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Lara's HRT & NBE


(12-09-2023, 09:17)Lara\s Lcups Wrote:  I have a user and a thread on there too... Have had for years and I post on both forums. I'm more active over there as there's way more people replying and stuff, its more active than the ladies forum is these days which is unfortunate.

Have been following you on both sites. you have been a source of inspiration and information have great day  Heart

I'm still waiting for the iHerb stuff, its taking its time. Last two or three days I've been drier than before for some reason, stress maybe because I've had some really rough days. Anyway, everything else going as usual. I went for a walk with my gf today wearing a Star Wars shirt I hadn't worn for ages, some might remember seeing this before. Its become rather flattering. [Image: biggrin.gif] And my bra is so stuffed full, feels like there's a difference just from few days ago. I wouldn't be surprised to see another half a cup size jump very soon if this pace keeps on

A friend of mine called me big titty Jossu a while back, I guess I'm starting to live up to that. xD The name is more funny in Finnish... Kinda flattering when it comes from a busty cis woman. Blush


Nothing fancy to update about. Just that I'm at our summerhouse and thought to snap a pic as there's a lovely big mirror here. ^_^


So I got the prolactin herbs and started out. I've had some very stressful days and not surprisingly, I have gotten much drier than a while back. I hate this, I should be stress free, but I can't... I can't just relax and love the world when my mind and my life is a mess. I try... Anyway, third day doing the extended herbal stuff and its getting interesting, I'm drier but the milk quality has went up. No more haze, but thick white instead. Aches are coming in with vengeance, boobs feel heavy and my nipples are really becoming big. Most of the nipple development appears to be permanent, takes only a slight touch or a pumping session to fully show up. So all is well for now, I'm not sure about the dosages of the prolactin stuff, I hate to say it but the cost is prohibitive and I just can't stock up like crazy because my NBE is already costing me too much. Even with my gf helping me, its difficult to just buy half of a supplement store for this. I bet domperidone would be cheaper.

So here's what I'm on right now, the entire show:

3,2mg/0,08ml EV at 40mg/10ml biweekly.
50mcg EV patch biweekly between injections.
200mg Progesterone boofed before sleep
12,5mg cyproterone acetate daily.

L-tyrosine 2x500mg (soon switching to 750mg for ease as NOW foods makes those too.)
Multivitamin 1x
Calcium & magnesium 400mg & 175mg
Swanson bovine ovary 2x250mg
Biotin 12000iu
Blessed thistle 2x400mg
Goat's rue 1x525mg
Panax Ginseng 1x500mg

Calcium & magnesium 400mg & 175mg
Swanson bovine ovary 2x250mg
Blessed thistle 2x400mg
Shatavari extract 250mg
Moringa 5000mg (50:1 extract.)
GABA 750mg
Panax Ginseng 1x500mg

Topically directly on boobs:
DHEA cream 30mg
Progesterone cream 40mg
estrogel 1mg
Swanson bovine ovary 2x250mg
Blessed thistle 2x400mg
Goat's rue 1x525mg
Vitamin A 10000iu
VItamin D3 10000iu
GABA 1500mg
Panax Ginseng 2x500mg

5-6 hours pumping each day as 45minute sessions. Lots of massage. Lactation tea which has some kind of combination of herbs, mainly fenugreek. Oats morning and evening, occasional beer with high amount of hops, bitter IPA being my favourite.

So a lot going on to help lactation, I'm not sure about dosing of the new herbs because the cost is so high, I'm quite sure I'm simply not taking enough but this is experiement to see how it goes. I would absolutely love to add alfalfa and go on higher dose of Goat's rue but that stuff in particular costs a lot. The moringa I got had awesome reviews, but no one mentioned about the dosing. Pure stuff would likely be better than extract but this was affordable.

Here's recent pics I just took, I think the most notable difference is nipple growth, they're really becoming so big so quickly, its amazing. I guess I've found my magic bullet for big nipples. I might need to soon switch to bigger flanges, 19mm are the best right now but with the crazy swelling I get, 21mm might be needed soon.


[unnecessary quoting removed]

Lara i can see a big change in you nipples they have gotten so big and it sounds like your lactation is coming along very well. Those breast are to die for you should be proud if how far you have come ------lookin good girl   Can't buy domperidon  unavailable in the states i've checked can get it through a Canadian pharmacy seems to be reasonable priced.  Heart Heart

I'm really surprised. I have tried so many things to make my nipples grow and nothing worked, until I got the pump I use now. Its been so dramatic and quick, especially when ever they're stimulated somehow, the swelling gets really huge. I'm a bit over a month using the pump, I made a new record topping me previous records on Noogle by a long shot. I managed to do 177 hours within the first thirty days.

