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Reasons NOT to get breast implants...


why do that? just to please self or please others?

(13-05-2010, 00:20)Black Hippie Wrote:  Back!! This question was killing me, but I was too embarrassed to ask. Can women breastfeed with implants? How do implants look when a women gets pregnant. Sorry

My sister in law had implants and then went on to breast feed my nephew but initially, when the milk first came in she was unable to feed without the help of her mother who had to manipulate the implant so the milk would flow - YUCK. Implants, whether placed over or under the pectoral muscle are always placed behind the area of the breast that is used for milk production so, surgeons say that they should not affect braest feeding. If you're lucky.
With regards to the way they look I can only again draw on what happened to my sister in law. Her natural braest grew with the pregnancy and therefore when they deflated the implant sagged and left her breasts much lower on her chest. She is currently looking to have more surgery to correct the problem.

Not to keep digging up this topic but I wanted to post something here that I found...

So every once in a while I'll look at breast implant surgery gone wrong to remind me of how beautiful my naturally small boobs are and as a reminder of why not even consider breast implants. Well, I found a website with this video on it. The lady actually pops her breast implant....and the shallow MTV generation peers all think it's funny!

Yikes!! I actually do feel sorry for that girl...just a warning to you ladies, no belly flops with breast implants cause they could explode! Looks like breast implants take more fun out of life than they are supposed to create...

Amaven, that's horrible! I can't believe these people were laughing at her. That's another reason not to get them, I didn't know you couldn't do belly flops and stuff. A friend of the family has implants, she fell one night and hit the corner of a table against one of her breasts and was scared it bursted, but luckily it didn't! Scary stuff.

To Anastasia and the rest of the women here... I think maybe (from the looks of some of your profile pictures) that you've never had a problem with the way your breasts look. It is easy to condemn women for putting something fake inside of their bodies; but I first challenge you to consider why a person may partake. If you were completely flat-chested, extremely asymmetrical, or had a sunken-in chest, things may be different. Feeling sexy in your skin is a woman's rite of passage; not always a matter of shallow desires. Just sayin'

We are not condemning women, we do not do that here and that is not what we are about. This is one of the most supporting, nurturing communities that I have found on the net.

We are sharing our stories and information about the dangers of surgical augmentation because as women who care about other women, we want to make it known what people could be getting into. I looked over this thread and I really don't see the judging that you are claiming that exists here, just people sharing information, which is one of the major purposes of this forum, and so we will continue to do so. In fact I see some real sympathy here for some of the horrendous things some women have experienced.

People here like everyone else has their personal opinion about breast implants and whether it is something for them or not, they are entitled to that. Actually, if you had taken the time to go over all of the replies, you'd notice that many admitted to understanding why women turn to implants, but the fact is how "sexy" can you feel with your implant leaking or deflated inside of your body?

If you really thought about it, then why would any of us be here if we never had a problem with the way our breasts look? That's obviously not the case, but it is very easy for you to ask for understanding while not having to do so yourself. We are not "anti-beast implant" here so much as we are "anti-harm to women" just as some of use are vehemently against some herbs which we feel are dangerous to women's' bodies.

By the way caseyerinn, feeling sexy in your skin doesn't always require that you must look somewhere outside of yourself...just sayin.

There are so many reasons of not getting breast implants
infection (bacteria and mold which can be released from the implant into the body)
surgical risks
anesthesia risks
chronic breast pain,
breast or nipple numbness
capsular contracture
scar tissue
hardened and misshapen breasts
breakage and leakage
necrosis (skin death)
need for additional surgery to deal with problems
dissatisfaction with how the breast looks
arthritis and joint pain
memory loss
cognitive impairment: poor concentration
metal poisoning due to platinum exposure (in silicone implants)
silicone migration into lymph nodes and other organs
debilitating autoimmne disease such as fibromyalgia,dermatomyositis, polymyositis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, mixed connective-tissue disease, pulmonary fibrosis, eosinophilic fasciitis, and polymyalgia.
And last but not least, death

(10-05-2011, 04:33)caseyerinn Wrote:  To Anastasia and the rest of the women here... I think maybe (from the looks of some of your profile pictures) that you've never had a problem with the way your breasts look. It is easy to condemn women for putting something fake inside of their bodies; but I first challenge you to consider why a person may partake. If you were completely flat-chested, extremely asymmetrical, or had a sunken-in chest, things may be different. Feeling sexy in your skin is a woman's rite of passage; not always a matter of shallow desires. Just sayin'

I just would like to add that Anastasia looks the way she looks because of hard work of doing NBE..Just saying..Blush

(30-06-2011, 13:53)Breastaugmentation Wrote:  There are so many reasons of not getting breast implants
infection (bacteria and mold which can be released from the implant into the body)
surgical risks
anesthesia risks
chronic breast pain,
breast or nipple numbness
capsular contracture
scar tissue
hardened and misshapen breasts
breakage and leakage
necrosis (skin death)
need for additional surgery to deal with problems
dissatisfaction with how the breast looks
arthritis and joint pain
memory loss
cognitive impairment: poor concentration
metal poisoning due to platinum exposure (in silicone implants)
silicone migration into lymph nodes and other organs
debilitating autoimmne disease such as fibromyalgia,dermatomyositis, polymyositis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, mixed connective-tissue disease, pulmonary fibrosis, eosinophilic fasciitis, and polymyalgia.
And last but not least, death

My mom's cousin had implants for 10 years and one popped so she had them removed. My mom had implants for 10 years also and she gets very fatigued and has a very bad memory. I guess she was always like that a little bit but I have noticed that it is really bad lately so something is wrong. She makes bad decisions when driving and it is scary! I wonder if that is because of the implants too.

Hey sorry I haven't visited this thread in a while.

Caseyerinn, I have never condemned women with implants, I have known many very beautiful women with them both inside and out. I just want many to know the risks and be well informed before making such a life changing decision. By the way, when you looked at my profile did you also happen to look at the threads I've posted on? Go to my picture page perhaps? I didn't start out this size sweety. I was a 32AA when I first started my NBE journey over 5 years ago. The size I am now is from natural means, refer to my picture page for what all I had to do to be the size I am now. But no, I have NOTHING wrong to say about women with implants. I have PLENTY to say to males that pressure some women to get them, the media, and plastic surgeons that tell patients that there's no other alternative. They'd rather ruin lives and human bodies then lose money out of their pocket, sorry I don't agree with that at all. But as I said, I have nothing against women with them, just want to share information so ladies can make a more informed decision.

Amaven, I definitely agree. Beauty is not based on breast size or the outer beauty. I have seen women who were not the most attractive according to media but got the best looking guys, why? They learned to love themselves for who they are and valued themselves, carried themselves with confidence, etc. Every guy I have ever had a real heart to heart talk with told me confidence and personality waaayyy outweigh anything else. Your worth is not your body.

breastaugmentation, thanks for sharing more information on the risks, it's greatly appreciated.

sweetpea, that is scary! I wonder if there is a connection? Would be interesting to find out.

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