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First NBE Journey


Thank you for that. What thicker oil would you suggest for lubrication?

(21-03-2024, 17:15)James98 Wrote:  Glad to see things are going well for you.
Just a reminder, you need to drink lots of water before/during pumping to get swelling. Also it helps to warm your breasts. Apply generous layer of thicker oil (like corn oil) for good lubrication/sealing during pumping. The thinner oils like almond or aloe vera oil is used for massage, not pumping.

yes i absolutely try to drink enough water, even in general. I have 1 gallon bottle I take with me everywhere. I also lay a heating pad on my chest for 1-20 mins before pumping always. Smile

(22-03-2024, 09:08)Lotus Wrote:  
(21-03-2024, 17:15)James98 Wrote:  Apply generous layer of thicker oil (like corn oil) for good lubrication/sealing during pumping. The thinner oils like almond or aloe vera oil is used for massage, not pumping.

Corn oil?, I'd never apply a highly refined oil on my breast… ever. Corn oil (and others like it) can oxidize and breakdown (aka- oxidative stress) molecules and cause ROS (reactive oxygen species) or produce “free radicals”. Stick with aloe vera, the science behind aloe vera is amazing, I'll have to repost a lengthy post I shared some time ago. Here's some important information below concerning the above mentioned.  It's worth noting that vitamin E helps ERβ (estrogen receptor beta) modulation, but not ERa (estrogen receptor alpha… which is the pro-breast growth receptor).

Vitamin E increase the ERβ translocation into the nucleus, which in turn activates estrogen-responsive genes (MIC-1, EGR-1 and cathepsin D)

Reactive oxygen species

Important downsides of corn oil
Highly refined:
Corn oil is a highly refined product. It must go through an extensive process to be extracted from corn and made edible.
This process causes corn oil to be more likely to become oxidized — meaning that at a molecular level it begins to lose electrons, becoming unstable (4)
High levels of oxidized compounds in your body can increase your risk of certain diseases (3)
In fact, the beta-sitosterol in corn oil becomes oxidized as it’s heated over long periods, such as in a deep fryer. However, the antioxidant vitamin E helps slow this process down (46)

Antioxidants in the Practice of Medicine; What Should the Clinician Know?

Thanks Lotus, I appreciate all of the sources. I looked into corn oil and it seemed a bit unsafe to use topically...probably to even eat tbh lol. So I'm glad you can confirm that. 

Is there any specific aloe vera you recommend? Should I use straight gel or something else? 

I currently use my homemade mixture of Vitamin E oil, evening primrose oil, fennel, lavender, fenugreek and cinnamon essential oils. 
Also using the 1% FG and 99% Aloe Vera Oil James provided me with specifically for massage. 

I'm more than happy to get something that's thick and will help with suction though.

March 21

Bust: 33.75
Upperbust: 32.5
Underbust: 30
Leaning measurements: 
Bust: 34.75
Upperbust: 33.75
Underbust: 30.5

Started using PM lotion. Ainterol X-R1
Did these measurements 4x over to make sure they were right. I guess I've gone up in my main bust measurement.
Not sure what to attribute that to if it was upping the hops, SP, MACA or vitex.

I COULD very well be pre period swelling though ngl, since taking PC, im not noticing as much pre-menstrual breast pain that I usually always get the week before…
I will make sure I measure after my period is over and well into my luteal phase to see if this is an accurate measurement or not before I get excited trying to figure out what her gave me growth lol

ALSO OMG!! MY PM ARRIVED!!! It was here the whole friggin time!! WHAT? LOL

I wasn’t around to check my mailbox for like2 weeks and I guess in that time not only did my ainterol arrive, but so did my purafem LOL

Sooo I now have multiple brands of PM to use/ test and should be set for the next few months.

