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beachbumbythesea's program


New hair! Exciting Smile

I'd try fennel tea, maybe progesterone cream.

Yay new hair ill be looking for new pics!!

Hi Susan,

Did the 4,000 mg maca help balance you out? I don't know if your period can start if you're still progesterone dominant Huh

(04-08-2011, 07:36)Isabelle Wrote:  Hi Susan,

Did the 4,000 mg maca help balance you out? I don't know if your period can start if you're still progesterone dominant Huh

no not progesterone dominant..I wrote not sure what thread that last week I had up and down of est dom. and progest. dom.. well yesterday or the day before I did the test again cause I am feeling pretty good and it told me I was estrogen dom..(I had only one symptom of estrog) and it said something with the adrenal gland/cortex for got what ..I am going to take the test right back...ok I only have 2 symptoms of this, it said excess antrogens thats it..the other groups I had all 0..I feel pretty dam good..but I do think my period is going to come cause ...was more tired last night (not crazy tired..I use to sleep all day), I still feel tired and low engery but not that bad, just feel it will start (I think some time today) either today or tomorrow..just feeling those before period weirdness but not like the past months...I think like you said..maca is helping in this area..

Thank you for updating, Susan Smile

This is good. You have control now: it's normal that just before your period starts, you become a little testosterone dominant, because progesterone stopped and estrogen has gone to the lowest level since day 25.

Don't understand what makes you tired, though.

Just ride it out Smile
#56 the tiredness sp?..I always get before my period but this time it isnt like it use to be..I use to be so tired that I would sleep all day having trouble just to keep me going..this time it isnt that bad at all..I could at least function and think some what..

Last night I wasnt going to massage but decided too..well I usually massage my left one more (smaller) and that is what I did..I always have to massage that one alot longer to feel some effects..I did different things to my massage this time and this morning the left one feels almost even with the left..after I posted a few mins ago I went to have a cig and coffee and as I was sitting there I was like what!! my arm keep bumping both of them and the left one felt just as mind you the day before yesterday they were not feeling that big and yesterday the felt sooo small and today they feel bigger..they never do that before my period either..I am still feeling zings and I didnt take any Phyto's no PM or BS last night just took my 4 maca through out the day..IMO I am seeing and feeling some good those pics I post yesterday were taken yesterday..I will take some today and show you and you let me know what you think..I will email them to you..Ok I just took pics but not sure if I want to send them..It is werid in the pics my L one looks so much smaller but when I look in the mirror they dont that off..I hope they become even with each other..what do you think of using the NB for this problem ...they say though that PM evens them out..dont know

I have no idea, really. Not about the NB, not about PM evening them out, and not about why the camera sees it differently. Oh, well, the camera can't look from the same point of view as your eyes if you're looking down on them.

I think you can just wait: in development, breasts are always more uneven.

Thanks for doing the pics: at least you have them to track your progress for yourself. They'll be good to have if you need something to compare in a month Big Grin

Hey Isabelle,

I decided if I dont get my period by 6th or 7th I am going to start back on the phyto's (PM), now if it starts during this time then I can do as follows by the chart, now if I dont get it at least by the 9th I am going to make that my first day of my period if I dont get it by that date.

Ok..this morning the girls felt fuller the a few days ago, mind you they dont usually feel like this before my period..anyway.. it is 8pm at night have taken 3 maca pills by this time one more to go later and have been off PM since yesterday..well I am sitting here and moving around and feeling how freakin full they I measured (I did measure the past week and it has been at my reg size 32, yesterday it was 31) and they measured a little bit over 33..I hope this is growthDodgy I have heard some say they stopped taking the phytos for a day or 2 and they had full we shall see..hey for the moment they feel awesomeBig Grin memories of the time I had my 36c/d's..and yes I was singing that...lolBig Grin

Good morning Susan,

Congratulations! This is Progress Big Grin

It's a good idea to just choose a day 1. You can use the next cycles to stabilize. A period will come in time if there's a drop in estrogen on day 12, and a drop in progesterone on days 24-28. But it may take a while to get the timing right.

Goodmorning lovely Isabelle,

How are you today.

well I measured today and they are a little smaller between my size and what I measured a 32 1/2.. no big deal just sayin..but still a little bigger then my 32 and not smaller..heheBig Grin its all cool..

So no period yet not weird.. so you are saying just pick a day one...since my period last month started on the 5th should I pick tomorrow to start my day one and should I start back on 1 PM regardless of what day cause the chart you made had me taking them through the month..I just wanted to see if I stopped for a few days if it would give my body a break..wondering if that was good..wonder if that delayed my period..

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