Lactation is working out nicely, volume has went down a bit likely due to being stressed but within last few days quility has changed a lot and today my nipples and areolas are aching way more than usual so I presume this is the new herbs starting to kick in. How much of a difference it makes, I don't know yet, I suspect the dosing is not enough yet.

Also there's a big change with heaviness, comparing just a month back, my boobs hang so much more now and I can feel why. Bras fit way nicer. I did test my 36L Bravissimo goal bra yesterday and found out a pleasant surprise of not missing so much from filling the cups any more. Cups obviously still fold quite a lot but its maybe half of what it was not so long ago. I'm almost hitting the goal on this, I wished to reach it by the end of summer and that's right now as autumn is here... I think its likely around the end of the year, few months here or there. Wink

Day 826

So this I guess is the 27th month update which I didn't quite do a while back. I haven't measured for a while, but the change is obvious, from how my bra fits (it keeps fitting better and feeling nicer to wear.) to how pictures and clothing looks on me, to the feeling of heaviness and fullness. Right now it appears that I'm once again growing projection when some time back it was fullness or side branching. These appear to alternate.

The speed of the changes appears to not be slowing down, maybe even increasing? Besides the usual stuff, I'm definitely developing stretch marks running vertically from upper breast root towards areolas. They're still faint, starting out just like they did on my thighs, become more visible when I tighten the skin in a certain way. Both my gf and fiance have now confirmed that I'm not seeing things that aren't there, so its definitely happening. No wonder, I measured half a cupsize difference in fifteen days just while back and it feels like similar pace keeps on going.

Pumping and rolactin boost with herbals is going well. Supply hasn't increased but quality has and I have way more aches and nipples are extremely sensitive. My right nipple got blistered again after changing to 21mm flanges to the cups and I've been pushing a lot of hours within just a week, yesterday I broke my daily record with seven and half hours in total. It was rainy day so plenty of time for pumping. My nipple development has been phenomenal and it appears to be speeding up as I'm building a tolerance and getting used to the pump.

Here are some pics, first a usual frontal picture. Then two from side and above as I haven't shown this angle much. And finally third year monthly timeline finally updated. Note the difference starting from around 24th month and how the pace of changes is increasing. This is magic Bovine Ovary, topical "boob HRT" as adviced by Lotus and finally lactation.

Day 830

Here's a fresh picture, showing both nipple development and how fast the blisters can heal. Almost all dead skin is gone and there's fresh healthy stuff right below it. All while keeping up the pace with the pump, moisturising is absolutely the key. Also I want to point out two things, projection and side fullness or width. As if I would need any more width, my boobs just want to keep doing it. I noted few days ago while washing how they've grown much thicker below my armpit, especially on left which keeps on leading on volume.

The discolouration from noogling takes ages to heal, its almost gone now with some faint outline of the cup still showing and some discolouration lingers on the outer side, but it keeps fading. I'm a week shy of two months since I stopped noogling, I suspected it to take few months to completely heal and I guess I was right. This is a lesson of the importance of using pressure gauge at all times and not overdoing the pressure. Rather lower than too high.


I really love the sagging, they still keep on being as perky as they come but look so much more mature. Its no wonder as they're getting heavier each day. My milk supply is going up by a lot. I had to empty both cups again after pumping so its definitely going from droplets to much more. Last night I woke up to the most intense aches I've had so far, its starting to surpass the initial budding pains.

The herbal program for lactation is working so well now that I tweaked the doses a bit. Here's what I'm doing right now, I'll highlight the changes I made recently:

3,2mg/0,09ml EV at 40mg/10ml biweekly.
50mcg EV patch biweekly between injections.
200mg Progesterone boofed before sleep
12,5mg cyproterone acetate daily.