The differences between the two are;

Ainterol: 500mg x 100 caps - 2x a day = 100mg
Purafem: 700mg(2) x 60 caps -  4x a day = 1400
I also ordered topicals from both brand.
Ainterol: X-R1 Pueraria Mirifica 3 Generation breast cream (100ml)
Purafem: Pueraria Mirifica Serum (15ml)
One is a flip top squeeze tube (Ainterol) and the other is a glass dropper bottle(Purafem). I'm not sure what one I'm going to start with, I may even use a combo of the two or use one specifically after massage, and the other for more daily use?
I have 2 tube of the cream and 1 of the dropper.

I'm SOOO SOO glad these are here in time for me to start when my cycle restarts today/tomorrow. I was really worried I'd have to wait an entire month again.

March 26
Started ainterol PM 500mg 2x a day

April 7
Took Ainterol 2x a day with MACA 4x , Hops 4x, SP 2x, MSM 4x (2x of 2 different kinds), vit c, borage oil and my normal everyday sups.
Using combined manual pump and electric pump.
I measured myself yesterday after confirming my period was 100% over and I went back down to 33in.
So the measurements I had before must have been pre-cycle swelling. Which makes me kind of sad ):
Though I have noticed while taking ainterol for almost 2 weeks along with the x-r1 cream everyday that my chest feels softer and appears more perky, even though I've gone down in size.
I can't really tell if its making the denser tissue inside each breast softer? It feel a bit different but it may  just be placebo?
I've been taking 2000mg of MACA 4:1 extract (= to 8000mg fresh MACA root) everyday at the same time as taking my ainterol. I'm unsure if its causing any growth.
This is the same brand of MACA I've been taking for a bit now, I've been testing to see if taking MACA alone with a different Estrogenic herb (PM instead of FG) would make any difference with gains.
So far not much to write home about. I am halfway through this bottle and have 2 more but for experiments sake I may switch over to my MACA + FG combo sup again to test how that would work while taking PM, and NOT drinking the shakes (the combo pill I tried back in october along with Miss MAD Scienticts soy flour + flax shakes, gaining 6 lbs)
Current measurements
Bust: 33.25
Upper: 32.25
Under: 29.5
Waist: 26.5
Hip: 33.5
Lower hips/glutes: 38.5
Thigh: 2.5
Somehow my underbust measurement keeps getting smaller? I don’t know how. I am waist training but I'm only wearing my elastic trainer, not my corset. And not everyday, maybe 3 or 4 times a week. Sometimes for like 6-7 hours, sometimes only for an hour. So I don't think it could be making that much of a change that quickly??
The rest of my measurements have really not changed much, which is kind of disappointing…but also strange? As I've gained weight and am now 124.8lbs
Up 3 lbs since I gained all that weight in October, but my measurements are all the same?
Very weird…maybe I took my measurement wrong months ago? Not sure.

April 16
Was away from home for the last week + in the city the last few days for a birthday so I haven’t been great to my body. I wasn't taking any of my sups, and only used any of my topicals a couple times, no massage. Tried to remember to use my PC (5 pumps) and forgot a couple days so I used it tonight and will continue to use it for the next few days to try to makeup for the days I missed, and will stop a couple days before period starts. Since I'm home for a bit I will be using my pumps again and hopefully start to see some growth.
Kinda sat I'm in a plateau right now .. hopefully this next cycle with PM starts to become promising.
Testing MACA alone for awhile hasn't given me much growth or weight change overall, so I'm going to say that it being combined with either the fenugreek, or the soy flour routine is what really helps add shape/fat/size to the butt.
I'm debating testing the soy flour method again, this time without Maca or FG to see if it reproduces the same results as when I first tried it. I was able to find some soy flour for SUPER cheap in the city (8.50 for 2lbs vs 30$ 2lbs from Amazon) I just need to make sure I am incorporating working out into my routine so I can get gains in the right places.
One positive thing is that when I went to the city to visit my friend, she did mention to me that she noticed my chest was larger and that she noticed a difference in size. That surprised me honestly, since it feels like I've kind of lost the plumpness I was getting I will take that as a win and try to use it to keep me motivated to keep going.

