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I wanted to ask if anyone here has ever had or heard of having mastitis without breastfeeding? I woke up Sunday morning with my left breast enlarged and painful. I saw the doc Monday morning and was told it was rare but seemed to be mastitis and he put me on antibiotics for it. He removed some puss to examine to ensure the right antibiotic so that shouldn't be a problem. The puss was also manually drained which did make a difference instantly but I have since seen no changes good or bad. I'm just stuck in this currently state with no relief and can't find much on having this since I'm not breastfeeding.


UPDATE.... Ultrasound results came back. I have a golf ball size abcess in the center of the breast below the nipple. They called to say they have already set me up with a surgeon for a consult on Friday. The doctors are being very good and extra fast with this, more so than ever, so I can't complain about that at all.


Hi Mel,

Best of luck with the surgeon. I'm still wondering: why now? You've done all there is to try in NBE, and auto-immunity has been an issue for years. It's the first time I read about mastitis on the forum, even with all the people on PM. Didn't the doc give you any clue about what besides breast feeding could cause this?

Hi again Mel,

Did you see the ultrasound? How does it look? From your description, I would compare it to Figure 3:

There is a lot of literature on "granulomatous" mastitis. Is that relevant?

Yes, figure three would be a good example of what the large one in the center looked like when I was watching the ultrasound. Besides that one though, the ducts throughout the breast had also filled with infection so I had lots of little marble size masses that showed on the ultrasound also, they didn't have as much structure as the main area and to me were just simply filled ducts and lesions.

The problem with non lactating mastitis is that not only is it rare, but it's the exact same presentation as inflamatory breast cancer, and ultrasound or mri can't even tell them apart, only a biopsy can, which is what the nurse said was the reason they are moving so quickly with this.

I too am wondering if it is mastitis, what triggered it. for non lactating mastitis, two things cause it typically. strep and staph. With no immune system to deal with the normal day to day bacteria we all have, it may have just been perfect timing for a big mess that normally wouldn't occur for the average joe.

Just since yesterday te breast now has developed red blotches on the skin form the infection, so I'm not seeing much hope from the antibiotic so far, but I keep hoping, because I would really rather not have to have the abcess removed throug surgery.


Thank you for updating, Mel,

If it's like Figure 3, it's granulomatous. That means the surgery will not be deep:

Especially staph is very likely, yes. Maybe strep, or even tuberculous. There is a huge amount of literature. I used the advanced search of That allowed me to exclude breastfeeding, lactation, dairy cows, etc., and anything older than say five years. Even that leaves pages and pages of titles to browse. There's whole books:

Hi again Mel,

This came up with hla-b27 as a search term:

and never underestimate this forum:

Hey Mel,
I know this maybe a bit out there for you but have you ever tried MMS? I think if it is bacteria related it, it will highly be beneficial to you.
I took it for strep and a few flus I had caught. I had no insurance and being auto immune, I got sick often. This stuff was and still is a Godsend.

Miracle Mineral Solution. Its cheap tooBig Grin

Is anyone familar with something called beta glucan? I was given a product called immunition to supposedly help speed up getting my immune system turned back on. I have been taken off my methotrexate injections and now I just need to kickstart my body back into gear.

Tibetan it sounds like this beta glucan stuff may do the same thing as the mineral stuff you ae talking about, but I figure at this point, I can't have too many options to help get this fixed so I'm up for multi treating for sure!

Isabelle it's funny you should post something about arthritis and abscesses. My joints have hurt like a buggar today. I just assumed it was due to the weather change. It never crossed my mind it could be related to this. Crazy....


Mel, I don't know much on the subjects here, just wanted to say hope everything goes okay and hope you don't have to go through surgery for it. I know you're a strong person and I know you'll get through it. Just know we're here rooting for ya!

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