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Generic BO this time around


Yeas, I was referring to Carlaa. Can't imagine why would anyone be that rude. I mean, there must be a reason, right? Huh

Anyways, I was thinking about adding Sheep Placenta (capsules) but couldn't decide which one I should go for. The prices are in this range $4.00 - $540.00! Why? I of course can make a qualified guess and presume that those made in US or UK or New Zealand (countries with higher demands on a manufacture, strict policies for medicines and supplements) charge more. But come on!! Not 10 times more for the same thing!! No? Or maybe it is not the same thing.. Hm..

Today it is day 22 in my cycle and my boobs are fuller and heavier than ever before. Last cycle I was using PC after ovulation and the fullness (size) wasn't the same, it was less! I wonder what this says.. First month I wasn't using PC and boobs also got big and heavy, just like now, maybe even bigger! Does this mean that PC slows it down? It shouldn't! Because I personally grew on PC alone (used it for three-four months and it gave me the initial growth). Strange, isn't it?

I was just browsing through the old forum and I saw this page mentioned. Started reading and.. Oh My!

"Estrogen has little if anything to do with increasing breast fat stores." Huh

I must say I wasn't prepared for this information Big Grin

So, if prolactin is the one hormone responsible for increasing the number of estrogen receptors in the breast (as well as increasing their sensitivity to estrogen). And progesterone is the one responsible (according to that doctor above) for fat storage in "the area" then why do we need estrogen? Should we just concentrate to prolactin and progesterone? Dodgy

Enough thinking out loud. It's day 26 in cycle 3. My boobs are bigger and heavier, C-cup bra fits again (OK, maybe it's not the biggest C-cup on Earth Smile ) I went shopping today and saw quite a few guys looking (I wouldn't say stare) at my boobs! I was in gym clothes, few layers, not tight, not revealing anything, but they did look! Maybe it's me being "boob-consious" drove their attention to my boobs? Big Grin I do feel that I HAVE BOOBS! I mean, before if I was wearing clothes like I wore today in the mall I would look flat. Now even in this kind of clothes I can see curves! Big Grin

Something is going on with skin on my face. It is thicker, much more oily and the pores are really visible. Not good. I will try peeling with papaya enzimes first.

I keep researching about other ways of NBE just in case I don't get BO prescribed next month (cycle). Was reading old forum about PM. And in case you haven't seen it - go here and just take a look. Trust me, this is something you would really like to see. This is a Japanese girl's blog. She went from B to E. How? How do they do it? Don't worry, I can't read Japanese either :-) Just scroll down this page and take a look at her photos (after).

To see her original size go to the August 2005 (right column, it's her second entry, I used google to translate the page).

From B to E..


Why do miracles always happen to someone else? Big Grin

Decided to add this link (here this Japanese girl has before and after photos w/o bra, scroll down, it's closer to the end of the page). And! This is just in a middle of her enlargement! After one year (size D)!

Time to update! Cycle 4 day 4. Two of so long awaited products have arrived! Aumenti and NB! After a long long consideration I decided to give NB a try. I'm also preparing for the time when my doctor will cut me off the BO. I'm scared of any damage NB might do, that's why I take it really slow (I mean, gentle). 30 minutes on each breast and not too hard. I can't manage to use the tee-piece tubing and have both of the domes on. So instead I use airlock and do one at a time. Takes longer though so I will be trying again and again to get both domes on.

Aumenti cream is good I think. I started using it few days before NB. Let's see what I will achieve with these two in my program! Smile

My period was on time (no PC cream added), the swelling was bigger w/o PC cream, period wasn't painful at all and now I think it must be BO because since I started taking it my period hasn't been painful.

Since I'm now using NB it's hard to say if my boobs are still swolen due to period or due to NB. The fact is they never shrank back. They are bigger, heavier. For the first two days I noogled once a day and the boobs stayed swolen for 4-5 hours. Now I do it twice a day and I see they like this throughout the day. I'm going to confess like a real boobaholic - I wake up and can't wait to look at my boobies! I like what I see Smile I know it's only temporary swelling but it is easier to believe that you CAN have bigger boobs if you SEE them bigger, not just try and picture them bigger.

I'm still researching about those japanese girls' supplements. If I'm off BO next month I think I will start following their routine. Will have to buy a lot of supplements. Costly!

Well, that's it for the moment. I forgot to mention that I still take just BO, MSM, multivitamins. No cold drinks or meals (most of the time). As off this month I have added pineal (just because my doc prescribed it with BO and I bought a bottle so might as well use it). Continue with thymus massage. Try to drink more water. My skin is almost back to normal (was too thick and oily, I ruled EFA out because I recalled I had the worst case of acne when taking borage oil).