On a personal note: I can feel myself getting distracted from NBE and not putting as much effort in as when I first started...which isn't what I want to be doing, especially if I want to see more results ASAP.
I think I'm just feeling discouraged with lack of growth or change in the past few months and was hoping I would keep the first initial growth I saw going for awhile. I guess that's the problem when you're being a guinea pig for yourself and testing a bunch of different methods one after another. It is helping me learn what works and what doesn't for me though.
I think I may also need to go back to trying fenugreek again, in a high dose and 50% truly see if it was something that gave me lots of gains initially....but I need to do more research about FG and PM at the same time ..if it's good or bad.

April 19
No changes in shape or size. I've been taking maca, SP, and my daily MSM, vit c, vit d3, K probiotic, borage oil, iodine.
I’m almost out of borage oil. Havent decided if I'm buying more.
I did buy sawnson 50% saponin 500mg fenugreek, and I plan on taking that along with PM and MACA.

I’m doing step 3 of my experiment to see if MACA + FG causes growth.
I'm still trying to figure out if the cause for the size increase back in oct/nov was:
1) just purely from weight gain
  1. The soy + flax actually affected growth
  2. The MACA + FG + Soy + flax combo is what created growth.
  3. If the FG was just pure weight/fat gain, or it actually grew breast tissue.
I'm also looking into goats rue again, and also white peony.
This last couple months of testing has me wondering if I maybe have higher T than I first suspected, hence the easy weight gain on my butt, thighs and stomach.
I try to drink spearmint but I cant stand the taste everyday so I need another option to support aromatase.
I've been researching macromastia and a lot of things keep coming back to IGH and HGH, as well as prolactin for mammary development. I keep having this feelings that taking something for mammary growth is super important, and may also explain my lack of size and poor shape, and also the lack of structure in the nipple which I've read causes the puffiness that I'm trying to get rid of.

I don't necessarily want to lactate AT ALL, but if taking certain herbs that actually help grow breast tissue and mammary glands gives me results…I may just deal with it if it happens.
This is all hypothetical though and may not happen, I just don’t want to be where I am right now in another 4 months.
I mentioned feeling discouraged before, and that feeling is still lingering, idk what else I need to do besides keep testing certain herb combos and pumping even more than I already am, which takes a lot of time out of my free time when I have it which is getting slightly exhausting.

Tbh i looked at Evebra and was debating buying the whole system as its very hands free and WAY more easy to wear around the house, under clothes, to bed, ect…, then I realized it only ships to the US and I cried…legit. Lol
Also not to mention, I'm noticing I'm more uneven than before. My one nip was EVER SO SLIGHTLY lower than my other…and not im noticing it even more than I was before…which is frustrating because I feel like nothing else has changed besides that…

Tried to find an online at home hormone test to just check my levels, the site I found doesn’t ship to canada either, even though it looked like a great kit ): I have too much anxiety around doctors to try and go get one done at a clinic, so I'll keep looking online for one that will ship to Canada…but they're all so expensive like 500+ dollars sooo….
Also looking into Agmatine, apparently it is a compound found in arginine, but doesn't casue cold sore flare ups as much? I've found limited info on this, and a lot of people on reddit saying it good for HGH while working out. Some saying they didn’t notice any flare ups and some saying they had a couple but took lysine to combat it and they were fine. (Apparently agmatine is also found in watermelons? Lucky for me I love those, so guess im eating a fuck ton this summer lol)

I know i need to find something that supports HGH and IGF….i may also try buying freeze dried aloe for IGF as surferjoe recommends it and people seem to have success with it.

April 20

So I’ve been pumping for the past couple day and I feel like I was going crazy lately thinking that my chest has SHRUNK…and IM NOT CRAZY CAUSE IT HAS!
My measurements atm of typing this are:

Bust: 33

Upper: 32
Under: 29.5
I have 0 clue how my underbust is shrinking? But it is. I've noticed for the past couple weeks it sometimes measuring less than 30 inches …..not sure if this is a sign my waist trainer is doing something or what.
But weirdly I'm smaller in size. I thought it was just all in my head but its absolutely not. Which is odd right now because I'm supposedly 3 days away from my period starting and I have no swelling in size, no soreness or pain. NO nothing…which isn’t what I’m used to, usually I have premenstrual swelling that puts me up at least half a cup size sometimes and then goes away as my period finishes but not atm.

