and hops..Question..should I get powder/seeds/or leaf cuts and what is your opinion on taking alfalfa like Eve.

Haha back again..ok going to def. order
Alfalfa but not sure if I should order cut leaf/powder/seeds
Barley grass in powder
GR thinking powder but can powder be used as tea, probably harder but what is more potient/digestable powder or leaf cuts...thinking powder
as for Hops probably but powder or leaf
maca too
tumeric powder

I want to make teas if I order powder how would I make a tea with it..and is powder stronger then seeds, etc..for example I read barley grass is better powdered but alfalfa is better as cut leaf..yeah? thank you for your help.. sorry if it is confusing..

OK back againBig Grin yes doing alot of reading.. well I just read that powder is less potient but some that I am ordering only come in powder well I think just the barley grass.. anyway another question can I make a massage lotion by using teas and add the liquid to the oil with some powder of the that herb..or just oil and liquid..ahh just visualizing it doesnt sound like it would work only if I add some powder too...ok till next time..heheBig Grin

Good afternoon Susan,

A flat teaspoon of powdered fennel seed is about 1,000 mg. A heaped teaspoon is about 3,000 mg. A tablespoon is a lot: 15,000 or 20,000 mg.

I prefer to get most of my vitamins and minerals from food too. Some are difficult to get enough of: folic acid (frozen spinach) and silicic acid (apple cores, horse tail, millet, oats). We used a sea salt during the vegan experiment, but the sea salts are for magnesium. What the thyroid needs is iodine. That's in kelp, but here, we can buy iodine enriched kitchen salt in the supermarket, and the bread contains it too.

Eve M suggested alfalfa as a substitute for the beremeal in her program. Beremeal contains folates. You have enough folic acid in you vitamin B complex/aminoacid blend: vitamin B9. I'm not really sure, but I thought alfalfa is also a phyto-estrogen. Buy the seed and google a tutorial. You keep them humid in a jar that sits at a 45 degree angle with the opening down. The seeds sprout, and two weeks later you have fresh alfalfa vegetable, like fresh water cress. It's a bit of a hassle the first time, but not if you do it routinely.

I have barley grass as powder. It is an anti-androgen, so I never used it: I get enough anti-androgen from the hops.

I have powdered FG seeds and powdered fennel seeds. I just put a heaped teaspoon of FG in 1/2 glass of cold water, stir and drink it. Then flush it with another 1/2 glass, because it mixes poorly. I put the powdered FN seed in a coffee filter in an old coffee maker: that's the fast way to make tea.

The goat's rue I use is chopped dried leaves. They are toxic, but the tea I draw from it is safe. I have a 200 ml chinese porcelain tea mug with a lid and a porcelain tea strainer that sits in the mug under the lid. I put 1,300 mg GR in the strainer, and pour hot water over it so the GR is under the water level. Then let it steep for 20 minutes. The lid keeps it warm. Then I put the lid upside down, let the strainer drip out and put it on the lid. I then drink the tea directly from the mug.

I have dried hops flowers. Powdered dried hops flowers are just a bit cheaper, and work just as well. I sometimes use the coffee maker to make hops tea for before a meal. The hops contains 10 times more xanthohumol than 8-prenylnaringenin then. Xanthohumol is the anti-androgen in hops. Large doses (4,000+ mg) decrease IGF-1, so keep the dose of hops tea low.

More often, I put two tablespoons (2,500 mg) of dried hops flowers in milk with raisins, honey, breakfast cereals and 2 tablespoons (30,000 mg) of broken brown flax seed. In this way, the hops is digested instead of ingested, and much of the xanthohumol digests to 8-prenylnaringenin, which is the phyto-estrogen in hops. After the flax seed experiment, I plan to replace the breakfast cereals by oat flakes for two weeks. Oats contain vitamin B6, and decrease SHBG.

I have red maca root flour. I stir it in 1/2 glass of cold water in the morning.

I use turmeric powder only as a kitchen herb. I color the rice yellow with it. It's in curry sauce for chicken too.

You need a tea pot and a tea strainer. Metal strainers ruin the taste of some teas, because the phenols react chemically with iron. Therefore, I use the tea mug with the porcelain strainer. I had a glass tea pot with a glass strainer, but it broke. Put tea leaves in the strainer, pour enough hot water over them so they are submerged. Let the tea steep for 10 or 20 minutes (10 for leaves, 20 for more woody herbs or powdered seeds). Lift the strainer out and let it drip out.

Some powdered seeds are too fine for the strainer. Then I use the coffee maker. You can make tea from barley grass, goat's rue leaves, hops flowers (powdered or just dried), and powdered FG or FN seeds. Tea from whole seeds doesn't work: the hot water cannot get through the peels of the seeds fast enough to extract the active ingredients in 20 minutes.

Barley grass is always powdered, because it's too long to put in a jar. Alfalfa is fresh sprouts, like water cress.

Some people use a coffee grinder to make powder from whole FN or FG seeds. For whole hops flowers, the kitchen blender will do.

You can make massage lotions from tea, but the more obvious way to make a batter is to steep the powder or the leaves in olive oil or massage oil for two weeks and then strain. Use a coffee filter for powders that are too fine for the strain's mesh size. Tea may work better if you already have a massage cream or milk that mixes well with water.

Good luck, you'll be an experienced kitchen herbalist after all this Big Grin

Wow again girl.. haha you were probably like wow cool I can spill my guts with what I know and you do know alot..I bet you so enjoyed typing all that info.. meaning cause you have a passion for herbs.. anyway I thank you again and I am going to have fun once again in the kitchen..a few years back I was making so many different things with herbs love to experiment..good to know that the seeds arent good for tea..I have a processor sp? and I also have some powder fennel..ok know I know what to order..hey the tumeric makes me feel really good..oh I was wrong I think on the vit E upping said progesterone..I thought I read the oppose..anyhoo..going to make some fennel tea and take a FG.. I want the barley cause it has other good things in it.. alfalfa too and I dont take that twinlabs stuff alot ..I plan on not buying anymore for goats rue should be taken as a tea? I only plan on using very little of each.. you mentioned earlier dueretics sp? are they that only in tea form or most herbs are..k going to make my tea..Shy

I did enjoy it, but I bet the British girls are LTAO when a continental European is explaining to an American how to make tea Big Grin

GR is much safer as tea, yes. And it's the teas that are diuretic. The way I use FG makes some gas too, which builds up a little pressure, so you may be running for the restroom a few times. Again, I wonder how Eve M managed this program Rolleyes

haha you too funny..and speaking of teas..what if I use a french press, I think that would work better cause I can boil the water and then I can steep the herbs longer to make them stronger, cause I think the coffee maker which I did just use doesnt make it strong..oh I am going to experiment with the FG and make a protein shake with it, I have powder in FG too so this is how I will make (tomorrow I am going to buy soy milk for the next time) whole milk, some yogurt, FG, wild blueberries, banana, and maybe roasted wheat germ, maybe some honey..see if this helps me not have sugar cravings and tireness..oh I plan on ordering horsetail too aka shavegrass..or should I order fo-tu-ti however you spell itTongue

Ok back made the shake and put an egg in it too..well had to add the honey cause it had a bitter bite to it still does but can handle it..just slight ..not too bad

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