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Rash with Brava


Rash with Brava
May 19 2008 at 6:49 PM rainbow (Login rainbowbaby)


I have used Brava for around 3 weeks and am getting a bad rash with it.Does anyone have a cream they would recommend to use to help with this.I don't want to give up already!!!

Author Reply

(Login Tori365)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Rash with Brava May 21 2008, 10:12 AM

You could try savlon cream. I've not had a rash with brava, but savlon may help with the itch, and is good for minor skin irritations.

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(Login roseability86) Re: Rash with Brava May 21 2008, 12:24 PM

I had a rash with it (reason I stopped using it), which progressed to blisters and actually pullin my skin off. Had a dark mark on the edge of my boob for ages afterwards, think it's gone now but we are nearly a year later. Use cream by all means. Try wearing plasters if it's in specific areas. If you get blisters, don't use Brava or you may end up with permanent marks.

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(no login) Re: Rash with Brava May 21 2008, 12:43 PM

Are you using the no-sting prep wipes or roll on? I've heard that really helps prevent the skin irritation. Also, are you using the smartbox or manual suction? I think the smartbox (even though more expensive) is probably easier on your skin and body than manual airlocking. I hope your rash clears up!

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Rash with Brava May 22 2008, 7:41 PM

I found that ditching all the skin stuff Brava recommend and returning to the products I usually used was much more comfortable, also don't wash before applying the domes - it makes your skin too dry. If you just had a shower or something stick loads of body lotion on, this also helps to lubricate the domes so they slide on nicely. If you keep using a lot of lotion the domes become less sticky and I think it's mainly the sticky that iritates. I tried protecting my skin with medical tape but that made it worse. The best thing I found when I got an open sore right near the end of my 7 months was to use a lot of lotion then put a small piece of cling film (?saran wrap) over then more lotion and more cling film - all of this just on the sore patch. This means one piece of cling film is stuck to your skin with lotion, one piece is stuck to the dome with lotion and there's lotion in between so no friction - straight away this stops all rubbing on the skin. My skin actually healed like this while keeping up 15 hours per night average wear.

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(no login) louise May 28 2008, 10:00 PM

louise what was your results after you finished with brava? how long did you do it for? do you think you were a rapid responder or a slow one? im using the system right now and im getting discouraged cause im seeing very little results. please help Sad thanks

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(no login) I love you ladies May 30 2008, 6:18 AM

Ahhhh I was so upset i went to NewYork for a family vacation and just started to see a good amount of growth staying around at 9 weeks and then i had to miss a night cause we had a red eye and with kids and a layover it was impossible to wear them so then at the end of my trip I ended up with blisters and an open wound that was very sever and then put a bandaid on it the next night which then the next morrning there was a large wound around the whole entire bandaid so then it was so bad i had to miss another night thinking it would give it some healing time but it didnt help and now i lost another night which sucks!! And Now I wore it last night and it made the problem worse because the skin gets strethced open each time and then goes back so its really bad. The problem is i didnt have a computer to get on here and see what to do But thank God for your Louise!! I will do the saran wrap tonight and I hope it works cause if this doesnt heal then i will have large scars and a lot of pain. I better grow some darn boobs after going through all this. Also on a side note I got the blisters becuase I had sucked it on the hardest that night so it was cause of the hard suction.


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(no login) queens of brava May 30 2008, 6:31 AM

Seri and Louise are queens of brava!!! They have a lot of will power to put in a lot of time into brava. Seri did 54 weeks and gained 2 cups and lost 60 lbs at the same time................I believe she's starting her 2nd round already?? (hopefully she'll gain another 2 cups this time)

Louise did 7 months and gained 1.5 cup and lost 15 lbs at the same time.........I believe she will start her 2nd round around September? (she might gain another 1.5 cup this time)

THey both put in a lot of hours so they really really deserved to get that great result....
I am on my tenth week and averaging 15 hours a day (I will try to do as many weeks as I can). I will be cheering for myself and the 2 queens of brava for next "x" amount of weeks!!

BRAVA users, please give support to each other!! I believe we will get good results if we have more will power to stick with it!