I figured I’d write this down to remember for later incase this is a consisent thing.

If it is, I will have to determine what the cause of it is asap so I can stop it because I don’t want to lose the little progress I've had.
There is a large part of me that is debating going back on BC JUST for nbe, but I’d need to get a hormone test done to know what BCP is the best one to help with that. Though I know it’s not guaranteed permanent, and I might lose all my size if I get off of it…but it’s something I've been thinking of lately.
I've never had that experience before when I was younger on BC…but maybe it as the kind I was taking wouldn’t help with growth or anything because it wasing supporting the right hormones for growth?
Anyways…the discouragement is even more so than before lol…..

I have a sense that the MACA is what may be decreasing my size?

I will have to continue testing combos. Though it is interesting that the MACA + FG combo back when I tried the soy flour method seem to work well.
Maybe it's just the MACA making my T too high overall so the 2 weeks I cycle the PM isn't enough, and I need the help from the FG for the whole month to help keep things in balance?
I’ve bought some white Peony and goats the to test for future.
When my fenugreek comes in (which seems like the same week my period starts and when I will be cycling PM again) I will add it to my routine, probably continue to take the MACA and monitor if it creates any changes. If not, I will add in the WP to see if something for aromatase will create growth.
If THAT doesn't work, then I will either take out the MACA or add in goats rue.
I'm pretty sad that what I thought was a lack of gains was really a reversal. It may not seem like much but that .5 make me look and feel a lot different.

April 22
Started 2nd cycle of PM today, also took it with hops and my regular sups/vits
My fenugreek came in the mail today while I was out and id didn’t know so I’m going to have to go to the post office tmrw to pick it up, I plan on taking either 1 -2 caps a day throughout the entire month to see if it does anyting to help. I think I'll continue taking it with maca just to see if it does anything with it until my maca runs out and then try it without maca afterwards.
White peony and goats rude will be coming in the next week or so, I will add those inn after testing FG +PM + MACA for a bit.

I'm realizing I need to get back to massaging a lot more, like at least 1 a day, 2x if I can make it happen, and get in as many hours of pumping as I can, but easier said than done.
It's really hard for me fit it in on the days that I'm working, so sometimes I can only do it like 2x a week which makes me sad, but it’s better than nothing. But going back to the massage thing, I saw  post from someone who gained like 4 cup sizes in like 4.5 months, which blew my mind casue of their stack, it wasn't anything super crazy, so it was inspiring me to get my shit together again.

I’m eating more/ slightly better than I was last year, and I'm trying to work out for at least 20-30 mins a couple times a week.

I had other body goals before summer before an event I'm going to in august, so if I can at least get to 34-35 in bust measurement by august, I'll be happy, thought my goal size is way more than that still.
FG came in the mail, so I have to pick it up tomorrow, white peony (WP) and goats rue  (GR) should be here soon after.

Been looking into stimulating prolactin and using domperidone for growth as a possible future thing if this next few rounds of FG , maca, PM testing doesn’t pan out.

Though looking online its hard to source DOM in Canada, without a script :/
So if I was to do it without dom, it would be using prolactin heavy herbs and lots of massage and nip stimulation, which I dot really want to do cuz its extremely time consuming plus I have 0 desire to lactate, which is what a lot of people use dom for..
Its something I’ve been researching but not 100% sure if im going to go through with trying it unless I could actually source some that I don’t need a script for

Started 2nd round of PM on 22nd, period never came. I stopped taking PM after day 7. May reintroduce next period cycle but at lower dose from 1000mg to 500mg.

