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searching's program, last shot.

you noogle in a room with your family? lol Do they know you are noogling??

I wouldn't worry about lack of sensations at this stage. You've only taken BO for a few days now!!!! I started taking BO a few days before my cycle ended, so when I started my new cycle I already had some in my body.

I was just looking back at my profile for when I first started BO and it wasn't until about mid cycle that I started reporting any pains which I considered over 5/10. Before that it was just a bit here and there.

Have you started the Protein drinks? One thing I am sure is helping me (as opposed to all the things which act to stop me growing breasts like my low weight, bad digestion etc), is that I eat ALOT of protein. I have two protein shakes per day (rice protein shakes), and I eat lots of nuts and meat at every meal.

I am quite keen on learning more about collagen too, because I reakon that's a big part of breast growth, and without the collagen you only get swelling. Need to do some research on it.

In saying that, it's interesting that BB doesn't include collagen in their program (I think).

yeah, my family knows about noogling and the whole nbe thing, including my dad which is kinda embarassing, but we r a close family so i guess its not so bad. i never really told him, i guess my mom must have, plus i didnt know for sure if he knew or not, until he walked into my room, and i had lots of cups of tea in my room from before, 3 to be exact,and he looked at them and said "wow there are 3 cups in your room, and now there are 5!" and he was looking at the noogleberry when he said 5, so yea LOL.... i was like "uhhh.... haha?"

and i know its supposed to take time, but i just wanted a lil something extra on there soon, cuz i have something special coming up Wink and it sucks pretty much because with me having to stop noogling, and getting nothing from BO yet, i am gonna be flat for a while i think, atleast until the special day goes by.... *sigh*

I did start on the protein drinks now, i take it with each BO intake, temperature isnt all that steady yet, but sometimes i get around 98.3. unfortunately boobs r still at 31.8" i know you are supposed to be most deflated at day 5, but its been a few days since my day 5Dodgy

i think BB tried to keep their formula really simple and basic, maybe because its really hard to tell what people might be allergic to or might not consume because of religious reasons. I know i havent told my family about BO, because in my religion eating beef is prohibited, and since BO is from cow, they might get upset. it upset me for a while when i was considering it as well. I have never had beef since its against my religion and putting it aside for nbe was a hard thing to do for me.

I will try to be patient and wait for the changes to come about Rolleyes

wow that is pretty cool that your dad doesn't mind!!!

invest in a padded bra for that event! It will take awhile to see results like you say. And I had the same problem when I stopped noogling because suddenly I was like ermmmm where have 'my' breasts gone!!! I got quite used to seeing these 'large' 33inch breasts in front of me! Even when they decreased I would still retain some swelling. And then once you stop noogling you get nothing... On the plus side, you will be able to start noogling again in a month perhaps? And some people who took BO and said they grew from it said it wasn't till their second month that they saw any change in the measuring tape....

Was that a hard decision for you then to take BO?

it was a HARD decision to take BO, but herbs werent working anymore, and i kept pumping more money and time into it, i had to make a choice. even now any time i get the odour or flavour of BO after consuming it, i feel guilty... but i guess thats the price to pay for boobs, and thats why i am RLY hoping BO works so all this guilt and everything doesnt go for vain

I started noogling again, little by little, however they go back to their original size right after i remove the domes, so absolutely zero swelling, but they have stopped turning purple so thats a start.

havent gotten any sensations yet, it was really funny becuz yesterday while watching tv i got this weird tightening sensation in my chest and i thought YAYY.... and then i realized that its just gas lol Blush

2 things
i have reduced the amount of adrenal glandular, i only take it once a day now, at nigght time, and the reason for this is that the bottle only recommends one per day, and my logic is, i am already going over the limit recommended on the bottle for BO and pituitary, there is no need to go over limit on other stuff as well.

another thing is, i have upped my dosage of HLA/collagen and MSM, i take the dosage of one each half an hr to an hr before the BO, but i also take one each with the BO, because i noticed that a lot of people did get more pains and changes with extra collagen and msm Smile