Rash info
May 20 2009 at 10:56 PM trigger (Login tr1gger)


Hi girls

Thought I'd share something I've worked out re. my untreatable (up until now) rash. It's been going on for at least two-three weeks now, showing no signs of abating, and looks like thickened itchy red skin in a circle around each breast. Finally I worked out it kind of looked like a fungal type of rash (ew I know!), and thought I'd try some prescription fungal cream my husband had. FINALLY, it's looking like its actually drying out and dying off!!!!! Redness is going, its less itchy, and the thickened looking skin is turning dry and flaky. I know it's a little TMI, but might be helpful if anyone else ends up with a rash they just can't get rid of with brava. I was travelling at the time I got who knows how I ended up with it. I'm very hygienic with washing the domes and myself. But there you go!

I'll let you know if it goes completely and for good. I was starting to think I was allergic to the silicone in the domes, but maybe not. This rash is completely different to the rash I started off with, which went away, which was ultra red itchy dots almost blistery.

Author Reply
(Login elusia)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Rash info May 21 2009, 7:37 PM

I'm glad it's improving for you! Thanks for giving this idea. For the moment I'm doing ok with my baby zinc cream, but it's good to hear about other alternatives!

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(Login tr1gger) Re: Rash info May 22 2009, 3:35 AM

if your skin is rash free with the zinc, than it's probably not what I have. But it's almost completely disapeared now, finally!!! YAY! Just thought I'd throw it out there for anyone that might have been looking for solutions.

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Rash info May 22 2009, 7:38 AM

Any particular type of fungal cream? I don't think I have that type of rash but it might be worth a try on some itchy spots that just don't want to disappear, no matter what I do.

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(Login tr1gger) Re: Rash info May 22 2009, 3:35 PM

well, this cream was a prescription cream my husband happened to have, but any anti-fungal from the pharmacy should do the trick. but they have a particular look, fungal rashes. Not so much individual raised dots, more like an almost paleish rashed and itchy area. I suddenly thought of pictures I'd seen of jock itch (I know, I'm gross, I'm always studying weird skin conditions and so forth) and joined the dots, so to speak!!! hehe accidental pun.

It makes sense, having all that warmth and sweat makes a perfect breeding ground! Anyway, it's gone completely now (wish I'd thought of it sooner), just having been replaced instead with hickey rings from some overzealous pumping I've done the last couple of mornings when I wake up, trying to 'maximise' (two in a row!) the nights work.

If I hadn't done that, my bikinis would be looking lovely now, and our pool is open for the season and all... BTW, a bikini I bought that wasn't filling out too well a couple of months ago, is looking pretty nice now, minus the purple rings!!

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Rash info June 2 2009, 3:13 AM

OMG! I am having the same problem. This must be a fungal rash of some kind. It isn't round like ringworm and isn't cracked, but it is spreading in all the areas where the silicone touches the skin. There are even some patches on my breasts. I bought some topical anti-fungal cream that is supposed to clear up most rashes of this type. I have been using it since Saturday night but it is not working yet. It is awful. Itchy and terrible looking. I have been faithful about washing the domes with hot water and baby shampoo ever since I got them, and wash my skin all the time as well. Desitin zinc oitment, aloe vera - nothing is clearing it up. I just got out my old domes to put on, just in case the ones I am using are harboring some sort of bacteria.

Any advice on washing the domes with some over the counter antiseptic since I no longer have the Brava stuff? I have gone 30 weeks with no problem except minor redness, until now! Yuk. It itches terribly. I know I should take some days off but I don't want to face the truth of what 24-48 hours might look like with no domes. If I go down to nothing, I will be heartbroken. Right now I have about 1/2-1" retention after 12 hours off. Not much, I know, but better than where I started. After 48 hours, it could all be gone. I am a chicken to find out. I just want to get through my 52 weeks and then start using the Noogleberry to keep up some swelling while I take a few months off till another cycle (shorter the second time, that's for sure!)

Don't do this for a rash
December 6 2010 at 11:14 PM willowrock61 (Login willowrock61)


Hello ladies,

Like many who have used the Brava for long hours, I developed a terrible rash. Now Brava says to stop using it until the rash is gone. Yea, right, it would take at least a month for a rash this bad to completely clear up. So like many other ladies, I tried different things in an effort to continue my progress.

The first thing I tried was Desitin. This did help a lot but the domes could not stick well with this on. I did continue using the "Skin Prep" applying it over the Desitin but I had trouble keeping the domes sticking to me. I later began using Cortizone 10 Plus under the Desitin and although it helped my rash a lot, I still couldn't keep a seal.

