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Periwinkle12's program

=( man im still not into bumping into my boobs ^^ but they are barley coming to show lol.

Iled34aa, it's so weird right!?! I've never really noticed my boobs on the sides until I kept bumping into them repeatedly. I was like hey this never used to happen! Lol
So I'll have to wait two weeks to see if it's actual growth.

Fanny I hope it happens to you soon. I was looking over your program the other day! Your avatar pic is very pretty Smile

Very moody not from BO but because it's almost that time of the month. I was reading how cutting out sugar from your diet reduces cramps, I may try that because my cramps are very bad and maybe it'll lessen my mood swings? Idk...

Boobs are preperiod hurting so I'm going to add in protein shakes for this week to try and give a friendly nudge to a possible growth spurt? Lol

The side boob sounds like a positive sign. I try to send positive boob thoughts your way the next couple of days.

*happy perky boobs, happy perky boobs, happy perky boobs*

LOL! Thank you zit to tits!

*dancing to your booby song*

I hope you get that growth spurt soon. I don't know what Country you're in but if you can get it I used to use 'Feminax' for my period cramps and it worked like a charm. I used to get serious cramps and they would dissapear completely after taking that. I think it's made in the UK.

Thanks Shay Big Grin I'll google this because I've never heard of it
I'm in the U.S. So hopefully they can ship here

Period came today. I did a really good job
Of drinking protein shakes the week before

So hopefully I'll see growth soon *crosses fingers*

Period over. 3rd bottle finished. No growth. Grr.

sorry to hear that. no growth for me either. Dodgy

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