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PM & hCG diet


Has anyone taken PM while being on the hCG diet? I know that weight loss and breast enhancement don't really go together. I am considering doing the hcg diet in the future but I'm worried about losing the growth that i have achieved with PM. I'm wondering if I take PM and hcg together, will that help me maintain most of my size or will I still most likely lose a lot of fat from my breasts? I think I might try it in the future and see what happens. I did hcg in the past and went from 150lbs to 130lbs. I was very happy with the weight loss, but I lost most of my breasts. (I had really small breasts to begin with so I was pretty much left with nothing). I've been taking PM for 3 months and have grown it all back & a little bit more. But I'm just wondering if anyone here has tried the hcg diet and what their experiences were? If they continued their breast enhancement routine while taking hCG and how that worked out?
Thanks Smile

What is hcg diet?

(09-08-2011, 08:14)miel26 Wrote:  Has anyone taken PM while being on the hCG diet? I know that weight loss and breast enhancement don't really go together. I am considering doing the hcg diet in the future but I'm worried about losing the growth that i have achieved with PM. I'm wondering if I take PM and hcg together, will that help me maintain most of my size or will I still most likely lose a lot of fat from my breasts? I think I might try it in the future and see what happens. I did hcg in the past and went from 150lbs to 130lbs. I was very happy with the weight loss, but I lost most of my breasts. (I had really small breasts to begin with so I was pretty much left with nothing). I've been taking PM for 3 months and have grown it all back & a little bit more. But I'm just wondering if anyone here has tried the hcg diet and what their experiences were? If they continued their breast enhancement routine while taking hCG and how that worked out?
Thanks Smile

Curious to know if you take PM every day, or if you cycle it? Thanks.

(09-08-2011, 13:07)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  What is hcg diet?

A terrible diet, why?...

What you do is you take a hormone (which by the way you can only get through a clinic now so all "hcg" diets don't actually have the hormone in it anymore) from a pregnant woman that supposedly makes your body believe that it is pregnant and when you do the mandatory 500 calories a day diet it "tricks" your body into thinking its starving and then you release more fat. The thing is this, one pound of body fat is 3,500 calories and you are eating 500 calories a day and in order to lose a pound a day (which is what it does to you) that means you would have to burn 4000 calories that day. Here is the catch, you don't have to exercise so how in the heck are you burning 4,000 calories a day without exercise? It burns your muscle. Most of the women who try this diet end up developing something called a hypothyroid in which their thyroid stops producing it's hormones leading to a permanent bad metabolism. You are losing weight off of this diet not because of the drops but because you are starving off of 500 calories a day. You wouldn't even need the drops, 500 calories a day, you are gonna lose weight. Supposedly this diet helps your body so that your thyroid and muscle isn't effected but that is only with the real hcg being in the product but anything you buy over the counter only has homeopathic (which homeopathic by the way is a HIGHLY diluted version of something) strengths of things such as wild yam and black cohosh which balance your hormones and supposedly when you take it it "mimics" hcg in your system. As if the hcg diet wasn't dangerous enough, now you are taking basically sugar water while eating 500 calories a day. I work at a gnc and I can say that 90% of my customers who try this diet gain the weight back and then their metabolism is worse off than it was before. It's not a healthy diet and I hope it goes away as soon as possible

Like, no offense miel26 I am glad that you lost some weight with it and I hope it stays off I hope you are one of the lucky ones but I also hope you re-consider doing it again. As for taking PM with hcg they are very counter-productive and I don't think it is possible. You need the calories to grow your breasts and on a 500 calorie diet you are leaving nothing for your breasts to grow from. Not only that if you are doing a real hcg diet with the real hormone it could be dangerous because you aren't supposed to take PM while pregnant and the hcg diet is a pregnancy hormone. Or if you are doing the homeopathic version the herbs in the over-the-counter hcg diets are counter-productive to PM. PM works best on its own and black cohosh will cancel it out a bit. It is usually advised to lose weight first and then do NBE. I on the other hand already have big boobs but I am taking PM to help maintain what I have while losing weight. But since you are trying to lose weight and grow your boobs I would say focus on the weight loss first and then do NBE.

(09-08-2011, 08:14)miel26 Wrote:  Has anyone taken PM while being on the hCG diet? I know that weight loss and breast enhancement don't really go together. I am considering doing the hcg diet in the future but I'm worried about losing the growth that i have achieved with PM. I'm wondering if I take PM and hcg together, will that help me maintain most of my size or will I still most likely lose a lot of fat from my breasts? I think I might try it in the future and see what happens. I did hcg in the past and went from 150lbs to 130lbs. I was very happy with the weight loss, but I lost most of my breasts. (I had really small breasts to begin with so I was pretty much left with nothing). I've been taking PM for 3 months and have grown it all back & a little bit more. But I'm just wondering if anyone here has tried the hcg diet and what their experiences were? If they continued their breast enhancement routine while taking hCG and how that worked out?
Thanks Smile

Thank you gogirl,

Weird but I was watching Dr.Oz today and he explained hcg diet..I was like wow that is weird..