More recently I found what seems to be the solution - ScarguardMD. I would apply this to my clean skin and then use "Skin Prep" in a spray bottle. Using the spry version of Skin Prep made all the difference in the world as I was using pads before. So hear it is, this is what I did that does work. The problem? Skingaurd is very expensive. I costs me around $30 and will only last 5-7 days. So of course, I again sought another solution that would be cheaper. Now the is the main point of my posting, a warning to you girls of what not to try.

I purchased a roll of Nexcare "gentle paper tape" thinking it would do the same job as Scarguard but for a much cheaper price. The first attempt, I applied the tape on my skin putting right over the Cortizone 10 Plus applied earlier. The tape wouldn't stick well. So I cleaned my skin completely and applied the tape again. BIG mistake. First, the domes still could not make a decent seal but the worse was still to come; removing the tape. This tape was so completely stuck to my skin that when I removed it, I opened up sores and blood was everywhere. STUPID ME! Now I will absolutely be without my domes until I heal.

The take away from all this? Don't ever use "gentle surgical paper tape under your domes. Although expensive, I will continue using ScarguardMD and the spray version of Skin Prep.

Author Reply
(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Don't do this for a rash December 16 2010, 10:46 PM

Hi Willowrock,

Sorry you're having such an uncomfortable time. I had some horrible rashes towards the end of my 7 month Brava marathon. I found the best thing was to use Savlon or Potter's cream or you can get something soothing and zinc-based for nappy rash and then putting clingfilm over the top (saran wrap if you're in the US). If you airlock tight enough you should get a seal over the plastic and your skin will be kept moist and protected from the domes. Incidentally I gave up on the Brava dome prep quite early on and got tired of irritation from the sticky on the domes so I scrubbed it off (v bad design to make them sticky!), I just used normal cocoa butter and a lot of manual suction and generally skin wasn't too bad. Also make sure you have a good wash and put soothing cream on when you take the domes off. Stick with it, it will be worth it in the end x

Unsightly marks
June 11 2007 at 3:44 PM Louise (no login)


Who's had unsightly marks e.g. bruises / red patches / rashes / lumps etc? How long do they last and how long do they take to go away?....I bruise really easily and really want to be bigger but not sure if its more or less attractive if they look like they've been through the wash!

Thanks again, sorry to be a pain xx

Author Reply
(no login) Re: Unsightly marks June 25 2007, 7:31 PM

There are no bruises with Brava, just sores and rashes where the domes rub against the skin. Yuk! How long do they take to go away? I wish I knew. Maybe they won't ever go away while you're still using Brava.

(Login Seri_Flamehair)
SENIOR MEMBER Marks June 25 2007, 7:39 PM

Takes a few hours to a few days. Using a good hydrocotizone cream with vitamins and moisturizers in it tends to make them go away quicker. I sometimes get raised welts and even open sores if i scratch the area where the domes have irritated the skin. reposistion the domes and get some liquid skin to cover any open wounds. Try not to use to much suction as that will incrase the chance of this happening. Even brava says don't wear anything low cut for a few hours after removing. If i just have redness i use foundation and powder to blend so i can wear something low.
187 days into brava 2776 total hours of wear as of noon today 14.84 hours per day average. Need to go to a clients so will need to take em off for a few hours. Will get a few more in tonight. Trying to get the average up to 15 hours. Tongue good luck

(no login) Re: Unsightly marks June 26 2007, 6:17 AM

when i started i got a lot of rashes/welts and even blisters! but i stumbled on this amazing product called corium 21 and the rashes are all gone and fast!

also i noticed for me that i don't need to shower right before i wear the system. if i do i tend to get blisters because of the friction between the silicone and your skin. your skin works so hard to produce oils in your skin to protect it for a reason. i also noticed that it helps keep my domes in better condition. i've been wearing my extra large wide domes for over 5 weeks now and they practically look new compared to my large wide domes which looked really used after just 3 weeks.

Rash with Brava
May 19 2008 at 6:49 PM rainbow (Login rainbowbaby)


I have used Brava for around 3 weeks and am getting a bad rash with it.Does anyone have a cream they would recommend to use to help with this.I don't want to give up already!!!

Author Reply

(Login Tori365)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Rash with Brava May 21 2008, 10:12 AM

You could try savlon cream. I've not had a rash with brava, but savlon may help with the itch, and is good for minor skin irritations.

