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MoK217's Program


(14-04-2011, 17:21)soonenough Wrote:  I go through the same thing. Frontal view, my breasts still looks small. Side view, only the bigger right seems to make progress. I had one of my girls took a picture, and I look small. But when I went to buy a bra, I fit 32C. I was so happy that I can fit a bra. I don't see it but there's something now in my breasts to stuff a bra.

I breastfed 4 babies and I went to 34D/36C while nursing. I still have those 34d/36c bras and I couldn't believe I filled those unpadded bras and they actually lifted off my chest. Deflated down to 32AA/34AAA after nursing but the funny thing is I didn't mind at all since I like how I fit into my clothes with a smaller chest. I favor form-fitting Michael Stars shine and 3 Dots shirts.

Keep on going with your NBE routine. Have you looked at noogling? The rounded shape of my smaller left side is really noticeable now after noogling for 9 weeks. But what I noticed gave the initial lifting and firming was when I was doing Jillian Michael's Banish Fat religiously for about six months (6/6/10-12/10), and MASSAGE. It's sooooo much work but I like the results.

Don't stop and keep on going. I'm also drinking fennel tea and add hops flowers and cut up licorice sticks, and you are right, they are NASTYYY. But after getting over the taste of taking flax oil straight, I think I'm getting use to drinking nasty concoction. Plus I'm drinking a big cup of chicken feet broth too daily and that too is not the most delicious thing.

Won't I lose any growth if I do the Jillian Michaels program? What about creams? Any firming creams you know work? Thanks for the info, and the pep talk.

i don't know. I stopped Jillian Michael's right after I started NBE on 12/9/10. I couldn't concentrate on many things at the same time. I'm planning on starting again, and if I do, I will alternate daily the first 4 circuits (these is where all the arms exercises are) with the last 5-7 circuits (core exercises). Or might just use Jackie Warner's Xtreme Personal timesavers video which only takes 20 min., and do the first two sets, and another day the other two. I noticed this video is even more effective with the arms exercises as I noticed more definition in my arms and shoulders in a much shorter amount of time when I did this video. Both are strength training but I sweat more than when I do cardio.

Sorry, I don't know of any firming creams. Currently using Jason Wild Yam just because I bought 2 tubs and didn't want to waste. I don't see any obvious results maybe because applying cream is not my core NBE program. Eating boobie food/massage/supplements/noogling is in that order.

I'm overfilling a 34B lace bra from VS. That's if I pull em up and tuck em in. Sad

I wish there was something I could do to lift them better. Maybe I should be doing Chiyomilk's exercises? I have too much saggage from breast feeding.

On a different not, it's day 6 of AF, should be about done, and boobies are still fuller than they were. Here's to crossing my fingers that the 2 weeks of growth stay.

Also, I have noticed lately that in the morning after I take my herbs, I have slight dizziness. Not drunk dizzy, just like a little foggy when I focus on anything. So I am going to lower my Barley and Hops to 300mg a day and take them in 100mg increments. I have also noticed that I am taking less Saw Palmetto than most women, so I am upping that as well. So new program will be as follows

Fenugreek 600mg PO TID (Powder form eaten in yogurt)
Barley 100mg PO TID ( powder form eaten in yogurt)
Hops 100mg PO TID ( powder form eaten in yogurt)
Soy Powder 400mg PO
Cranberry 250mg PO ( caps) Chronic UTI, not for NBE
Puritan's Pride One a day vitamin PO
Saw Palmetto 450mg PO TID

Which would make my totals

Fenugreek 1800mg
Barley 300mg
Hops 300mg
Soy 400mg
Cranberry 250mg
Saw Palmetto 1350 mg

I drank the Fennel tea again yesterday, and all the tingles went away. Not sure why that keeps happening. I guess as long as they don't deflate...I will keep drinking it. If I notice less growth, it's getting cut.

Fennel tea 2xTID
Chi Massage 2xTID am&pm
Chiyomilk massage 1TID pm

(15-04-2011, 14:03)MoK217 Wrote:  Also, I have noticed lately that in the morning after I take my herbs, I have slight dizziness. Not drunk dizzy, just like a little foggy when I focus on anything. So I am going to lower my Barley and Hops to 300mg a day and take them in 100mg increments. )

This happens to me when I drink fennel tea made of 1tbsp fennel/hops flowers/cut up licorice sticks. Exactly what you described about the dizziness/fogginess which goes away after a while, and it's a good thing I'm home when drinking this tea.. Just started drinking this tea for about 3 days. I got this idea from mileniceone.

I noticed back when I started NBE and took fenugreek for a month. At first, I was getting headache and cleared after several days.

