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Question for Anastasia and others


Hi Anastasia!
I have only been on generic BO for 2 1/2 weeks, I know, very little. But I wanted to know your opinion because I know you used UB. Do you think BO is just BO, no matter if its generic or UB or BB?
I bought my BO from Swanson Vitamins.
I bought a 3 month supply of BO, if I don't get results after 3 months, do you think I should try UB? or maybe quit BO switch to PM?
I know that you said you saw a change at the 2nd month of using UB.
Let me know.
Thank you so much!
Oh and this question is not just for Anastasia, I would love to hear your opinions as well. I was actually going to give Anastasia a Private Message, but I figured I would just post this as a topic so others can benefit from it.

Well I only took UB I never tried generic or BB, so I can only speak for the results I got from it. Some believe that generic BO is just as good as UB or BB, others don't. When I was researching BO and deciding if I wanted to go with BB, UB, or generic, the reasons why I went with UB are because, A. in order to take the same amount of BO that is in a daily dosage of UB you have to take like 6 or more pills of generic BO depending on brand and how much is in each capsule. So in my opinion I would rather only have to take 3 pills per day as I already take a ton of other supplements daily besides UB. Now another reason was math, when I was looking at various generic brands of BO, in order to take the same amount of BO that is in a daily dosage of UB, you would have to spend the same amount or MORE depending on the brand. So in my opinion UB was the best attraction for me. I considered BB but I was just too scared to shell out that kind of cash then it not work, because yes UB and BB have the same type of money back guarantee, but in order to get it you have to have doctor visits and other type of things, so wasn't worth it to me. I went with UB because in my eyes it seemed the same as BB and as I pointed out takes less pills per day then generic.

Now it seems your question is on quality, as I haven't taken anything other than UB, I don't really know. I know many are afraid of taking generic due to the fact they don't know where the BO comes from. They say only Argentina or New Zealand cattle is best for BO. I know UB comes from US cattle, BB comes from New Zealand I believe. And some generic brands come from places like China and such. So it's a matter of personal preference and what you feel is best.

I definitely think 2 1/2 weeks is way too early to even be having thoughts like this lol, give it time to work! If you are not confident in the generic forms, use up the supply you currently have then order UB or BB if that makes you feel more comfortable. Stress and believing in what you are doing are big factors to NBE working. If you stress too much, it won't work.

You say you have a 3 month supply, so if after that you don't feel confident in generic, get UB or BB and try it for 3 more months. I always say give each type of NBE you try and/or program you try at least 6 months if you are not getting bad side effects to see if it's working for you. If after 6 months you see no results and don't get any type of growing signs, then I'd say to do a cleanse and try something else. If PM is attracting you then try that next IF BO doesn't do anything for you.

I've never personally tried PM though I am curious about it and may give it a shot in the future just to see what it does. But for now I believe I have 4-5 bottles of UB left and I'm taking those now.

Yeah I know its still early at 2 1/2 weeks to be thinking about this, lol.
I just can't help myself. I will try to be patient, that's one of the things I hate about me, I am not patient! I will have to learn because patience is really important in NBE.

I wondered about this generic BO/UB/BB, because RAW here on this board has stopped generic BO and will start using BB, so I figured she too might be thinking the same thing I am thinking about quality. I think she grew a little bit on generic BO, It will be interesting to see how she does on BB. I've also read somewhere on this forum, but I don't remember who it was, she was using BB, she got great results, she switched to generic BO because it was cheaper, she did get results, but she said nothing compared to BB. Interesting....!!
I will give BO 3 months, because I have already bought the bottles, and I want to use them up, I do not want to feel like I wasted my money and not use them, at least I will try them to see if they do me any good. Even if I do end up getting results from generic BO, I would love to buy the UB, just because overall it is cheaper and I can take only 3 pills per day instead of the 6 or 7 pills I take with generic BO. So we will see. The only thing I worry about is that with UB, it says "Breast" on the bottle, and ofcourse it'll say somewhere "breast enhancement". I don't want my hubby to see that! The generic BO just said "Raw Ovarian" and my hubby won't even know what the hell that is, lol! I guess I will just have to watch for the mail and hide the bottles, if I do end up ordering UB.