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(Login roseability86) Re: Rash with Brava May 21 2008, 12:24 PM

I had a rash with it (reason I stopped using it), which progressed to blisters and actually pullin my skin off. Had a dark mark on the edge of my boob for ages afterwards, think it's gone now but we are nearly a year later. Use cream by all means. Try wearing plasters if it's in specific areas. If you get blisters, don't use Brava or you may end up with permanent marks.

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(no login) Re: Rash with Brava May 21 2008, 12:43 PM

Are you using the no-sting prep wipes or roll on? I've heard that really helps prevent the skin irritation. Also, are you using the smartbox or manual suction? I think the smartbox (even though more expensive) is probably easier on your skin and body than manual airlocking. I hope your rash clears up!

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Rash with Brava May 22 2008, 7:41 PM

I found that ditching all the skin stuff Brava recommend and returning to the products I usually used was much more comfortable, also don't wash before applying the domes - it makes your skin too dry. If you just had a shower or something stick loads of body lotion on, this also helps to lubricate the domes so they slide on nicely. If you keep using a lot of lotion the domes become less sticky and I think it's mainly the sticky that iritates. I tried protecting my skin with medical tape but that made it worse. The best thing I found when I got an open sore right near the end of my 7 months was to use a lot of lotion then put a small piece of cling film (?saran wrap) over then more lotion and more cling film - all of this just on the sore patch. This means one piece of cling film is stuck to your skin with lotion, one piece is stuck to the dome with lotion and there's lotion in between so no friction - straight away this stops all rubbing on the skin. My skin actually healed like this while keeping up 15 hours per night average wear.

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(no login) louise May 28 2008, 10:00 PM

louise what was your results after you finished with brava? how long did you do it for? do you think you were a rapid responder or a slow one? im using the system right now and im getting discouraged cause im seeing very little results. please help Sad thanks

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(no login) I love you ladies May 30 2008, 6:18 AM

Ahhhh I was so upset i went to NewYork for a family vacation and just started to see a good amount of growth staying around at 9 weeks and then i had to miss a night cause we had a red eye and with kids and a layover it was impossible to wear them so then at the end of my trip I ended up with blisters and an open wound that was very sever and then put a bandaid on it the next night which then the next morrning there was a large wound around the whole entire bandaid so then it was so bad i had to miss another night thinking it would give it some healing time but it didnt help and now i lost another night which sucks!! And Now I wore it last night and it made the problem worse because the skin gets strethced open each time and then goes back so its really bad. The problem is i didnt have a computer to get on here and see what to do But thank God for your Louise!! I will do the saran wrap tonight and I hope it works cause if this doesnt heal then i will have large scars and a lot of pain. I better grow some darn boobs after going through all this. Also on a side note I got the blisters becuase I had sucked it on the hardest that night so it was cause of the hard suction.


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(no login) queens of brava May 30 2008, 6:31 AM

Seri and Louise are queens of brava!!! They have a lot of will power to put in a lot of time into brava. Seri did 54 weeks and gained 2 cups and lost 60 lbs at the same time................I believe she's starting her 2nd round already?? (hopefully she'll gain another 2 cups this time)

Louise did 7 months and gained 1.5 cup and lost 15 lbs at the same time.........I believe she will start her 2nd round around September? (she might gain another 1.5 cup this time)

THey both put in a lot of hours so they really really deserved to get that great result....
I am on my tenth week and averaging 15 hours a day (I will try to do as many weeks as I can). I will be cheering for myself and the 2 queens of brava for next "x" amount of weeks!!

BRAVA users, please give support to each other!! I believe we will get good results if we have more will power to stick with it!

Rash :-s
January 16 2007 at 11:10 AM shiv (Login ScottishGal20)


I'm in my 3rd week of using Brava, woke up this morning and took the bra etc off as usual - then noticed I am starting to get a bit of a rash, red spots sort of - not sore or anything but not very attractive looking either! Has anyone else had this problem? If so, is there any way to prevent it from happening? I have been using the roll on prep before putting the Brava system on, I thought this would prevent this kind of thing.

Thanks =)

Author Reply

(Login Jenneelle)
EVE MEMBERS Re: Rash :-s January 16 2007, 11:48 AM

If you type 'rashes' into the search box at the top of the page you will see that the subject has been mentioned here several times before.

(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER hi January 16 2007, 3:24 PM

i noticed slight red spots by my armpits. but i would put on a and d ointment , like for diaper rash. but the clear one. worked pretty well. was good by the time i put the domes back on. hope this helps. good luck.