Only taking FG and MACA for E support and overall hormone balance (to test if this method alone works or + SF (soy flour) helps)

May 1
I was away for 4 days, I still continued to take only fenugreek + maca, white peony and MSM + vit c
I noticed random itches and pains around the outer left breast, also around the nipple of my right.
Other than that, I've noticed I can see and feel the difference in each boob size.
It’s something I've noticed since going down in size, the only thing I can attribute that too is the PM and probably TOO much estrogen.
I’ve completely missed my period for this month, I only had a couple random days of cramping that quickly went away, but no spotting or anything. So I’m not going to take PM again until I figure out how to balance my other hormones.
The only thing this discovery leads me to belive as to why my breast size hasn't grown is I have high T or an excess of androgens. SO, I started with 500mg WP but have been taking 2x a day which is 1000mg.
Current stack and routine that I take throughout the entire month:
FG (extract 50% saponin) - 1000mg/1g  X2
MACA (4:1 extract) -500mg ( =2000mg raw) x2
White peony extract - 500mg x2
MSM + silica  + calcium - 780mg + 25mg + 25mg x2
Vit c - 500mg x1
Not sure if the noticable difference is placebo or if it’s from the fg + maca, but I’m also noticing the smaller boob feels more squishy? Like it has less dense tissue in it. I’m unsure if that means less breast tissue overall or?
I have goats rue which I’ve not started yet, I think I will wait a bit to see if FG + maca combo does anything for me.
I've also been looking into something called inositol. I guess it’s for insulin resistance but has also been helpful for people who experince PCOS and high T. Lots of people have said they’ve experienced large breast growth while/after taking it.
So I might find some for cheap and try on a low does to see if it does anything and be even more on a guinea pig on myself lol.
Still looking into finding DOM …that whole experince will mean I will have to probably not have a period for as long as I’m taking it…and so far it seems that if I take Dom while pumping….I will experince SOME form of lactating, even if its minimal.  I would like none, but if it’s a tiny bit but a large amount of perm breast growth…I'll absolutely take it. 
May 3
Ordered Inositol and it came in today
I kept seeing in the PCOS subreddit that lots of people had large gains while using it in high doses to manage their PCOS symptoms.
Theoretically it looks like it might suppress the T/androgens(?) in their systems and because of that, their breasts are then finally able to develop because their other hormones are balanced.
So I don't think I have PCOS, if I do it's extremely mild lean PCOS (dark body hair, fat to stomach, severely painful periods when i was younger, mild hair loss as i age, little to no breast development in puberty and none in my 20s ect ect)
So I’m going to test a low dose 1 pill per day, maybe go up to 2 over time (compared to the 4x a day for people with PCOS) and see if it does anything.
idk i could be completely wrong and this won’t work or do anything, but I can’t find any info for anyone using it specifically for NBE so I've decided I'm going to be the person to test it haha

May 4
Testing FG + MACA only with new Progesterone cream
May 6

Bought more Bella Breast cream, using it 1-2x a day morning and night.

May 13th
Bust: 32
Upper: 31.5
Under: 29


Just measured myself and I've gone down in size even more some how? Or the size I measure before may have been due to swelling or the timing of my cycle, I'm unsure...but it's depressing.
I've been taking my stack everyday, albeit not at consistent times.
Since I've not been home I can't pump so I've just been doing massage 1/2x a day. Sometimes after a hot bath or shower. Sometimes on normal skin.
I've also been using the new PC everyday, 5 pumps. Along with the Bella cream and sometimes the PM + adifyline serum (it pills when you use them together, so I have to either use it later in the day or I skip a day and do it at night)
I genuinely don't understand. Maybe it's the lack of pumping since I've not been home and have been house sitting at my BF's?
I could also me my poor sleeping and the extra caffeine I've been drinking? So many factors and I’m trying to narrow it down cause I really don’t want to go down more in size and lose all the progress I gained and have been trying to maintain +grow from.