I wouldnt take it..just me..

1 lb of fat is 3500 cals just in general to serious...dam I have to eat alot then..I have a hard time eating ..I dont want to eat junk either ..even though I had made FF in the toaster oven today..had a craving for them..havent had them in weeks..Big Grin

You always have such good info and as does Isabelle and you both explain it very wellBig Grin

The hcg diet worked well for me. It's been 3 months and the weight has still stayed off. A lot of people like to argue about whether it is safe & effective & etc etc, so there are differing viewpoints. It has been around since the 1950s, and as someone who has done it I can say it has improved my metabolism and it has been a very positive experience. I did not lose much if any muscle during it and my body fat percentage decreased substantially. It stimulates your body to release your stored fat which your body uses for energy, so you are not hungry and tired during it. Because your stored fat is being released, you lose about 0.5 - 1 pound per day. Not all hcg is homeopathic. I found non-homeopathic drops online which worked well for me. If you were to eat only 500 calories a day without taking the drops, your metabolism would slow down and you would feel very hungry, and your body would then burn up your muscle. Anyway, the diet was safe and effective for me, and it helped me get rid of stubborn fat that I had a lot of trouble getting rid of through just diet and exercise alone. I highly recommend the diet, but it is a personal choice, and many people don't feel comfortable about it or don't understand how it works or hear incorrect facts about the diet. For those interested in how it works, you can google "Pounds and Inches" by Dr. Simeon. He is the man who developed it, and his original protocol and manuscript can be found very easily for free online.

My goal while taking PM and being on hcg wouldn't be to increase breast size, but to not lose breast size while on the diet. I was just hoping that someone would have had experience with this, but I think it is something that I will have to experiment with on my own in the future.

I have been taking Bella's beautiful bust for 3 months, and I have seen some growth which has been very encouraging. The only other supplement I was taking was a multivitamin and calcium. Her recommendations are to take it two weeks starting right after your period ends. However, I've been reading Ginie's program and it has been very inspiring and makes a lot of sense. This cycle I am going to try her method and the method of the Japanese girls. That is, start PM on the first day of my cycle until ovulation, and combine it with supplements that encourage growth, such as collagen, placenta, arginine, etc. I am also curious to try Sirporn PM and compare it with Bella's.

(10-08-2011, 06:16)miel26 Wrote:  The hcg diet worked well for me. It's been 3 months and the weight has still stayed off. A lot of people like to argue about whether it is safe & effective & etc etc, so there are differing viewpoints. It has been around since the 1950s, and as someone who has done it I can say it has improved my metabolism and it has been a very positive experience. I did not lose much if any muscle during it and my body fat percentage decreased substantially. It stimulates your body to release your stored fat which your body uses for energy, so you are not hungry and tired during it. Because your stored fat is being released, you lose about 0.5 - 1 pound per day. Not all hcg is homeopathic. I found non-homeopathic drops online which worked well for me. If you were to eat only 500 calories a day without taking the drops, your metabolism would slow down and you would feel very hungry, and your body would then burn up your muscle. Anyway, the diet was safe and effective for me, and it helped me get rid of stubborn fat that I had a lot of trouble getting rid of through just diet and exercise alone. I highly recommend the diet, but it is a personal choice, and many people don't feel comfortable about it or don't understand how it works or hear incorrect facts about the diet. For those interested in how it works, you can google "Pounds and Inches" by Dr. Simeon. He is the man who developed it, and his original protocol and manuscript can be found very easily for free online.

My goal while taking PM and being on hcg wouldn't be to increase breast size, but to not lose breast size while on the diet. I was just hoping that someone would have had experience with this, but I think it is something that I will have to experiment with on my own in the future.

I have been taking Bella's beautiful bust for 3 months, and I have seen some growth which has been very encouraging. The only other supplement I was taking was a multivitamin and calcium. Her recommendations are to take it two weeks starting right after your period ends. However, I've been reading Ginie's program and it has been very inspiring and makes a lot of sense. This cycle I am going to try her method and the method of the Japanese girls. That is, start PM on the first day of my cycle until ovulation, and combine it with supplements that encourage growth, such as collagen, placenta, arginine, etc. I am also curious to try Sirporn PM and compare it with Bella's.

I guess everyone is different because I followed the protocol perfectly and exercised and ate well still after trying it and the weight came right back and now I have a harder time getting the weight off. Also in 3 weeks my bench press went from 110 pounds to 75 pounds, in 3 weeks I could lift about 32% less with my arms in only 3 weeks (and I lifted weights the whole time on the hcg diet) the only explaination? I lost fat and muscle... but again, that's just me, I wish you the best of success but I also warn you, you might end up like 90% of the people who do this diet by gaining the weight back, it might take up to a year, but almost everyone gains it back.