(no login) hydrocortizone! January 17 2007, 12:48 AM

i was getting major out of control rashes. so every night before i put the domes on i lather myself up with the stuff (hydrocortizone, really cgeap - you can get it anywhere. i have been using it instead of the no sting skin prep. it works great. rashes are completely gone. and i have noticed the red marks from the pressure of the domes leave faster too.

Unabashed rash
September 1 2007 at 6:28 PM Bex (no login)


Hello again,

Sorry to harp on about my skin complaints (always a pleasant subject!), but just wondering if anyone has, or knows anyone who has had, any permanent scarring from the system? I have developed a red rash all over my torso - probably a silicon allergy, but took 4 weeks to appear, which seems a little strange.

I'm sure it's fine now, but considering I have to wear this blasted contraption for another 10 weeks, am a little worried I might be permanently disfiguring myself. Not really worth £1,000...

Many thanks!

Author Reply
(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Unabashed rash September 1 2007, 8:03 PM

Other people have complained about skin problems. Do you use a lot of manual suction or wear for very long hours? IS the weather hot wherever you are at the moment? I think I only read of one person who had permanent marks but other people have taken months to fix their skin after. I have worn the domes average 20 hours over last week (almost constant the last 5 days) with really quite a lot of suction. This as given me a few pimples on the boobs but embarassingly I think this may have been started as I waxed just the cleavage area (I'm being investigated for pco as I have high testosterone symptoms including body hair) then had to put the domes back on that night - Seri did warn me about too much suction causing pimples. Generally the 'footprint' left by the domes is gone by the time I put them back on.

I think to have an allergy you need to become sensitised if it is not an allergen that your body has met before which may explain the delayed response. Do the surface of your silicone pads look like they're pilling? I think the silicone is the inside stuff with like a polythene coating, so if the coating's breaking down your skin is now exposed when it wasn't previously, and again that could explain the delayed reaction. Does the rash extend below where the domes go? Is it actually on your boobs or just in a ring where they touch you?

Unfortunately I think the only way to improve the rash is going to be rest, and it may get worse if not treated. Apparently if you get 8.5 hours one night in the week but 11 hours every other night it doesn't count as a day off so maybe you could try that first and hopefully it won't set you back. After you take the domes off, give your skin a good wash with whatever bath products you used happily prior to Brava then you might want to try hydrocortisone cream, (I actually like Savlon antiseptic cream best). Someoone else said the'r skin is better if they don't wash before applying the domes, this means the oil of your skin gets on the domes and isn't good for them but is better for the skin - I agree with this but I don't know if anyone else does. When I had skin problems I left the domes off for 4 days then started again from week 1 day 1, but luckily I had only worn for about a week - if you do this you will have to start again at the beginning but I thought I'd rather restart earlier than later.

Sorry this has turned into a novel, hope it feels better, let us know how you get on x

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(no login) Re: Unabashed rash September 2 2007, 1:29 PM

Many thanks, Louise - that was just the sort of comprehensive reply I was hoping for.

I think you may be correct about the allergic reaction (looked it up on the web and the delay could well be down to the sensitisation period). Despite trying various creams and cleaning products, the rash is now all over my stomach and back and I have some blistering on my breasts... so am thinking it might be the end of the road for me. Which is a massive, massive shame after all that money, but I value my health more!

At least now I'll have a social life again... I'll think of you all when I'm down the pub at 7pm!

I haven't ruled out the idea of implants, however - though I have always managed to talk myself out of it so far. Have you ever considered this? The thing is, I wouldn't want much at all - maybe less than 200cc... do you think these would look natural?

Once again, all my thanks for advice.

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(no login) Re: Unabashed rash September 2 2007, 4:52 PM

I don't really want implants as however low the complication rate is it could be me that has the problem and then you end up small and terribly scarred. Also you see some people with them and think "God I'd rather be small" because they look so embarassingly fake. Obviously if you keep them small this is less likely but I don't know if they'd feel real to someone else. If I really really can't get anywhere (and I'm considering two Brava cycles of 26 weeks with 4 month break, and taking herbs as well) and it really really bothers me I may look more seriously into the injectable fillers either celution or macrolane. Both of them mean that only natural stuff went in so you may never be huge but there should be less chance of them being stiff. I'm impatient to see what my Brava result will be as first I noticed bigger swelling, went up a dome size, then the same big swelling with shorter sessions and now I am actually beginning to retain desperate for it to work. If I can get 2 inches from session 1, rounder and fuller and hopefully another inch with herbs and massage then maybe final inch from session 2 - I know this is optimistic!