So my temperature is a lil wacky n fluctuates a lot these days so am thinking to take the adrenal twice a day, havent gotten around to it yet. No sensations yet in my boobs although i do get weird sensations in my tummy after taking the BO... measured myself on and off and it fluctuates between 31.5 and 32.1, so i have really stopped relying on the measuring tape. Missed a couple of doses of BO, like 2-3 days ago, i was just wayy too stressed. its approximately day 19 of my cycle, hope next week brings lots of good growth!Smile

Day 22 - I was waiting to post on here until i had something to report. well i have tried to be regular with the protein shakes and such, successful to some extent although i must admit that i am not regular with the timings at all. havent been checking my temp regularly.... i simply forget but my logic is, i am taking kelp to regulate it anyways and taking temp and getting worried if its low wont help in bringing it up, its just one thing to do Big Grin however i did check my temperature right now as i am typing this up and it is at 98.7, it is evening time right now and so it might be higher due to movement and such....

well i have been getting some sensations recently, they arent anything major enough to get all excited about, but my boobs have been achy on and off, so i am happy about that. yesterday i got the nicest swelling with NB that i have had in a while, it all wore off by the time morning came around but for a while i was happy to see them swell that much, now for measurements

underbust: 27.1
bust: 32.2
overbust: 31.6

I am hoping the measurement goes up in the coming week because after AF arrives most of the swelling will float away with my optimism Dodgy

Well thats it for now, and good boobie wishes to all our lovely forum members in the new year! Smile

Hi Searching,

which adrenal are you going to take? I must say that since taking that Dr Wilson's formula I haven't noticed any positive difference in my temperature whereas when I took the other adrenal I was taking I did. I haven't measured my temp since being on holiday, so I will get back into the practice of doing that and see how it is.

Hopefully you will get some more pains soon!

awww am so sorry to hear that girlfriday! Sad
but first first, i must say welcome back! *hugs* the forum wasnt the same without u Blush hope you enjoyed your vacations Smile

i use the swanson's adrenal, i didnt order more with the most recent order from swansons because i dont take it that regularly, but now i wish i had Dodgy my temperatures are not low anymore but neither are they stable, like i checked it i think last night and it was at 99.1 go figure.... but then again i have a cold and flu like symptoms so that might be affecting things. but you know now that i think about it, my temperature has been in the acceptably high range for a while now which wasnt the case before i started adrenal and kelp and bo in general, so it does help.

i missed a couple of noogling sessions in last couple of days and havent been taking the protein either.... i know i know its the worst time to be slacking on the routine because this is the action period but guests have been over and i just really couldnt get around to it Sad measured in the morning and i was just at 32", which am guessing is due to not noogling, but i shld have had some swelling from atleast hormonal changes before the periods... hmmm.....

thanks, I did enjoy my holidays. I am hoping for growth NOW as it is summer time in the Southern Hemisphere, and by June it will be winter and my chances for growth will dwindle.

I wouldn't worry if you miss noogling sessions. How many collagen pills are you taking? I bought the neocell collagen powder for a change from the pills, thought I couldn't stomach so many pills. Like you I almost gag on them occasionally!!!

ohh so its summer for you now? nice!
i think according to a couple of threads i have read apparently people do grow better in the summer, something to do with the amount of sunlight and what not, so yes hopefully you will see the growth you want, not hopefully you should be seeing that growth dammit!Tongue its been a couple of months for you rite on BO? you did get some aches and tingles, so i wouldnt worry about deflated boobs now and then i think that does happen to us girls naturally on our cycle. but dont skip any dosages cuz u have been working on it so hard you dont want it to go to waste just becuz of a couple of missed doses.
i am taking 4 pills of collagen with hyaluronic acid, 1 taken an hr or so before BO with MSM, and then another pill each of collagen and msm with BO, and then the same pattern repeated at night, i dont think i could do with the powder, i would rather just swallow one pill than actually taste anythingBig Grin i had run out of msm for a few days so i was only taking collagen then, but my msm arrived a couple of days ago so am back to taking it

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