Also, the FDA disapproved the real HCG hormone to be in any online or over-the-counter products it is illegal to have the HCG hormone outside of a clinic or doctor's office. So the HCG diet you bought may not be homeopathic, perhaps it is a full-strength extract of the herbs that "mimic" HCG in your body but it still is not the real hormone, so the explaination: you lost the weight from eating 500 calories a day. You say weight loss is anywhere from 1/2 a pound to a pound right? Well 1/2 a pound is 1750 calories and then eating 500 calories you are at a net of 2250 calories and someone who is fat will burn about 2500 calories a day so that equals to 1/2 a pound lost that day, you didn't even need the hcg drops. Then if it is a pound, it is more than likely your body detoxing or your colon getting rid of and excess food it has because most people carry 10-15 pounds of waste in their color, built up carbs, fat, etc. So when you eat nothing but the lowest sugar fruits and vegetables and almost 0% meat fat you are getting hardly any carbs, fat, or salt which will make your body detox and get rid of stuff from your colon so 1/2 the pound is from actual weight loss, the other is water retention loss, detox, and build up from your colon

Not to argue, that is just what I think.

(10-08-2011, 06:16)miel26 Wrote:  The hcg diet worked well for me. It's been 3 months and the weight has still stayed off. A lot of people like to argue about whether it is safe & effective & etc etc, so there are differing viewpoints. It has been around since the 1950s, and as someone who has done it I can say it has improved my metabolism and it has been a very positive experience. I did not lose much if any muscle during it and my body fat percentage decreased substantially. It stimulates your body to release your stored fat which your body uses for energy, so you are not hungry and tired during it. Because your stored fat is being released, you lose about 0.5 - 1 pound per day. Not all hcg is homeopathic. I found non-homeopathic drops online which worked well for me. If you were to eat only 500 calories a day without taking the drops, your metabolism would slow down and you would feel very hungry, and your body would then burn up your muscle. Anyway, the diet was safe and effective for me, and it helped me get rid of stubborn fat that I had a lot of trouble getting rid of through just diet and exercise alone. I highly recommend the diet, but it is a personal choice, and many people don't feel comfortable about it or don't understand how it works or hear incorrect facts about the diet. For those interested in how it works, you can google "Pounds and Inches" by Dr. Simeon. He is the man who developed it, and his original protocol and manuscript can be found very easily for free online.

My goal while taking PM and being on hcg wouldn't be to increase breast size, but to not lose breast size while on the diet. I was just hoping that someone would have had experience with this, but I think it is something that I will have to experiment with on my own in the future.

I have been taking Bella's beautiful bust for 3 months, and I have seen some growth which has been very encouraging. The only other supplement I was taking was a multivitamin and calcium. Her recommendations are to take it two weeks starting right after your period ends. However, I've been reading Ginie's program and it has been very inspiring and makes a lot of sense. This cycle I am going to try her method and the method of the Japanese girls. That is, start PM on the first day of my cycle until ovulation, and combine it with supplements that encourage growth, such as collagen, placenta, arginine, etc. I am also curious to try Sirporn PM and compare it with Bella's.

Good luck with your BE program but I have to correct you though - I haven't invented this method, I took Chiyumilk's program and added NB, that's all Smile Yes, I think it's best to try different methods and brands for yourself and choose the one which is perfect for you. If you decide to add individual herbs in luteal phase please don't panic if you get some water retention in the lower part of your body, it is normal if you take SP and it will disappear when your period comes. Though I heard about SP having not only anti-androgenic effect but also anti-estrogenic. So, if you're not sure about SP you don't have to add it, just use other herbs. Most important is FG and fennel, they have prolactogenic effect. If you use NB your progress will be even better I'm sure.

Btw, if Bella's method has worked for you - why do you want to change?

Also, if you don't want to risk putting on weight but want to increase boobs - use topical PM and NB only! They say topical PM works even better (and faster) on boobs than PM which you take internally. I have read so many success stories on NB forum where people were just using NB only and grew very well.

I am using HCG diet but haven't any experience with PM. I also want to know bout its use so please anyone have good information about PM, please share.

(09-08-2011, 08:14)miel26 Wrote:  Has anyone taken PM while being on the hCG diet?  I know that weight loss and breast enhancement don't really go together. I am considering doing the hcg diet in the future but I'm worried about losing the growth that i have achieved with PM. I'm wondering if I take PM and hcg together, will that help me maintain most of my size or will I still most likely lose a lot of fat from my breasts? I think I might try it in the future and see what happens. I did hcg in the past and went from 150lbs to 130lbs. I was very happy with the weight loss, but I lost most of my breasts. (I had really small breasts to begin with so I was pretty much left with nothing). I've been taking PM for 3 months and have grown it all back & a little bit more. But I'm just wondering if anyone here has tried the hcg diet and what their experiences were? If they continued their breast enhancement routine while taking hCG and how that worked out?
Thanks Smile
Yes, you can take HCG diet and PM at once.
There are few foods in HCG diet, which take care of your lower part only. I hope you are getting my point.
Before you take any decision, i strongly suggest you to take advice from your nutritionist.

I have many friends who are in HCG diet, but none with PM and HCG diet. Give me some time, i will take advice from my friend who is doing Phd.

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