RE Your rash:

Are your domes in good enough condition to sell? You can at least make some money back from ebay. The UK ebay seller charged £350 for new domes (even though they are only £200 from Brava) and £125 for smartbox.

If there are any pills of silicone on your domes why not pick them off squash them into one and use a sticking plaster or surgical tape to stick it somewhere like your ankle that the domes haven't touched, then stick another bit of tape on the other ankle as a control (just in case you're allergic to the tape!), if the silicone ankle comes up in a rash then there is probably no way you can use Brava but if it doesn't then maybe you just need a break then try again - I really did consider giving it up. Also if you're willing to experiement with the domes you maybe able to get a seal over a polythene bag if you use an airlock to suck quite tight but don't know what this will do to the domes. I have tried a strip of greasproof paper down the middle and that didn't seem to damage them but only did it once.

To help the rash you have now (and I really don't know how you got it on your back - are you sure it's not German measles or allergy to laundry detergent or a jumper or something?) I think you'll have to leave them off until it's gone. Just wash the skin a couple of times a day with cool water, use whatever moisturiser you've always used and wear a cotton vest instead of a bra. If it doesn't go away you may have to see the doctor...keep us posted.

p.s. I am trying some spot cream on the pimples my mega session gave me so it's not all fun and games for me either...good luck

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Unabashed rash September 5 2007, 9:57 AM

Hey Bex,

Just wondered how you're getting on..I'm getting a rash where the domes sit now and have asked for advice somewhere else so if we come up with anything we'll keep you posted. I'm just going to do 12 hour nights for a bit, give them a good wash after and use some hydrocortisone. (Interestingly it's not itchy)

Hope you're ok x

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(no login) Re: Unabashed rash September 5 2007, 1:05 PM

Are you using the Brava antiseptic dome cleaner and the skin prep wipes? You can sub baby shampoo for Brava cleanser and Eucerin Calming Cream for Brava Lotion, but coach told me there is no good substitute for the dome cleaner and the skin prep wipes. I used both and never had any skin problems. You might want to give it a try. When I do my next cycle in January, I'm going to find another source on the internet for the skin prep wipes instead of Brava website, but I will continue to buy the antiseptic dome cleanser from Brava. It also keeps your domes tacky.

Good luck!

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(no login) Re: Unabashed rash September 5 2007, 1:48 PM

In the UK they only supply the skin prep and it's a roll-on, I've only not used it I think 3 times and never had any problem. I think my rash is my own fault as I wore them almost constantly for 5 days last week and used a LOT of suction - did touch the end of the XL domes and was up 2-2.5 inches on starting measurements last night after having the domes off for 15 hours so hope it's doing somethnig for me. I'm just finishing week 9 and aiming for 26. I'm not sure if the rash of red bumps where the domes sit is some sort of irritation or what Seri called heat acne (she advised me to be careful with long hours and extra suction to avoid this - I should've listened!), I'm not really itchy but they're not pus-filled. Any ideas how to get rid of the bumps now I have them?

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(no login) Re: Unabashed rash September 5 2007, 8:01 PM

Hello again!

Sorry to go awol - am in the middle of exams at the moment so everything relatively stressful. Maybe my brava rash is just an externalisation of my tired, mouldy brain.

Many thanks for all the advice. After pretty much deciding to give up and teasing the mind into thinking it would have some relief, the rash then miraculously retracted a little (amazing, the power of the brain) - so I powered through... and am powering as we speak.

Did a couple of 11 hour nights with serious skin management and rash seems to be under control where the domes touch the skin (though still very red with some blotchiness) - however, the rash over my stomach and back has now progressed to arms and legs, only very mildly, but enough to show that something isn't quite right. I think it must be a mild allergy, so just hope my constitution gets used to it over time.

To let you know what skin prep I did:
- washed breasts with soap and water
- rubbed in Eurax cream (stops itchiness) - waited to dry
- rubbed in Witch Hazel gel - waited to dry
- rubbed in Hydrocortisone ointment - waited to dry (as much as it can)
- rolled on skin prep
- stuck as much tape on as I could get away with without fear of domes falling off
- held my breath and hoped

Am now easing my hours back up again... 12.5 tonight, a bit more over the weekend (I rarely get an average of more than 13 hours a night because of work).