Thank you so much Anastasia for the help.
Just curious, how are you doing this time around with UB???

As far as hiding the bottles, here's an idea... keep the empty generic bottles, when you get the UB, take the pills out of the bottles and put them in the empty generic bottles, then he'll think you are still taking the same thing, and if he questions it say it's Raw Ovarian, it's made to help regulate your periods and help you all around with women issues. Because that is honestly why some people take it! They just take it in smaller amounts than we do for NBE. Some people take BO for hormonal problems, period problems, etc. Or you could simply take the UB labels off the bottles too. Whichever you think is best.

I just started up consistently a week or so ago, so too soon to tell, though I have gotten some sensations already and I got a couple of pimples, weird I never got more acne than usual the first time, but eh, they say BO puts you back into puberty, and I was a pizza face during puberty! So a few pimples now won't phase me.

That is such a great idea!
I will first try if I can peel off the label, sometimes, the label is stuck on the bottle and I can't peel it off easily. I remember trying to peel off the BA label off the bottles, I couldn't do it easily, so I had to hide the bottles from my hubby, because he would be suspicious as to why I would rip off half of the label of a bottle. Or I will just pour the UB into the generic empty bottles, but I will try to open just 1 bottle of UB at a time. I don't want to open all 3 bottles at once, because I think that they will lose potency.
Thanks for the ideas.
Oh and that is such a believable lie, lol! Its not really a lie, like you said some women really do use it for periods and such. If he ever questions it, I will say just that, its for my period!
I hope you will do even better with UB this time around. I would be so happy for you if you can reach your goal 32DD. You really deserve it, you have been so dedicated to NBE. More dedicated than anyone I have seen so that is why you and Ginie are my inspirations. You both have commitment and patience and didn't give up and are still trying. WOW. Good for you!!

This time around is mainly due to curiosity and booby greed LOL, not gonna lie. I'm happy with the size I am now, it's not bad at all. I just like the size I am in the miraculous push up bras that much more lol, so I got booby greed Tongue if I achieve that size great, if not I'm happy too, but I'm curious as to if it's possible for me to grow more.

And yep, if you search for raw ovarian or bovine ovary online it doesn't pull up NBE lol. It pulls up the other reasons it's used! So if hubby were to become curious that is mainly what he'd find. Though I didn't have to hide anything from my hubby I can understand why someone would need to and how to go about it lol. Have you ever thought of telling your hubby you're doing NBE and why? I'm sure he'd understand and like that idea more than you going for implants. That's what my hubby said when I told him what I was going to do and doing. He understood.

Oh I just tried to peel off one of the labels on UB to see if it comes off, it does you just gotta work it. But I'm very good at peeling off labels, I use to do it all the time when I was a kid during bathtime on shampoo bottles and such, drove my mom nuts. What always gets ANY label off of bottles is warm water, you soak the bottle in it then it peels off easily.

I have a few times mentioned to my hubby that I want implants, I wasn't serious about it, but he got really defensive. He said he loves my boobs the way they are, and he prefers small, real breasts than large, fake breasts. I think if my boobs got bigger with NBE, he would LOVE them more. I know he loves me for me no matter what, but I don't know any guy that doesn't like nice full round breasts! I am not thinking to tell him anything about my NBE yet. But I think if I do grow on BO or NB, I think I will have to tell him because he would be very suspicious and I think he would know its the stuff I am taking. I have like 10 bottles of supplements I am taking, lol!
He asked me why I am taking all these supplements, I told him, that there are for hair, skin, nails and extra vitamins. He saw me drinking the protein shakes, I told him that I don't eat enough meat and the doctor said I need to take protein shakes for me to reach my daily intake of protein. ha ha.
So if he questions me about the BO, I will say its for my period.
But like I said, if I grow on BO/NB, he will most likely know I am doing something to increase my breasts, because I have never had larger than an A cup, so I will probably tell him.

