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Help please, i am desperate.


Wahaika, again you are pushing your religion and stating it as fact, it's not fact, it's opinion. Just as my beliefs are my opinion on how I feel. So to say "God" is the one that has the final say and such, that's your opinion, not fact. There is absolutely no proof of an existence of any deities, those that choose to believe in them (and yes I do believe in one, just not the Christian thought of it) it is their opinion, not fact. We could all be right in our own sense, we could all be wrong, we won't know until we die. My beliefs are most closely related to Paganism, but I do not fully believe in everything they believe in, my beliefs do not conform to an organized religion, I just have my own way of things.

Okay so you believe it's acceptable to be attracted to the same sex, but not act on it. And that it's a "test". Well what if the test is to go against societal views and be yourself. Not to long ago it was viewed as "wrong" for women to have the same rights as men, as well as blacks to have the same rights as whites. I'm guessing you are against same sex marriage as well. And yes I can compare being gay to a religious group... why? Because some religions think it's wrong while others accept it. So yes, it has everything to do with religion aka beliefs. Do I think same sex relationships are wrong? Nope. And I don't feel they will be damned to hell for it (I don't even believe in hell). If same sex relationships are wrong, how do you explain animals that are gay? YES, ANIMALS!!! I've seen plenty of documentaries as well as it occurring in real life. Where a male will have sex (yes anally) with another male animal of the same species. If it were wrong, it wouldn't NATURALLY occur.

Trying to remember here what all I wanted to comment on... I don't know if you know this, but times are changing, gays are accepted in the military, so bad try at example there. We have a few gay friends that serve, both lesbian and gay. Oh as far as your comment about my husband and accepting him. If he were bisexual like me I would accept it, and would probably feel closer to him, would it bother me? Nope. He knows of my sexual preference and loves me, he actually likes that I can "check out" women with him lol. As far as the threesome thing, it has actually been discussed in our marriage before, we are very open with one another about our sexuality, fantasies, and interests. Our bedroom life is very wild and we like it that way haha. So if he were into males and wanted to play with them, as long as it wasn't behind my back and it was something mutually agreed upon, I'd be fine with it. Surprised? Most couples nowadays have the same mentality, believe it or not. Now the example about animals should not have even been brought up. I did state nothing illegal, sex with animals as far as I know is illegal! Now laws in some states are ridiculous like saying only one position in sex should be used and no oral, but other than those ridiculous rules, anything illegal, I'm not for. Remember my example with animals in the wild, some of them being gay? And how it's a natural occurrence? Well sex within different species is NOT a natural occurrence. You don't see a small dog and house cat doing it. So no I don't think different species should mate. So that law is a good one.

lovingmum, YAY! I'm glad everything is working out for you all! I'm glad the advice we have given has helped. And I hope everything continues to go smoothly.

Nila, hmm, maybe that's why the pump worked for me? I used a Noogleberry but also took NBE supplements while using it. That's interesting then. But I believe the pump helped change my shape, I was previously somewhat tubular, and I believe it made them firm again. It also helped even out my size. I was smaller on one side than the other, still am, just not as noticeable. I was like a 1/2-1 cup size difference! Now they are the same cup size, just slightly different, how they should be. No one is suppose to be completely symmetric.


I'm happy to see how well things are progressing. I hope that all will eventually turn out well.

Best wishes,



So, you want to use animals rather than God to dictate what is natural for people?

I did not push my religion. I did not even bring up my religion. I did, however, bring up a few isolated beliefs that are fact, in an attempt to show LovingMum that her son is not necessarily "lost" with no hope of return, which some people could think. It was meant to help her in case she was thinking along these lines.

You say that your beliefs are most closely related to Paganism but not exactly. I would like to understand where you are coming from. Could you elaborate? (Yes, it is a serious question, and yes, it may lead to a longer conversation as I try to understand you.)


Wahaika, again I don't believe in the Christian God, so asking if I believe what naturally occurs with animals over what "God" says is right to be right, just shouldn't be asked when you are referring to your idea of "God" which is not my idea at all.

In a nutshell, because I don't want to hijack the thread too much here, I believe in one deity, you can call it "God" if you want, I generally say higher power. I believe it is not male or female, human or beast, it is a much higher being than we can comprehend but I believe it can take form of anything it wishes which is why different religions view it as different things. I don't believe in hell at all. Not trying to offend anyone. But I believe hell was a place made up by Christian type religions to scare people into doing the right things like not killing or stealing, to instill good values into them. I believe in an afterlife but it's not like the "heaven" Christians believe in. I believe in reincarnation and I believe we are hear to learn, yes, and each life we are given new lessons. We keep coming back until we have learned all we need to. In the afterlife we have jobs to do also, one of the jobs is being a "spirit guide" or a "guardian angel" to someone who is living. That being said we don't die them move on to the next life right away, sometimes it's years and years before we do. I also believe before our next life is chosen, we decide what kind of trials we want to go through, it's all preplanned.

Now to explain "spirits" or "ghosts" they are simply people who have not moved on. I am naturally clairvoyant, though I try to block out most of it, spirits not moved on can be hostile at times and I've had very scary experiences. But from my experience most that are not moves on A. do not know they are dead because maybe of a tragic death so they go about each day as if alive B. they have unfinished business, maybe getting revenge on the one that killed them or telling a loved one goodbye C. they are scared to move on to the afterlife because they "sinned" in their life and are afraid of going to hell. Yes I can talk to spirits, do I like to? No, they freak me out. That's why I block it most the time. Funny how many people today want the ability I have and I see it as a curse.