Will keep you posted!


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(no login) Re: Unabashed rash September 5 2007, 9:09 PM

Good to know you're getting past it, if it's improving in the area where the domes contact it may well have been caused by something else as even if there was another cause just having something pressing there for hours at a time would probably make it worse.

I have a rash too now mainly top and bottom of where the domes sit, slightly down the middle but that's possibly slightly better. Kept hours low this week and less suction, and will do the same till it clears up then probably for a week after to be safe. I also found witch hazel good and using zinc cream too, hydrocortisone just made me feel all greasy and it's not really that itchy.

Hope your exams are going well, keep us posted on your skin and if you have time later it'd be great if you could do a personal program page with hours and measurements and stuff.

Brava worries
April 17 2009 at 7:06 PM cubchick (Login cubchick)


Hi ladies,

I am considering purchasing a Brava and I have been doing a lot of research about it for the last couple of months. I of course am scared to not have any growth on it, but I am even more scared about these rashes and red marks and permanent scarring that I keep reading about. I can handle putting the time into it to get results, but I think I would completely freak out something bad if I start getting weird rashes and bumps and permanent red marks. Any advice or thoughts on the matter?

Thanks a bunch for your input!


Author Reply
(no login) Re: Brava worries April 17 2009, 7:16 PM

Hi - I have been using Brava for 13 weeks and following what they tell you to do exactly. I did break out in a rash about three weeks in from their skin care line as it was too harsh for my skin. I called the hotline and they told me what to do. You basically switch to baby shampoo and Aveeno moisturizer and then you're fine. The rash cleared in 2 days and I have had no rash since. As far as permanent marks, my marks go away about 2 hours after taking the domes off and then you can't even tell the lines were ever there. I have no permanent scars/marks.

(no login) Re: Brava worries April 17 2009, 7:33 PM

I have used brava 4 different times with many months in between and the worst problem I ever had was a mild rash under my armpits. I used neosporin ointment and put bandaids over them (which protected the open spots from the domes at night) and once the rash went away, I never had any scars. The only time I had any problem at all with a rash is when the domes are new and very sticky (they pull on your skin when you remove them) and when I was lazy about using the nonstick prep wipes.

(Login cubchick) Re: Brava worries April 19 2009, 3:23 AM

Thank you so much for your input ladies!

Beware of surgical tape!
June 28 2007 at 5:09 PM Louise (no login)


The Brava manual advises using a strip of surgical tape down the cleavage area to protect healing skin. I didn't have a rash but was itchy in the domes so thought I'd give it a try. Also tried some round the armpit area where I also felt itching. Couldn't get a seal and gave up after an hour, peeled the tape off the armpit area but this brought the skin up so I gave it a couple of hours before trying again with just the middle bit taped. Was less itchy over night however think I may be allergic to the tape as had a rectangular red rash where I removed it (and I peeled it off carefully in the shower) even where the domes didn't touch. This rash irritated all day and the skin is slightly peeling so I'm having a few days off Brava to let the skin heal. I've only done 4 nights so I'd rather lose all progress now than battle on and lose a longer period further down the line when I have more to lose. Not a happy bunny!

Author Reply
(no login) Re: Beware of surgical tape! June 28 2007, 6:02 PM

I always thought surgical tape was non-allergenic and could be safely used by anyone.

(Login Seri_Flamehair)
SENIOR MEMBER TAPE June 28 2007, 7:30 PM

Problem with surgical tape is the residue it leaves behind. That can attract other things and removing it will take the surface layer of skin off. Atleast remove all oils from your skin.

Try a different bra if you are using the brava one. that thing hits me wrong and causes severe underarm irritation.

Today is day 190 for me and as of Noon i have 2,822 hours logged in.

I have not used anything under the domes other than liquid skin on open sore i got when trying to get to much manual pressure and scratched the skin afterwards. Only had to do that for a few days while the sore healed.

red lumps, welts and progress
February 18 2009 at 12:17 PM Vee (no login)


I have found recently that I have developed itchy and unsightly red lumps after removing Brava. It actually gets worse as the day goes on and with the more activity I do. I think that maybe the mosturiser I am using it part of the problem. Does anyone else have a similar problem. I have always had the red rings around my breats for a good couple of hours or more after removing the domes but now it looks worse than ever and the remaining marks dont seem to go away. And it is so irritable.