June 1
So absolutely confirmed that the PM is what was decreasing my size. After I did a 2nd month cycle with it, it made me miss and completely pushed my period back by over a week and made me down almost 2 inches in bust size, I completely stopped staking it and cycling it.
I may go back to it in the future on a lower dosage, but only after my other hormones are more balanced because that was an awful thing to witness so much volume loss so quickly.
Through this experiment I’ve realized I think I definatley have excess androgens and higher T as well, it’s the only logically thing that makes sense as to why I haven’t grown at all in my life and when I research the symptoms for both high E and high T, I have a lot of them. Unsure if this means my progesterone is low or not.
It's been a couple weeks since I properly took any supplements or anything. I had about a week off from taking anything, so I've decided that I’m going to do a blank slate test:
2x inositol 2x a day as recommended on the bottle.
Possibly taking white peony 2x a day.
Reasons I’m not taking FG or SP or anything else is because I was taking it for some weeks and didn't see HUGE improvements…I think it helped me to get back a little of the size I lost from the excess E the PM gave me. But nothing drastic or super obvious at all.
I want to try the goats rue but I may do test with it alone or with FG only in a few weeks if I don’t end up seeing changes with inositol + WP.
Also looking into spearmint capsules as I just can’t get myself to drink the tea everyday multiple times a day like I need to keep T levels in check.
So when I find a good spearmint capsule that’s easy to take and high dosage for a good price I will update.
Measurements today:
Bust: 33.5
Upper: 32.25
Under: 30
Measurements are up overall, my underbust is also up, which leads me to belive that waist training with my elastic trainer is actually helping some, but it's needs to be very consisent and for a long period of time to see sustained and permanent results, which is what I expected.
I’ve done 0 massage or pumping for a couple weeks as I've been nothing but busy…basically this entire month. So any gains are only from FG, SP, WP, and the MACA and the Bella Cream alone.
This Bella cream seems to be helping. Idk if its placebo, but it's something I WAS consisent with doing the entire month since getting it because it was an easy thing to apply before bed and after waking up 2x a day and just doing the basic massage to put it on the skin.
But I felt like the last time I used this cream back in october/nov/dec that it did help with overall appearance. I can’t say it alone is causing growth unless I stopped taking everything for months while testing it completely by itself, but I will say it helps aid in appearance, skin softness and possibly minor growth.
I'm over a week away for my expected period and a week from ovulation, so I'm glad to see my size for some reason or another went up. I definatley think the PM really was the reason for the rapid size loss. But now I know better and will use this as a warning to anyone who suspects they are E dominant to be mindful what herbs to take, especially the stronger ones.
Fenugreek doesn't seem to affect me in the same way at all, I have no missed periods or went down in size while taking FG. For what reason it's different? I'm not sure.
I wonder if when I balance out my other hormones, I can take small doses of PM with balancing levels of PC to stimulate puberty type growth….I know its more than that, but I feel like I’m getting closer to figuring out the right combo the more I test, which is exciting.
I ended up caving and order a bosom beauty pump and it should be arriving in a couple weeks.
I just couldn’t be consistent with the other pumps. One is manual and requires a lot of attention and my had get tired after awhile cause I realized the best method is to always be adding and releasing pressure so the blood is always flowing and doesn’t get “stale” in the blood vessels just sitting there. It’s why I think consistent vacuum pumping that pulls and releases is the best and most effective method. And unfortunately the handmade pump I’m borrowing just does not fit me correctly enough where it loses suction constantly and is too heavy and needs to be propped up with tons of pillows and sat in the exact right spot.
It may work on someone who is a c up or bigger, but for my smaller size and shape it’s just not ideal.
So I’m hoping the BB pump works better as the cups are contoured, something tht seems  to fit me better on my manual pump but also have nice foam padding, and they are lighter and not glass, and also have a bra to wear over them to keep them in place, and it’s portable so I can still be functional while I’m using it as I’ve been way more busy than I realized I would be and need to be able to be hands free.
So fingers crossed that comes soon because I have 2 months before this event and I want to AT LEAST be up a couple Inches by august…so I can have SOMETHING to show for all of this effort lol.