So it's official. I am not getting another prescription for BO. My tests came back not very good. Elevated levels of almost everything Smile not too high though, just "slightly elevated". Surprise, surprise.. I just wonder why not only estrogen and progesterone, why testosterone, cortisol, etc. Well, I was sort of prepared for that. I have my supplies for few more days and then.. then I..

The fact is I don't know what exactly I will be doing. I don't want to go back to herbs - temporary swelling which deflates after period - that was all I was getting fom them.

I will continue using NB and aumenti, doing massages (Fengshi's massage and thymus massage), MSM, multivitamins. NB is great! I'm so happy I bought it! Right now I'm in lutheal phase and I have never seen my boobs so big! Smile Well, big for me.Smile After NB I fit into C-cup tight! 70C or 75B. Very tight! The oddest thing is when I measure myself and use one of those bra size defining guides I get sizeA or B!! Strange.

Anyways, my boobs are heavier and fuller and bigger than I've ever seen them. I think I should mainly thank NB for that. Their customer service is great too! Aumenti I think is good too though it's of course difficult to say because I started using both aumenti and NB at about the same time.

Probably its a good time to do a cleanse. I have no idea how to do it but I will look around.

I remember when I got off herbs I continued with flaxseed (crushed). It was giving me so much volume! Don't know why because it is very weak but for me it was doing wonders. I took it for a short time (one month) but was pretty amased with it.

Also I'm thinking about starting PM. I was and still am so impressed with those Japanese girls' results that I want to copy their routine as much as possible. I would have to buy a lot of supplements! Collagen, placenta, proteins, enzymes, PM cream, PM pills, etc. Oh well.

Btw, one of my friends was taking placenta (just pig placenta, nothing else) for her skin and her boobs grew from size D to DD! Needless to say she didn't want that! Big Grin

Did you use DIM? Scary that your hormone levels were affected after only 3-4 months of use and 1000mg at that.

No, I didn't use DIM. Maybe it's a high time to start. Actually before BO my hormones were almost alright, only estradiol was little lower. I'm not very worried because first - I was expecting this - aren't we all trying to elevate our estrogen/progesterone/growth hormone (send our bodies back to puberty), second - my doctor said this will be fixed by itself once I stop taking BO. The good thing is that BO brought my FSH back to normal (lower than it was before). It didn't affect prolactine level at all! I know that prolactin plays a very important role in breast development. Seems like BO doesn't have any effect on it. Maybe this is the key to why some girls don't get any growth with it? What if I added fennel tea (for example) while on BO..

While on BO I was feeling great - no PMS, no cramps, a lot more energy, increased sex drive. Recently I was experiencing acne (not much) and really oily skin. Now I know that it was due to elevated testosterone. I wasn't aware that BO would raise my testosterone level.

The way BO is effecting our bodies is really complex and interesting. I wish there was at least one good research on that. Next month I have to take the tests again and see if hormones are lower again (doc said this should happen).

Found this info about lignans (flaxseed). It lowers estrogen! Before Bo I was taking flaxseed for almost a month and it gave me pretty good growth which is strange (now that I've read the info) because it shouldn't have - I was not estrogen dominant!

Anyway, flaxseed seems like a great thing to take for overall health.

That's the good thing about NBE - I have learn so much not just about breast enhancement but about overall health. And tons of beauty tips! Smile

(26-02-2011, 10:43)Ginie Wrote:  I have read on NB forum that there's a user who grew into E cup using PM and NB! Isn't that inspiring? Smile

The NB user's name is Philli. Isn't that amazing? I love reading your updates. Please let us know what you come across the Japanese girl's blog supplements. It's in Japanese, and even when I used the translator, I still couldn't understand it. The pictures though speaks a thousand words. Incredible!

Thanks for the info on prolactin and flaxseed. You always have so much good information in your posts. Perhaps adding prolactin to a BO program is an option?

(04-03-2011, 18:08)Ginie Wrote:  I was just browsing through the old forum and I saw this page mentioned. Started reading and.. Oh My!

"Estrogen has little if anything to do with increasing breast fat stores." Huh

I must say I wasn't prepared for this information Big Grin

So, if prolactin is the one hormone responsible for increasing the number of estrogen receptors in the breast (as well as increasing their sensitivity to estrogen). And progesterone is the one responsible (according to that doctor above) for fat storage in "the area" then why do we need estrogen? Should we just concentrate to prolactin and progesterone? Dodgy

Interesting reading. Well, I guess BO is not an estrogen per se but it stimulates our own ovaries to produce... whatever they need to produce for NBE? Since progesterone is produced by the ovaries, it only makes sense. Now, my question is: is it beneficial for NBE to supplement with some progesterone cream in the 2nd half of the cycle while using BO? I'm thinking of doing that now... And also possibly adding Maca. Any thoughts on that?

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