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a great video! chi massage & more


hi all. my wrists are recovering! oh, you didn't know they needed recovery? let me guess... you don't know why either!
i just learned in the past twenty minutes that i have not been actually massaging the chi way. so i have to share this video with y'all in case anybody else is a visual, hand on (haha) learner like myself. gosh!
i am so excited, my boobs feel better already. i hope y'all watch this. it has other tips for us too. and now i know what everyone was talking of sore arms for. crikey! but i think it is worth it my darlings! yippee! one massage down, many to go! hiye!

i saw that video and try it. it murdered my arms and took a lot of time! so i stopped and also I think it messes with hormones =/ not sure. if i do it, it'll be on holidays

Would it be oké to use BO and the CHI massage. I use both. I guess I never thought about it.
I hope it won´t interfere though...


Thank you so much for finding this! I have uploaded it to my ipod touch and have used it since yesterday. Tingles and aches and I do it whenever I get a chance too!! =o) I am filling out me 34B bra from the Pink Victoria's Secret collection... next to spill out of it to get to my C! ;o) hehe! Thanks, again!

glad it helps. yyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy. i am gonna have twenty six inch pythons in a week here! gosh. it is a workout! but i feel something and the girls are lookin schnazzy! thanks to lucille and the powers that lead me over there. go good growing :]

Ladies, massage will NOT mess with your hormones! Massage is good in any way, there are NO bad side effects to it! Massage is good for any NBE program and for breast health in general. The only thing with massage that could mess with your hormones is if you massage with NBE creams or with a "booby batter". Not just regular massaging with say regular lotion or oil.

Now I normally don't like Lucille's "programs" to be honest everytime I hear someone say flat to fab or speak of her I instantly get irritated. Why? Because I originally come from the BE board, I read her ORIGINAL program and it is NOTHING like what she pushes her readers to do in her book! Also do you guys know that she gave up trying NBE and got implants right? So in my opinion she's a fraud, trying to claim all natural breast enhancement yet she got implants. I'm not saying the 3 pictures she shows of her results are fake, I don't think they are, but after her results with that, they weren't enough for her and she got surgery after. Anyone that originally knows of Lucille from the forums knows. Also everything in her book can be found through the forums for free. Just saying. But I will check out this massage video and at least try it out.

Okay watching the video now while typing, she says that pumps only work to "temporarily" increase size, what she's neglecting to say, probably do to lack of research is that over time it can become permanent using it everyday. I got permanent breast growth from it and so have many others. I did like however her choices of recommended pumps. The only thing I have an issue really with is that a few years ago when I first looked into her book, she bad mouthed pumps all together, now she's changing her tune, why?

Okay seems the vid won't load for me all the way tried 3 times it won't go past where she talks about where she found the chi massage, in the book she found it in, so I didn't actually get to see what it was. I'll try again in a bit. But sorry the lack of knowledge on subjects she's trying to claim to be an expert in is irritating me.

yes, in the little bit of what i know about her, it seems that some things have changed since she started a few years ago. this nbe thing requires continuous research. i am not sure about some of the stuff she talks about, but i like my new found knowledge on the chi massage and i think there are some other valuable snippets of information. here is another page that has a listing of all the videos on the blog. there is one video that is just about the chi massage if that helps. this technique seems to be a sensation.

maybe we should start a chi massage challenge. at the conclusion, we could have an arm-wrestling tournament! after a few days of massaging, i don't even wanna mess with myself!

I did the chi massage tonight and I swelled about the same as I usually do when I do my own massage techniques (one of these days will do a video for you girls on what I do, it's more intense than the chi massage LOL). I do a deep tissue type massage messaging in rotations around my breasts actually in the same motions she said to do the chi massage in. I did all 360 rotations and my arms weren't that tired or sore after, but I do workout haha. Also since my own technique is more intense my arms and hands are use to the workout! I got a quarter of an inch of swelling going from 36 1/2 inches to 36 3/4 inches, this is the same amount I usually get from just massage when I do my own techniques. It does seem like the same amount of blood is flowing though, which is good. I'm not sure if they feel "firmer" yet than they usually do. I'll continue to do the chi massage twice daily and let you girls know how it goes. Oh also my own technique requires clothes off, and lotion or oil and as I said it's a bit deep massage type. I was thinking about making a blog site and start posting about my experience with NBE and other stuff so might do the video of my massage when I do that!

Thanks so much for posting this link, Char! I've been doing my own massage technique for the past five days, which has made my boobs fuller and given me more twinges and aches. I added this Chi Massage yesterday; and HOLY COW, my boobs are so sore today! Hurts to touch them!!! Right in the middle, that harder area behind/immediately around the nipple. And they were definitely fuller when I woke up this morning than they usually are. Big Grin I don't know if it's just my massaging in general that's making me so sore and fuller, or if it's from the addition of this Chi massage; but both massages are now an essential part of my program. Smile

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