I will try that, soaking the bottles in warm water.
Gosh, Anastasia, you are full or great ideas!!
Thank you!!!

LOL LOL LOL..hey Melissa4u,

I am a laughing cause ..dont you think he will know when your with that awesome moment with himWinkBlush..looking at them and touching man noticed my booty getting meaty as he put it..he knows I am doing herbs for my booty and titas..but I dont think he gets the total thing..meaning not sure if he thinks it is going to work so we will see when we get together soon..Big Grin When I see him I say ok baby your the titay and booty meter man..he looks at them then grabs them and he will say if they look or feel dif.. and then it leads to fun Big Grin

Melissa, I think why your hubby got defensive is he's like my hubby, doesn't like fake boobs. I think if you told him you were trying to grow them naturally to feel more feminine and more confident in yourself and that it's for you and not him, he'd understand more. Like my hubby knew what I was doing cause I told him, he shook his head said I didn't NEED to do it. Said he loved me how I was etc. Any good man will say that! But he understood why I may need to for me. He's just as happy with me now as he was then, and eventhough he doesn't like to admit it, he looks at them more, especially when I wear a good push up. Men have their egos, and some try to hide what they may want so they don't hurt the feelings of their women, which is why your hubby and mine are good men.

Yea, my hubby was a MAJOR skeptic of NBE when I first started. Kept saying it would never work, blah blah, I was wasting my money blah blah. But he said it's my money and I can spend it how I want to. Now he sees it works and he told his friend who was considering implants what I did and how I use to be smaller chested, and now she's doing NBE haha. So I smiled when I found out cause now I know he is proud of what I did. So yea, let the guys be skeptic, we'll show em! haha

Hi beachbumbythesea,
That is so funny, your man being the boob and butt meter, ha ha.
Like I said, if I do grow, I will tell him about it because even when I was breastfeeding, I only grew to a full A. He will obviously know I am doing something to make them grow. One time, we went to Victoria's Secret and I saw all the ads, the girls with big boobs, and I told him, you know, they are wearing push up bras, they probably have implants, they probably did photoshop to make them look bigger....they....blah blah blah, he was laughing, and told me that he loves me the way I am. I just got so pissed looking at the girls with big boobs and here I am, an A cup, so I started making remarks about their boobs being fake, lol!

You are so right about men having egos and not wanting to hurt the woman's feelings. My hubby says I am perfect the way I am, but I know he would love it if my boobs got bigger, even if he won't ever admit it, MEN LOVE BREASTS and BUTTS!!!, That's just the way they are.

About your hubby being skeptic that NBE won't work, that is one of the reasons why I didn't tell my hubby yet. I know he would think the same thing, that its not going to work. Like when I bought the BA pills, I said if they work, I will tell him, if they don't, there is no need and sure enough I quit BA because of the bad side effects I got after 2 months. And I didn't see any swelling or growth, I know if I did tell him about BA and then I ended up quitting or continuing with no growth, he would give me a lecture about I wasted my money, how I fell for something that didn't do what it was supposed to do, etc. I want to prove him wrong!
I will try to be dedicated to NBE. I will try one thing after another until I find what works for me. I remember when BA didn't work for me, I just quit NBE completley. I did not know about this wonderful forum, about the other methods of NBE, massage, etc. If I had known about it, I honestly do not think that I would quit, that was 2 years ago, so I feel like I wasted 2 years!!
I have been noogling and I don't think that I will ever give that up unless ofcourse I reach my goal which is a full C, small D cup, I would pump only for maintenance. I know I have been noogling for only a week, but I don't know if its just in my head or what, but I think my breasts are lifting a little bit! Big Grin

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