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itsjust4fun91's Program Page


These first few post are being moved from my program pages on the old board so that it's all together in one place for easy reference.

September 8 2009 at 5:34 PM

I'm 37 years old
I'm 5"8 and 130 pounds give or take a pound depending on the day.
I'm the mother of 3 and nursed all of them.
under the breast is 32 inches my breast are 36. of course these vary a bit from day to day too!
my constant body temp stays between 96.3 and 97.2 ick I know.
I'm beginning this NBE adventure using Bountiful Breast. I started taking it the 22nd of July. i went by the book following the BB guidelines.

One pill in the morning
one pill at night.
Breast massage each night before bed.

I saw nothing the first few weeks. I had no pains, no tingles, nothing had changed. I was feeling a little frustrated and one day glanced down at my bottles of pills mulling over what could be wrong and noticed I had the wrong pills. I had gotten L-lysine by accident. So off to the store to buy the right stuff. Within 24 hours, I began having tingles and very very tender breast! yeah!
my body temp was still staying around 96.3, but I figured if i have tingles and pains, then somethings happening so why stress?

I've been on it for 6 weeks now. In the last 2 weeks since beginning the L-tyrosine I immeadiately noticed fullness even though every time i measured there was no change in it. I then put on a strapless that is very very padded because it's the only thing I could wear before and I was shocked to see that I was spilling out of the top of it and had cleavage! whoohooo. I was still shocked at no change in measurements even though to look at them you could visually see a difference and more bounce.

Today I took my measurements again when I began to write this and found I am now 36 and 1/4th, but I am due to start my period any day now so I don't know if this si swelling due to that or if it will stick around afterward. We'll see.

I am a little concerned now about how my program will go from here on out. I was put on small doses of chemo to get a rare form of arthritis under control. I don't see how that could effect hormones, but we'll see if it does. I was told by my docs that I can continue to take any suppliments I have been taking and they consider these suppliments also. it's just a matter of will they work while on small doses of chemo? So here's a new one that hasn't been adressed on the board before I'm guessing, so I guess I'll be the guinea pig in this one. LOL

By the way I also began chantix this past week in hopes of becoming a non smoker since BB says that it can effect growth, and I guess my health should be important too! I sure have always been embarrassed that I smoke. I hate the smell, I hate the taste. who can say why I've done it for so many years other than I enjoy how relaxing it always felt. Now, to relax, I'll just do breast massaging!


I also wanted to try out the insert picture section. For now this is all I can come up with to post to give an idea of the before. The after pics will have to wait until I can figure out somewhere private that can host pictures so that I can link them here.

September 28 2009, 11:23 PM

Okay, I have been dying to find the time to post my results. I am two days shy of the ten week mark, so 2 and 1/2 months. I'm thrilled to say I am now 37 and 1/2 inches. That's 1 and 1/2 inches of growth. If anyone read my first post, they saw that I had not had any results other than a little fullness in the first 6 weeks due to a few mistakes in my regiment.

I'm going to be honest and say I have been terrible about following any select plan to a T. I have a few days when I remember to do everything and I have days that I forget everything, but taking my BB pills, so I am definately not a good example to follow. lol.

I stopped smoking 2 weeks ago as well by using chantix and I began my methotrexate drug therapy 3 weeks ago. I was really afraid that it might cause the BB not to work since the basics of Chemo therapy is to stop cell regeneration, but with the results I have had in the last couple of weeks I don't think it will be an issue at all.

I still try to use the same regiment I posted originally even though my temp is still low even on the kelp and L-tyrosine. I will continue to take them since so far this combo is working for me. I can honestly say I am filling out my B bra's now and a couple of them are even getting too small. Mainly my strapless ones, though I continue to wear them since it's kind of a thrill to be able to say the words, "this thing is waaaay too small." And the falling out the top of it with cleavage is awesome! I would have to say the most startling thing so far that I have experienced was actually this morning when I was taking a shower and when I ran my hands across my chest with soap, I looked down to see what I had ran into that stopped the smooth flow of soap and it was actually my own boob! It kind of cuaght me off guard to have a part of me that is so familar to me after 37 years to suddenly be so foreign! After a few seconds of checking out the difference all I could think was, "hot damn, I've got boobs!"

At this point I just want to tell everyone how happy I am that I decided to give this a try instead of brushing it off as snake oil. An added plus is my hormones feel more balanced than they have in a good 6 years! So I have so many things to be greatful for with my results so far from BB. I know many gals have said they didn't have permanent growth with BO, unless they stayed on it for more than a year. I have no problem doing that, in fact I feel that even if that wasn't the case, I would want to remain on it for about a year or so, just for the effects it has had on my hormne balance!

I hope everyone else has as good of results as I have so far, it's just such an exciting feeling to suddenly get something you've longed for for almost a lifetime!

okay, now that I have my old post moved, on to my current update.

Oct. 28th 2009

So, I've had several changes since my last post. The chemo is over. done. I quit. It was horrible and I felt horrible. In fact I felt worse on it than before I started it. IMO that's not fixing anything and and I'm going back to my suppliments to control my arthritis, so my program will be changing up a bit.

This past month I haven't seen any huge growth spurt and I only have a handful of days left in this cycle for any miracle growth to occur. It's really odd though since I have spent the entire month with very tender tingling breast. You would think if that were a marker for action then I would have it. I did notice more development in the surounding breast tissue, above and below, which is noticable in a bra, but no number changes on the measuring tape. I'm still sitting at 37 1/2.