(15-04-2011, 20:28)soonenough Wrote:  
(15-04-2011, 14:03)MoK217 Wrote:  Also, I have noticed lately that in the morning after I take my herbs, I have slight dizziness. Not drunk dizzy, just like a little foggy when I focus on anything. So I am going to lower my Barley and Hops to 300mg a day and take them in 100mg increments. )

This happens to me when I drink fennel tea made of 1tbsp fennel/hops flowers/cut up licorice sticks. Exactly what you described about the dizziness/fogginess which goes away after a while, and it's a good thing I'm home when drinking this tea.. Just started drinking this tea for about 3 days. I got this idea from mileniceone.

I noticed back when I started NBE and took fenugreek for a month. At first, I was getting headache and cleared after several days.

Maybe it's the amount you are using in the tea. I cut the Barley and Hops to 100mg TID. This seems to have helped my dizziness tenfold. I don't get dizzy in the am anymore. Oats, Barley, and Hops are the main ingredients in beer? Maybe that's the cause of the dizziness/fogginess?

I have been drinking the fennel tea, just by itself, nothing else added, and haven't noticed any dizziness. I bet it's the hops.....because you don't take Barley, and I don't add to the tea.

Update.....stopped AF Thursday Eve. It's now Saturday....and the boobie swelling is still there. Not sure if you can see it in pics yet or not, so depressing with the pics. Maybe I should be measuring? I have noticed that the top of my breasts are filling out, instead of being there is some hope here. It's only been roughly 2 weeks since I started...and already progress. Must be doing something right.

I also added Milk Thistle to my program. Hoping to give my liver some relief...if it needs it. Recommended 7 days is a liver cleanse? Or should I be taking it all the time I am on herbs?

Hubby is a big drinker. Trying to talk him into Milk Thistle as well.

Gonna take a pic soon, and have hubby put it on my pc. Can't figure out how to save from the sd card. Hopefully there will be a noticeable difference between start and now pics.

Used the boobie batter last night. No rash or itchiness. Does it cause swelling? Breasts feel noticeably fuller, and filling out the bra better. Something to think about I guess.

Okay, AF swelling gone. Might have kep 1/4 of an inch...not measuring so not sure. They still appear way rounder, and look more like breasts than pancakes, so all is not lost.

I stopped drinking the fennel tea, again. I really must be more dedicated, but it tastes so bad.

The girls are perking up quite nicely compared to what they were. My husband is impressed. He's a skeptic!!! I'm making him a believer.

Otherwise, nothing else new to report. Just taking it one day at time.

Had a stressful few days. Didnt do my massage, or boobie batter. Sad

On the plus side, hubby was impressed with the shape of my breasts. He was super excited. The shape has improved, and they are starting to fill out.

Still not measuring, don't want to be obsessed with it. Will keep up the same program until May 4th. Then I might ramp up a bit. I don't feel any tingles at all anymore.

Program going great. Put on a 32 C bra, and I am overflowing it. It can't be pre AF swelling, as I am not due for another 2 weeks. The tops are definitely filling out.

TMI.....When being intimate, my hubby use to have to pull breasts up from the side and now they sit up, and stay on top, where they are suppose to. He is sooo excited. I am too.

I still can't see much of a difference in size with pics, but I sent them to my BFF, and she saw a noticeable difference on the top from the before pic, and current pic.

I will have hubby take pics again on the 4th, and I will post before and current pics.

I am assuming that I am growing steadily and quickly because I lost my breasts due to breastfeeding, and was a decent size before then.

I have continued the same program, without the fennel tea. I have changed it a tad from the first program posted. Instead of taking all the Barley and Hops at once in the am, I have taken smaller doses 3 times a day. It is still just 300mg total of each taken in 100mg doses. I had a thought, instead of ramping up my dosages for 3 times a day, I would just add a 4th dosage of the same amounts, that way it's in my system for longer, and not a massive amount at once. So for the past 3 days, I have been taking 4 doses instead of 3. I will continue this dosage for probably the next month.

1 450mg Saw Palmetto Capsule
1 Multivitamin
1 250 Cranberry capsule
600mg powder Fenugreek taken in Yogurt
100mg Barley powder taken in Yogurt
100mg Hops powder taken in Yogurt
400mg Soya taken in Yogurt

1 450mg Saw Palmetto Capsule
600mg Fenugreek powder taken in yogurt
100mg Barley powder taken in Yogurt
100mg Hops powder taken in Yogurt

Before Dinner
1 450mg Saw Palmetto Capsule
600mg Fenugreek powder taken in Yogurt
100mg Barley powder taken in yogurt
100mg Hops powder taken in yogurt

Before Bed
600mg Fenugreek powder taken in yogurt
100mg Barley powder taken in yogurt
100mg Hops powder taken in yogurt

I also do the boobie batter 2 times a week.

1/2 cup olive oil
2 oz borage oil
1/2 cup fenugreek
2oz oatstraw
2 oz hops

That's it for now. Long post I know

Congrats on your firming and growth!

I used to take herbs, now I'm on BO.

I just wanted to ask if the yogurt did a good job at masking the herbs' taste or do you just brave it up and gulp it down?

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