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journey from a 34AA


Urg! my period never came! this is my 3rd month of missed period. i am not pregnant. ever since i started BO, i have not had a period. i switched birth control brand thinking that would help, but it didn't. i don't know what to do. i don't want to give up BO so soon. does anyone know of anyone else who's on BO and birth control and missed their period months on a row?

even though i didn't get any bleeding/period, i still experienced swelling of the breasts the week before my period's supposed to arrive. today is my first day on month 2 on Yaz - breasts feel looser and less firm than before.

i made the mistake of washing the 34A bra that i was using to gauge my growth. i tried it on and the gaps that were there before are now filled in, but then i realized since it's mostly cotton, it probably shrunk in the dryer. Dodgy now i'm using a different 34A bra to measure my growth. this new one has HUGE gaps on top. so much that i can see my nipples when i look down. *sigh

i ordered biotin. when that arrive, i will be adding that to my routine. i'm not sure how that helps with breast growth, but if anything, i wouldn't mind stronger thicker hair and better skin. i ordered 1000mg instead of 5000mg because i'm afraid that might break me out. my acne is now under control.

since i have more time off during the holidays, i'm going to try heating pads on my breasts before NG to see if i can get more swelling. right now, my swelling is so minuscule, and they deflate faster than it takes for my ring marks to go away! hopefull heating pad + more water consumption will help.

happy holidays to all!

It is bad not to menstruate for so long. If I were you I will take a break on the pills until my menstrual is here and then start again. Then I will add DIM into it. If you are scared DIM will interfere with the growth just take 1 a day instead of 2. It is clearly your hormone is off balance. Balance it back with either DIM or progesterone cream.

Crystalelle has a good point. Maybe your body doesn't know how to process BO and bc all at once right away since it's getting used to the switch? So maybe stop UB for a month and do a cleanse and noogle faithfully to compensate not taking UB. I'm sure you're fine but if your body is feeling overwhelmed then perhaps it's not making full use of UB.

i was going to stop taking BO but the thought of giving up now really bummed me out. i spent the last few hours researching and turns out, a lot of women on Yaz experience extremely light periods or no period at all. this seems to be a common side effect of Yaz. so now i know it's not BO, but Yaz. i've tried more than a handful of different brands of BCP in the past decade and so far, Yaz is the only one that doesn't give me mood swings and make me depressed. so i've decided to stick with my program, BUT, i will be adding a low dosage of DIM just in case. more pills to buy and swallow *sigh

yesterday, i stayed home all day and noogled on and off for maybe 7hr+ (with lots of massages and heating in between each session). by night time, my breasts swelled up to 31.75", which was the largest they've ever been. this morning, i woke up and my breasts had deflated down to their original size. that was really discouraging. i was hoping to retain at least something...

the good news is, seems like i'm able to get swelling almost every time now. (i need to noogle for at least 40 mins to get it though). massaging using the slapping method + lots of water intake helped.

Hasn't Yaz been on recall for heart problems?

i didn't know there was a Yaz recall! most people didn't. the company was very discreet about it. i'm really concerned about the company's (Bayer's) dishonest practices. while all BCP contain risks for heart problems and blood clots and whatnot, Yaz and Yasmin, from what i understand, has a slightly higher risk. i am so bummed because for once, i felt like i finally found something that works for me. i guess i'm going to have to go back to my gyno.

last night, i felt some breast pains! i don't know if it's because i noogled ALOT the past 2 days, or if it was the biotin pill. i took my first biotin pill at 10pm or so. woke up around 4am to pee and that's when i felt the breast pains. they were pretty strong, like 5/10. it lasted for maybe 5 - 10 mins.

i was thinking (at 4am) that most of the people on this forum, as well as the noogleberry forum, that had great success were either:

1. had bigger breasts at some point, then deflated, then were able to gain back, and some. (i.e. moms)


2. are in their early 20s where they're able to push their growth a little further. i read somewhere that women puberty can sometimes go all the way to their early 20s (for late bloomers).

as far as people who's never had larger breasts, are past their early 20s, we tend to struggle a lot more with very minimal results. i can't think of anyone in this last category that's gained 1 or 2 cup sizes and kept it.

i don't mean to be discouraging. i just want to look at this NBE process in a analytical, and a realistic view. i've been at this for 5 months, and while my goal is a B cup, i'd be happy if i can gain ANY non deflatable breast tissues! i am thankful for this forum though. i am glad i'm not alone.

hi lled34aa,
I'm new here but I just wanted to say DON'T GIVE UP and DON'T BE DISCOURAGED! There is still hope for you to grow larger boobs through NBE. You just have to keep trying to see what works and stay positive (the girls know when you don't expect them to grow). Remember to add massaging to your routine because: 1) it helps 2) it shapes and lifts boobs and 3) it's beneficial to healthy boobs, and also eat right and don't stress out about this! Boobs or no boobs, life should be enjoyed.

Lots of Love,


This forum might give you some hope and some guidence. Best Boobie Wishes

wow thanks for sharing that link. i tried the massage techniques on that forum (some of which i was already doing in my routine). but this time, i really went at it and tried to target the pressure points. this morning i woke up to a lot firmer boobs. usually my boobs are only like this during the week right before my period. yay!

since the year's starting, thought i'd do a quick recap of my journey thus far:

month1 : started Noogling + Natureday liqid (orally + massage on boobs). had some breast sensations.

month2 : no difference in boob size or firmness. 1/2 way though the month, i switched to UB. breast sensations were completely gone.

month3 : still no swelling from NG. got acne.

month4 : acne under control. started MSM and that's when i first got swelling from NG, though i only got swelling maybe 70% of the time. the swelling was very minimal. switched to BB.

month5: taking fish oil more regularly. massaging a lot more and started using heating pad. getting swelling from NG pretty much every time. swelling is more prominent than before, though they deflate within minutes. added biotin. breast sensation is back though not often at all.

so far, old bras still fit the same so no noticeable growth. but i do feel like i'm making progress with the NG. Big Grin

happy new year!

happy new years!

im hopeful that we will get bigger boobs this year Big Grin

happy new year to all. I hope this is the year where we all go up a cup or two...or threeBig Grin

The massage is really. Good. I'm fifteen so I massage only and eat boobie friendly foods when I can and avoid boobie unfriendly food; the massage has given my boobs a nice look. I love the look so much that I won't be all that much bothered if i didn't get to my B cup goal

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