Now the most asked question I get is, if you don't believe in hell then how are the bad punished? I believe in karma. Whatever you do good or bad it comes back to you, in this life or in another. Which is why I feel I have gone through what I have, my soul was being punished for things I did in a past life. I have dreams that are either past events or the future or even present. And I know exactly what the past life did and plan to eventually write a book on it. I was writing the book but an ex of mine burned it to be spiteful. I believe I was a psychotic killer and serial rapist. And this life and the one right before this one, I have been paying for that.

As far as Paganism goes, I'm closely related to it because of my views on the afterlife and reincarnation. Also some Pagans believe in what's called an "All" which is the same as the deity I believe in. I do not however believe everything has a soul, like rocks, sorry just don't haha. I also do not practice the rituals they do, such as the ones for the different solstices. Those to me are all just old world rituals. Most Pagans worship a God and Goddess, God being the father sun, Goddess being mother earth. So the solstice rituals are to go along with that worship. They worshiped the sun that made their crops grow, the rain, and of course mother earth being the plants and such that feed them. This is all primitive ways of thinking. Just like Native Americans, their beliefs are closely related to Paganism as well. I also do not practice "magick" or witchcraft, which some Pagans and Wiccas do. I don't think it's something that should be messed with in my opinion.

I also believe religions primitive roots are all related and all stem down to the same beliefs just about. Look up the video "Zeitgeist" the part on religion in it will best describe what I mean. The video is on youtube and google videos. Most of it is about government conspiracies, but the part about religion made perfect sense to me on how all the organized religions are related. That's why I think religious wars are pointless.

I think that about sums up the main points without going into way too much detail. If I go into it with too much detail we'll be here for days or weeks lol.

Wow! I'm so happy for you, Sam. I was smiling as I read your post; it makes me glad that we were able to help you reconnect with your son. I wish you and your family the best of luck in future endeavors Smile

Thank you. Let me know when you write the book. I think it would be well worth the read.

Wahaika, here is a link to a video I found on youtube of just the religion part, I'm not sure if it's the full section or not as it's been a while since I've seen the full video, the full video is 2 hours long. But yea this shows more about what I'm talking about about religions being related and their primitive roots being the same I use to butt heads with Christians all the time over this very subject, I kept telling them their beliefs come from Paganism and their holidays and practices do also. Like Christmas, Easter, etc. most of the practices come from Paganism, for example the Christmas tree with decorations, what does that have to do with Christ? It doesn't. The Pagans did this for celebration of Yule or Winter Solstice. The green tree represents Mother Earth (Goddess) the red balls which is what is traditionally used as decoration represents the Father Sun (God). The practice of the tree and red balls is symbolism of the God and Goddess being reunited for the upcoming Spring. Easter... easter egg hunting, what does that have to do with Christ and his resurrection? Absolutely NOTHING! The practice is a ritual done in Paganism, eggs represent fertility. Spring is the time of mating for all species really. The eggs are hidden and kids find them, and it's said that the children that find the most will be the most fertile and will make or bare the healthiest children later in life. The fact is, and you can see in the video Christianity didn't start until thousands of years after other religions. Paganism has caveman roots, there are cave drawings of the rituals such as the triple Goddess ritual, representing the stages of a woman's life. Young virgin maiden, middle aged pregnant mother, and elderly woman.

I'm very well educated when it comes to religion, when I was younger this was a big fascination of mine and I researched it all the time in my free time. And even with all that I know and can provide proof, it's still hard to get through to some extreme Christians or Jehovah Witnesses. Most people just aren't open to learning new things, new things scare them. They feel safe and secure in what they grew to know is right. But the truth is staring them in the face everyday. Again, I have nothing against any religion because lol they are all related! I just wish more people knew that fact.

And if you mean a book on my religious views, that's not what the book I was writing was about. It's a psychological thriller going off of the dreams I've had about the man I was in a past life, or so I believe that's what it is. Either way I've had them as nightmares my entire life. It would be about his life leading up to him losing it and killing and why, all through his perspective because that's how I saw it. Imagine having dreams from as far back as I can remember being 3 years old, being through a man's perception and you seeing yourself do horrible things. If I'm just crazy, then I was born that way. There is no way a child that young can come up with those type of thoughts just because of imagination. Lets just say I know about every way to kill someone, not that I want to know, again I see the dreams and clairvoyance as a curse.

Okay I think this video is probably more complete of the religion section of Zeitgeist sorry it's been years since I first saw it, so been a while for me to remember it all. The full Zeitgeist movie is 2 hours long, the religion part is only a section of it, the rest is about conspiracies in the government and banks. So if you look for the full movie, if it's not 2 hours long it's not the whole thing.

Lovingmum, I am absolutely delighted to hear you were able to rise to the situation, and very happy to hear you and your son were able to talk so openly and honestly about what has happened. It sounds like you have a fantastic chance of keeping your son in your life, and you in his, both in a positive and healthy way. So often it goes badly and life becomes less worth living for the people involved. I'm also really encouraged and have found your story inspiring. Thank you so much for having the courage to share it with all of us.

And you can tell your son that his achievement is amazing and beautiful to us as well. Also an inspiration to many of us!

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