L-tyrosine 2x500mg (soon switching to 750mg for ease as NOW foods makes those too.)
Multivitamin 1x
Calcium & magnesium 400mg & 175mg
Swanson bovine ovary 2x250mg
Biotin 12000iu
Blessed thistle 2x400mg
Goat's rue 1x525mg
Panax Ginseng 1x500mg

Calcium & magnesium 400mg & 175mg
Swanson bovine ovary 2x250mg
Blessed thistle 2x400mg
Shatavari extract 1x250mg
Moringa 1x5000mg (50:1 extract.)
Goat's rue 1x525mg
GABA 750mg
Panax Ginseng 1x500mg

Topically directly on boobs:
DHEA cream 30mg
Progesterone cream 40mg
estrogel 1mg
Swanson bovine ovary 2x250mg
Blessed thistle 2x400mg
Shatavari extract 1x250mg
Moringa 1x5000mg (50:1 extract.)
Goat's rue 1x525mg
Vitamin A 10000iu
VItamin D3 10000iu
GABA 1500mg
Panax Ginseng 2x500mg

My girlfriend treated me with some new awesome nail polish so I'm going to treat myself by doing my nails, first time in ages. These colours are so awesome, they're like chameleon stuff, green comes with yellowish warm green along with the darker one and the orange has dark red tint in it, they look so amazing in sunlight, I love these, especially the red/orange one. Its ages since I had pretty nails last time. Hug


Day 835

I hit tewentyseven and half months today. It appears that the growth spurt I had (have?) going has slowed down somewhat. Measurements show 1-1,5cm increase on bust measurements, band has stayed the same. I think that I have grown lately, clothes fit a bit different and I think I look different in pictures? Especially clothed ones? Help me out because I'm so blind to myself. [Image: sad.gif] 

I've been on slightly higher E dose lately which might be the reason why I have slowed down, I may try to go back to my usual tried and tested dose of 0,08ml/3,2mg twice a week along with the patch, but I have had obvious feeling of E being too low many times lately, likely due to higher prolactin. I reached a new record with lactation few days ago but somehow dried up once again since, I'm getting a bit impatient as its going back and forth despite my best efforts and its a lot... The only thing that has taken a hit is pumping, due to those connector pieces breaking I have been forced using the shitty cheap cups which are obviously not as good even with the good pump. I'm getting replacement parts today so getting right back at it very soon.

I'm also trying out shuffling dosages with the herbs I'm on to see what happens. No one has told me or given any advice how much I'm supposed to take so its all trial and error now. I'm now at three capsules a day on goat's rue, shatavari and moringa, others unchanged.

So the course of action is to drop back to my normal estrogen dosage, it seems obvious that my golden middle is right where I've been most of the last two years and more isn't helping with body changes, only smoothes out my mood swings. I'm planning to pump as much as I have time for as it obviously works and more time put into it is giving better results. I will keep experimenting with the herbs for now, my plan is to keep at it for a month or two and then evaluate the whole thing, if it works, awesome, if it doesn't, I will consider trying domperidone.

Here's some pics I took. Oh and I got the red hair again. ^_^


I was digging into my diary trying to troubleshoot why my growth has slowed down during last few weeks. The most obvious answer is likely bit too high estrogen. I haven't stalled, but slowed compared to the growth spurt I had before. So I went digging and see what correlates with each time I've had a growth spurt happen and I found few things.

1. EV dose at 0,08ml/3,2mg biweekly.
2. 50 mcg EV patch biweekly changed between injection days.
3. Almost every time I go on highest GABA dose of 2250mg per day, growth spurt happens.
4. High prolactin makes me grow faster, when ever I lactate, especially when its starting.
5. When ever bovine ovary dosage goes near or exceeds 1000mg per day.
6. High dose of ginseng has direct correlation to growth. (With D3 it boosts aromatase, activates hormonal pathways.)
7. Estradiol on moderately high levels, around 300-350 pg/ml but not much higher.
8. DHEA + PG + E2 topicals highly beneficial.
9. 10000iu of vitamin A appears to correlate with the last two months development.

Obviously I can't say exactly which part of the program does how much, but the above list appears to have direct correlation with good growth each time I've done one or more of this. The last few +2 months have been the most amazing development I've ever had so far and I have a feeling that the whole thing is in the combination of things, especially bovine ovary and the topicals and elevated prolactin. Latter I think is likely a genetic trait that some of us have and others don't. I seem to always develop a lot of breast fat when ever my prolactin shoots high enough. Lately there's been a lot of fullness and maturity happening and that I think is work of the topical program. I've never had this kind of projection before which seems to keep on getting better and this I'm sure is what bovine ovary does the most. Interestingly, the slow phase during early spring came to an end along with boosting BO dosage and upping L-tyrosine to 1000mg which I'm still doing. I strongly advocate for what ever can boost HGH and IGF-1 as those things are so obviously beneficial, if I had energy to exercise more, I'm sure I could get even more benefit from growth hormone boost.

You look amazing.  Your nipple development has made your breast looking great.  Nipple size I'm a bit jealous of.  You're a big inspiration.  I wish you continued success and hope you get your pump fixed.

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