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diet pills and bb ?? need advise! help


Hey guys,
So i gain about 20 lbs after i went to college and taking birth controls for the past few years, and i'm just so depress with my weight and my breast size. Since a lot of the girls at my school is so fit and have great breast size. I dont even know how to make myself happy when everyone around me is so fit or thinner than me. When i'm with my boyfriend i cant not acknowledge my weight. Since i decide to start bb on dec 31 i also have decide to stop the birth controls so i can grow my own hormones just in case, i thought i would lose some weight from it. Its been almost 2 months i been on BB instead of losing i actually gain 5 pounds. So i'm pretty sad about my weight and i really want to take diet pills. I think to myself if i lose weight i would hit the gym more often because the girls at my gym have amazing bodies already. I hit the gym only 3 times this year and i usually go for 2 hours.

ATM i weight about 126 i used to weight 98-105lbs i hate unable to fit in the jeans i was able before Sad

Please help me, if you know any diet pills that works and i'm pretty unmotivated atm to workout.


126 is not fat Tongue I went from 90 to 120 a couple of years ago and my body personally couldn't take it. I got a lot of stretchmarks and am very self conscious about them.

I'm just going to tell you what I know about diet pills. I took fat burner pills over the summer and got to a weight that I liked and said "once I'm this weight I'll go to the gym" nvr did haha.

I've gained the weight I lost plus more and my jeans are sooo tight. So moral of the story don't do the pills you'll save money. Use your school gym it's free. Find a workout buddy and it'll be fun.

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i hope you are doing well. i think that periwinkle gave some good advice. as far as i know, diet pills are not to be taken while doing bb/ bo for breast enhancement. from what i understand your body purposefully gains weight so it has some material to build breasts with. and we a lot of us have been in that place where we lost weight and lost breast size with it! so i would advise against the diet pills. a lot of those pills are so unhealthy anyway. the side effects can be harsh on your bodily organs and cause unhealthy habits. go to the gym for yourself and be proud of the body that you have now and the body you are developing girl! we are all here on this forum for a reason. but i think that something is really missing when we can't look at ourselves in the mirror once in a while and realize we got something nobody else has and that is wonderful. i saw a woman taking care of her baby by herself, with her feet because she was born without arms! she is beautiful! she and her husband have a lovely family because they wanted that wonderful thing for themselves not because they took a survey and got the public's acceptance or approval of who they are.
also want to let you know that i did bb for a while. at one point i thought it would be brilliant to double my protein shakes to hopefully up my progress. now every body is different so this is just what happened with my body. i gained weight in several of the wrong places and got a square bottom!! i mean square. like complete with 90 degree angles almost hahahah. anyway, i went back to an amount of protein shakes my body could handle and upped my activity a bit and things got better.
now today i went to the gym. you know why, because i heard a rumor (several times, here at the forum and elsewhere) that exercise helps the body to release human growth hormone in a good way. hgh hormone helps growth progress! and it felt good to exercise. we all need it sister!
pardon me that this is long.
remember that positive thoughts help the hormone balance in the body too. stress= cortisol= weight gain (often in the wrong places).
more power to you girl. be happy my dear! we are going to the gym! here is to happy healthy boob growth Big Grin

I'm in the exact same boat as you girl. I went to college and subsequently gained 20 pounds. I went from 103/105 to 126/128. At first I switched birth control thinking that was it, but I didn't really lose any weight from switching. It really was the beer, mostly. So, I have really started to watch what I eat. I count calories (but not obsessively) and I eat WAY healthier. I haven't bought a pre-made meal (hot pocket, frozen pizza, Tv dinner, etc.) in at least 7 months. I switched to whole wheat bread and I pretty much live off of bacon and eggs. Also tuna, lunch meat and edamame (whole shell sweet soybeans. SO good and SO healthy!) Just lots and lots and lots of protein. Not only does protein give you a feeling of satiety, but it's much easier for your body to use protein for energy and muscle building than carbohydrates. (especially simple carbs, those are the worst. Get your simple carbs from fruits, not white bread and candy.) I also switched to drinking vodka and water. No calories! If you get a splash of lime juice in it, it's soo good.

Also, instead of diet pills (which will probably negate any growth bb might give you) try adding a cayenne pepper supplement. Cayenne pepper boosts your metabolism and helps it get back to where it was. I bought a bottle of cayenne supplements at wal-mart for three bucks. I take one in the morning and one in the evening (when I remember). Now, you're not gonna drop twenty pounds with just CP but since starting it, I've went from 125(had lost 3 pounds previously) to 119.That's in about...a month. I do exercise however, I hit the gym when I have time but that's not very often. Instead, I do yoga at home and boy it sure is awesome! Find a DVD that you like (make sure it's kind of upbeat, my best friend bought me a DVD called 'yoga tummy toners' as a joke because I was complaining about how I was fat and I LOVE it!)

The moral of this story: Don't take the easy way out because in the end, you'll be even worse off than before! Instead have patience, because just like with NBE, losing weight takes patience and hard work. You can't expect things to happen for you, you've gotta take the initiative.

(: Good luck.

All good advice rabbit, except the soy products. No soy when on a BO program! Soy has phytoestrogens and should not be mixed with BO. On the NB forum Teeny shared a couple sites saying that soy and wheat products all together were bad, weird I know. I have changed my eating and switched everything to whole grain and I eat wheat mainly, and I lost 8 pounds in a couple months with that alone, so I don't see how wheat could be bad. But anyway here are the links she shared...

but yea, if you are on an herbal program soy is fine, but BO stay away from it as much as possible. I know it's a little hard to avoid so don't stress too much, just don't intentionally consume it. But yes I agree plenty of protein, very good for the body... think I'm going to go make me some tuna salad speaking of which Big Grin

Oh yeah! Good looking out, I didn't even think about edamame and how it would conflict with BO. I was just thinking about how delicious AND healthy it is. I also to forgot to add that I never drink soda anymore (sometimes I'll have a diet ginger ale). Just water and milk all day. Mmm! I know that it sounds not so fun but trust me, it's really not that bad and after a while not only do you lose weight but you feel so much better in just about every aspect.

You guys are AWESOME :d
i bought this these diet product call the QUICKTRIM few weeks ago, and because my friends on it and i seen review on tube and other sites, but i havnt tried it yet cause BREAST is my first priority Smile

I was thinking of using their detox product for hormone balance since i thought it would be good, and the extreme burn for gym.

I also emailed Ericka few times from bb customer service about this product but its been 2 weeks and still no reply Sad.

i love the advice you all gave me, definitely going to try to eat more healthier especially since been sick lately( no more wheat products Tongue).

aaawww how tall r u im 19 n i weigh anything from 135 upto 145 and i loveee my body i do tone up at the gym though
Being skinny isnt what its made out to be i used to weigh 85lb when i started college n even though i thought i looked amazing then when i look back at photos eek all my bones stuck out.

If u dont like just working out try taking an exercise class like a martial art or dance, i really like yoga
Youll really see the difference to your body even if u just do 2 sessions a week.

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