I'm thinking it could be my own fault though. When I quit the chemo cold turkey, I suddenly began packing on pounds in a matter of days. seriously! I added 10 pounds to my weight in about 4 days! I was beginning to panic. I seem to have gotten a handle on it and it's beginning to even out, but watching my weight the way I've had to may have messed up any potential major growth spurt for the month.

I was thinking earlier this week about BB and came to the conclusion that right now, even if I was told I wouldn't grow another cm, I would continue to take it. It's done such incredible things for my hormone balance for now. It's been really nice not having to deal with the heavy pms symptoms for the last few months, which has been such a pleasant surprise in this process, that said, I'll quit prattling on and get to the good stuff....

My current program. I've added a few things and will discuss those as I go.

1 BB pill first thing in the morning with water

3 grape seed extracts(for my arthritis) but geat for winkles also!
2 L-tyrosine
1 kelp
1 cayenne capsule ( added for metabolism this week after weight gain)

3:00 p.m
1 cayenne capsule
1 folic acid (this is required for recovery from chemo)

6:00 p.m
2 multi vitamin
2 fish oil tablets( arthritis)
1 cayenne capsule


1 BB pill

So that's where I am now. I've been doing some research on a diet called thermogenic dieting. I'm not looking at it so much for the weight loss effects, but to understand the foods and spices better that it is claiming raises the body temperature which speeds up the metabolism. (hence the thyroid also I would think)
Anyways, I will probably post more on this after I get it a little more organized.

Good Luck Girls!

So it's the last few days of my cycle and I'm taking it down to the wire I guess. The tenderness has gotten more intense and the tingles increasing. I measured earlier this morning and am now sitting at 38 just in the last couple of days. We'll see if this is actual growth or just swelling that will disappear once I start my period. I think my favorite thing about all of this is probably little things that most women take fore granted.

for example.

looking in the mirror and actually seeing a crease now between the breast tissue and where the ribs start. I've never had enough to have a crease! It's pretty darn cool!

secondly, brushing my teeth in the morning and having a jiggle. LOL... I know that's silly, but then again, I'm someone that hasn't had jiggle. lol

thirdly, a couple of pictures taken recently... holy cow! is that cleavage I see???

sigh, did I say I'm finding this whole journey awesome so farBig Grin?

(30-10-2009, 15:12)itsjust4fun91 Wrote:  So it's the last few days of my cycle and I'm taking it down to the wire I guess. The tenderness has gotten more intense and the tingles increasing. I measured earlier this morning and am now sitting at 38 just in the last couple of days. We'll see if this is actual growth or just swelling that will disappear once I start my period. I think my favorite thing about all of this is probably little things that most women take fore granted.

for example.

looking in the mirror and actually seeing a crease now between the breast tissue and where the ribs start. I've never had enough to have a crease! It's pretty darn cool!

secondly, brushing my teeth in the morning and having a jiggle. LOL... I know that's silly, but then again, I'm someone that hasn't had jiggle. lol

thirdly, a couple of pictures taken recently... holy cow! is that cleavage I see???

sigh, did I say I'm finding this whole journey awesome so farBig Grin?

Heehee, I can so relate to that! I am up to a B cup from an A, and I am like a kid in a candy store. I will probably be impossible to live with once I'm a C cup. Cool One thing's for sure, we will never take having boobs for granted!

So, sissy inspired me. I was soooo going to at least make it to the halfway mark of my program before adjusting anything or adding anything so I could make a very objective opinion on bountiful breast, BUT the noogleberry thing really caught my attention first from sissy then from cheryl, so I just ordered one. You know how it is. Impulse purchase. LOL. Can't wait. I for sure need to get some pics taken to show what changes have taken place just on the BB, just need a way to share them. Hopefully a new members pic section will be added soon so I can do that.

So I measured yesterday now that my cycle is over. The 38 was a false alarm, I'm back to 37 1/2, so it wasn't anything permanent. Oh well, I'll keep plugging along. I would say I'm disappointed, but I got to wear a dress last night that looked like I might spill out of it at any moment. LOL, after a night of that, how could I be anything but pleased?

so, I measured again and it's 38. Maybe I measured wrong or something. I'm not sure. I just know it's so easy to measure wrong since all it takes is holding the tape in a slightly different position and it changes it! Anyway, while there is no change in the measurements, I can see there is slightly more definition in the bottom area of the breast making the crease more defined, so even if my measurements not changing, there is still growth filling in, just ask my push up who is bursting from the strain of holding these puppies in check! LOL

It's interesting to me the difference in womens breast shape and what that means showing growth. I have always been so widely spread in the breast. Even now with the growth going on, I can pull it all together and look like I'm massive, but when it's let to lay where it will I look like I have nothing from the side. Sometimes it's frustrating, because I know I'm growing but it's harder to show than another womans might be.

Anyway, I have some time on my hands today, so, I'm going to finally get some of my progress pictures organized and loaded onto here. So, tune in later. LOL

okay, so I'm trying to do this as an attachment. I'm not sure why, but I can't find the way I did the image link before for my firs tpost but I'll try that also in a bit.

This is the first set of pics, before and after for 2 months

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Here is the second set of pictures. same time frames but front view.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

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