The other night I actually had to remove the domes after 5 hours because it was so painful. I have just completed 10 weeks and seem to have some results( not a lot but some) and so I am not keen to give up any more hours. I only do 10 or 11 hours a night.

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: red lumps, welts and progress February 18 2009, 4:01 PM

Vee - I have been very strict about gently washing my skin as soon as I take off the domes, letting it dry with my rob on for about 30 minutes, and then rubbing Desitin (or other zinc oxide cream) into the red areas all around my breasts. I leave this on all day. By night, I still have some redness and some little marks here and there, but for the most part, my skin has stood up pretty well.

I have to say I am pretty embarrassed about the rings, though. I have to go to the doctor for an exam in a few weeks and I don't have a clue what to say about the red rings around my breast. I am thinking of even leaving the domes off for one night cause I feel so weird about it.

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(no login) Raised Skin Rash or Rug Burn Type Rash February 18 2009, 11:02 PM

I spoke to the Brava Coach at lenght because at 3 weeks in I all of a sudden developed a very itchy rash by the left armpit. She asked if it was raised or flat. My rash was flat like a rug burn. She said it's de-hydrated skin and to do the following immediately:

1. Don't use the Brava cleaner to clean the chest before putting the domes on. Use Johnson's Baby Shampoo. I just bought some today for $3.99. She said the Brava cleanser has an exfoliant and is harsh and some people don't do well with it. She said you can also use plain ole' Ivory soap as an option too.

2. Don't use the Brava body lotion in the AM when I take the domes off. She told me to buy Aveno Body lotion - the kind with oatmeal and the unscented kind. Again, that was $2.99.

3. Put Vitamin E oil on the rash right after getting out of the shower in the AM. Do that only one time since it could clog pores if you keep putting it on all day.

4. If the itching gets bad during the day, use the Cortaid brand cream which has hydrocortizone as it's active ingredient.

5. Continue to use the Brava dome spray to wash the domes in the AM.

6. Turn the domes to re-position them so they are not directly lined up with the nipples and the dome isn't laying on top of the rash.

7. Make sure to FLARE the domes out when putting them on which helps to protect the skin.

After about three or four days the rash was completely gone, the itching stopped after about two days and I have been using this skin care regimend every day since.

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(no login) Rings around breasts February 18 2009, 11:06 PM

Hi Roakie - I have the rings too for about 2-3 hours after taking the domes off. Last week I had to go to my doctor for my annual check up/physical. Well, of course I had to make up a story about the rings b/c I didn't want to miss a night - are you ready for this....I told her I wore a very tight cotton/silicone sports bra to the gym that morning and it suctions your breasts tightly so they don't move when you do exercises. She basically didn't even seem surprised or even question it, despite the huge red rings on my chest! It was pretty funny.

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: red lumps, welts and progress February 19 2009, 8:18 AM

Funny story!! Since it is obvious I don't need much of a bra, I think I will make up some story about the molded padding in my bathing suit! What do I say? "Oh, by the way, just in case you are noticing my red rings................? Ha ha! (Hopefully my breasts won't totally deflate during the appointment. How would I explain that one?

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(no login) Re: red lumps, welts and progress February 22 2009, 9:27 AM

When you mention the Brava cleaner ( that you replaced with baby shampoo) - do you mean the no sting wipes? I only use water to wash before hand and then the wipes and then put the domes on.
I dont know why I would develpo the skin irritation now after i had many weeks without any problem. Still doing the same things.

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(no login) Re: red lumps, welts and progress February 22 2009, 4:15 PM

She told me to wash the chest/breast/underarm area (get old deodorant off) before putting the domes on with the Johnson's baby shampoo. Then do the no-sting prep pads and wait a full 8-10 minutes for it to completely dry. She said waiting the full 10 mins allow you to get a better suction with the domes. The Johnson's baby shampoo is mild and will wash away dead skin cells and oil from your chest so the domes will stick better. Also, it'll help keep the domes sticky since putting them on the skin w/o washing will cause the stickiness to wear out faster.

How's your rash clearing up? Does it still itch? Within about 3-4 days with this new skin care regiment, my rash was completely gone. Of course, I still have the red circles in the morning but those are gone within a couple hours. When I had the rash, I would wake up in the middle of the night because it was soooo itchy where the rash was.
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