June 6
Current Measurements:
Bust : 33
Upper: 32.25
Under: 29.75
Not sure if my last measurement was faulty?
I always make sure line my tape measure up horizontal to the widest part of my bust to get an accurate measurement, so not sure it I just read it wrong before. Not sure how I would've gone DOWN half an inch in a week? When it has honestly felt like the opposite is happening right now? I’m going to chalk it up to my own error and assume that my bust has been sitting at 33 the whole time. Not great but at least I seem to have gone back up to my original size since the PM fiasco.
The only other noticable change is one breast has a sore spot right next to the nipple. I've had this before and it's in line with the fibrocystic breast tissue  (FCBT) I’ve dealt with in the past. Interesting that it went away for AWHILE and hasn't been an issue. But seems to be back now? Mainly after stopping every other thing and only being on inositol and WP. Wondering if that means tissue is trying to grow?? 
I havent been taking the 1000mcg iodine sup that I have I awhile, so I think I'm going to start taking that again to help with the FCBT.
And looking back on my notes, it was somewhere between 10-60 MG to help with FCBT…I don’t really want to take 10 of these things a day, but they are also super tiny so I should be able to handle it. Maybe will look into a higher dosage cap in the future if need be.
I've also been debating starting the goats rue that I have to see if it does anything. But I only have 1 bottle and it's recommended 4-6x a day (for breastfeeding) and I’m trying to figure out if that would be a similar dose to be able to get nbe results.
I think My new pump will be coming next week so I might add some herbs back into my routine when I start now that I will have an actual pump that will assist with tissue expansion/growth.
Current Stack:
Inositol 500mg x4
White Peony 500mg x2
Iodine 1000mcg x 5 (slowly move up to 10)
Bella Cream 2x a day
PC 5 pumps from days 14-21
On hold:
Saw Palmetto
Side note for waist training:
I was so busy the past month I hardly had any time to waist train. So now I'm back to doing it, but it's so hot outside I can't wear my WT when I'm out because it just makes me so uncomfortable. So I've been wearing it when I'm home inside where it's cool while working on stuff, and also trying to wear it while I sleep. I havent found the perfect way to position myself for sleep yet, I need to find the correct pillows for my back/sides but I think this will help make sure I'm at least getting some hours of wear time. I want to try to wear it every night if I’m able, hoping the consistency will show some results by my goal date.
I have less than 2 months before the event I'm going too so I'm trying to shove in as much as I can "body transformation" wise (NBE, workouts, waist training ect)
I’ve been looking into Nature Day packages. I’ve seen a lot of very good testimonials, especially from real people in the discord. They were trans so if it can work for someone who has higher T naturally, it may work for someone who also has higher T. That’s my thinking at least.
I'm wanting to test a premade NBE herb supplement and see if it works any better than my trial and error finding the “perfect” herb combo. Or if it’s not helpful because the pre-selected herbs don’t work with my body. If I buy it I will update.

Hi dustbunny!

I came across your post and read almost the whole thing, and also noticed immediately that we're SO similar! So maybe we can share insights with each other Smile 

I'm also Portuguese! I have the exact same dark hairs you describe (even on the same spots!!) and weight gain around the belly, so I'm really wondering if this is genetic and it has to do with our origin. However I don't think this should be a demotivating factor, if we understand how our bodies are built and balanced, we can totally come up with a solution for NBE. I'm more than happy to share what has worked for me because there's a pretty good chance it might help you too!

Now, I have had bloodwork done (along with an ecography of my ovaries) and both confirmed that I have PCOS. However, I'm not insulin resistant. So from my understanding this is lean PCOS. If you can read portuguese, I don't mind sharing my bloodwork results! But in a nutshell I do have a higher T level than the average gal. Let me know if you'd like to see the full thing and I'll dm you the screenshots (heck if you have discord we could be NBE friends on there Big Grin)

I was also recently told by a gyno that you can't really lower your T, but I'm a bit skeptical about that as several forum members have suggested herbs that do have that effect. But even with higher T, what you need to do is up your E and P to balance it out. 

It was nice to read through your journey and I hope you get the results you wish for!!

You might like to try my electric pump with a smaller dome. But if that is still unsuitable, I would like to make arrangements for you to send it back.

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